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Seen a movie recently and thought it was atrocious? Think you've just witnessed the best piece of cinema on this fine planet? Well, say how you feel about it! 


Example (needn't be followed to a T but a good format):


I recently saw Geostorm in theatres and despite going into it knowing full well that it would be like most other disaster films it blew me away by it's complete and utter lack of story. World ending events can only be done so many times in movies before they become old and this movie would qualify for a seniors discount.




Okay acting


What is time!?!

No comprehensive story

Hamfisted comedy

What is character development


Overall: 4.9/10


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I watched The Virgin Suicides a couple of nights ago. It's about a group of guys who take an interest in five sisters, and it just follows that story after the youngest sister's death. It doesn't sound very interesting at first, but the film played out alright. It's not the kind of movie that has a very clear "goal" for sure, but I still enjoyed it for what it was. It kept me curious I guess but it's certainly not the most enticing movie out there.


I'd give it a 7 out of 10. It's not spectacular, but it's still a good movie in my opinion


"Why can't I dream that I'm alone?" "That is not a dream, that is a substitute for reality"

"So where is my dream?" "it is a continuation of reality"

"But where is my reality?" "It is at the end of your dream"

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"Dredd" (2012):


I've heard good things about this movie for awhile and so I picked up a copy from my local library and gave it a watch.  And I liked it.  It's a pretty solid action movie with some neat special effects, a really cool setting, and lots of blood.



Karl Urban as Judge Dredd

Great action

Interesting use of slow motion

Great world building

Good pacing

Practical effects

A comic book/superhero movie in which the fate of the entire world doesn't rest on the shoulders of the main character (or anyone)



Too short

The story is almost too simple and straight forward, even for an action movie. 



Not the greatest movie I've ever seen, although maybe that's because this isn't necessarily "my kind of movie", but for what it tries to do it does pretty well and if you don't mind gore and thin action movie plots this is very solid and fun watch.  A light 8/10


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Transformers the last knight


I outright hated it.

Poor writing, contradictions in the plot and overall lore, unrealistic physics, no character development, no G1 similarities at all.



Plot/Lore contradictions.

Okay they did a good job tying the first movie human Sam to this one but disregarded that Bumble Bee came to earth just a few years before the first movie starts. This movie says he's been here since WWII times that would make him one of the old bots like jetfire who has been on Earth for ages ago not a new arrival.

They also said Megatron was the transformer to land on Earth who knew about the Civil war. But now it seems all of transformer history is just one giant war no peace time with the all spark.

Also the all spark created the Transformers not this weird floating alien.


Stupid physics

Okay the geothermal energy of earth can heal Cybertron? Well why not just go to any other planet and steal its energy. It work just as well. Also if one planet hits another they be both destroyed not hooked together in a butt shaped lump.



Non existent, let's just create a plotless non lore recognizing hot mess of a sci fi movie.



Good animation and CGI.

Details in set and settings were nice.

Call backs to old human characters was nice.





I hope they make a beast wars movie because Transformers now live on Earthtron give me Rattrap already.

Edited by Rassilon (TTL)

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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"World War Z"


So, I first saw this movie on DVD on Halloween night either 2013 (when it was released) or maybe the following year I can't remember and no joke it has been my annual Halloween movie ever since, but probably not anymore.

Now, first to be clear I don't hate this movie and I don't think it's a bad movie, but at the end of the day it isn't all that great either.  They are still a lot of moments and scenes I really like and overall this is a fine blockbuster action zombie film and FTR the only other zombie film I've ever seen is "Night of the Living Dead" so I can't tell you if this worth your time more than any of the "classic" zombie films like "Dawn of the Dead" or "28 Days Later".  Also, without this movie I never would have read the book this movie took its title from, which is a pretty enjoyable read. 



Some fun and exciting action sequences.

An interesting enough emotional core (formed around a main character played decently by Brad Pitt) that should had been the focus of the movie.

A pretty solid third act that actually did focus things on Brad Pitt's character and also cost some studio crazy amounts of money to film in pick ups

James Badge Dale practicing for his role in a much better movie "13 Hours". 



Too many action and horror movie cliches.

The plot is filled with so many conveniences, coincidences, and outright unbelievable acts of God, that I think the screenwriters were trying to insult my intelligence.

At too many points the movie devolves into "Brad Pitt running from zombies" in different locations.

No seriously, the book is great and this movie just shamelessly took the title for marketing reasons. 


Alright, I'll admit I might have a bit of a soft spot for this movie, but I think this movie sits well with a 6/10, but I'm definitely looking for a new Halloween film. 


