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BZPRPG - Ta-Wahi

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IC: Hakari - Le-Wahi Tunnel -


I gasped in horror, I would have poked his side, but I was currently holding on to him, plus I didn't want to further injure myself. "Oh yeah well...you...you have a beer belly."


It didn't matter if it was true or not, it was the best I could come up with on the spot.

Edited by A billion cats

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC:The Lesterin of Air chuckled quietly, both at the returned comment, and the sheer horror of his compatriot. "Perhaps I do at that. But either way, your comebacks could use a little work.""Perhaps you could work on them between sweet rolls."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Melna (Ta-Koro Gates)


"Yup" Melna replied with a somber smile. "I lived next to a couple of guys, one Matoran, Helios, and a Skakdi, Colx; also Gravity elementals like me. We're good friends, the three of us, stick up for each other. Helios became a Toa recently, so he's off on his own adventure, while Colx is "holding the fort". He was the one who taught us how to fight and survive on our own, and now we stay in touch via mail"

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IC: Hakari - Le-Wahi Tunnel -


"Hmmm, maybe..." I mused. I fidgeted a little, though that made the aching in my neck a little worse so I stopped.


"Are we there yet?" I hadn't been really paying attention to the passage of time, being in a dark tunnel made it a little harder to tell. But I figured we had to be close to the exit by now.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Hakari - Le-Wahi Tunnel -


I could see sunlight up ahead! The glorious sunlight! I didn't know I could miss something I saw everyday so badly. I could feel myself gain a small bit of energy even from the small amount of light.


OOC: Hakari and Rerin to Le-Wahi

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC:Liacada felt the electricity running through her as she fell back against the ground and skiddedw across the tough rock surface. With a rough push, she threw her enemy off of her. She could feel the heat on her mask, and it was more comforting to her than a big, warm hug from a stuffed animal. Okay, weird simile, but you get the point- the area was hot. And she fed it. Oh, with all her heart she fed it. Soon, Selchzar would start sweating. Then, he would get a killer headache. Pretty soon after that, he would get thirsty, and that was just one of the symptoms of the heatstroke he would start feeling. Leaping to her feet, she clapped, and the heat swarmed on him like bees.The oppressive heat seemed to envelop Selchzar like a warm blanket, but it soon began to feel more like a couple tons of fur and warmth than a mere blanket. The heat had a weight to it, as well as a sort of burning sharpness. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself as his vision blurred a bit and his headache grew, but that made it worse- it felt like breathing in fire, and his lungs seemed to tighten in agony. Clutching his head he fell to his knees, watching the world swim in front of him as if he was underwater. This was what burning alive felt like. “Life sucks, doesn’t it?” Liacada offered.Selchzar’s growl shaped into words. “I suppose- it’s all a manner of perspective, isn’ t it?”His own armor was scorching hot. Every move brought fresh waves of pain, but he managed to focus. His hand curled into a fist, and suddenly Liacada felt a force tug her feet abruptly forwards. She fell backwards into the loose gravel, cutting off her concentration and temporarily offering reprieve from the heat.Selchzar’s hands raised in a crooked sort of way, like he was controlling a puppet, and Liacada felt small points of pressure exert themselves in the most painful places- her eyes, her throat, the inside of her elbows, the back of her neck… a surprisingly painful move considering how little force was pushed behind it.A grin crawled along the Toa of lightning’s face. “For instance, I find life to offer all sorts of new and exciting ways to kill people.”"...I would give you a taste of your own medicine..." She pulled out her sword, heat still increasing, and leapt towards him and swung at his shoulder. "...but medicine is for doctors, and doctors heal..." She activated her shield, not without a great deal of concentration. "...and that's not really what I have planned." She didn't know if the shield would block his mask, but she sure hoped so.Selchzar hissed and raised his thin, spider like hands in front of him, increasing his telekinetic push through her shield. His mask was a tricky thing, and not as easy to avoid as a swing of a sword. He dodged that easily and simply, a mere scurry to the left, but her heat was increasing too. He could barely think, and what little thought he had was spent pressing hard on Liacada’s pressure points. At this moment, it seemed the battle would be one by the person who could last the longest.And unfortunately, Selchzar didn’t think it would be him. He howled in pain as his armor grew hotter, the pain channeled into increasing his telekinesis.But he couldn’t stand another second of the heat.Her knees gave way, but she didn't let up, a clenched fist pointed in his direction. "Y-you know...you're kinda l-lucky," she choked out, "the daughter of X-xa-Koro doesn't often l-let her opponents l-live."With an unearthly howl, Selchzar let loose everything he had. Telekinetic blows battered Liacada from inside her armor, and ozone crackled menacingly for a second…BLAMUnnatural thunder echoed across Ta-Wahi as Selchzar emptied out his elemental reserves in one spectacular blast. A flash of white lightning lit up the surrounding area, and when his vision returned, the spindly lightning Toa found himself lying on his back, the front of his armor scorched black. He had been thrown back far- a small crater marked where he had been standing moments before.Selchzar felt a strange emptiness beneath his head, and a small tilt of it revealed that he lay at the very edge of the canyon he had recently thrown an innocent Matoran into. The lava river lazily wound it’s way across the rocks far beneath him.He growled gutturally, and looked up to see what had become of Liacada.Liacada screamed, bits of lightning running through her, rattling her bones and sending pain all through her body. The heat in the area all returned to normal. Just as the electricity faded, a troop of Ta-Koro's guards rushed in and pointed spears at Selchzar and Liacada. The latter pulled a badge out of her pocket- consulting detective -and all moved towards Selchzar.In short, he was in a tight spot.He had nothing left in him- burnt out with his elemental power, mask power, and physically. “I see you’ve brought friends, little girl. More meat…” his voice was dry and shaky. His eyes slid over the dozen spears pointed his way. With a growl he flung himself at one of the guards, but he was slow, and the butt of the spear caught him in the stomach and pushed him back onto the rocks.Another growl escaped his lips, but his muscles relaxed, and suddenly he looked at peace.“Thank god you’ve won.” he said, still in his unhinged tone of voice. “You’re stopping a monster. Killing me will be a great service. I don’t deserve to live, do I? I’m going to kill so many, and I just can’t stop myself. It’s all better this way. Don’t you desire to end me?”Selchzar was addressing everyone and no one, all the guards and Liacada alone. “Let the world be free of one more killer…” he breathed, closing his eyes.The next sound was the clashing sound of metal......as her sword slid back into it's sheath. She had put her weapons away- obviously, she was done with him. Standing up, she leaned against an outcropping."Not my place." She spoke softly, walking away.“No…“NononononoNONONO!“I’m a threat, don’t you see? I have to die! You don’t have a choice! This is your destiny, girl! I can see it clear as day! You are to be a killer, but a righteous one! KILL ME LIKE YOU KILLED WHENUA YOU GIRL! KILL ME! KILL ME!”Selchzar’s frantic thrashing was held down by the stoic Ta-Koro Guards.With a grin, she closed her eyes. "Why, I have no idea what you're talking about." She seemed unphased by his yelling, turning once again and continuing on her path.Selchzar screamed and flailed and roared under the guard's staffs, but to no avail. His threats and pleas echoed uselessly off the rock as Liacada disappeared from view.OOC: Thanks, Visaru.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC:[Commercial District, Ta-Koro]Yes, Lucira thought, but she said something else.


