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Nuju Metru

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Generally speaking, I write between seventy and 100 words per minute (dependent on how determined I am to spell correctly in the first rush). Beyond that, I always read the entire post twice before posting: once to proofread, the second to simply see what works and what doesn't (which may or may not lead into extensive editing). For example, my 2012 arc final post took approximately 40 hours. Something ranging between one to three pages in single-spaced size ten Times New Roman (my font of choice), meanders between ten and forty minutes. Though, lately, I've found I'm spending less time than normal given I'm concurrently working on a novel and my wrists hurt from pages of first draft editing.

Edited by Kughii
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*walks in, whistling cheerfully*Well, got all Rhea's posts fixed up, reformatted, and lookin' good! Poor Krios, though, 'll have to do without; I don't care enough about him to preserve his IC history properly. :PAnd as for my profiles... I haven't even mustered up the courage to look at them yet. :eek:EDIT: it, the glitch is starting up again. I think I'll just not even post until it's fixed. :burnmad:But that's beside the point. Mostly, I just wanted to drop a quick PC activity update, seeing as how I've got a few peoples' characters involved with mine, and I don't want them thinking I've abandoned them.

  • [*]
Rhea - still discussing steamships with the Toa Akiru. I'm waiting on a post from Tabby: Toa of Cats, who has been inactive for a few days, but once he turns up again, everything should start rolling again. Stay tuned![*]Nero - see above. Skulking in the shadows outside the forge, just waiting for an excuse to break villagers' necks on behalf of his employer.[*]Krios - open for interaction in Ga-Koro; more specifically, in the tavern/grill of 'The Great Takea'.

Edited by Shadowhawk
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Hey everyone! I've been looking into numerology for a different and completely unrelated project, but as an aside I have found a hilarious little website where you can type in the full name of someone and get a bunch of information on personality etc. according to numerological information. HERE is the link I've been using. Some of the characters I look up are right on the widget, others are laughably different.Just something to think about. EDIT: USE THE WIKI SHADOWHAWK. THE WIKI IS USEFUL.When life gives you ice...

Maybe this could be a thing in Ko-Wahi? Okay, world building blurb over and out. Edited by Hahli Husky
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What I write depends on what I'm responding to. Some may be a 1 sentence speech. Others might end up being some extensive piece that describes a bunch of stuff.



Surprisingly, my longest posts have never came from responding to others. Which kinda shows how terrible I am :3

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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I find that responding to another person tends to make my posts shorter simply because there is only so much you can do without bunnying.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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VOTE NOW* for who you think deserves best player or character of the week. Send a PM titled "VOTE" to Kughii and make your thoughts counted!



*A player/character needs >3 votes to be counted as a contestant.

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PM sent, good sir.Now, I don't really want to open the following can of worms, but...How organic or human, really, are Toa and Matoran?Now, this inevitably always received an ambiguous "up to your playstyle", and ai can understand that. After all, we are enjoying interactions from legendary veterans that are too human for canon, and that's great. We're still playing a Bionicle RPG, so mechanical-ness is great too. To each his own. We don't want to restrict too much.However, with the introductiton of the Dasaka, this question gains new validity. Soon, Dasaka-Toa interaction will be a reality, so I hope this uncertainty at least comes to a general consensus soon. Thus why I opened this can of worms here.To be clearer with my question, I know for sure that physique, organic-mechanical ratio of Mata Nuians and Kentokuans are about the same. But with the bit about Dasaka... mating, I would like to know if Dasaka are truly as mechanical/organic as Toa(or vice versa). And, if there is a ratio difference, how will Toa view Dasaka and vice versa(like, do they view than as robots et cetera. Other clarifications are welcome too.My aim here is to prevent interaction conflicts from happening before they happen(or at least, an increase in interaction conflict, since such conflicts already abound) by clarifying doubts here and now.

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Please don't make that joke, Hubert.


From everything we have seen so far, the two islands are more or less the same when it come to reproduction aside from the gender ratio.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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I thought the pregnant Toa's player said they weren't going push the issue and dropped the issue?And as I remember Katuko was very much pro-mechanical. Nice guy. Is he coming back?Still, I'd like a staffie's opinion on this, although everyone is always afraid when a staffie is even online.

Edited by Norik Of Gielinor
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Yeah, the pregnant toa died pretty quickly after that little storm. I can't remember if it was before of after the baby was born.


Katuko is still active on BZPower, but not in the RPGs. He was a good player, and put a lot into the game. His return isn't anywhere on the horizon, but who knows, maybe it could happen someday. I hope so.


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They probably always existed instead.