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King Candy (2015)


I've been watching this guy on YouTube for awhile, he reviews movies and TV shows, he's rather funny and I've known that he made movies but never actually seen them I decided to and the final one was King Candy. This movie is amazing, few films receive my praise fewer so that are the ones that aren't even produced by a major company. It blew me away he really did a good job with it, the dialogue was well written and the acting good enough despite none of the cast being professional actors. If you ever get the time I'd highly recommend it (Again a rare thing).




Film style, it's quite unique and refreshing.

Character development.


The comedy is well delivered and not forced in the slightest.



Runtime, the whole film is 46 minutes long which despite this it did a really good job I still felt that more could have been done and improved if runtime was longer budget probably didn't allow for it however and this a minor problem.
Ending, you see it all come together as the film progresses and when it ends you aren't left with many questions nor are you left with any plot holes, I'd have liked to see a more "solid" ending for the film but regardless of the ending, I was still thoroughly impressed.


Overall: 8/10


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"Table 19"


So, some time before this movie came out back in March, while watching random trailers on Youtube I stumbled upon the trailer for this movie, when it came out I read one review and while both sort of made me want to give it a watch I kind of forget about it completely. 

Until tonight when I saw it on sale for $5 at my local grocery store and thought, "Hey, why not?"


And I was actually kind of impressed by this movie, an Anna Kendrick starring comedy that is kind of like "The Breakfast Club", but at a wedding.  The cast is pretty good, the story isn't bad with emotional highs and lows and some twists and turns, a surprisingly solid script and by the end this movie actually manages to deliver some real feels. 



Quirky humor

Good cast

A pretty decent script

An overall sweet and "ahhhh" tone and feel



A few too many awkward moments (bad awkward not the good awkward that make this movie what it is) where things don't quite seem to click.


In the end, the best thing you are probably going to hear me say about this movie is that it made me feel something in the cold pit in my chest where my heart used to be; this is a fun, quirky, and ultimately charming comedy that didn't leave me laughing in stitches nor blew me away with its quality, but if you watch it with an open mind and don't expect too much from it you'll probably like it.  I'm probably just being sentimental, but I'll give it a 7/10 definitely considering watching it. 


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King Candy (2015)


I've been watching this guy on YouTube for awhile, he reviews movies and TV shows, he's rather funny and I've known that he made movies but never actually seen them I decided to and the final one was King Candy. This movie is amazing, few films receive my praise fewer so that are the ones that aren't even produced by a major company. It blew me away he really did a good job with it, the dialogue was well written and the acting good enough despite none of the cast being professional actors. If you ever get the time I'd highly recommend it (Again a rare thing).




Film style, it's quite unique and refreshing.

Character development.


The comedy is well delivered and not forced in the slightest.



Runtime, the whole film is 46 minutes long which despite this it did a really good job I still felt that more could have been done and improved if runtime was longer budget probably didn't allow for it however and this a minor problem.

Ending, you see it all come together as the film progresses and when it ends you aren't left with many questions nor are you left with any plot holes, I'd have liked to see a more "solid" ending for the film but regardless of the ending, I was still thoroughly impressed.


Overall: 8/10

I also watch this lad's channel and I have been curious on it for a some time as well. Thanks for letting me know that it is good! I'll be sure to check it out.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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This seems like fun.


I watched this on Halloween night with a group of my friends.  We figured it was going to be bad, but even we were surprised at how bad it was.  This edge-fest was more laughable than that Shadow The Hedgehog video game.  


  • The movie placed too much emphasis on the "edgy" stuff, and not enough on the psychological stuff that was key in the original.  It's one of those style-over-substance deals.  Blood and gore were the main attraction, not the inner machinations of the mind of a man who claims to kill for justice.
  • The characters weren't the greatest.  I found myself actually not caring about the vast majority of the cast, especially Light.  He seemed more of a wimpy crybaby in this adaptation, rather than the conniving fella he was in the original.  Mia wasn't too terribly convincing as a character, either; I appreciate that she was adapted to be less of a yes-man and more cunning, but to me, it didn't come across as believable.
  • L's logic lost me half the time.  I couldn't follow his thinking in his deductions.


  • I'll be honest, Ryuk was one of the few good parts of the film.  He was genuinely unsettling.  He also has the benefit of being the deliverer of the one line in the movie I can remember: "You could try.  But I warn you, there are four letters in my name.  Most anyone's ever gotten were two."
  • The music was nice.


Honestly, the most fun I had watching this movie was lampooning it with my friends Mystery Science Theater-style.  3/10.

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Thor: Ragnarok (2017)


So, In terms of Thor movies, this is a masterpiece, in terms of Marvel movies, this is refreshing. It's, for the most part, a new take on superhero movies until the last 20-30 minutes where it becomes just like every other superhero movie (Lots of CGI and fighting) but even then this movie does way better than the other two Thor films. Taika Waititi really did a good job of rounding out the franchise and unfortunately, it stands out so much that I feel watching the other two is now a bore just to get to the wonderful film he made.



