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Best Shield?


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I've never been a fan of shields that had many holes in them, as they don't seem like they'd be either sturdy or effective. As such, I've always been fond of the Skrall shield and Kopaka Nuva's shield, though between the two I prefer the former.

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Mine is probably Nuparu Mahri's shield. It's probably the most protective shield, and seems the most solid. Skrall's is cool, too, but it isn't as big and powerful as Nuparu's. Gresh's shield has a huge hole in the middle, and Lhikan's has two, so I can't say they're very protective. As for parts use, I still like Nuparu's. It has just enough connections to be useful, but not so many that the design of the shield suffers, so it has quite a few uses. Lhikan's are too big, and are hard to use properly. Gresh's have a lot of connection points, so they look a bit hollow. Skrall's is almost impossible to use as anything besides a shield or hat, so it's annoying. So, my favorite is Nuparu's shield.

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  • 2 weeks later...

why does it matter that greshe's shield is so holy? if you need to block sword attacks, that can make it even easier. but I love skralls shield.

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Toa Lhikan or Toa Hagah Norik. I do like Nuparu Mahri's shield, but it's not in the same class.

Steam Name: Toa Hahli Mahri. Xbox Live Gamertag: Makuta. Minecraft Username: ThePoohster.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That depends on whether we are talking aesthetics and versatility in the canon, or IRL in MOCing.I do like the Hagah shields for a more imposing sort of character, while the Kopaka shields look more like bucklers.Most shields have holes however, and as such they don't appeal to me as much.

AΨ 94

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  • 3 weeks later...

In the Bionicle universe, it is not metal but air that is most effective at halting the motion of weapons. Hence, each shield is designed not to provide protection in itself, but rather to organize the air molecules in the most efficient configuration. That is why there is such an incredible abundance of holes.


...I'm going to have to go with Skrall's.

Edited by Toa Alaka

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

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I would say that I like the Hagah shields the most, though they're pretty much tied with Lhikan's shield. Coming close behind those two are Nuparu's shield and Kopaka Nuva's shield, because they can actually, y'know, protect the user. :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Being the old-school guy that I am, Imma go with Kopaka Nuva's shield. No fancy decorations, no holes, just a big, solid hunk o' plastic/protodermis for protecting yourself. I like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Definitely Nuparu Mahri's sheild, w/ the Hagah shields coming in 2nd.


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