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IC: BeastBeast led Shadow towards the basement, he turned to Foo, "You can come too. She will need some people to train with." he said. He led them to the elevator, where they went down to the metal basement floor. He then led them down the hall to the large metal doors that led to the Danger Room. "Here it is." Beast said. "I will be running the Danger Room from above in the War-room." he told her.

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IC: Guess I need to be sneakier then that... he thought as he saw a punch heading for his jaw. He kept retreating a little out of his range until he was eventually pinned by the wall. His foe seemed to waste no time trying to use this opportunity to try and finish Derrick off. He managed to duck before it hit him but only by an inch. But it did put him in a good position for jumping.NOW!!Derrick launched himself at Calyx's chest, gloves first.


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IC: Dallas (Brotherhood HQ)A ripple went soaring through the air, slowing Quicksilver to a crawl as Dallas stretched one hand out towards the Brotherhood leader, teeth gritted in concentration.-Teezy



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IC: NPC Calyx (NYC Subway system)As Calyx saw Derrick leap for him gloves outstretched he knew he could not escape in time, so instead he covered himself in an armor made out of obsidian an instant before Derrick's gloves connected. The armor only hampered the flow of electricity, not stopping it. Calyx was blasted backwards as the jolts tore through his body, a huge chunk of the armor on his chest getting blasted off. Calyx slid back on his feet his chest rising and falling, his vision going dark. He then turned the cement under his feet into mud and created three whips of mud that burst from the ground and lashed out at Derrick, trying to wrap around him before hardening into diamond. OOC: I Sort of want Calyx to survive? Maybe Derrick receives new orders from Sheen on his phone to bring him back alive for interrogation?IC: Beast (Outside the Danger Room)Beast shook his head, "The lowest setting will be more then enough for now." he said. Shadow had no idea how the Danger Room worked, he didn't want them to be over their heads. IC: Quicksilver and Feral (Warehouse, NJ)"STOP!" Quicksilver yelled to the Brotherhood mutants who had moved forward to attack them. "Let me speak to these X-Men." he said stepping forward. "I don't care who you are or what you can do. Take one more step closer towards my people and I'll slash you to bits." Feral growled. "Don't talk to me about your people Feral." Quicksilver said. He saw that Feral was shocked that he knew his codename. "Your people are being executed on the streets of so called civilized society every day, and what are you doing, you treacherous little lapdogs?" Quicksilver said. "Trying to sabotage a simple kidnap plot which might end the Governments war on mutants in a single stroke." he said. "How could you come here and risk your lives to defend the state-sanctioned murder of your own species?" he said. "You have one choice, join us and help your race, or perish." he said. He then saw Dallas as his hand flew towards him, clearly using some sort of powers. Quicksilver shrugged and then tried to run towards him using his incredible speed, but when he ran he'd slowed to a crawl. "What is this?" he roared. IC: DestructionDestruction grinned now that the X-Men had arrived, it was time to play. His hand shot forward and he unleashed an explosive blast at Alex's chest.OOC: NPC Brotherhood members available to fight: Unbreakable (Juggernaughts son), Erebus (Shadow, invisibility), Nyx, (Can turn into smoke), Torment ( can shape his bones)

Edited by Flex Nard
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IC: Foo (Danger Room)Foo eagerly followed all the way into the Danger Room, excited to get the show on the road. Plus, if the dean gave him the OK to miss class to help out some greenie master her powers, he wouldn't pass up such an opportunity. Most of the time he ever talked to Beast, it was for missions or because he was going to get one big fat punishment for whatever tidbit of chaotic trouble he caused. Of course, there was always the odd situation when Foo simply made small talk with the old man for fun."Furry man's right, it'll do for now. It'd be a darn shame if we got you into the medical ward right off the bat after your first training session." he agreed before turning to Beast, pointing him a finger accompanied by a suspicious look."I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now: you been making a few of those training sessions for me extra hard recently as a form of payback...?"

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IC: AlexThe blast was caught on his shield, and Alex just raised an eyebrow. "Reckless, aren't we? No sense of caution?"IC: Shadow"Fine. Start it, please."

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: She doesn't need a room number from Beast, she just chooses and empty room like Shadow did.IC: BeastBeast turned to Foo and shrugged, "You never know." he winked before walking off to go into the War-room so he could overlook their training in the Danger Room and control the settings, and possibly stop the procedure if it got too dangerous. IC: ScorcherKane began to walk through the streets of San Diego, "Wonder how we are going to find the Destroyer in this entire city." he said, turning to Darkfang.

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OOC: Ah kay, sorry didn't know. IC: Derrick out of shock jumped back with the maximum force of his boots, dodging Calyx's final attack, at the cost of slamming right into a wall. He hurt a good deal, in addition to his wounds but the diamonds did not encase him.Then a ringtone began to burst in his pocket.Mustering what strength he had he picked up the phone from out of his pocket and answered it."This is Derrick Davis.""Agent Davis this is Sheen, I have new orders for you. If Calyx is still alive I need you to bring him in for interrogation.""...Perfect timing sir, Calyx is out... Can you send someone in to pick him up? And preferrably someone to pick me up as well. His attacks did a large number on me."