  • Korg, he was voiced by Taika and the man does a really good job.
  • The comedy, Marvel films can be a little heavy-handed sometimes with jokes which can result in a serious moment being ruined, the atmosphere of the film never lead to this and as such I never had a jarring "Well that's out of place" moment.
  • Set design, stunning.
  • Jeff Goldblum.
  • Idris Elba.
  • The whole cast to be honest.


  • This movie relies heavily on the belief you've already seen Age of Ultron obviously 99% of viewers had but in general writing that is dependant on a prior film not in the franchise directly isn't great writing, you might still understand the plot but you'd be really confused.
  • The fast pacing is too fast at times.
  • SPOILER: This movie tosses around death without a second thought, almost every character we've ever been introduced to is killed off within the first 30 minutes of the films run time, granted infinity war seems to be focusing on time travel/manipulation this will probably all be changed it's still frustrating.

Overall: 7.9/10

Funnyish addition to all this, I saw the movie the first showtime possible but I still uploaded my YouTube review a day late and was beat by other channels and then forgot to write this until today.




This seems like fun.


I watched this on Halloween night with a group of my friends.  We figured it was going to be bad, but even we were surprised at how bad it was.  This edge-fest was more laughable than that Shadow The Hedgehog video game.  


  • The movie placed too much emphasis on the "edgy" stuff, and not enough on the psychological stuff that was key in the original.  It's one of those style-over-substance deals.  Blood and gore were the main attraction, not the inner machinations of the mind of a man who claims to kill for justice.
  • The characters weren't the greatest.  I found myself actually not caring about the vast majority of the cast, especially Light.  He seemed more of a wimpy crybaby in this adaptation, rather than the conniving fella he was in the original.  Mia wasn't too terribly convincing as a character, either; I appreciate that she was adapted to be less of a yes-man and more cunning, but to me, it didn't come across as believable.
  • L's logic lost me half the time.  I couldn't follow his thinking in his deductions.


  • I'll be honest, Ryuk was one of the few good parts of the film.  He was genuinely unsettling.  He also has the benefit of being the deliverer of the one line in the movie I can remember: "You could try.  But I warn you, there are four letters in my name.  Most anyone's ever gotten were two."
  • The music was nice.


Honestly, the most fun I had watching this movie was lampooning it with my friends Mystery Science Theater-style.  3/10.

I'd go 2 further and say 1/10, this movie is such a disgrace to the source material and the fact that the only death note storytelling aspect of this movie is the ending makes me hate it even more. Like you, literally, the only pleasure I got out of this movie was ragging on it with friends. Expanding on what I said in my first review the director for this movie (Death Note) expected it to have a sequel and wrote it as such, movies cannot be almost entirely reliant on a sequel or a film outside of their franchise.

Edited by Tahukan


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Believe it or not last night was the first time I had ever seen this movie and we all know what this is so I'll just get right into it.  I did enjoy this film as an epic, action medieval film, but I do have some mixed feelings about this film.  Now, I'll say up front that even though I'm a huge history lover I don't really have a problem with the fact that this movie only barely follows the basic outline of William Wallace's life and is really more like a legend or folktale rather than a historical film (History Buffs on Youtube has a great video explaining the inaccuracies).  Yeah, I get that this film gets almost no historical facts right and that there are a lot of people who take what they see in historical films as cold, hard, fact (but honestly that's their fault IMO), but I don't think ever historical film needs to be like "We Were Soldiers" or "Gettysburg".  I think it's OK to just make a movie as a movie inspired by true events without worrying about making it like a documentary.  I could try and elaborate about my beliefs on this matter, but setting that issue aside this movie has a lot of cool and awesome moments and film making going for it and I can appreciate it for that. 



Epic film making and a good story

Mel Gibson before he was crazy

Great action and fight scenes, which according to Matt Easton (scholagladitoria on Youtube) the fighting in this film is probably the closest you'll ever see of what real life medieval fighting was like.  Minus the inaccuracies in weapons and tactics, of course.




No really, this film has almost nothing to do with actual history.  In fact, I think the real life of William Wallace would make for a cooler movie, but whatever. 

A few too many action movie cliches; I especially had flashbacks to "The Patriot" and "Robin Hood" (2010), while watching this film. 

The movie really takes a while to get going and considering how long it is the first forty-ish minutes of this film could have been trimmed down a lot. 


Overall, while I do like this film as a quasi-historical action film I do think I honestly still prefer other films in this genre (like the aforementioned "Robin Hood") over this one.  So, 7/10 a good film, but not as great as some say it is IMO.  You've probably already either seen this movie or decided that you don't want to see it by now, but I would recommend it to most people (like not people who hate historical inaccuracies in film). 


