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BZPRPG - Ta-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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OOC: Hey, Let's wrap this fight up in the next few days! Perkahn can go his happy way, and Krii will be heading to a special "date" with misfortune, teehee. :evilgrin:


IC: Krii, Ta-Koro Plaza


Matoran walked about the two duelists as they entered the plaza from the Inn's wooden door. Krii glanced about in a neutral stance as she walked; the scythe's blade scraped on the ground like fingers across a board, creating an exodus of beings shuffling from the noise. The two toa of iron stared at each other from halfway across the ash-covered pavers. She smiled, then rocketed forwards with her kakama, the blade of her spring-scythe a whirling beast as it clashed and parried Perkahn's dense bat. She hammered away, using thrusts, slashes, and swipes with the staff to keep him backing up toward the buildings themselves.


Just a little more; she thought, keeping him cornered under the fury of her blows, then coughed as the flat of Perkahn's sword made contact with her gut. It held briefly, a dramatic pause as his muscles flexed in their chorded bundles of raw strength. Then with a burst and a stream of blood, Krii sailed across the plaza like a ball, her body skidding across the cobblestones on the far side. Her weapon clattered to the ground just out of reach, a hand placed across herself as she doubled over, retching. Something had broken, but what worried the young toa more was the sticky liquid dripping through her fingers.




IC: Mita and Greased Lightning; Ta-Koro

I see the world through broken glass,

And wonder how this came to --

“Wait, time out... Am I supposed to strum or pick the opening?”

“Just hold the chords, but use your finger to play the notes. Like this...”

“OH, okay. I get you.”

I laughed then, feeling Hau’s furrowed brow as he watched Naara and I communicate in halting sentences, our fingers finding more in common than our voices. She watched me play the phrase, nodding as each chord was placed smoothly in the pocket, each tone ringing out clearly with succinct acoustics in our disheveled flat above the main plaza. Not being able to understand the motions we made was confusing to the Toa of Electricity. His pouting lips and irritating toe-tapping (light, bass drum sounds), making obvious his haste to start in earnest. Naara played the section over a couple times; I nodded when she did it right and swung back around on the swivel stool to face my lead sheet.

“Let’s try it again, from the head,” I said. Naara acquiesced and Hau rolled his shoulders, a few distinct cracks. The sound of deep breathing, she and I looking into each other’s eyes. There was a connection there -- tempo, timing, worlds of readiness connecting and speak with music.

We’re the Kings and Queens of a new generation,

Raising our cups to those who made it so,

Our voices floated softly out the window and into the city of flame. The railcar trundled past with a bump and a roar, a rush of sound and grease and the cracking of electricity in the wires. I gritted my teeth to the wrenching sound, letting Naara carry the vocals for a bar before flowing back in, my soft soprano layering with her sultry alto.

We get everything laid in their declaration,

But where did they go?

Hau blinked as I caught his eye beneath the dark grey of his ray-bans. On cue, our tempo doubled, and he began to let out a flow of electrically synthesized drum sounds, the rapping of rim-shots filling the air, while the deep bass sound of thunder clouds kept us chugging through the measures. His voice filled the room as he picked up the lead, taking the lyrics in his hands in a way only Hau could. I had to stifle a laugh with each attempt at the “r” sound he made, a warbling sound indistinguishable between “l” and “r.”

Deserts of Po provide a general road,

winding through my life,

The heat of Ta keeps our love hot,

and burning through the night,

And wherever I go I can feel the light, (The Light, Naara and I sweetly vamped)

Cause tonight’s the night and we don’t have to fight, (To fight)

So raise your mirror and throw it down,

Cause to look back on the past just won’t work out right now.

I laughed, letting the final chord hold, vibrating through our apartment. “Chorus,” I said without need, and we kept our pace.

We got a past to share,

And a world out there,

Freedom casts it light and despair,

Runs away,

For another day...

We got a past to share,

And a world out there,

Freedom casts it light and despair,

Runs away,

For another day...

Feel the wind whip our faces,

Flying HIGH on the zephyrs of life.

From the sockets of my mask I see the world,

On my own terms -- it’s only right, (Naara hit the break a little early; Hau got it right.)

Sometimes we justify ourselves with laws,

But what matters is our feelings,

Cause the days just keep on turning,

And now I can’t stop yearning, ‘cause,

We got a past to share,

And a world out there,

Freedom casts it light and despair,

Runs away,

For another day...

