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Everything posted by TERIDAX941

  1. I like the Kingdom universe version where Teridax has absorbed all his brethren and Takanuva, Matoro and Tamna (as a toa) fight him, and the only way to defeat him is for Matoro to be absorbed and fight him on the inside.
  2. To be fair, these were originally supposed to have the novelty of glowing in the dark, but that never happened. Yes I was very annoyed about that particular fact...
  3. My hands down favorite is Vezon (I love that guy) who has no powers of his own so the mask curses him with the normal amount of Skakdi powers (future-vision, & kinetic absorption) not to mention immortality. The curse for me? I don't know... maybe make me like a genie and I can give powers to people close to me? Or via touch, temporarily or permanently.
  4. Two days til I get my Great Huna! I think that's the 4 year mask?

    1. JAG18


      Three years, I know because I just got mine this past week. Either way, (early) congrats!

    2. TERIDAX941


      Oh right, cuz I started in 2014. Odd though, wasn't Metru Nui the 4th year of bionicle though? Thanks though!

  5. I finally rip the Krana off and hop onto the bandwagon with you, then using the conveniently placed Pakari I hurl you off, the wagon crushing you. My Mask!
  6. I tap you on the shoulder. When you turn I smash a krana over your face. While you're busy cleaning up the immediate area I sneak off with the mask. My mask.
  7. Well we know that Teridax knew what the Bohrok were eventually... not sure if he knew from the get go, or if he did a lot of studying and figured it out. Maybe he learned it from Mutran and his Tren Krom experience? Maybe the ones in Metru Nui were the backup groups, in case they ran into a big enough problem and a whole section of the swarms were taken out? It would appear that those under Metru Nui didn't awaken when the other Bohrok were needed to clean Mata Nui, because they were still asleep during Destiny War when Krakua awoke them, and by that time, the Mata Nui Bohrok had already finished cleaning the Island, and the Metru Nui inhabitants apparently didn't mention that those Bohrok had already been out and about. Well, he made the lock and key not necessarily the cage but I get what you're saying. Though I'm not 100% sure about how the Bahrag would communicate with the Kal. They were designed with the entire purpose of functioning without the Bahrag's guidance, (that's the entire reason the swarms were disabled in the first place, the cage cut off the mental link with their Krana). Now the Ca-Kal had the ability to sense their minds and was directly linked to them, so that they could sense their presence, but I'm not sure if that allowed communication. Also it appeared that the Bahrag went into a sort of hibernation after being locked because the entire purpose of the Xa-Kal was to reawaken the queens which according to the book and comic was done before the symbols were put on the cube. And even if all of that can be explained, how would the Bahrag know what a Toa Nuva was, and that there would be weird symbols that no one had ever seen before somewhere around that could fit into this cube lock that had materialized out of nowhere? I like your theories though! Great insight! EDIT: I looked over at Biosector01 and it does confirm that the Bahrag informed the Kal about the symbols/cube etc. So I guess it just leads to the question of how the Bahrag knew about those I suppose...
  8. I rig the tracks of the hype train derailing it, but it cannot stop so it crashes forever and ever and ever. My Mask
  9. Well played sir! I hit you with a tickle spinner (copyright Matau) making you see the hilarity of the situation and laugh yourself to death. My mask.
  10. I managed to change the battery of a Battery-powered eye piece. It's actually pretty easy. You just need a screwdriver and with a little effort, you can pop open the lid and replace the battery. Well it's time to get my screwdriver and my piraka eyes. My MOC's eyes must glow Small rabbit trail, but what battery type do the piraka eyes use? I need to replace mine too If I could go back I guess I'd make the toa mata/nuva with more joints in their arms and legs, just for posability's sake. I'd also swap all the ball and joint sockets for the newer pieces that they use in the G2 bionicle so they don't fracture as easily, that was what annoyed me 2007-2010.
  11. I always thought that might hold true, story of the heroes getting new powers but then their new foes steal them away so they're forced to use their teamwork and brains for a change instead of just blasting their way to victory like they did before. Although it would've been cool to see the Toa's and the Kal's powers pitted against each other like that.
  12. I dress as a crazy jester & I do the following: My mask!
  13. Not bad, I could easily see Makuta releasing those onto Okoto to buy himself some more time to escape the shadow dimension... or is that too close a tie in to G1? Nevertheless it looks amazing! Great job! Keep up the good work!
  14. Amazing! Jaller is definitely my favorite of those guys! I always had wondered what his initiation into the ta-matoran guard would be like, and now I know! Keep it up!
  15. I liked it What happened to Kuni reminded me of the condition of the Po-Matoran when they bought the tainted comet balls from Ahkmou, though on a more permanent state. It is quite imaginative, since I believe it was said that Kraata can infect more than just masks, why stop there when you can infect the entire Matoran! But I digress, the plot was nice, and we saw Hahli and Jaller's relationship get defined a bit. Although you said it was the Dark Time? I thought that was the time before the Toa came to Mata Nui? But in your adaption both Gali and Onua are seen so which time were you implying? Keep up the good work!
  16. I have been following this post here and was contemplating posting this under it, since to me it seems very silly, but as I thought about it more, a lot more questions appeared regarding the topic so I decided to make a larger discussion about it. But enough prattling, here goes: How did the Bohrok-Kal know about the Nuva Symbols, particularly in regard to the fact that they would take away the Toa's powers if they were stolen? They had never seen them before, Toa Nuva never existed before, and the Nuva Symbols just happened to appear coincidentally when the Toa transformed, which they also had no way of knowing. On that note, the Nuva cube was created by Artahka too, which meant he purposefully made it possible for someone other than the Toa themselves to unlock the Bahrag queens. Was it all a failsafe to ensure the queens weren't stuck there forever if the Toa were incapacitated? Was he worried that the Toa would never willingly unleash the Bohrok again after their ordeal? Was he the one who planted the idea of stealing the symbols in the Kal's mind? Anyways, please discuss I'm curious.
  17. Takes a page out of Makuta's book and sends a Turahk to instill great fear in you to keep you from your destiny, nullifying your warhammer. It then casually takes the mask from you and gives it to me. My mask.
  18. "Hey can I borrow your warhammer?" You give me the warhammer. "Thanks." Smashes you with the warhammer. My mask
  19. "Here Carapar, you sit and rest, I'll do the dirty work for you." Mavrah
  20. I concur it is rather pricy, but definitely incredible! I got the Black Pearl last time around and my brother got Queen Anne's Revenge so it's awful tempting to get this ship to start putting together a cursed armada (my only regret is they never sold the Flying Dutchmen...). Can't wait to see the movie though!
  21. I open a portal with Olmak and snatch the mask then hop back through said portal, which then vanishes. My Mask!
  22. "I'll never make masks as good as Makuta's..." Mutran.
  23. "Stuck in a cell? I'll just wait quietly til someone finds the key." Kapura.
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