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Blog Comments posted by Vorahk1Panrahk2

  1. You have a point about Supernatural. I've been enjoying the show since Season 1 and I cannot deny that it has run its course. Season 5 should have been the end.


    My comment of Season 2 mainly comes from the first few episodes where characters and plotlines were introduced and then randomly dropped. But the season improved as it went along so it was a change for the better.


    I remember Season 1 having those limited commercial breaks... I loved those. :P

  2. You should watch Supernatural on Friday. Fringe episodes go online the morning after, but for Supernatural you have to wait until Tuesday. Also, when did Fringe move to Friday?


    I liked the episode, but I'm been impressed with the show recently. Fringe started out real rocky in its first season and Season 2 started off horrendously, but ever since mid-way through Season 2 it really seems to be embracing its mythology. I'm eager to see where the rest of Season 3 goes. As long as the Olivia/Peter relationship story takes the backstage it should be pretty good.

  3. Two things here: One, since when have albums contained repeat songs? Two, if an artist was your favorite, why would you only have the greatest hits?

    I confess I don't look through albums much, but it seems that when I do there always seems to be one or two songs that lapse across. It's entirely possible that I'm just looking at multiple GH's without realizing it.


    As for your second point... I'm a cheap person and don't have the money to buy an artist's entire discography. So I buy the hits (since they typically contain more music) which is enough to keep me content. Of course I don't only like what's on the GH (and occasionally I don't like a song on the GH), but it keeps me satisfied.


    I also probably wouldn't listen to an entire discography even if I could afford it. I rarely listen to music much so it's not that big a deal to me. That and my cheap wallet lead me to prefer the GH.


    I guess that's what I'm trying to say. GH's are good for casual listeners, but more dedicated music listeners probably would be better off with a fuller discography.


    Also, how are you gonna know if you love a song or not if you don't listen to the album?

    There are many (legal) ways to listen to music without purchasing CD's/albums. Radio, borrowing, movies/TV shows, artist's websites to name a few.

  4. Unless it's your introduction to the artist, I don't see any point in them at all; why buy what you most likely already have?


    If having their "best songs" on a separate CD is that big of a deal to you, then why not just find the track listing online, and burn the mix yourself with the copies you already have?

    I disagree. For people who don't want to blow a bunch of money on numerous CD's (most of which will repeat songs), a greatest hits CD is a great way for one to have a single collection of great songs from their favorite artist. Do they occasionally leave off songs you love? Yes. But I'd rather miss out on one or two songs than spend an extra $14.00 on them.


    Now if you already own numerous CD's from a single artist, of course there's no reason to buy a Greatest Hits because you probably have them all. But for those who like to save some money, they're ideal.

  5. The only time I've heard negative reactions to 'best of' albums is if they come from musicians who are literally just starting out. Or if they come from musicians who hardly had any hits at all.


    I rarely buy albums that aren't film scores so I don't have much of an opinion, but I immensely enjoy the three greatest hits CDs I have

  6. 4. Increasing desire to appeal to a younger fanbase. Remember Tim, the eight-year-old American boy from that designing process thing who seems to have Tahu Nuva despite the fact that he was waaaay too young for BIONICLE sets back then? Yeah, Tim sums up exactly who LEGO was trying to string up during BIONICLE's last years. Remember the BIONICLE ACTION FIGURE GAME? Stuff like it make me feel both kind of glad BIONICLE ended and that HERO Factory is truly a worthy successor to BIONICLE. The modern one, that is.

    I don't understand this gripe. BIONICLE was always meant to be a toy for kids 8/10 (or whatever it says on the boxes). LEGO isn't going to appeal to an older fanbase just because the fans get older.

  7. I agree. I don't like watching films in any High-Definition format, but this film commands a Blu-Ray viewing. The background art was gorgeous. Even the characters, despite being minimal, were beautifully animated.


    And the story was great, too. One of my favorite animated movies.

  8. That it is- about 10 degrees (F) this week than it's been.


    I'm glad, personally. I'm so over this period of short/cold/wet/dark days. Gimme Spring any day.



    (I say this now, but I know I'll be complaining when I have to break my fan out.)

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