The song came to a premature end as the shouted sounds of commotion jumped through the open window.

Edited by Kughii
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IC(Liacada-Guard HQ)Liacada caught the gum, popping it in her mouth and chewing."Thanks, Kino," she said with a smile, "I do love spearmint."

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC:"I have no interest, or time, for melodramatics."The Akiri of Fire replied, pausing long enough to look up from the papers on his desk. "If you have something to say, get to saying it. The pauses for dramatic effect are not necessary, nor are they welcome."


"If you're here to report a bombing, you're too late, report to the Investigative Corp. If you are here to report on the assassins of NEX, someone beat you to it, report to the Investigative Corp."

Edited by The Snark Knight



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC Kavala

(Ta-Koro, Jaller's Office):


Kavala's eyes widened. The Akiri of Ta-Koro turned out to be just like his reputation - firm, decisive and totally boring.


"Forgive me, sir. Drama is... a way of life for me", Kavala said. "So here's the story. An ex-guard of Ta-Koro was recently spotted in Le-Koro, teaming up with an Onu-Matoran. I spoke to them and they claimed to be adventurers. However, I overheard them talking about a great treasure and betraying Ta-Koro to Onu-Koro. The former guard is selling information about your defenses to Onu-Koro fudgitives. They are looking for a chance to invade your village as we speak. This former guard was a woman with a black Rau mask and a yellow body, except for the feet which were also black. I got the feeling she had left the guard very recently... you know who I'm talking about?"

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IC:"Tell me, Toa. Do you think me incompetent?"A single glance told Kavala that he had finally obtained the Matoran's undivided attention. But that glance also told him that he should have been very, very careful of what he wished for. Jaller clasped his hands on his desk, regarding the Toa with eyes gleaming with intelligence and will. The Akiri had not reached his position by being a fool, nor had he reached it through blind action. No commander can command without intellect.


"Don't bother answering that. Clearly you must if you expect me to buy a story built so haphazardly of nothing but Mahi dung." Without looking away from Kavala, his fingers closed around a single notebook, one that he opened on his desk, turning the pages to locate the one he sought. "I know exactly which guard you are referring to. I dismissed her myself, no more than three days ago.""A Ta-Matoran named Tuli, dismissed for being overzealous in her protection of the Koro. This is a Matoran who served Ta-Koro too fervently to be allowed to maintain her position. Psychological analysis called her almost fanatical in her devotion to her home. And this is the same Matoran you claim is selling secrets to Onu-Matoran." The Ta-Matoran sighed, shaking his head. "That is the first point in which your story falls apart.""The second is in the assumption that she has any secrets to sell. There are over a hundred beings in the Guards active forces. Less than ten percent of them no any secret that could in any way be damaging if they fell into enemy hands. What is she going to tell them? The names of the guards on her shift? The precise nature of a Ta-Koro training session? The ingredients needed to make a Furnace Salamander's Revenge?""She was a patrol guard. She knows nothing of any real consequence, even if I did believe you that she was trying to sell secrets. And Onu-Koro? Tell me; what does Onu-Koro stand to gain by assaulting Ta-Koro? Nothing. They are already the dominant military power on the island. They make more widgets than I could ever hope to see in their sale of Onu-Koroan technology. They make the most money by staying neutral, and forcing the other villages to pay them. What cause do they have to desire a village nested in lava? This place is too bright, and too hot, for them to live comfortably.""And," He said in exasperation. "I'm not even going to talk about the idiotic side details you threw in to make your story seem plausible. The devil is in the details, and no, that does not mean you should add more.""Next time you make a story, try and make it believable, hmm? Yours is full of holes, things that make no sense, and information you shouldn't have. Like knowing that Onu was intending to attack, or knowing that Tuli was recently dismissed. Nothing that you could learn through a random, chance encounter."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC Kavala

(Ta-Koro, Jaller's Office):


As always, due to his nature, Kavala didn't even raise an eyebrow at Jaller's comments.


"No sir, I do not think you incompetent", Kavala began. "In fact, a leader like you has to be able to get proof on stories like the one I just told you. You did wisely. However, I'm afraid you are mistaken here. Tuli..."


Kavala felt good about hearing the Ta-Matoran's real name. Back in Xa-Koro, Tuli had lied about her name. Not that Kavala hadn't realized that, for the Matoran had been an exceptionally poor liar, but finding out the real name had been troublesome.