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I went to see this last week with my now-very-close-to-being-official girlfriend.  Mystery movies aren't really my thing- I prefer mystery books instead- and after seeing some of the reviews, I expected it to be bad, or average at best.  But this one was actually surprisingly good.  I had a lot of fun watching this, and so did she.


  • The 1930s setting was very nice, and faithful to the book.
  • The pacing was frenetic in all the right places.  It really gave off the feel of confusion, anxiety, and fear that should be present on a train with a killer on it.
  • Willem Dafoe, Johnny Depp, and Daisy Ridley all in the same movie?  Yes, please.
  • That plot twist at the end, and the flashback sequence that shows how it all played out... man.  We were on the edge of our seats.
  • T R A I N M O V I E


  • The director also played the main character.  Can you say, narcissism?
  • Some of the minor characters didn't get enough screen time, I feel.  They showed so much potential, too.


This film made me start to change my mind about mystery movies.  While it did have its flaws, it was still a very fum film to watch.  8/10.

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"The Grey"

Last night for the third (?) time I watched a thrilling movie about Liam Neeson leading a wilderness walkout while being hunted by wolves. 



  • Liam Neeson as John Ottway
  • I really like how all the characters play off each other and there is some great dialogue and character interactions scattered through-out.
  • Despite being a pretty thrilling ride this movie also somehow manages to fit in some serious questions and reflections about death.  Which actually makes this film a lot more interesting than one would think.
  • Once more into the fray/into the last good fight I'll ever know/live and die on this day/live and die on this day


  • Yes, I know I was just praising this movie's themes, but man is this movie bleak and depressing.  No, not ever movie needs to be all happy and sunshine, but this movie just brings me down.
  • It's nice that the wolves decide to break off their attacks and thus give the guys a chance to have slow dialogue scenes.  Those wolves have honor.


Overall: I really like this film and do considered it a low-level favorite of mine; probably one of the best films of 2011 although not without it's flaws, but still a solid 8/10


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Two movies.


Justice League  8/10


Thor Ragnarok  8.5/10




 I loved both movies, though as a DC fan i fan to give it to Thor Ragnarok that it was a little bit better than Justice League. Wish Warner Brothers hadn't forced it to be trimmed down and i look forward to an 'ultimate edition' or 'director's cut' (like what saved Dawn of Justice from its pretty bad theatrical release), but the line delivery by a single spoiler-character can't be saved by editing and i wish that that actor was never cast. And sure some of the CGi looks dated, but I still love the Lord of the Rings movies despite the dating of the digital makeup and there is always more then just how good something appears (example, Star Wars trilogy are better than all later ones), and speaking of LotR, Steppenwolf's backstory gave me some lovely vibes from those movies and also blew open the cosmic and historical scope of the movie series. Also his drive is perfectly fine in my book, some people are just driven by pride and revenge and duty to superiors, not everyone is a complicated cerebral labyrinth that is a marvel to be dissected eons post-mortem. 

It is hard for me to explain, but Justice League felt like a comic book arc (or at least a first volume) brought into life, and not simply a movie taking aspiration from comic books, and for that i love it. I cannot wait for the upcoming Aquaman movie! *momentary squeal before returning composed*


  Thor Ragnarok was the first Marvel movie I have seen since Age of Ultron, and when they specifically referenced it I thought it was nice for my sake. Funny movie, but not just a comedy like i have heard some edge-lords complain about and it was pretty intense at times. Definitely the best Thor movie to date; second one wasn't that bad really but it is insignificant in the scope of the whole sha-bang save it's ending; first one is grape-scented poo (once more save its ending).

...i think the talking rock-guy is retarded. :lol: (don'ttakeseriously)


Go see both of these.



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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  • 2 weeks later...


Watched this over two days in my spare time. Three Detroit autoworkers, dissatisfied with their treatment by the union, decide to rob its offices. Initially disappointed with their haul, they soon realise they've stumbled onto something much bigger - and with the possibility of money comes danger...



- Acting and Characters. Richard Pryor never really got the chance to do dramatic roles, but he is phenomenal in this film. Probably his best performance. Yaphet Kotto's also superb; again, perhaps his best work. Harvey Keitel had already done and went on to do better work, but he's terrific in the least showy performance of the leads. They're engaging and realistic protagonists.

- Screenplay & Dialogue. A really underrated and unfortunately hard to obtain work from the director Paul Schrader and his brother. The dialogue is very good and I can't remember any instances of it feeling anything but completely natural. The story, character development and the manner in which it tackles the themes is also very good.  

