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IC: U! JuliaJulia sighed out of sorrow and exhaustion."I'm sorry," was all she said. The apology had weight behind it and wasn't followed by excuses or pleas for forgiveness as it might have under more usual circumstances. She sat up and wrapped one arm around her knees, while the other hand remained on the grass, just barely touching Dallas's own. She seemed to be tolerating Tali, at least for the moment.OOC: Edit because ninjas.

Edited by The Zytrix


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Dallas was alone with his thoughts, then, at least for a second; Tali embraced him from behind, holding him steady, while Julia massaged his knuckles lightly with one hand. Even the soft, cool wind and the early spring's sunshine got in on the action. They caressed him and held him respectively, leaving his body in a pleasant state of almost nirvana-esque equilibrium. His emotions, however, would not take the hint so easily.


"I really hope Nathan didn't get the pizza before he kills John. That ###### is so gonna be cold."



Edited by Dallas Winston



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IC: Taralynn, Las Vegas. Parking Garage.


She stood slient for a second. The serious look on his face, causing her to actually think over his question. " I don't know what you mean." Tara said, finally breaking her silence. Taralynn took a deep breath and pulled away, slowly walking towards one of the stone support pillars before continuing. " If your talking about the blackouts..." Tara said letting her words fall off. She reached the base of the pillar and sat down. "You know what? It doesn't matter." Tara said said suddenly. Her hair slowly shifting down her back as she looked up at the ceiling.

Life comes, and life goes, flowing like the tide.

Peace ebbs, and peace flows, often fleeting just like time.

Love can last, but only so, there isn't much before you die.

People pass, come to and fro. And eventually revenge too, doe lie.

For in the the end, it's only the vengent who lasts forever.

The Vengent Spectre.


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"It matters to me," Alaric replied, taking the two sets of keys from the valet and then crouching down in front of Taralynn. "Tara. Please, look at me. I need...there's something you should hear, and I'd rather you hear it from me before you hear it from someone else. The last time we were here...in Vegas...things went south. Ashlynn went Phoenix, and Warren...he broke my neck while I was wearing my resurrection ring, to try and give him a time window to stop things, and he...he killed Ashlynn. That's why I'm here in Vegas now: I'm looking for him, so I can get payback.


"When we got back to the manor, Beast was dead, too. I know that's a shock for you to hear, and I know how much it hurts, and that's why I need you to be honest with me. Because you're all that's left of the first twenty three years of my life. You, Tara. And I need you, and if something happens to you, I'm going to break. I'm not strong enough not to break."


Alaric's ocean-blue eyes looked down at the ground in front of the pillar, between his crouched knees; he deliberately avoided Tara's shellshocked gaze so she wouldn't have to see the beautiful ultramarine orbs she loved so much fill with tears.



Edited by Dallas Winston



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IC: "Your first words to a self-confessed thief are for to take something?" Alyss said, eyes and smile both glinting, "My my, I really think I'm going to like it here!"



IC: "No, sorry, we tend to to carry them in the sewers. Gunfire might set off some of the more combustible gases you get down there," Leech explained, "See if you can wrest one off a guard."



"I'm okay, but watch out!" Alec rolled aside, dragging Hei with him as one of caliban's super-sized fists slammed into the earth and gouged out an actual crater simply through the force of the blow



Rhino did the first thing anyone would do when something flew towards their face: raised an arm to cover his eyes. Not only did Jack's attacks bounce off the thick hide of his exo-suit but if that fist kept going he'd break his fingers



IC: Planeswalker continued walking through the streets. She was beginning to get a lot of stares. A walking tear in the fabric of time and space sort of would. Still it let her figure out she was probably in one of the universes not too friendly to the superpowered type.

Also in New York City. But given how many New York Cities there were in the infinite reaches of space, that didn't exactly narrow it down. One day she'd get an "I Love NYC!" t-shirt from all of them and have enough fabric to clothe an entire third world country, like Zimbabwe, Venezuela or New Jersey. Wait, was New Jersey a country here? Ah no matter, it was somewhere


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IC:One corner of Abraham's mouth shifted upwards, almost as if it was attempting to smile, an expression it had all but forgotten. But despite that, his expression remained unchanging. "Let's start with the simple question.""Why have you come here? Answer honestly, because a liar is something I really haven't the time, or the patience for. Nor do you have a reason to need to lie."


IC:"Um, excuse me, miss?"A voice said behind Planeswalker, a hint of confusion in his tone. "Are you okay?"

Edited by The Snark Knight



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: "Because being a mutant is becoming distinctly difficult in this world and you guys look like the best way to alleviate that difficulty," Alyss said, "Best way that would let me join, anyway. Honestly I think your biggest problem is image. You haven't quite shaken the Evil even if you have dropped it from your name."