"...may have been a fanatically devoted guard, but that is exactly why she has turned against her people. How do you think she felt about being 'dismissed' from the organization she loved and protected? I have been betrayed before, by someone I held dear. I can tell you that I felt anger back then, most of all. Tuli wanted to serve Ta-Koro and that duty was taken from her. She feels the need for revenge."


Kavala paused before continuing.


"You think Tuli doesn't have anything useful to share with the Onu-Matoran? You obviously ignore the fact that she is quite... talented with men. I doubt even you know all those guard members he has seduced in her time as a guard. Oh yes, I do know this. In fact, she had seduced the Onu-Matoran she was travelling with, and her reputation precedes her. Things like this can make any guard of high position spill secrets, don't you think? As for why Onu-Koro should attack you, it is to wipe out a powerful adversary, of course. You do command a strong military yourself, Akiri."


Kavala paused again. "I have been monitoring events a lot since the defeat of Makuta. I knew a new kind of threat threatened each and every Koro - each other. You do not have to believe my story, but that is your decision and you will have to deal with whatever happens based on your decision."

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OOC: I'm leaving abroad on Wednesday, so if we aren't done with this by then, someone blow up half of Ta-Koro or something like that and thus end the fight by proxy.


IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)

The Toa of Iron, sword tightly gripped in both hands, took a step forward and slowly proceeded across the courtyard to Krii, who was lying on the other side. Rebellion's tip, sharp as the mind of a Ko-Koronan hermit, descended to end up level with her eyes as Perkahn's expression remained unchanged - calm, confident, and somewhat tired.



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IC: Krii


"Raxvit," she cursed, letting the spit fly from her mouth onto the pavers. Her vision had started to blur, Perkahn's foot melting into the ground in a gray haze. His request to end was biting, had she really beat him by getting hurt? That didn't make sense, but then, nothing did in this crazy world of matoran. She nodded her head, letting the vertigo subside before she attempted to speak. Words formed slowly, metallic acid burning them as they left her lips.


"I accept your yield."

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IC: (Perkahn, Ta-Koro)


For a moment, Perkahn stood dumbstruck, failing to understand what he had just been told. A large amount of his brain seemed to have successfully interpreted and compressed the information, but refused to let him access it until like a few seconds later.


"It wasn't me yielding," he finally said. "I asked you to yield."

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OOC: I'm getting good at losing. :P Maybe it's a bad habit? Ah, whatever, I like keeping the story moving.

IC: Krii


"Why would... I..."


She stumbled, body shaking as the weight of her determination pushed against the ground, bolstering her up. Her mustard eyes burned with a wounded passion, a thin smile tacking in the wind of destruction across her youthful face, now twisted hideously by the pain of Perkahn's blow. She coughed, feeling the dry air rub against the raw protodermic skin inside her mouth. Her kakama was crooked, the four prongs around her mouth turned awkwardly in their holds on the inside of the kanohi. Krii didn't have bother correcting it. Slowly, she dragged herself into a kneeling position, using what strength remained to keep from falling over. Each new movement painted another cobble red, her pressed hand doing little to seal the cut.


"Korubien, vyanak-cur," Krii said, giving up on translating her wounded thoughts and jarring memories into a language the other toa could comprehend. As the toa blinked in confusion, she acted, taking his single time for one last attempt at mastery in the field of war. Dropping low, Krii rushed forward with her blood-stained kanohi, ramming her shoulder into the Perkahn in a desperate ploy for time. That was always the winning variable in fighting: time. She cursed herself for not having enough. With a crush of meeting bodies, Krii slumped to the ground, electrical energy coursing across the surface of her limbs. She seized, feeling the memory of a previous life riddling her frame, her body convulsing at the Perkahn's feet.


Where was she? It smelled of ash. Ash...


Ash and ozone and trees. The sun had disappeared behind the black clouds, leaving only the phantom light of a dark enemy slashing through the air, illuminating each moment with possible death. Who was he? The rattling of chains as she screamed, feeling her shoulder jarred by something sharp, as if someone had run into her in the night without apologizing. There was the blur as they fought through the wind, the billows of dead leaves rustling in passing, a storm of dust fogging her vision even more. Then the words. His brash voice, the voice she could never forget.








OOC: If you wanna' send her to a hospital, great. If not, I can timeskip her to health. :P Nice fight, btw.

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"Ser, as I said before, the devil is in the details."