"Supposing you are telling the truth. It's still important that you come with us, as you're a valuable witness. And anything your doing to the store, however innocent, could cover up valuable evidence that could help the guard determine the cause of this Toa's death.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Akata


"Of course" Akata said, surprised that his lie worked as well as it did, "Anything to help the Guard." No matter how well his lie was working, it wouldn't last forever. Because he thoroughly cleaned off his staff, it wouldn't stand out from all the other piles of weapons it was with, which he was thankful for. But he would need to escape before they uncovered any other evidence. Akata knew he would not be able to take on all the guards at once in combat, but there were other ways. A plan formed in his mind, and he began working. While he asked questions, he remembered.


He thought back to Le-Wahi, and the variety of plants he came across there. He found one plant in particular, a Vuata Maca tree. Usually, Vuata Maca trees were used as an energy source in the Koros. However, every now and then one could get poisoned. Akata was lucky enough to come across a poisoned Vuata Maca sapling, and absorbed it. Akata learned from a Rahi Trapper that the toxin from a poisoned Vuata Maka tree slowly leeches the energy out of almost anything it touches, and if consumed, can render the victim unconscious for days. However, it has a very delayed reaction, and wont take effect until about an hour has passed, and it can be cured with ground Vuata Maka crystals, but those were hard to come by.


"So, what will become of me?" He asked, getting ready to recreate the toxin when the moment was right.


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OOC: Yeeeaaaaaah, I'm really sorry for not posting recently. Been busy with exams and my days get filled pretty quickly with other things. Anyways, here I am, back for good :) Let's get this adventure started.


IC: Day


"That's a good question."


Unlike a certain someone, Day's arrival attracted no attention whatsoever. In fact, he went completely unnoticed for a few seconds. Spotting the two from afar before they could even catch glimpse of him, he vanished into thin air, only to reappear several feet away from them. Excitement was aglow in his eyes, accompanied by a casual smile typical to the Toa, his share of supplies resting in a bag hanging from his back.


