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Blog Comments posted by Vorahk1Panrahk2

  1. I'm going to agree. The best part is when the sky is grey and the brown/red/yellow leaves are all littered on the ground. Unfortunately most of the trees in my area are evergreens so I don't get the pretty colors. And it's too sunny. I seem to remember most of the autumn days being dreary when I was child, but during the last few years it hasn't been that way. My memory playing tricks on me, perhaps?


    Rain and cold is a bonus. Is ANYTHING better than curling up in a warm room and drinking hot chocolate/cider while listening to the rain pitter patter outside? I think not.

  2. Sorry, but at the mention of the songs, my resolve to never watch this show was increased a thousandfold. :lol:



    Just for the record, it's not a cartoon musical. One of the characters likes to break into song every once in a while, but that's because her personality is like that of a person who drinks coffee like water. Hyper is an understatement. From the few episodes I've watched, her spontaneous musical breaks are handled tastefully.


    Yeah, I watched the Pilot episodes today they were pretty weak (as already stated), but the two following episodes actually weren't that bad. I'm not surprised, really. There are many kids' shows out there that have appeal for an older audience. I don't think this show has the potential of captivating everyone 18+, but it is watchable.


    Also Applejack is :wub:

  3. WOW. All three extended movies in less than 24 hours? I don't think I could do that- I love the movies but I'm pretty sure I'd be exhausted halfway through the second.


    As for theatrical versus extended, the extended additions do add things are are, as xccj put it, fun and not really things that move the plot forward (I think Jackson refers to them as 'fan cuts', but I'd have to find a source for that). The escape from the land of the dead shouldn't have even been in the extended version, in my opinion.


    I was surprised, though, when I learned that Saruman's demise was cut from the theatrical version of Return of the King. Seems like something pretty plot essential.

  4. That is absolutely heinous. Although the most heinous part of all is the first song, because I'm pretty sure that song would be recognized in court as a Crime Against Humanity. It is the worst song of all the songs ever recorded in the history of songs.

    Heh, I like that song...


    Playing songs such as those is certainly a very strange way to commemorate the event. It's not the approach I would have taken.

  5. I feel like things don't tend to go well when you try to force yourself to fit in with certain groups. All you have to do is find a niche that you feel comfortable with and you're bound to find friendships with the others in that niche (whether it's band, drama, a specific club, what have you). It's worked well for me. I don't have a huge mountain of friends but I have very close relationships with a few people, which is really all I need. I'm not saying it's impossible to find friendships outside the 'niche', but it's hard to become friends with people who have little to nothing in common with you.


    College is definitely different. Depending on where you go, you're forced to live with someone for your first year, and as a result you make friends with them and the friends they meet and they make friends with the people you meet. Unfortunately I have almost nothing in common with anyone I've met so I'm finding friends difficult to make, despite being 2/3 of the way through my Sophomore year.


    So, yeah, my situation is opposite of yours. I found high school friends a lot easier to make than college friends.

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