To be more clear, the non main 6 matoran always existed on the island; however, the skakdi and vortixx are not native to the island, so they came from... somewhere, I guess.As for my playing style, I tend to play around the (canon?) ratio of 85:15, though deviations do occur.But yeah, it can get confusing at times; most especially during fights when a 50:50 character has to fight a 90:10 character; 90:10's only gonna get their armor scratched.
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As for my playing style, I tend to play around the (canon?) ratio of 85:15, though deviations do occur.

Same for me. Though I really could debate this (HAI KRAYZBRO<3), I probably shouldn't.

But yeah, it can get confusing at times; most especially during fights when a 50:50 character has to fight a 90:10 character; 90:10's only gonna get their armor scratched.

So y'all can have fun with your just-barely-not humans, cause squishy bits do not behave well under gravity.weeeeeee~



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Here are Nuju's thoughts on anatomy, taken from last season's GD topic:



1) I've decided not to incorporate an official anatomy into the rules next year. I gave this a lot of thought. Not only did I receive only about three entries - demonstrating a lack of player interest in having such a guide - but also, since the contest was proposed, I haven't seen any anatomical debates or issues arise in-game. In the past anatomy hasn't been a problem, and maybe it was just a problem for us for a little while; I hope we're able to move past it, because I would rather see players interpreting their characters themselves. Creative liberties like that are a staple of the game, after all.

The guide entries I got were all very in-depth and I could tell that their submitters had put a good deal of thought and effort into their entries, so to the few of you who actually entered something for this contest, I'm sorry to have wasted your time and energies. Thank you for your passion and thoughtfulness. With luck, writing such an anatomy has helped you crystallize how your own characters operate, so there's still some good out of it. Everyone, just treat your characters' bodies like human bodies when it comes to injury, and we should be fine.

Everyone, just treat your characters' bodies like human bodies when it comes to injury, and we should be fine.

Edited by Justin Bieber
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Maybe someone needs a reminder here...



If you are near, in, or around the Piraka clubhouse, you will notice that I am there, you know, sort of attacking it. Although the post got buried under 3 pages, it is still there, and I am beginning to get impatient.



-Insert deep message to prove I am alive here-

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Can I have a quick recap of the past week?

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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Maybe someone needs a reminder here...



If you are near, in, or around the Piraka clubhouse, you will notice that I am there, you know, sort of attacking it. Although the post got buried under 3 pages, it is still there, and I am beginning to get impatient.




A link to the post in question should be sufficient to attract attention.



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Can I have a quick recap of the past week?

HAHAHAHA. In about four hours you'll have a podcast. That sound good?


In regards to the anatomy discussion: I feel Nuju's ruling is a fair and just system. Despite my purist ideologies of thinking of my characters as entirely canon (or nearly) in creation, the need for a cohesive baseline during combat and damage is very useful.




I have the following incoming votes for this past week's characters:

  • Avak
  • Viima
  • Daikura Koga*
  • Vilda Soraph
  • JL

And for Players:

  • Toa Fanixe
  • Kughii*





* I don't vote in these since I make the podcast.

Edited by Kughii
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"Everyone, just treat your characters' bodies like human bodies when it comes to injury, and we should be fine."... except Matoran, Skakdi, and Vortixx have metal plating interwoven into their bodies. I mean, just look at them!


This only needs to be remembered for whenever there is a Magnetism or Iron elemental in the room.

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

1. 2. ...

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As for my playing style, I tend to play around the (canon?) ratio of 85:15, though deviations do occur.

Same for me. Though I really could debate this (HAI KRAYZBRO<3), I probably shouldn't.

But yeah, it can get confusing at times; most especially during fights when a 50:50 character has to fight a 90:10 character; 90:10's only gonna get their armor scratched.

So y'all can have fun with your just-barely-not humans, cause squishy bits do not behave well under gravity.weeeeeee~
Don't start with me boy.Anyway;At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how you consider your character. Their biology is still basically human for the purposes of combat. Odd? Only if you go by the canon perspective where, I should point out, no character ever suffered a specific injury anywhere between being healthy and dead. So really, there would be no basis to work from anyway.On the other hand, if you up the ratio of biology to mechanical components, everything makes much more sense. I was wondering how long it would take someone to realize that the question of reproduction was more or less answered by the Dasaka's presence.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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The question was answered in 2012 by a toa of water and a toa of gravity who started a family, owned an ash bear, and their best friend was gender bent. Oh. And the now departed mother's last words were something to the effect of, 'you can't eat me 'cause there's a baby in me.'


I, for one, found that to be a rather concrete in-game definition.

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