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IC: West Sheen NPC Crossfire and Skull"Understood, I'll send in Skull and Crossfire to retrieve you." West said before hanging up. He nodded to the two Enforcer's in his office. They left, heading for the subway. A few minutes later they'd tracked Derrick to his location using his phone. Skull knelt by Calyx checking his pulse, "He's alive." Skull said before slinging the heavy mutant over his shoulder.Crossfire walked over to Derrick, "Are you able to walk?" he asked, his face hidden by his metal helmet.

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OOC: Freshly approved and ready for action.Name: Israel "Izzy" CodyCodename: AsuraAge: 19Gender: MaleFaction: BrotherhoodPower(S): Kinetically generated adaptable combat enhancement: Israel's body is capable of morphing itself to enhance his physical combat capabilities, the limits of which extend the more he moves and fights. The morphs range from simply enhancing his physiology, to increasing in size, hardening his skin, growing short range blades, spikes and tentacles, or even growing multiple limbs when truly fired up. He is not often fond of using more than one morph at once, as the energy requirements would be too large, though there are times when, having built up a sufficient amount, he can surpass those limits. He is, however, very proficient at switching between morphs with ease. The only ability that remains constant is an accelerated healing factor.Appearance: Physically, Israel is a somewhat imposing man, standing at 6 foot 3 with rippling muscles and a sharp jawline. His just past blonde hair kept swept back, there's nothing hiding the intense blood red glare his eyes constantly hold. He's a decently handsome man, but the way he carries himself tends to make this trait seem considerably more potent. Israel's fashion sense is very drifter-like, often wearing heavy trenchcoats, cargo pants, fingerless gloves and combat boots. He more often than not declines to wear a shirt, as his morphs will just ruin the things anyway. He takes to leaving holes in the knees of his pants, and ripping the sleeves of his trenchcoats off up to his elbows, as he feels the adjustments make it easier for him to fight,Weapons: None. Israel considers himself more than enough all on his own.Skills: Israel is an incredibly competent martial artist, having studied for years on end. He's also a skilled gymnast, as well as a decent mechanic. Due to his abilities, he's also decent at resisting psionic assault, though any telepath of particular skill can overcome his psionic shields.Personality: Israel is a charismatic, confident, self serving, conniving snake of a man, who puts his own interests over the interests of others at all times. The majority of his interests include wealth, power and fighting.Weakness: If Israel's morphing at any point exceeds the amount of kinetic energy available to him at the time, his body will immediately shut down, and he will enter a state of lethargy which takes him considerable time to recover from. In addition, Israel, while very cunning, is easily swayed to other causes provided the reward is confirmed to be great enough. This makes him somewhat unreliable.Bio: Not much for talking about his past, the best anyone can gather about Israel is that he's been with the Brotherhood for a few months now, taking membership with them over the X-Men for the sake of personal gain. Hanging out around him, it becomes quite obvious that he doesn't care about mutant struggles, and really only fights because he enjoys it, cause be darned.IC: Nero brushed his fingers against the wheels of his chair nervously as he waited for the signal.

~Totally like a boomerang. I always come back. Just never when you want me to.~

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IC: Suddenly, the President's daughter disappeared, Bri's powers taking effect. The invisible mutant helped her away, moving the two of them invisibly toward the doorway.IC: Isaac entered the room at this time."Oh, ****."Crimson liquid spilled from his arm, forming itself into a wickedly sharp blade. He hurled it at Ashlynn, his aim deadly accurate.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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OOC: Its actually San Diego, according to Wild Card's bio.IC: Summer-flightAs the President's daughter suddenly vanished Ashlynn knew that Brianne had done her job. She telepathically reached out, sending Abbas a message. "This is the signal! Come now!" she yelled in his mind. She then dodged to the left, the solid blade of blood missing her and slamming into a crate behind her. Ashlynn swooped down on her winds, trying to kick Sanguine in the throat. IC: ScorcherScorcher looked over at Jaws. "If only you knew his scent then you could track him right?" he asked. "I always heard that your father was an amazing tracker." he said speaking about Sabertooth. "We know that a camera picked him up in this part of the city." he said. IC: NPC CrossfireCrossfire nodded and moved to put his arm around Shock Bolt and to help walk him out of the subway system. "We have Shock Bolt and the mutant." he told west through the headset in his helmet. IC: FeralFeral snarled and then charged at Phorce, slashing at his chest with his claws.OOC: Feel free to have Izzy be in the warehouse Advent.