What a strange feeling it was; one moment he's sitting in a bar, indulging in self-pity and now here he was, at the gates of Ta-Koro, ready to set off on an adventure with what he could consider complete strangers. It was so spontaneous it was almost absurd. Which is exactly what gave the idea so much appeal.


That and his life needed some spice.


"I'm thinking Onu-Wahi...unless you guys are afraid of the dark and if that's the case, all the more incentive to go."

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IC: Stronin


Stronin decided that his new colleagues were a bit too quiet for his tastes. Back when Soli was still in charge of the forge, he had regularly conversed with her over a great number of strange anecdotes while they did their work. These two however, did not talk. At all. He may have liked their dedication to their duty, but it got a bit boring with nobody to talk to.


"So, what brought you here to Ta?" he asked, hoping to strike up a conversation once more.

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"Well I came here since, well Ta-Koro was the only place I had. Naturally I'd go live in another Koro, but I'd lived here long enough. Well not really that long, but since I was gone, things really have changed."


The metal was now flat, all it needed now was to be buffered, and sharpened. Before he walked over to the machine, he said, "The only thing is, ever since the Akiri came into office, this island has not been the same. If something big goes down, then they'll look into whether someone in the other Koro's did it. I've seen this happen before on my home island." He pauses then resumes.


"I having a sicking feeling that one day a civil war will breakout, and someone is controlling all of it. But, it's just nothing but a maniacal nightmare."


Then he asks, "So do they still host Kohlii matches?"



The Skakdi of Ice crouched upon the tallest rooftop in Ta-Koro. He looked upon the city, but not just any part of the city. He was looking at the detention facility where the criminals are held. He tunred on his X-Ray Vision, and looked inside it.


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OOC: No prob Wade -- glad to have you back. ^_^




"That's a good question."


One of Ta-Koro's friendlier shadows appears; understated as a wraith, excited as a school boy. Suppressing a shudder of terror at his abrupt arrival (as well as the fragmented memory of a sunrise interrupted under unnervingly similar circumstances), I give him a cursory glance and an emboldened grin.


"I'm thinking Onu-Wahi...unless you guys are afraid of the dark and if that's the case, all the more incentive to go."


His eyes twinkle like embers in the gloom at the sound of his own quip, and my smile suddenly grows slanted, jokingly exasperated. "Well, how can I say 'no' to an offer like that?"





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The Skakdi looked inside the fortified building. He saw Toa and Matoran walking around in there. Some where sitting down, which he knew they were prisoners. The problem with looking inside big buildings, is that it's sometimes hard to find the men you are looking for. But he found nothing of interest, so he proceeded to climb down the building.


As he walked the streets, he tried not to draw attention to himself. No matter where he went trouble always found him for no apparent reason. He kept his eye solely on the road in front of him.

Edited by Flaredrick: the Sniper


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IC: Melna (Ta-Koro Gates)


"I'm thinking Onu-Wahi...unless you guys are afraid of the dark and if that's the case, all the more incentive to go."


"I like the way you think" Melna said with a mischievous smirk stretching across her Kualsi. She rose from her seat next to Lux with an enthusiastic sort of grace that was hard to pin down.


She put her hand to her chest, cleared her throat, and delivered a little verse.


Over Mount Mangai, a path so warm

To tunnels deep, so dark, so worn

Whose darkness may frigthen the weak and weary

But not those who find few things scary

And so it shall be said, that a bond was forged

And a quest was made, to the deepest gorge


OOC: B-)

Edited by Geardirector

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IC(Liacada-Angelus's Office)


When the Toa of fire stepped in the room, she still had a kind of limp going on. Though mostly fine, she had some mild burns about her, though specifically on her forearms (which had been raised in protection of her face. As she entered the HQ and continued on to Angelus's office, she noticed him hurrying out.


"What's up, Captain?" she said in the same way as she would a pet name instead of a respected title.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Teravix


Teravix wandered the streets of Ta-Koro trying to sell any of his clockwork contraptions, and failing. He had hardly sold even one wristwatch, and even then he had to cut the price down. If he didn't start selling, he wouldn't have any widgets left to buy food. Disappointed, he left Ta-Koro, hoping to find more business in another Koro.


OOC: Teravix to Po


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I'm temporarily caught off-guard by Melna's short song -- for a moment or two after she finishes, I even remain in stunned silence, my mouth just slightly agape. Her words are heartfelt, laced and held together with passion and excitement. They cut a sliver of light in the gloom and fear over the island.


A smile creeps back onto my face. "Wow; now that was impressive."





