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Everything posted by SynthMav

  1. k but the artist has an instagram and if you knew the band the albums music videos and designs are based on phases
  2. does any one like bestie boys cause if i am the only one i sit in the corner with my old people music though i am fourteen
  3. i wish i could meet lapis lazuli from steven u
  4. if your a bionicle fan if you want to make a fan series but you mom sold all off your stuff
  5. Grev's is the best though i dont own it i have seen reviews he does look the best and i might get for my pohatu
  6. also can i use your sprite of me for my pic
  7. this will be odd matt smith as kopaka i mean come one the at times very soft spoken doctor he could work for turga vakama proably peter capaldi cause i love 12th doc well i'll think for tahu
  8. *claps* yay i look awesome thanks also we agree on the best *high fives* also how do we get here exsactly
  9. I will also join i am a male Ga-Matoran with black highlights and a kanohi kiril (that's black) who randomly starts singing get lucky by daft punk because why not and also wears gorillaz t shirts(you dont have to do that if it's to hard) also what's your favorite kanohi power
  10. well one of the elemental masters unreleased also
  11. turaga dume i mean we don't know what he really did as a toa so give me us back story
  12. mine is the kanohi kiril my favorite kanohi due to dekar being my first set
  13. hey i am the mavrick you if you are lazy can call me mav i enjoy steven universe and tmnt and cant wait for journey to one
  14. yeah it would probably be better if i had all the pieces i was at my dads place but yeah i do like the mini batcave most mocs with a batcave go bigger with it but i will make it larger and do some mods to the helicopter well have to wait for two weeks for that so yeah
  15. ok so there is alot i did in the helicopter and a small batcave which i will expaind on and i have a bunch of minifigs and this will be awhille so one post at a time https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0SGNJQW9USnJJR0U/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0Yk5KUndVT0pzWTQ/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0WEg2T0tnU1FqbElYTUlBSlRQQnpSaVNWdVBj/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0TWtTNm5sT1ZWRXZoMTNSVVhsQXlpU2hZTndN/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0MlhfREZnbHhwNWpVQmpYQzBURUc5VVA3dzY0/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0RVdKQ0dsS2VkdjJ4d1RqQWM0SjJmVl9wYmw4/view?usp=sharing note the blades are like that because i couldnt find enough of them in purple but i had enough in blue minifigs are twoface joker superman catwoman bane(isnt in and pictures) robin(same as bane) mr freeze harley quinn joker goon batman https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0NE9Ec3laSVJFZUo1eGFzaHN2YTN4QzVMdEtZ/view?usp=sharing genral zod( i dont have one best i could do) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0eE9BaUx5bVlUNUxfVmFtc1h0bTE0RXRaUEpV/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0anBTU0s3QjNFVHEyZnVzTWdqR3I1ZEVPTzUw/view?usp=sharing riddler(hat included) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0N0lHWDhJR3dLdXp2MmJWZHYtQ1NWbzk2cTgw/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0TzZhWThkd2JOY1NBc25UME9MNUlxU2x1eHFv/view?usp=sharing and two face goon(pants and hat are diffrent) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0VzNpY3JCZHoyTzBGUkhoRzhGMUdtUHBlUC13/view?usp=sharing also minifig but just used for decaration peice of armor https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0UHNkUFplZWxQWWFCMW9xMjJxSmJTY1VKdWJR/view?usp=sharing batcave(smallest part of moc lol) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0elQ0NlpUWDhIdVhtWjVsdEhNd0pUY0tPQ2o0/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0WE4tOFVUTDVWQVM2d3pCUEdhRkRTaEstSmR3/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0b3FBSUNGdHBNUUlxeF9kcURlWGJ2U3lEOTJR/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0YUIwU3NrdlpOSWt0RGJmMFJXaHN1ckxTVEF3/view?usp=sharing kryponite inside safe https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_AnWmSz9V-0VGY0QVpPaWdabVh0enZDTzZiM0lIYl9FWHNz/view?usp=sharing
  16. i see what you did there but in all seriousness on jamie hewletts instagram *nsfw* you can see the four members in there phase 4 designs
  17. hey i love gorillaz they are my favorite band and i cant wait for 2016 with there new album so if anyone else likes it then shout
  18. nex stringer generic answers but yeah i agree with all of you
  19. maybe if bionicle journey to one is successful then yeah it will probably be a thing because ninjago in my opinion is more successful than chima and when the film comes out it will be 7 years old so it depends if the netflix series get enough people watching it and if it gets good reviews
  20. this is awesome nice use of the Piraka heads most are usually for well humaniod mocs but this is unique to use them rahi nice work
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