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IC: PhorceThe snarl alerted Phorce to the presence of something coming his way. He stumbled backwards, allowing the claws to tear open the front of his shirt."This shirt was expensive!"He created a field of increased gravity around Feral, and re-created the other one around Dallas. He wouldn't be able to keep this up long, though.

Edited by Zyke the Destroyer


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IC: Alex"Oh, Blasty!" Alex said, with evident glee. He swinging the shield at Destruction from the side, and pulled it back toward him as soon as that move was accomplished.IC: ShadowShadow clapped her hands together, and let out a devilish grin. "Let's get going, then!"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Isaac bared his teeth, and boiling blood gushed from his mouth, causing Ashlynn to move to avoid getting burned. The blood circled around him, attaching to his back and circling around before spreading out, forming skeletal crimson wings of his own. They rose into the air without flapping, pulling him along as he grinned at Ashlynn.OOC: He's levitating the blood itself here, just pulling himself with it.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC: (Lexie: Prototype) Lexie had by this point pulled out her blade, and charged at Dallas, with the goal of impaling him, and then consuming him.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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OOC: Did she now?IC: Abbas nodded at Azrael."We'll be behind you."As they got close, the mutant pointed at the wall, which began to turn white and chalky, cold mist rolling off of it.Abbas nodded at it."Dry ice. The mist will cover you as it sublimes- should be a large enough hole to enter by now."

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC: FeralFeral felt himself planted firmly on the ground as the gravity increased around him. Shrugging he continued to struggle forward, until he broke out of the field, then he ran at Phorce, slashing at him again, aiming for his legs.IC: Summer-flightAshlynn saw as Sanguine rose into the air on crystalized wings of blood. She flew towards him, and then tried to deliver a powerful kick to his chest. IC: ScorcherRight he doesn't know that Sabertooth is his father... Scorcher shrugged. "I know that moron, I was just saying if ONLY you did have his scent." he said.

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IC: Nero clapped, then amplified the sound of the clap against itself until it had formed a ball of concussive force between his hands. He then flung the ball at Sanguine, letting it explode next to his head, the result booming like a thunderclap next to his ear.Feral's claws clanked against rough sounding metal as a man stepped in between him and Phorce. blocking the claws with what looked like an armor covered forearm. Israel Cody, codename Asura flexed his currently adamantine forearm, and pressed Feral's arm to the side, before attempting to thrust kick the wild mutant in the chest with a grin.

Edited by .:Advent Aeternale:.

~Totally like a boomerang. I always come back. Just never when you want me to.~

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IC: JuliaJulia hung behind the rest of the group as they approached the warehouse. She felt conflicting emotions of anxiety and confused excitement towards seeing her brother.IC: PhorcePhorce abandoned increasing Dallas's gravity when his fellow Brotherhood intervened, and focused all of his power on Feral. The clawed mutant to fell flat on his stomach with a metallic thud, and would be lucky if he could even move his neck.OOC: Just to clarify, he did that after Asura's attack, whether it hit or not.IC: JawsJaws just shook his head."Whatever. My nose isn't going to help me here."

Edited by Zyke the Destroyer


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IC: The boom shattered Isaac's wings, sending him tumbling to the ground where he landed in a crouch, eyes flaring red. The wheelchair-bound mutant had broken his concentration, freeing Ashlynn. Isaac's eyes narrowed and he threw his arm forward, blood spiraling out of his fingers and crystallizing into solid spikes speeding for Nero. Even if he shattered them, they'd still be very sharp and moving towards him at a high rate of speed.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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IC: Shockbolt made sure that he had turned off the boots as he accepted Crossfire's help. It definitely made the walk out of there a lot easier. After a few minutes they finally managed out of that tunnel.-Timeskip-After the three Enforcer Agents had returned to base Crossfire helped get Derrick into the hands of the medical personnel while Skull took Calyx somewhere else. As he was laid down someone took off his armor."Could you get that sent down to the armory to get repaired," he said to whoever took off his armor, he couldn't focus enough by this point to tell who.


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IC: Nero's eyes panicked, and his nerdy mind jumped to the first thing he could think of: "FUS RO DAH!"Nero immediately reverbed and amplified the cry of unrelenting force, creating a concussive wall of sound that deflected the shards, but died out before it could do much else. Blushing slightly at his outburst, Nero slapped the metal of his wheelchair, and sent a ringing blast of sound at Sanguine, following up with two more blasts powered by claps.OOC: I'm sorry, I just had to do it at least once...

Edited by .:Advent Aeternale:.

~Totally like a boomerang. I always come back. Just never when you want me to.~

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IC: JuliaJulia took a few deep breaths."Let's do this."She dove through the fog and into the warehouse with her claws extended and ready to rend flesh, when she noticed Lexie charging for Dallas. She gave a scream and charged, but halted mid-lunge when she noticed Jordan.He was a lot taller than she had remembered, and his hair had grown in curled tufts around his head.That was when she tripped and stumbled into Lexie.

Edited by Zyke the Destroyer


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