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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Portalfig

  1. I see a fire emblem avatar and I am quite happy

    1. Hitoshura
    2. Hitoshura
    3. Portalfig


      I am too, I just wish I had a device to play it on =(

  2. this is the part where I show up and MOM isn't it? MOOOM
  3. Hmm... So I guess you can't make it to both events? I don't really know anything about racing, but it seems to me that the first one would be best if you had to chose? Cause 6 hours with somebody who knows what they are doing seems more productive than two days of derping around? But I really don't know. If you could go to both I think that'll be ideal, but then I don't think you would have posted this blog if that was the case... Yeah, I don't really know. I guess I can see the 6 hour event being more productive overall, although much, much more stressful... *srughhh*
  4. I really liked Steins;gate I'll watch it. *nods sagely*
  5. Portalfig

    BrickFair VA? Hmmm.

    well if I was certain that I was actually going to be able to make it I would see about helping you out but it is realllly uncertain for me atm =/
  6. >Less than a week of inactivity >Host of Feudal Kingdoms calling my game dead Scene is literally coming tonight. *Snaps fingers* >le ebin meem arrow.I'm being triggered. Anyways, how is this thread up if this isn't a game? Because Wind is best mod and let us have this so we can coordinate all the games and such. =P
  7. *mind is blown* *ded portal rip*
  8. We had a discussion about this in mafia a while ago kinda. was one of the most prevalent IIRC Pretty weird, to be honest
  9. aight well I can tell you right now that onarax got my vote for next I guess it has been a very long while hasn't it, I just wasn't under the impression that onarax wanted to do it so much as he was willing to do it. so I started a bandwagon so we can just go and play some mafior but yeah so basically sorry onarax I will try and randomly start a bandwagon for you asap k
  10. Let's put our leet hazors skillz to the test. I say we hack the datapad
  11. Me POTOO... No? I'll see myself out then. *stands* *Claps wholeheartedly*
  12. that explains why I could never understand what MOPE and NOPE were I still haven't caught up with first carnival haha
  13. IDK, Raiden in Smash would be pretty cool. =P I voted for Neku though. Pls Nintendo Plssss
  14. woah cool I just want to thank the acadamy- *is shot* I'm just glad I didn't take that date with Envy *would be shot* *opens mouth* *has been shot* Well cool beans! Thanks to everybody who voted, it was fun to run The Matoran's Court and was fun to see what everybody came up with! I am looking forward to the next one! (especially if I can happen to not have an outside life and can, you know, actually run the second round of my game.)
  15. I just got back and had 0 clue what was going on so yeah that will be my excuse *nods*
  16. I mean we are kinda lynching the turaga atm in XXII (i think maybe? *Shrugggg*) which would probably be considered Lawful Evil. So nah I mean play good and stop lynching the good people. =P (and that sounds pretty dang cool QP haha)
  17. I would be much cooler with this announcement if it meant that the prices dropped. As it is I now have to buy like four of each set and that is just ridiculous!
  18. hmm alrighty, I'm intrigued. something where we like actually have to play good? I guess I'm cool with you hosting this sidegame, Vimes. *nods*
  19. It's been like 12 hours since Voltex's blog post about it, so here we go. You should go vote in G&T Contest 1. Because it was kinda the best. So go read all the games and the criterion for the games and such and go vote to your hearts content. (only works if your hearts content is one vote) woot woot party over hereee
  20. best game of all time 10/10 (for that matter, I always thought a sitewide mafia game could be cool haha) (too bad it isn't ever happening) =P
  21. This sounds pretty cool to me tbh If you still want input =P
  22. is it that close? oh finnneeeee Changing my vote from dragon.star to Shadowhawk
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