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Blog Comments posted by Vorahk1Panrahk2

  1. I wanted to try contacts, but the thought of putting things in my eye just does not appeal to me. At all. Maybe one gets over it after a week of practice, but that's a week I'd rather not go through.


    Lasers are just a whole other degree of terrifying and are less of an option than contacts.


    Glasses might get scratched and dirty (and, on occasion, broken), but I think I definitely prefer them.

  2. Maaaan the early 90's. Saturday morning cartoons were actually worth watching back then. I mean, Inspector Gadget? What happend to gems like that?


    Also, TAPE REWINDERS. I freakin' want my TAPE REWINDERS back!


    «Takuma Nuva»

    We still have one of those, actually. Three if you count the VCR as a tape rewinder.


    I was born in '91 so I don't really remember most of the 90's. The late 90's were pretty cool, though.


    There was a pretty strong earthquake off the coast of Japan which resulted in a tsunami (which spreads out in a circle like a gigantic ripple). Japan was hit pretty hard, and other warnings were issued to coasts which the tsunami may or may not reach. Hawaii sounds like it might have some tsunami activity, and the California coast was issued a tsunami warning. It seems that other various islands/island chains (such as Guam and the Philippines) were issued warnings as well. Basically any country in the Pacific region.


    What I remember from my geophysics class is that when an earthquake occurs in the ocean it instantly displaces a large amount of water, which then collapses due to gravity and forms a high velocity, low amplitude wave. As the wave approaches shallow water, it slows down and increases in amplitude, and that's the tsunami.


    But I'm sure someone else could give a better explanation.

  3. Am I the only one who's part of the "it doesn't matter" camp? To me, it seemed like the entire point of the movie was for Cobb to forgive himself and get back this children. And at the end of the movie he accomplished this. Even if it is a dream, he believes he's in the real world and that's all that matters.


    EDIT: Did not read the beginning of Riisiing Moon's point. Obviously I'm not alone.

  4. Ehh, I dunno. I'm always wary about random strangers giving out free food. I've heard too many horror stories.


    Being a college student and given the tiny size of my town, if someone was handing out free food I'd probably take it, unless it was from say, a sketchy van or something.




    REPLY: Being a college student is the reason I wouldn't take free food from strangers. You never know what someone put in it. (Although it might be hard to tamper with donuts in a discreet way.)


    But I'm in an area where this is more likely to be an issue, so there lies the difference.

  5. It's unfortunate that you're having a negative youth group experience. As a youth group leader I always try to provide an environment that's inviting and comfortable for everyone. It's supposed to be a place to get away from judgement and unpleasant comments.


    But it seems you know how to solve the problem so that's a good thing. Depending on the situation (and I don't know yours) just letting people know you're offended by their comments is enough to stop them.

  6. OMG IT'S COMPETITION SEASON. I should be ashamed for completely forgetting that fact. Why am I not streaming this live?


    Anywho, congratulations on the improvement from last year (and being on drive team!). Which regional were you guys at?

    If you're being serious, we weren't that big of a tournament. :P We're with FTC FIRST, I believe.


    Yes, I'm very pumped about that. ^^



    I was being completely serious. FTC or FRC, it's FIRST and so its awesome.

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