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King Joe

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Everything posted by King Joe

  1. Currently, I'm enjoying TOS, with Voyager as second fave. Currently. Have yet to see any Enterprise or DS9, but I should get there. Someday...
  2. Sweeeeet. Gonna have to try to get that one too.
  3. Granted, but people bump into you a lot, and you get lonely being the last person to live through the apocalypse.I wish I could decide.
  4. Epic TRON rap that sums up the first movie, or at least it's climax, from TRON's point of view. Epic.
  5. OWAIT! You're handing him a piece of the funny papers... It was very subtle, I missed it.
  6. King Joe


    ... It seems to be exactly the same....
  7. Eh, not a bad start. Text is a leeetle hard to read, and the joke was lackluster. But that's how intro jokes go usually. I liked the field-nui part.
  8. WHOO HOO! I got some extra moneys, so with a little checking Sonic Generations may be a go! WAY PAST COOL!Also, I watched a full playthrough on the video site we all talk about but never name. Epic. (I'm not afraid of spoilers when it comes to games. Books and Movies, I have to do things right)
  9. King Joe

    The Sybre Kit

    That would be a good idea, as well as making the male and female bodies a bit more different as well. I had to look close to see the difference. Another thing I thought about was maybe you could try your hand at Matoran too. The bodies you have now look like Toa, I thought it would be nice to see some different sizes! Last idea, maybe try to make the feet point different ways too? Right now they're exactly the same, but flipped. People don't normally stand like that, both their feet point the same way.You're doing really great, and this looks like it's going to be a great kit!
  10. Intellegence... Not so much bliss. Also, trying to rebuid story topics, and is a female spitter of fire.
  11. Granted! It's corrupted in time! Oh you meant rhyme? Sorry.I wish that time and thyme didn't sound the same.
  12. Again, I am seeing a raccoon that causes a total event collapse, and blows up the universe, if his name, which is a combination of the words Fez and Apocalypse, is spoken. And oh hey! A banner for the comics I just referenced!
  13. I hope you have the cash ready for it soon, for your sake. I must find that $30 somehow! SOMEHOW! !!! I want to play that game so bad now!*goes to play Sonic R to satisfy his Sonic Itch till he gets $30.* I hope you have the cash ready for it soon, for your sake. I must find that $30 somehow! SOMEHOW! !!! I want to play that game so bad now!*goes to play Sonic R to satisfy his Sonic Itch till he gets $30.*Struck a deal with my mother, if I pass grade successfuly this year then she'll buy me a 360 Slim. I already have Arkham Asylum, War for Cybertron and Modern Warfare 2. LEZ DO DIS. Anyway, on-topic: Anyone else LOVE the hub area where you must fix the gears?That's a lot of games to have for a system you don't have yet and may or may not get with your next report card. Anyways, I went to gamestop, and they weren't open!Of all the things that could happen.This.Is.The.Worst.Possible thing! Looks like I'll have to wait til after lunch to practice my speedrunning and try out the co-op missions. I really hope Blaze is playable.It could be worse. What if you bought the game, took it home, and IT wouldn't open?Careful application of fire. It fixes everything.
  14. THE RACCOON DID IT! GASP! You might wanna change his name, so next time the universe doesn't explode. Maybe a raccoon named raccoon...
  15. King Joe


    I find it funny because it seems random. There is probably a deeper meaning.
  16. King Joe

    The Sybre Kit

    Better! This kit has a certain appeal to it... Maybe make some other poses?
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