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Blog Comments posted by fishers64

  1. I think it's because we find chatterboxes tiresome. :P


    But really, we admire those people who are just able to pull things off without a lot of conversation. At the same time, we resent those people, because we don't have that ability. And those people who have that ability resent other people for getting in their way or because they can't "fit in" or don't even want to.


    Kopaka is a distant ideal. It's easy to ignore the effect his chilly attitude has on the other people and just relate to or admire the confidence.

    And that's not a really an either-or: I'm just breaking down the logic so I can present it. There are times when any given person can end up with Kopaka-like confidence, or not. I suspect most of us prefer the former. That's what makes the ideal so tantalizing - we experience it sometimes and wish it were true all the time.

  2. Sorry to hear that.


    I would advise not allowing this difference of opinion get to you, unless he is actively insulting or hurting your other relatives/friends with a different view. In the case of the latter, you're going to have to stick up for yourself and end the friendship. Be respectful about it.


    I would also suggest talking to an adult you trust who is not involved in this issue. It's valuable to get a wise and unbiased third opinion.

  3. Have you guys made any strides in the color purple? I've seen purple in a considerable number of new sets, so I'm wondering if there's anything behind that (new science, heightened demand, market research, etc).

    What happened to the the purple HF hero idea?

    light grey 9 volt Bionicle monorails

    :lol: BZP's dream, I hear.


    I have something else unacceptable! There is no more B6! There is just ... Kopaka. B6 has changed his name!

    I can confirm the occurrence of this utter blasphemy.

    Sillyness aside, seems he has changed it back again. Oh well, there goes our hope for a "White Six".


    White Six doesn't exist. It's either Black Six or White Seven.


    Seriously through, I think the downtime was a word filter modification. Has anyone seen our favorite toyline's name anywhere?

  5. The contrast between the top banner, which is square, and the rounded things at the top of the categories is just off-putting. Making them all curved or all square would help.


    And DeeVee is right - those frame module blocks need to be slimmed down, because the contrast between the modern blocks in the center of the page and the old-fashioned blocks on the edges is annoying. While it doesn't look like a big deal now, it probably will be when the page is expanded in size. It might be better to design the news blocks more like the blocks on the sides.


    Still, I applaud the effort. Keep working on it, as a couple good tweaks will serve you well.

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