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Blog Comments posted by fishers64


    Everyone deserves respect. Period.

    No. Not true. When someone supports a perspective that dehumanizes, oppresses, or outright opposes the very existence of a group, they don't deserve even the barest modicum of respect.


    Then you should keep your big mouth shut. Dehumanizing, oppressive, and nasty people will continue to exist, and opening your mouth won't change them zip.


    People who are like that feed off attention. They love to voice their stupidity in order to attract attention, even when that attention is another irate person they've ticked off. When people stop telling them off, they will learn that saying stupid things doesn't get them attention anymore, and they will shut up.


    If you don't respect them, then they don't deserve your time or attention. Spend time with people who don't treat you like gum stuck on the sidewalk, and you will not be treated like that anymore by anyone.


    And I don't appreciate being told that everyone who says that "everyone deserves respect" has never been oppressed. I have been oppressed for who I am, my interests, my career choices, even liking Bionicle, of all things. Does that give me the right to yell and inflict torture and punishment on those who have oppressed me? No - because doing so is allowing them to affect me, to make me grouchy and depressed, and to take away my ability to pursue and work for the things that I can about. They don't deserve to take up my time, even if it's 30 seconds to tell them off, much less cause me emotional pain - I don't have to let them. Forgive and move on.


    Keep going. Walk on, stand tall, and be confident in who you are. Until you are proven wrong, then learn from it, accept what is right, and keep going.

  2. Everyone deserves respect. Period.


    However, if what you're saying is totally insane, you persist in your insanity despite my carefully reasoned arguments, and no amount of logic will convince you, I reserve the right to leave the debate (or not to enter it in the first place). People cannot be controlled.


    However, I'm open to the fact that I could be wrong too, and frequently reevaluate my positions in debates based on information the other person gives me, check it against reliable sources etc.

  3. fishers left. It died. :P


    iBrow left, cause of like schoolwork or something. It exploded and turned into a nuclear wasteland. :P


    Yeah, I used to be reeaally active down there yonder abouts. It used to be a really active place, thanks to iBrow, Toa Zehvor MT, Hubert, and I even wrote a comedy or five and was part of the CCC for awhile. I look forward to getting back there with my new work and stuff, but it just keeps getting put off because I have too many other things I have to do. :(


    IMO the Library was sluggish even when the website was real active. I started a reviewing campaign to try to deal with that, but when the critics clubs started their charity reviewing initiative, I finally let my boredom with some of the Library's work to get the better of me. Not to mention the infamous "BZP Library Discussion Topics" which turned into Comedies vs. S&E wars, i.e.Comedies need an overhaul because they're not up to Short Stories and Epics quality. None of that was anywhere close to productive.


    I approve of the contest. I'm not sure that I'll enter it, mostly because I tend to get involved in everything, and it would probably best to give some people some breathing room.

  4. Yeah, I'm still waiting for those too.


    I'm still waiting for my flying cars. Weren't we supposed to have those, like, two years ago?

    This. Although they do exist, but they aren't commercially viable yet.

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