IC: Planeswalker turned to James, disinterestedly at first, but the spiralling nebulas of black that were her eyes in this form started swirling faster as she noticed the physique, stance, look in the eyes...all things that denoted someone who knew they had power but also how to retrain it.


"Yes, I think you can. Do you have any Avengers here?"


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"I would agree with that assessment."


Abraham replied, after a moment of thought. "This group has long since forgotten the real reason for its existence, or at least, the underlying ideal to everything it has done. The world is full of mutants that need safe harbor, and a place where they won't be persecuted."


"On a more relevant subject, here's the general outline of what this place is. This mansion currently holds what is left of the Brotherhood's fighters. The civilians have all long since evacuated to Europe, with a few newer arrivals staying within these walls as well. If you stay here, anything you need will be provided. All that we ask in return is that if we are ever in trouble, you give aid as best you can. This is not Pietro Maximoff's Brotherhood, we are not in the business of starting fights because we feel like it."


"Now. What, if any, questions do you have for me?"IC:"Yeah, the Avengers are around. Well, sort of. The original ones are long dead, but the team's still around. Why do you need them?"


IC:"Got it." The technopath replied quickly, racing down the hall after the student that had been carrying Julia. He caught up just in time to see her set on the infirmary bed, and he was occupying the space next to it within a heartbeat."Julia, what happened? Are you alright?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC:Taralynn, Las Vegas. Parking Garage.


"Wait, What?" Tara asked, bringing her head down to eye level, only to find Alaric staring at the floor. "What the **** did you just say?!" Taralynn asked voice raising. The large amount of shock she was experiencing, allowing her block out what he actually told her. 'It's strange though, he won't look at me. Why, why won't he look at me? What if-No it's not true!' Tara thought to herself as the shock began to wear off. "No, you're lying to me." Tara stated. More to convince herself then anyone else. "They're fine. She's fine!" Taralynn said, tears begining to well in her orange eyes. This was wrong. This was all wrong, if what he was saying was true. Then, with this plus all the blackouts, she should have lost control ages ago.


This thought, this one thought was all it took. The shock was gone. "NO! NO! NO!" Tara screamed in rage, disbelief, sorrow. Unable to hold them back any longer, tears streamed down her pretty face, and she reached toward Alaric in anguish. "Why! Why, won't they come! I should be losing control!" Tara thought to herself as she cried into Alaric's shoulder. Something. Anything to take away the pain.


"Please! Please. Alaric, tell me your wrong?!...Tell me your wrong?!" Taralynn begged. Her warm tears slowly starting to fall down his back.

Life comes, and life goes, flowing like the tide.

Peace ebbs, and peace flows, often fleeting just like time.

Love can last, but only so, there isn't much before you die.

People pass, come to and fro. And eventually revenge too, doe lie.

For in the the end, it's only the vengent who lasts forever.

The Vengent Spectre.


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IC: "Only one question: do you mind if I make suggestions?" Alyss asked sweetly, "Only I think I might have a few ideas that could turn things around for us. or at least give us breathing room."



IC: Planeswalker toned down her power, reverting back to her flesh and blood form. "Because I require their help in averting a catastrophe!"


She looked down at herself, noticing that the emphasis in 'flesh and blood' was most definitely on the flesh right now.


"Also, some pants would be nice."


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IC:"You can make as many suggestions as you want."




"..."James averted his gaze almost instantly, setting the case he had over his shoulder down, and sliding off his coat, handing it to Alyss. "Here, that'll at least help until we can get you some clothes.""I know where to find 'em, but it's not gonna be a quick trip."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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"I...I can't. Not without lying to both of us."


His own tears drying inside his eyes for the most part, with one or two salty exceptions on his perfect cheeks, Alaric hugged Tara back, the keys all but forgotten in his left hand as he cradled her, ran a hand through her hair; he did not try overly hard to comfort her as he knew it wouldn't work, but he was there. That was what mattered.


"Tara, I'm so sorry...I never saw him coming until I was already out for the count..."





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IC: "With the unsaid implication that you won't necessarily listen to my suggestions," Alyss noted, "Well if you'll take some advice from an old hand at conning, you might want to try a bit of a bait and switch. People will always hate, they just need a scapegoat. The government is focused on mutant-based crackdowns because you're the biggest threat. We just need to get them looking elsewhere. Get Al Qaeda or whoever to do something, or just get people believing they have. Then the government can get back to being racist rather than anti-mutant."



IC: "A long trip?" Alyss said, fascinated, "I haven't had one of those in a very long time. Is the Bottles on a Wall song considered commonplace still?"