- Direction. It was Schrader's directorial debut and the production was notorious for its fights between the three leads, but it's maturely and well directed and the friendship between the characters feels genuine. 

- Humour. For a film that deals with a lot of serious topics, it's actually occasionally laugh-out-loud funny. These moments don't feel forced and are well-balanced into situations.

- Cinematography. All the shots feel right and generate real atmosphere. There's a fight scene that captures the sudden chaos of undisciplined and scared violence.

- Soundtrack. Perfectly fitting blues by Jack Nitzsche and Ry Cooder with a great performance of Captain Beefheart singing 'Hard Workin Man'. It's really well handled.

- A realistic and gritty portrayal of '70s working class life. 



- Three quarters of the film are great, the last one starts to rush and begins to go downhill but never goes bad. If the film had been 10 minutes longer I reckon it would have held it together much better.

- The ending. It's a good ending but it ends up spelling out the major themes in far too blunt a fashion and you can see it coming from about four minutes away.

- Lack of development of Keitel's family. While there are some really memorable moments here, I was left with the feeling that there was major potential here that was wasted.


Overall: 8.4/10 or a solid A. ​Lean, mean and well worth your time. I reckon it's Schrader's best directorial work (though I confess to not having seen Mishima yet, and that is known for being its length and stylisation, unlike Blue Collar). 

Edited by Erasmus Graves
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"Mutiny, Booty and Entropy"  - The Three Vices of the Frostelus


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"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe"


My latest medieval warfare craze caused me to stretch out this far in search of a medieval-ish film.  I think the last time I watched the whole Narnia trilogy was maybe three or four years ago. 

Anyway, you probably know the story, a group of four siblings, in order to escape the London Blitz, are sent to stay with an eccentric professor in the English countryside.  While there, they discover a way to a magical world in chaos called Narnia that they are prophesied to save. 



  • The mythical and fantastical world of Narnia is wonderfully brought to life on screen.
  • Overall the cast is quite good with pretty much the whole main cast doing an outstanding job, with Tilda Swinton giving the best performance of all.
  • The final battle scene is very good and epic. 
  • I just now realized this, but I feel like this movie succeeded in nailing the kind of tone and feel that "The Hobbit" trilogy should have had, but ultimately didn't.  This movie portrays an imaginative fantasy world with great heroes, great villains, and mythical creatures.  It can be a little scary and a little too violent, but in the end it is a fun ride that the whole family can enjoy. 


  • There are several moments in the movie that make stop and go, "Wait, what happened?"  "How'd they do that?"  It just takes me out of the moment.
  • While the special effects and CGI generally holds up well after all these years (and I'm sure they were great back in the day) there are just a few too many instances where some things look a bit too fakey, fake.


In conclusion, for what it is, a fun fantasy film for the whole family, it is pretty good.  A solid 7/10, definitely worth a watch if you like fantasy and I think this movie succeeds where "The Hobbit" trilogy failed.  *drops mic*


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  • 2 weeks later...


Still my favourite of the series. If I started talking about it I'd take up a whole page. It gets a personal 10/10 or A+ from me


 ALIEN (1979) & ALIENS (1985)

Love them both. Can't make up my mind to which is better, though I might give the edge to Alien, which is the scarier of the two (that scene in the air ducts :shivers:), but Aliens absolutely nails it as well. They both keep you on the edge of your seat, and the possibility of survival genuinely feels slim. I like how Aliens goes off into its own territory while still remaining faithful to the spirit of the original. They're two of the best sci-fi films of all time, easily. 


 SILENCE (2016)

Right, this was my most anticipated film of 2016, as I love the novel and Scorsese's been trying to get it made for years, but due to its limited release in Australia (like my other most anticipated film, "Heck" or High Water), I was unable to see it. Living in the Outback has its drawbacks. Anyway, Netflix very kindly put it up, so I was at last able to watch it. Note that since the film is concerned with religion and history, my discussion of it will be limited.  



 - Cinematography and Direction: The easiest way to describe the cinematography of Silence is Ozu meets Dreyer, with a dash of Scorsese. It's a lot more static and locked down that most of Scorsese's films, but still has a fair few of his trademark whip pans. The compositions are gorgeous, though. Since Scorsese hasn't made a film like this for a long time (and in such locations), I didn't find myself thinking about how it was shot or made throughout. The film is definitely one of the best-looking of last year, while also managing to be realistically grimy. 

- Acting: Andrew Garfield has really come into his own, now. He's no longer the second Spider-Man but a formidable actor in his own right now. Adam Driver convinced me he was a really good actor in Paterson, and he's superb here. Liam Neeson's performance is good, but despite his crucial role, he's hardly in the film so I'm not really going to comment on him. Shinya Tsyukamoto and Yosuke Kubozuka were definite standouts, while Tadanobu Asano was also very good and Issey Ogata handled his complex role excellently.