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IC: Stronin


"Nothing bad's gonna happen," said Stronin flippantly, leaning back against the wall. "Trust me; people don't want a war."


He sighed, looking up at the ceiling.


"Kolhii eh? I think they're running a tournament later his week. Been a while since I've seen one ... so ..."


A smile.


"Tell you what, I'll bring you two to see the match. It'll be something new."

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He gave a smile, then it sorta turned sly with the angle his head was tilted. "I heard the Patron of Kohlii doesn't do any matches any more, though I have no idea if that is true."


He then began to buffer the blunt metal with the buffer machine. As soon as the metal was good enough, it would be on to sharpening.


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IC: Melna (Ta-Koro Gates)


"Wow; now that was impressive."


"Thank you" Melna replied with a surprisingly humble tone and did a very short bow.


"We could be band, the three of us, you know" she continued "between your awesome piano skills and my vocals. And Day could be the dark and tortured soul that makes all the girls go ga-ga"


"Well; one thing at a time, I guess"

Edited by Geardirector

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Akiri Nuparu Posts:

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"Actually I was talking about the other patron. The one that became an Akiri." He looked at the metal to see if it was ready for sharpening. There was still one imperfection that stuck out, so he continued to buffer it. "Though I don't know who's the one that went down into Kini Nui."


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OOC: Dark and tortured soul that makes all the girls go ga ga? :P


IC: Day


"Dark and tortured soul? I was thinking more along the lines of pocketful of sunshine." Day joked, a casual grin playing on his face despite how close Melna was to the truth.


"I'll keep in mind that you girls are into that stuff though."


Oh and have a wink with that.


"Who knows, maybe you'll have a song by the end of this."

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IC: Stronin


"Never really considered Hewkii to be a patron of Kolhii," replied the Toa of Iron. "A good player? Yes. Patron? No way."


"And as for the guy who went down and disappeared? I thought that was common knowledge, but I'll humour you: he was Toa Pohatu, who can be considered one of the greatest Toa in history."

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As he finished the buffering he asked, "And Pohatu was a Toa of Mata Nui. Maybe when I head to library I can learn more of the Toa of this island."


Before he started the sharping machine, he asked, "I bet Pohatu was great. The only thing I can imagine is that he had great leadership skills and valor for his people.


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IC: Krii


Po-Koro was a different kind of heat. It baked from above, sunlight causing most of the irritating sweat lines trailing across her armor. Krii felt in an oven from miles away, her body cooked from the sheer heat of the volcano the city of flame rested against. She was in artahka. Krii loved the heat. It made her head clear the way a bucket of cold water alleviates drunks in alleys. Pushing her way past the merchants entering for a day's drink at the Lavapool Inn, she stepped inside, a bold silhouette in the doorframe.


"I'm looking for a toa of lightning named Sucogu." Her words were stumbled, with a thick skakdi accent.


OOC: Dovy, you're CUE my good man.

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IC: (Perkahn, Lavapool Inn)

Perkahn, meanwhile, was killing time at the inn. He wasn't drinking - he did that rarely nowadays, usually because he never seemed to have a need to drink, at all. Upon Krii's entry, he rapidly scanned his memory for a Toa called Sucogu, and just as rapidly came to the conclusion that he had never met such an individual in his life.


This individual, however, posed several questions, not nearly the least important of which was what she was doing in Ta-Koro. With the rising tension between the villages, Perkahn found himself slowly becoming suspicious of travellers. Especially well armed ones.


"Who are you? Where do you come from?" he asked, awhile later.

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IC: Krii


She stared at the larger toa sitting on a barstool farther in who'd spoken up. She couldn't make out much through the haze of smoke and bodies moving around pool tables. I'm good at that game, she thought mildly as a memory resurfaced of her cleaning the table after breaking. Stepping inwards, Krii nearly tripped over herself on the doorframe. She brushed herself off and moved closer.


"I'm Krii," Krii said; "You should get those burns healed properly," she added as her vision of the toa improved with proximity. She pointed at the nasty scars lacing his right arm, not knowing how rude she had been.

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IC: (Perkahn, Lavapool Inn)

To be honest, Perkahn rarely even remembered that those burns exist. They did not affect his wellbeing in any way, and at first, he didn't even get what the girl was talking about.


"They're for life, I'm afraid. Anyway, this Sucogu fella you're looking for. Describe him, will you?"

Edited by Lithuanian Lightning
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IC: Krii


"Are you sure," Krii pieced together. It was obvious she wasn't speaking her native tongue. "Kanohi Sana can remove scars. Sucogu is like you: big man, tough face, lots of muscles."


She tapped a finger to her lips, realizing the description fit most of the bar's current patrons.


"Toa of lightning."

Edited by Kughii
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