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IC:"That is indeed a good suggestion, and one that may very well be implemented, once proper thought is given to it." The chessmaster replied, adjusting the sleeve of his suit slightly, to correct an almost imperceptible misalignment. After a moment, he paused. "I don't believe I've introduced myself."


He held out a hand to shake. "Abraham Daniels. Chief strategist, and current head of the Brotherhood. I believe you have met my more social half, Dominik Lord."




"... Yeah, some people still sing it." James commented, finally looking away from the wall that he had been staring at, now that his new acquaintance was at least somewhat clothed. "Not that many, but some.""C'mon, the people you're looking for are this way." He picked up his bag, one that bore an odd resemblance to an art case, and slung it over his shoulder once more.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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OOC: Flaredrick, you seem to be autohitting Rhino there, which still isn't technically allowed even though he's an NPC.


IC: Julia, U! Julia, Zack


Julia's eyelids fluttered. Her lips parted slightly, then closed, as if she was trying to speak. One of the school nurses had joined Alex and the other student and was already wrapping Julia's arms in bandages. She tried to sit up, but the nurse pushed her back down quickly.

"Just try to relax," the nurse's voice wavered a bit despite her attempts to sound confident, "you've lost a lot of blood."

She fetched a pair of tweezers and painstakingly picked shards of glass and bits of gravel from Julia's forearms, while another nurse slipped an IV into Julia's arm.

Julia winced, and the drop of dark blood from her nose rolled off of her upper lip and onto the bed, where it spread into a sickly brown stain.

Meanwhile, a surprisingly strong man garbed in a dirty lab coat burst through the Manor's front doors and started making his way to the infirmary.


The other Julia sighed quietly.

"God...I can't believe John just let himself go like that..."


Zack was about to send an optical blast at Rhino's back when a wave of sorrow struck him, sending him to his knees and misdirecting the blast to the concrete ceiling above his target.

"Tara," he gasped.

Edited by The Zytrix


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"I don't wanna talk about the intimacies of John's mind until it's been scattered through the forest by Rebekah's pistols."



Edited by Dallas Winston



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OOC: Zyke, I left the post with this ... I left it there so I can let Adders choose the outcome. If I said that White Lightning hit Rhino, then it would be. All I said is that he threw a punch at him and didn't say that he hit him. Which is why I left it with the three periods. Any further discussion can be taken to the discussion topic.



Even though my absorption ability my be off, but at least I can gain more power. So I looked for the nearest electrical device, but seemed to find none. So I charged myself up again, this time, doing it something like that DragonBall thing. I charged by bolt, and fired it at Rhino.


"Have a present!"


I then do it again, but in slightly smaller charges.


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"Let's see how you like a grenade on your face!" I tossed a shock grenade directly at his face, then it blew up on him as it hit his nose. I had time to to super charge a bolt to 4,000 volts, then shot it off at his face. There is absolutely no way, that he can stand that amount of voltage, on him. Especially on his face.


Flaredrick, you autohitted. And I would like to remind you that autohitting is quite expressly forbidden. Second of all, Zytix is staff. He knows what he is doing, and he wouldn't have spoken if you hadn't autohitted.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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OOC: I don't think I like that tone. You've technically already done enough to merit a warning. Be glad I don't enjoy giving them. Second, what you should do is use correct punctuation.


I am well aware that he has already responded, and so is Zyke. We are saying that despite that, you are not going to get away with breaking the rules. Consider this an unofficial warning. Next time you break the rules, you get an official warning.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: U! JuliaThe image that formed in Julia's mind was unpleasent, to say the least, especially since John had been like a brother to her before he descended into beastial madness. A small tear formed in one of her eyes, and as it welled up over her eyelid and cascaded down her cheek, her fingers slipped in-between Dallas's, while her head fell sideways to rest on his shoulder.


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OOC: I always known auto hitting hitting as someone punching or kicking someone without responding. Not with powers. Second, I'm trying to play by the rules, since I have not had these problems happen to me, since I never saw any action. I'm being very, very careful on how I do action on these RPG's. I don't want this RPG to be the first where I have to get kicked out of.


Oh and any other staff who posted after me, gave me no warning about this. Which makes me wonder why now?

Edited by Flaredrick: Forgotten One


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OOC:Why now? It's very, very simple. Despite what we like to say, we staff are not omniscient. We do not see everything, we do not see every action, and sometimes, we just plain forget things. So when we actually notice it, we make sure to take care of it right away.


Second, autohitting is defined as an action in which you attack without allowing your foe to respond. You should know this. Why should you know this? Because I know for a fact that you play BRPGs and COTRPGs where it is clearly stated in the rules. Third, why on Earth would a rule extend to non-power based attacks, but not to power based attacks, which are actually more damaging?