- Examination of Faith. In a time when cinema's examination and contemplation of serious religious and existential questions in an intelligent and thoughtful manner has practically slowed to a trickle (particularly in the first aspect), Silence is a torch. It's thought-provoking and, though restrained, quite powerful. I felt quite emotionally blasted by the film, as I was by the novel, but left feeling better for it. It expresses all the opinions laid out in Endo's novel, and never tries to force any upon you, leaving you to form your own. A reviewer said, "It poses all the right questions but only a few answers." It leaves the rest up to the viewer.



- Length. While I wasn't bored by Silence (though many others were), I reckon it could have been trimmed by perhaps 5 minutes, maybe more. 

- Accessibility. If the subject doesn't interest you to some extent, you probably won't like it. But then, I had some mates who did like it, but they like pretty much everything by Scorsese regardless. The film also moves at a slow pace, so it depends if you like slower movies. 



Personally, I feel that it's Scorsese's best since Casino (1995), though there are people who'll probably disagree with me (I love Casino btw, I'd read the history behind it when I was younger and so I didn't pass it off as a GoodFellas retread like many people did). It's definitely not everyone's cup of tea, but I left moved and . If you liked the novel you'll like the film, probably. Shusaku Endo gave Scorsese his seal of approval back in the '90s. to make the film. Silence is a film that requires intellectual involvement with its questions, and I mean this sincerely (perhaps why it didn't do very well at the box office). It's not a film you pop into the player as a good way to spend a Friday night, it's an often confronting and tough experience.


I give it a 9/10 or an A+, but as I said, it's not everyone's cup of tea. If you're religious or at least interested in religion, you'll probably appreciate it.  

"Mutiny, Booty and Entropy"  - The Three Vices of the Frostelus


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I saw the glorious piece of fecal matter known as The Room.


Dear Lord, why did I put myself through that again? Oh yeah, for a recently released movie.  At least it made me laugh, but... what the heck man...



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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I saw the glorious piece of fecal matter known as The Room.


Dear Lord, why did I put myself through that again? Oh yeah, for a recently released movie.  At least it made me laugh, but... what the heck man...


:kaukau: As it happens, that is also the last movie that I watched.  I re-watched it yesterday.  Had already seen The Disaster Artist on the same day that I watched Episode VIII, and plan on writing a review of it.  However, someone I know has always heard of that movie and hasn't watched it yet, so since I didn't want to spoil things when talking about the movie this weekend, I watched The Room with her.  It was an absolutely wonderful experience.  I'm still trying to figure out when it will work out to go watch the movie at a cult screening with a bunch of people.  We'd have to make it work out asa group and get our calendars straightened out ahead of time.


Oh, and by the way, James Franco was Oscar-worthy as Tommy Wiseau.



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  • 4 weeks later...


This movie is about Bruce Lee and his controversial fight with the Shaolin monk Wong Jack Man.  Or rather, that's what it's supposed to be about.


  • The Asian actors were very good.  Philip Ng played a very cocky, very self-assured Bruce Lee, and Xia Yu's performance as the quiet, solemn Wong Jack Man was very enjoyable to watch.
  • The fight choreography was excellent.  The fight between the two leads and the fight at the end were both appropriately action-packed.


  • Bruce Lee getting sidelined in his own movie?  Come on.
  • The main plot of the movie actually focused very little on the fight between Lee and Wong, and more on a stupid romance.  I didn't sign on to watch a romance; I signed on to watch Bruce Lee kick butt.


Needed more Bruce Lee and fight scenes, but what it did have was wondrous.  6/10.

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The Commuter


Great movie, though not revolutionary in any way i did love the tension and the twist, and if it indeed is going to be Liam Neeson's last action movie, then what a great way to end an era.

Edited by The Hip Historian Iaredios



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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The Last Jedi. It was a fun ride.


Here be minor spoilers.



  • Very cool fight scenes, as few of them as there were.
  • Solid space battles.
  • Poe was a fun character. (I like snarky Whedon-type characters) I like the tension he has with his commanding officers.
  • I like seeing Leia as a general as opposed to a princess.
  • I like the concept of Rey and Kylo's connection.
  • The actors all did solidly.
  • Old, cynical snarky Luke was my favorite thing about the movie, period. I know he's not the Luke Skywalker of our childhoods (I'm sure my younger self would've hated seeing my personal hero as this grumpy old guy), but he was fun to watch with his cynical humor, and I like that the movie shows that legendary heroes aren't always gonna be the heroes that people make them out to be.