"More specifically, in their lack of consistency. When you first entered, you did not know Tuli's name. You had a description, and a suspicion that she was recently expelled from the guard. In and of itself, that was believable." Jaller regarded Kavala calmly, never moving from his position as he spoke. The difference in size and power was vast, but from a glance, it was clear who held the power in the situation. The Ta-Matoran was displaying a level of calm more common to Ko-Matoran, a stark contrast to his normally fiery behavior. But to those who were familiar with him, the signs were clear; that fire was burning brighter than ever, hidden by a calm expression.


"But then, as you were pressed for details, your story evolved, Suddenly you knew Tuli's behavior, you knew what she had been doing to the Onu-Matoran, even though you imply that you've never met any of them in your life. And even beyond that, you act as though you understand Onu-Koro's military actions better than I. You went from an outside observer, to someone who understood quite clearly Tuli's behavior, and how she might have come by information, and why she might act as you claim.""You contradict yourself."


"But more than that, you are lying. You see, there are certain tells that indicate when one is lying. As a guard, an enforcer of the peace, I was required to have a rudimentary understanding of them. And when I began to take on diplomatic duties, I spoke with the head of the Investigative Corps. He taught me some of his more basic tools, to augment my own instincts," Jaller uncrossed his hands, raising his right hand to indicate the specific areas of Kavala's body.


"Your eyes have not stopped moving since you entered this room. They roam constantly, and they cannot remain fixed on my face for more than a certain duration of time. Your pattern of speech changed. When you first stepped into this room, you were confident, bold. Now you act like as if I am Mata Nui himself. You tread on egg shells, you speak with too much care. The pitch of your voice changed from how it was when you entered.""Combine these facts with your earlier contradictions, and the flawed evolution of your story to implausible levels, and you have every sign pointing towards a lie. You should have stuck with your simpler story." Jaller stood from his chair, clasping his hands behind his back, the calm demeanor vanishing, replaced by a look of dark annoyance. It was no longer the expression of a diplomat, it was the expression of a predator."Are you aware, Toa, that it is illegal to falsify information in such a serious matter?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Tayis from Ko-Wahi


IC: Tayis


He and Zieta eventually reached the Tren Krom break, the barrier between Ko and Ta-Wahi. After spending months in Onu-koro, and an unexpected overnight jaunt in the Ko-Wahi drifts, the heat coming from below felt rather unpleasant.


"Where do you want to start looking for this Vex guy then?" he asked Zieta, uncomfortably. He was trying to demoralise Zieta in the hopes she would give up on her kamikaze goals, but he was acutely aware that whether she knew it or not, Valuki had told him that Vex was in Ta-koro. He did not want things to get ugly.

Edited by Taipu1

- Taipu1.


HighFly Matoran


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OOC: What makes you think Kavala did any of those things?


IC Kavala

(Ta-Koro, Jaller's Office):


Kavala shook his head in confusion.


"Sir, you disappoint me. I did meet Tuli and her date in real life, didn't I mention that? We spent some long moments together, did I forget to mention that?"


Kavala took a short step forward, just for effect. "I am insulted by the lack of trust here. Do you really have any proof of me lying to you? Never in my life have I committed a crime and I would be a fool to start here and now. I'm not asking you to take my warning seriously, but I stand behind my words. If you feel good about ignoring the matter, I will leave you alone and not bother you again. The choice is yours, Akiri."

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IC: Baranx (Ta-Koro Guard HQ)


After his stint with Fehran, Baranx had decided to kill some time over at the guard's HQ by hitting the shooting range, and as he sent another arrow sizzling at the target, he spied a Toa, armor black as coal, enter Akiri Jaller's office. After a while he could hear both the stranger and the Akiri raise their voices considerably.


The Renouncer went up to the Ta-Matoran guarding the office door.


"You have any idea what's going on in there?" he asked.

Edited by Geardirector

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The secretary nodded, jotting down several notes on a piece of paper without taking her eyes off of the bearer of this news. "Understood. The right decision was made in sending you here. Has anyone secured the evidence, both from where Ramai was found, and from where this suspect was taken into custody?"


NPCIC: "We have guards making sure no one disturbed either the shop or the alleyway. We await the...um...experts."

