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Blog Comments posted by fishers64

  1. I advise, just read the paperback version. Reading the illustrated version will spark endless comparisons of illustrations to the movie visuals, the annotations will be just be distracting as you try to refresh your memory of the story...or whatever you're trying to do by reading it again.

  2. I suggest patience. The prices for these things do fall.


    I advise against a Microsoft tablet, because the operating system for anything PC isn't streamlined and is somewhat tempermental. That's okay for a full-featured computer that can be maintained, defragged, etc. Not so much for a tiny, limited tablet.


    Android is probably pretty good. Test the thing out if you can though (like in a store), because multiple companies make things for Android and the quality varies. That will also avoid the shock of thinking that you had more screen than you did.


    I have an iPad (:evilgrin:) off a scholarship from my university, so keep your ears open for an opportunity to get a tablet for free or discounted. I will admit that the iPad isn't for everyone, and has some downsides, like a lack of USB ports. And the price.

  3. Paleo, on , said:


    Glad to see you're a Trekkie.

    (Kirk is better than Picard)


    Black Six, on , said:


    I think we all know that Captain Sisko is the best.

    Kirk is the best.


    Undoubtedly. Hats off to James T.! :lol:


    I was on a couple writing websites before I joined BZP - one crashed, the other still running...but I haven't found a better place for discussion of that stuff, really, than here...I mean, for Bionicle writings.

  4. I agree with these people on the event adding, to be honest - it's more of an incentive to actually try to get to OBZPC status, and it prevents the calendar from being a cluttered-up resource hog. 


    I do think the RSVP and comments, if enabled, should be open to all members. :evilgrin: I'm not sure if comments should be enabled, however...*thinks of losing posts in contest topics to the system*

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