  • A lot of the comedic moments and shots felt way too forced (no pun intended).
  • Not a fan of Holdo.
  • I didn't care for Rose as much as the movie wanted me to. I don't hate her like the rest of the fandom does, let alone think of her as the next Jar Jar (and I certainly don't have any ill will towards Kelly Marie Tran), but I just simply did not care much for her. I'm indifferent at best.
  • Finn was more annoying in this movie. (It's a shame, he was my favorite new character in TFA)
  • Speaking of Finn and Rose, I thought that a good chunk of their scenes felt contrived.
  • While I love the concept of Rey and Kylo's connection, the way they portrayed it made me feel like I was just watching two people call each other on the phone. Not really a con, but it killed some of the seriousness of it for me.

Overall rating: 7/10. Fun ride with room for improvement.

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A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Last Jedi


No offense meant to the previous poster, but I have a different opinion on the film. I hope that is okay.



- Rey. I love how her character was developed here. She is a really amazing tough lady that can go nose to nose with Kyle Ren. Go Rey! Girl Power!

-I liked the romance plot and that cool scene in the room where Kyle and Rey took down a bunch of the bad guys together. Maybe the light side and the dark side of the force will be able to make peace.

-I like the sacrifice Luke made for Rey at the end. Also the moving rocks joke. I thought that was funny.



-Most of the rest of the characters didn’t know what they were doing and for some reason could not communicate at all. I wanted to yell at the screen for them being stupid. For example Poe blew the lady’s plan to escape via the ships, which could have been avoided if she had just explained it to him. And then the other girl and Finn handled the whole thing on the rich gambling planet really dumb - they should have checked their parking space, especially if the girl knew the planet, and not get suckered.

-Leia should have died when she got pulled into space. That was unrealistic.


Overall I found Rey and Kyle to be awesome, but the rest of the movie made me unhappy. 6/10

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No offense meant to the previous poster, but I have a different opinion on the film. I hope that is okay.

Hey bud, I'm not one to get my pants in a knot just because of a difference in opinion over a movie. You're good and all your points are fair.


Besides, while I didn't list it in my post, I do think the whole Force Superman thing was silly myself. I guess the idea was that she hadn't truly tapped into her Force abilities until experiencing extreme pressure, but I wish there was a better way to convey that, both story-wise and visual-wise. I seriously could not watch that scene without John Williams' Superman theme in my head. (Williams does Star Wars too, so I guess it's still fitting)


To be honest, I had written that on the very day I saw the movie, so my immediate feelings on the movie were probably getting in the way. No doubt my opinions would change if I saw it a second time.

Edited by Hakura: Toa of Plasma
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---------------------------------------------------Links to fun stuff---------------------------------------------------

A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith (2005)



The CGI is amazing it’s hard to think this movie was made in 2005.

Some of the actors are really good, especially Ewan Mcgregor and Ian Mcdirmand.

Unlike the other prequels, the story is actually important to the Star Wars Saga. You care about what’s going on.

The build up to Darth Vader is awesome in my opinion.

The fight scenes are incredible! The combination of the CGI and the choreography makes them a joy to watch.

The soundtrack is possibly my favorite soundtrack in any movie ever.



The movie does drag out a little long.

Some of Hayden Christensen’s lines are pretty bad such as “Love won’t save you Padmé only my new powers can do that.”

Some people may find that the Darth Vade build up is rushed, personally I don’t.


So overall this is my personal second favorite Star Wars movie, only behind a Empire Strikes Back. I rate this an A on an A to F scale.

"Wait, he's back from the dead?"- The 2 people that have heard of me




RWBY Volume 5 isn't bad, you're bad

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I recently watched Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan, which is an anime movie based on Dragonball Z.  


It was a part of my childhood and I believe that the movie has some great moments of animation.  Definitely some wonderful scenes that can you gaze at!


Overall, it stands the test of time.  I'd give this movie an 8/10.  It introduces one of the mightiest characters in all of DBZ which happens to be legendary: Broly, and that is the reason this movie is so important to the series.



               <^>Welch's Fruit Snacks keep me alive<^>

          K4tRtVv.png @https://twitter.com/CoreyCrick  :voyanui:

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I just watched Confidence (2003 Film)


It's a crime drama film and definitely in my top 5 favorite films of all time!



Great characters (and the cast is all perfect for their roles)

Engaging and unique plot

Not too predictable for first-time viewers

Great suspense

Good plot twists

It's a heist film and the big reveal on how they did it is fantastic



The protagonists are objectively crooked people (so you're rooting for bad guys to win basically)

The actual main villain chews his gum obnoxiously loud, among other annoying traits

It's always about the money


The takeaways: If you love mystery movies, this is one of, if not, THE best heist films. The characters are interesting and you want them to succeed even though they are con artists. And the way the events unfold leaves you on the edge of your seat!