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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I could recite the floor plan of the room like a formula. I knew the bars were spaced half a hand apart; enough to look out from and curse the world. The rectangular slab within served as a bed, a wooden bucket marked with the reek of detoxication. I knew everything dimensional based on the jangling of keys and ragged breathing, the uncontrolled twitching of her bloodied fingers and the slow repetitive banging of her head against the wall. I just couldn’t mention the view. She had been my world, my guiding focus of revenge for months, now behind bars by the hand of another. Only problem was I couldn’t see her.

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OOC: Those are psychological tells common to every person on the planet that often occur when lying. The change in speech was evident in the posts, that I did not infer. The movement of the eyes was the only thing I added, as it is a likely, and valid, reaction to the telling of a lie. And combining even one of those tells with Kavala's frankly suspicious story is enough to indicate a lie.IC:The instant Kavala took his step forward, the door to the room flew open, the guards outside eyeing Kavala warily. It was almost as if they had seen the move, and reacted within moments of its occurrence. The Matoran manning the door took a step into the room, Baranx remaining the in the doorway for the moment. Jaller regarded Kavala calmly, with the ease of one who holds all the cards."Actually, ser, you did "forget" to mention all of those things.""Is there a problem here, sir?" The guard asked, resting his hand on the handle of his sword.


"Not at all. The Toa was just leaving."


IC:"Good." The secretary waved over one of the guards in the corner, pausing as the Matoran approached the desk. "Fetch one of the investigators, and have this man take both you and they to the site of the crime. Compile all of the evidence you find, and make a detailed sweep of the area."Turning back to the messenger, the secretary jotted something down on a piece of paper. "I'll have one of our specialists sent to the holding cell to question the suspect. Who was the arresting officer?"

Edited by The Snark Knight



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Baranx (Po-Koro Guard HQ)


Baranx's hand was resting at the hilt of his knife, still contained in its scabbard. It wouldn't be much longer if Kavala decided to make a scene. Despite his earlier stint about how his loyalty truly lay with The Renouncers themselves rather than the guard as a whole, Baranx was not about to let some malicious fool harm Akiri Jaller, his duty would not allow that, and Baranx did not mess around when on duty.

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OOC: I imagine Kavala as a hard, expressionless person, so I really doubt he would do all of those things...


IC Kavala

(Ta-Koro, Jaller's Office):


"Yes, I was", Kavala said, eyeing the guards. "I wish all of you a pleasant afternoon."


With a small bow, Kavala left Jaller's office.


And may Ta-Koro thrive on for all the years to come, he though, almost grinning at this. He kept his face straight, however, for that was how he had always done.




Outside, Kavala thought about his meeting with Jaller. It hadn't gone how he had planned it, but it had not been a total failure either. Not that Jaller believed Tuli to be a traitor of his village, but at least Kavala had learned her real name through this. In addition, he had most certainly planted some seeds of uncertainty in Jaller's mind, if only about Kavala himself. That would be advantageous for him in the end.


Kavala considered his options and decided to go to Onu-Koro next. He ignored the suspicious guards looking at him as he departed. Kavala had a questionable reputation on all of Mata Nui. Many suspected him to be responsible for many horrible crimes, but no one had ever been able to prove his involvement in anything evil. That was because, no matter what Kavala did, he made sure there were no leads left behind.


And so Kavala entered the Ta-Onu-tunnel, looking forward to a scene in Onu-Koro.


OOC: Kavala to Onu-Wahi.

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IC:"I know you heard all of that, so I'm not going to waste my breath explaining." Jaller said to his guard, as he sat back down at his desk. "I want messengers sent to Ga, Ko, Onu, and Le immediately. Kakama users, all of them. I don't care if you have to contract private workers to do it or not, just get it done. Onu-Koro has priority, followed by the others.""The messengers are to carry a message informing all four not only of the bombing, but also of the attempted ruse that took place here today."The Matoran nodded, hurrying down the hall. The first messenger was found easily; Ta-Koro always had couriers at the ready, including Kakama users, but not all of them were always present. There were three at the ready when he arrived, enough to get the messages to Ga, Le and Onu done in no time. Ko would have to wait, but Matoro wasn't foolish enough to take action hastily. "You three! The Akiri needs you to carry a message. Now."***********************************************************Minutes later, the three were off. One speed out of the gate and through the Charred Forest towards Ga-Koro, another darted towards Le-Koro, and the third speed down the tunnel, passing Kavala as he went, towards Onu-Koro.OOC: Messengers to Ga, Onu, and Le.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: Baranx (Ta-Koro Guard HQ)


Baranx threw Kavala a death glare as he left, and remained in his spot as the Akiri gave his next orders to send couriers to warn the other villages about the swindler, and a recent bombing.