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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OOC: "i always thought of auto-hitting as punching or kicking somebody without responding, never with powers"


wat. your powers are, in many cases, a part of your offensive capabilities. attacking somebody with them, and saying it hit, is autohitting if you don't let them respond.


And really, if you were trying so hard as you seem to be trying to play by the rules, then you should know that autohitting is attacking somebody without letting them respond. There's nothing about power vs. non-power here, because when we say "hit," we don't mean a physical "hit," like a punch or a kick, we mean it in the sense of any attack landing on a target.


Like a lightning strike "hitting" a building. Or, as in the case I saw up there, somebody's face, whilst pressed into shock-grenade form.


And really, don't think to ask the staff why they hadn't immediately noticed that. You've staffed RPGs before yourself, you would know that the staff aren't going to know exactly every little last tiny thing that goes on. It's ludicrous to even imagine that they might, and I'm surprised that Krayzikk wasn't as insulted as I thought he might get by the way you worded that question.


And in the civilized world, we call your three-periods-thing an ellipsis.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Taralynn, Las Vegas. Parking Garage.


Thanks to Alaric's words doing nothing but increasing her pain, it took Tara some time before she was able to get herself to stop crying hard enough to form a sentence. "W-Why?!" Tara managed to get out through her tears. Taralynn tried to pull away from Alaric, wanting nothing to do with any Worthington, but at the moment the grief was too strong . "L-Le-t me go!" Tara cried as she tried to take her pain out on the nearest source. Alaric.

Edited by Dr. Vengeance

Life comes, and life goes, flowing like the tide.

Peace ebbs, and peace flows, often fleeting just like time.

Love can last, but only so, there isn't much before you die.

People pass, come to and fro. And eventually revenge too, doe lie.

For in the the end, it's only the vengent who lasts forever.

The Vengent Spectre.


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OOC: Why would I insult a staff member, when he has the power to ban me? Now, what was going to say right now?


Oh yeah, when can I finally get Marauder out from being frozen, and into some action? Like that plan that Snarky is making. (Can I nickname you that Snark)

Edited by Flaredrick: Forgotten One


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OOC: Please, I would prefer it if we let this go. I think Flaredrick understands now that he made a mistake, but if you wish to continue this discussion, please do so in the other topic.




The figure garbed in white continued to advance towards the medical wing. Something metallic on his face caught the light and gave of a bright glint for a very brief moment.


Zack winced again, this time in anger, and unleashed another blast at Rhino, this time accompanied by a cry of rage.


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Annie had his ring. Tara was unloading her power in a surge of grief, and Alaric was gonna die. Simple as that.


Sure enough, he let go, one hand held up to his forehead as she pumped psychic pain out into his head from point black range, teeth gritted; had he not already been on his knees, he would have hit the ground hard. As it was he slumped backwards, both hands holding at his temples now as Tara sobbed and sobbed and sobbed...


The keys clattered out of his hands now, and Alaric groaned in pain once, quietly for the mental anguish and torture he was going through, before setting his head back down on the pavement heavily with a thud.




"Morning, love," a songbid's voice yawned from behind Rebekah as a forehead plunked into her collarbone. "I heard your coarse yet surprisingly dreamy voice work its way into my dream about my Bonnie and Clyde style escapades with Gene Wilder."



Edited by Dallas Winston



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IC:Rebekah's face turned a shade of red not usually found there, as the guitar in her hands promptly vanished. Her expression, though she was making every effort to hide it, was that of a child caught doing something they shouldn't have, or a teenager who just found out their diary had been left open on their desk.


"Um, hey, Brook."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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"Embarrassed? Don't be," Brooklyn drawled sleepily, yawning again and stretching as she leaned in and planted a deliberately heavy kiss on Brooklyn's cheek with a grin. "I was too busy focusing on getting Willy Wonka's autograph to read your voice. Pinkie promise."



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"I heard like two lines, to be honest. There were gunshots and car wrecks and Augustus Gloop's stomach was growling a lot. Your song was the last thing on my ears' mind."





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IC:"Thank god."The former Weapon muttered to herself, hugging her girlfriend a bit tighter. "Brooklyn, you have some bizarre dreams, you know that? At least, they seem bizarre when I hear about them. Maybe your dreams are normal dreams and I'm the bizarre one."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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"I snack a lot before I nap; that may be it. I've had circumstantial evidence for a while now that the Pringles are out to get me. This just gives my suspicions a grain of truth."



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"...""You know, I always think you couldn't possibly get any more eccentric. I mean, there must be a limit to how much of a Cloudcuckoolander you can possible be. But every time, you prove me wrong." The dark haired girl smiled, placing a light kiss on the top of Brooklyn's head. "And it really is positively adorable. Even when I can't understand what you're saying."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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