Similar films: Ocean's 11 (and 12 and 13), Now You See Me (1 & 2), and The Italian Job (all of which are also fantastic films)


Other great bands:

Iron Maiden    Journey    Mercenary    The Unguided    Trivium

Boston    Stratovarius    Symphony X    Epica

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House of 1000 Corpses (2003) written and directed by Rob Zombie! 


it's about a group of young people who set out across the back roads of america! in search of a mysterious figure known as Dr. Satan! what they uncover is the most shocking tale of carnage ever seen! eventually they all get killed by this family of sadistic murderers! a lot of interesting stuff goes on in this film and it really deserves more attention than it does right now! 


10 out of 10! my favorite film directed by Rob Zombie! 


top that, noobs! :D

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  • 1 month later...

There Will Be Blood (2007)

A modern classic, and one of Paul Thomas Anderson's best films, if not his best. Very well acted and shot. Apart from the odd line of dialogue, it captures the atmosphere of the early 20th century superbly. Leaves one with a lot of food for thought. Third time I've watched it and it's still absorbing, intense viewing. The soundtrack is also brilliant and atonal. 2007 really stands head and shoulders above pretty much other year this century for authentic, high-quality historical movies - Zodiac, No Country for Old Men, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford and of course, this.

"Mutiny, Booty and Entropy"  - The Three Vices of the Frostelus


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  • 2 weeks later...

Last movie I saw was The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. Brilliant movie with a mind-bending twist. As I grew up with the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, the sets of this movie and other stylizations that obviously influenced that cartoon gave me some vibes of nostalgic infatuation. I wish more sets could be as wonky as these, done in a sharp Dr. Seuss-style.


Now to watch another Oldie-Goldie for the first time.




After watching Caligari, I watched the largely restored version of Metropolis from 1927. Pretty long, but an epic in it's own right and i think it holds up today. I recommend everyone give this classic a try.


The next day I watch Nosferatu and M. Both are good. Nosferatu is clearly outdated as only a couple scenes were mildly creepy but I appreciated it, while I find M to still hold up and is pretty good.


4/15 EDIT:


I watched two movies today. The first was The Man Who Laughs (1927). Amazing, heart warming film, and I am thankful it had a better ending then it apparently did in the book. One problem I had is why the main character in one instance suddenly was able to sword fight with a professional and then defeated him. Other than that, I think I can say that is one of my favorite films now.


The next is quite the opposite. I watched The Last Jedi with my brother and his best friend. Dear lord, what a mess and a leviathan of a wasted opportunity. In my humble opinion, Star Wars is now a forward-shuffling zombie that deserves to be put down, and rather letting the past die, it should be remembered fondly.

Edited by The Hip Historian Iaredios



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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  • 3 weeks later...


One, two, three, four, I declare Infinity War.  To be a pretty awesome time at the movies.


  • Thanos was a surprisingly compelling character.  I found myself sympathizing with him at times, and enjoyed every scene he was in.  Josh Brolin's acting certainly helped.
  • The Guardians of the Galaxy finally team up with the Avengers... sort of.  And it's amazing and hilarious.
  • Peter Dinklage as a giant?  Yes, please.
  • Action scenes were on point.
  • That plot twist in the middle, tho... it floored me.  I don't think anyone saw that coming.
  • This movie was designed to make people feel feelings, and I most definitely felt feelings.




This movie was a rollercoaster, in the good way.  It has me eagerly anticipating the sequel.  9/10.

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Avengers: Infinity War


Best Marvel movie, well executed and mature while still retaining humor, overall well worth the wait. Can't wait for the sequel to wrap it up. I previously saw Thanos as nothing more than as a shameful rip off of DC's Darkseid but with an OP glove (which is how he started off), but this move made him a memorable character in his own right for me. Well done.

Edited by The Hip Historian Iaredios



A RUDE AWAKENING - A Spherus Magna redo | Tzais-Kuluu  |  Pushing Back The Tide  |  Last Words  |  Black Coronation  | Blue Man Bound | Visions of Thasos   ن

We are all but grey specks in a dark complex before a single white light

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  • 4 weeks later...

Enemy At The Gates 


a war-drama film about the heroic tale of Russian sniper Vasily Zaytsev going up against German sniper Erwin Konig! 

definitely a film i can recommend! SPOILER: Vassily snipes Konig in his f*** face towards the end of the film! 

such a powerful triumph of a film! i'm glad to have it on DVD! :)


Vasily Zaytsev, we honor you and your heroic actions greatly with the utmost respect! 


Erwin Konig, well... your dead! screw off! 





here's the final battle scene! check it out! https://youtu.be/8Zqn7SdAZ7U

Edited by TheZOMBIEJ
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