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Blog Comments posted by Vorahk1Panrahk2

  1. 1. I like that I can come on here and interact with people who have the same interest in LEGO that I do. I don't think anyone I know in real life is a LEGO fan to the extent that I am.


    2. No one follows my blog. I don't really mind, though. I post things I think are relevant about myself and if people don't think that's interesting... well too bad. :P


    3. People will like what they enjoy, and they have a right to. And that's about as far as my opinion goes. Although I will say that 'bronies' on this site are far more tolerable than 'bronies' elsewhere on the internet.


    4. If you're doing it because you are legitimately curious about what other BZP members think, there's no reason not to.

  2. Well did you directly try to interact with them? Could they have thought the same thing of you? Sometimes people hesitate to interact with someone after not seeing them for a while because they're unsure of how the other person feels towards them. I've done the same thing as the two people. Not because I'm trying deliberately to be rude, but because they're people who, despite knowing really well, I was never super close friends with. If I were to interact with them... what would we talk about?


    Just a thought.

  3. I said it once and I'll say it again: The Glassblower.



    You posted in the official topic that you "started and couldn't get into it" (semiquote), but I don't know if you were referring to my post or the one after mine. So I'm suggesting it again just in case.

  4. One thing that bugs me, aside from the radios playing the music just after Halloween, is that on December 26, the Christmas music is totally gone, and the time around Christmas and New Year is when I would like to listen to holiday music.

    This. This so much. The days just before Christmas up until New Years are the most appropriate time for Christmas music. Radios should start later (first week of December at earliest- there's no reason to start before Thanksgiving), and continue playing until New Years. I guess they just want to coincide with the Christmas shopping season, which doesn't make much sense to me.

  5. I feel like FiM is a show that wouldn't translate well to a feature length film. The charm of the show comes from its slice of life episodes rather than the 'big bad' episodes, and the small 30 minute format is much more suitable for slice of life stories than a feature film.

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