After all was said and done, Baranx decided to get back to work, and gave Jaller a most well-deserved salute.


"If you need anything else, I'd be happy to help, if not I think I'll return to the shooting range"

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"Captain Ragso led the raid, Ma'am. Though I believe the arresting officer was um...an Officer Lucira."

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC:There was a long pause from the guard, as he examined her, searching for any signs that she was not who she claimed to be. Eventually, he nodded, and turned to lead her deeper into the city. "Apologies, ma'am, but we'll have to go on foot. Normally I would direct you to the monorail, but some fool bombed it."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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No sooner did she get past the first knock, the door was opened. Jaller held the door open as the Po-Matoran entered, entirely silent as he returned to his position behind his desk. His expression was carefully neutral, though he did maintain a relatively friendly air. But as he stood in front of his chair and pondered how to proceed, a note of confusion became clear. He gestured to the chair in front of his desk."Please, sit down." The Akiri sank into his own chair, eyebrows slightly raised. "I must admit, a visit from a Po-Koroan representative, let alone the Captain of their Sentinels, was the last thing I expected when I awoke this morning. What brings you to Ta-Koro?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC:Jaller's eyebrows climbed up another fraction of an inch, as he tapped the fingers of one hand against his desk. After several long moments, he clasped his hands again. "If you are asking whether or not I employ beings who's abilities could theoretically be used for such a purpose, yes. If you are asking whether or not I employ agents that are actively tasked with that role...""No. Such things would be counterproductive to keeping the peace on the island."

Edited by The Snark Knight



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC:At the last sentence, Jaller became as still as death, eyes zeroing in and fixing on the Po-Toa seated before him. The confusion faded away instantly, replaced by hard intellect, and a growing suspicion. After a pause, he began sifting through the papers on his desk, searching for the one in question. A moment later, he pulled out a large folder, and began turning the pages to find what he was looking for."Pardon me for derailing the topic, miss, but did you say sabotage?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Tera nodded, raising one eyebrow. "Yes, I did. I heard of the monorail, but I don't think even he would be capable of that...""I bring this to your attention because my duty is to the people of Po-Koro, not to the Akiri. And any acts against the other Koro's..."Tera shook her head. "They'll be the ones who suffer from a war."

No such thing as destiny.

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IC:"No one here wants a war. However..." Jaller paused, holding the folder in a single hand. "What I'm about to tell you is classified higher than you can imagine. Clearance for this is limited to myself, and my department heads. I'm going to show it to you because I want to be able to trust you. I would not recommend proving me wrong."The Ta-Matoran set the file down on the desk, turning it to face Tera. Inside was a detailed report, and sketches, of what was found at the scene. Description of the type of explosives, theory on the trigger, the exact level of damage done, it was all there. And what stood out from all of it was the diagram of the machinery found in the rubble.


"The Investigative Corp. dug that out of what was left of the explosives. It was planted over an hour before the device went off. Photothermic powder explosives, they leave a lot of evidence behind. Whoever did this wasn't too smart, because pieces of machinery were found within the debris. The device was detonated remotely."

Edited by The Snark Knight



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Baranx (Ta-Koro Guard HQ)


Baranx felt like a cardboard cut-out where he stood by the door to Jaller's office. The new Akiri clearly didn't waste any time, and Baranx had to admit that it commanded a great deal of respect.


"I just wish I didn't have to hang around here all day" Baranx thought to himself. It was frustrating to be so inactive.


"I think I'll ask him for an assignment or post later"

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Jaller slowly picked up the report, scanning every line, every word, to ensure that he understood what had been put in front of him. It was an inventory sheet, listing a multitude of items and pieces of equipment, but more importantly, it listed Po-Koro's radios. Next to each one was a space for a signature, either Hewkii's or Tera's, and next to the thirteenth radio there was none. But it was missing just the same.


The Ta-Matoran didn't have to ask if the wreckage recovered matched one of their radios; Tera's reaction told him all he needed to know.


"I have some of my best men tracking the man who set the charges." He said finally, setting the inventory sheet back down, and looking at the Po-Koroan across from him. His eyes were glowing with restrained anger, a desire to act held back only by necessity. No matter how sure he was, he could not act without proof."But the important question is; where do you intend to go from here?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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