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King Joe

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Everything posted by King Joe

  1. But that already happens in the game :|What she's saying is that she (he?) wants there to be another purpose. On a related note...FINALLY PRE PURCHASED SONIC GENERATIONS FROM STEAM! TOMORROW I CAN PLAY IT! WHOO HOO!
  2. Granted! But you get no more wishes.I wish that wasn't so easy... I didn't have to think at all...EDIT: STINKIN NINJAS!!Granted, The plane of existance has complete control over you. And Nuju don't like you.I wish I had a pizza of normal size and shape that wasn't burnt that I could eat.
  3. I think I did, but it really seemed that time just reset (minus a small tear in the space time continuum).OHEY! It's the coon again.EDIT! BLAST THOSE NINJAS!!!!Excercise.
  4. From what I heard, it's applyable. You don't need to put the homing attack on on classic sonic if you don't want to. But hey, we know where he learned it now!
  5. GRANTED! You can shapeshift. Into a dead raccoon. Unfortunately, you can't shapeshift back.I wish I could control Energy and had complete control over my control. (CONTROLCEPTION!!!)
  6. A banner for a sprite system, A poll, a quote, and BZRPG Characters. Don't call Fezpocalypse a rodent! He is above such labels!NOOOO! YOU SAID THE NAME! YOU JUST FIXED THE SPACE-TIME CONTINUUM IN YOUR COMICS, THEN YOU SAY THE NAME AGAIN! TOTAL EVENT COLLAPSE!EDIT: NInja'd. TWICE. Anyway, the raccoon who must not be named or else.
  7. YES! Ice cream is always more important than holes in the wall!
  8. Series 2? Already? Ah well, carve up your comics however you see fit. Anyway...I see there's a spacetime crack in your comics. Whoo hoo! This'll be fun!Something I noticed, and it may just be due to the kit you use, but your characters don't move much. They have one pose, and don't change much at all, and their expressions are stoic as well. Maybe you can shake it up a bit next time? And you can do wonders with expressions with just a few pixels around the eyes. Give it a shot!Good comic, not trying to shove you down or anything, just giving some tips!
  9. Actually it was Dr Giggles in the cloack and Jack o Lantern.Wait what? *Looks at past comics* Ohhhh.... *Facepalm*
  10. That's not good.... There's water leaking from a hole in the sky... Yay...
  11. UPDATE: For those of you who are like me and don't have an Xbox, PS3, or 3DS, and are planning to get Generations on PC through Steam, they moved the release date up a day. You now only have 1 day 9 hours to pre purchase and get Sonic 3 and Knuckles as well as Sonic 3D Blast.
  12. Watched an episode of TOS last night. Spock, when calculating things logically, you have to factor in the emotional response of others, otherwise it doesn't work.BTW, my favorite line from that episode was by Kirk. "So you reasoned it was time for an emotional outburst?" And Spock, he said yes. Wha? Not getting your logic there pal.
  13. I meant how his fight goes.How do you think it goes? Either Sonic will win, or Sonic will win, end of story. Whether it's Classic or Modern, Sonic wins. Always.And it snowed where I'm at, so guess what? I get to wear my Sonic beanie more! Feel the Sonic love man!
  14. Something either moving extremely fast and/or entering an atmosphere.
  15. You drown. In plastic building toys.I wish that I knew what to make for breakfast.
  16. Darn it! Didn't see the two new comics! The Hero Factory one was gold. And, wait, was that YOU in the cloak and Jack o' Lantern? *Goes to look at character sheet* GAAH! IT WAS YOU! NOW I'M SCARED!
  17. I hereby present: RZ HEDGEHOG!
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