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Everything posted by Clyce

  1. I'm actually speechless with this one. Those maps are so clean!
  2. I believe Greg Farshtey is considered by most to be The Voice of Canon when it comes to the hierarchy. That being said, in one of his responses to a fan who asked him if he'd make the Duracell "Gold Good Guy" set canon, he said "Sure". https://community.lego.com/t5/LEGO-General/Chat-with-Greg-Farshtey/m-p/11233939#M252886 With regards to why Turaga Dume and Lhikan are different, it could be that their views of what it means to be a turaga or how they saw turaga are different. One could also point to the Toa Metru and why they ended up looking very different then either Dume or Lhikan. Maybe they accepted that their roles as turaga would be different than their predecessors. Turaga Dume: Ruling a nation as it's leader Turaga Lhikan: Guiding the toa as sage. In addition I doubt he thought he would have any role as a ruler and it's likely that he thought he wouldn't live much longer. Turaga Metru/2001-present: Both rulers and mentors of the matoran and toa. More like village chiefs since they ruled over their own territories.
  3. I don't know, I always appreciated each year for what it was. My favorite year, was the year I was in because it had all the more history to back it and support it.
  4. Not quite. According to BS01,"beings who died in the Matoran Universe were transported to the Red Star, where they would be placed in a new body, and then be returned back to the robot in order to continue working". Basically when a someone dies within the Matoran Universe they are teleported to the red star and then repaired, if possible. They aren't copied and duplicated. Other notable purposes/features of the RS is that it can create toa from matoran outside the Matoran universe, it provides energy to the Mata Nui robot to allow it to travel in space when it attaches to its back, and it also provides energy to all matoran, toa, and turaga in the matoran universe (much like Telsa's theory on transmitting energy in the form of a signal or wave).
  5. That because the new iCandle 7 just came out! It been all the craze across Mata Nui!
  6. I've got Tahu and Pohatu, but I ended up losing all my other cards.
  7. Since there isn't any obvious benefit to wearing the Kaukau, it's possible that the mask originally belonged to a fallen fellow toa that he wears in remembrance or that he just wears it as a fashion statement with a tinted visor. It's also possible that he did work in water or protodermis areas. We really don't have much knowledge on his background. One benefit that the Kaukau does provide that other masks typically do not is eye protection, so take that as you will.
  8. I always loved the tohunga. They still give me the MNOG vibes and good memories.
  9. Yeah, that does make for an interesting point. I would assume it came from within the Mata Nui Robot itself. To a degree it would make sense because the Mata Nui robot was on it's return journey from visiting other world's when Makuta took over and the robot crashed. Makuta was also in charge of creating rahi and maybe some primitive and smaller creatures were kept/archived in order to study for rahi creation. In addition, all of the islands we've seen, with the exception of Mata Nui island itself, are within the actual Mata Nui robot, yet organic birds are seen on Metru Nui and some of the other internal islands. It's also possible that during the creation of the Mata Nui robot internal islands that eggs and smaller creatures existed on the internal vegetation. This is just mere speculation. There's not a lot to go off of here.
  10. Only in a flashback. I am eventually going to fill the gaps between this story and where the old serials left off, show what happened to Velika and the Toa Nuva/Mata on Sphereus Magna an' all that. But again, if Tahu and the others appeared here, this would become a story about them, and that would not be okay. I'm sure there are some who would like that, who would love to see Calor and Uira and the rest shoved to the side because they don't want new characters, and just wanna see Tahu and the rest again, but... too bad. That's not what Nova Orbis is about. Nova Orbis is like... the Bionicle equivalent of Mega Man X... or ZX, or even Legends. You know how you've got classic Mega Man, then the X series jumps ahead a hundred years, then Zero jumps another century or two after that, then ZX is like, five hundred years after the classic series, and the Reploids are becoming more humanlike by the day, and by the time Legends comes along, it's been 8000-9000 years and the world has changed completely? Yeah, that's what Nova Orbis is. It's "Bionicle in the future," not so much a direct sequel, even though there are a few of the old characters still kicking, and tons of references to old stories sprinkled here and there for fun. Do you mean Voima's diary? HAHAHA I love it! It's the Megaman X of Bionicle! I didn't realize it until you mentioned it, but it really is!
  11. Is this from that comedy that was on the front page a while ago? That's how I always envisioned it.
  12. I actually pronounce the gen 1 Lewa different than the gen 2 Lewa. For gen 1 I always said LOO-ah, but after finding out I was wrong I started calling the gen 2 Lee-wuh. However, when talking about the gen 1 Lewa, I still find myself going back to my old habbit of LOO-ah.
  13. Yes!! They were duel XM8s! Wait! Gentlemen, we have seemed to have overlooked the most obvious explanation. They are obviously lamp cords! Y'know for electrical sockets and such? That's where the bionicles get their energy and power. They all get it from AC power supplies (the toa suvas). 100% confirmed.
  14. I'm sure there's some joke about Solek that could go here.
  15. It's possible. But there's another factor that might be at play. Part of the reason for lowered North American profits is that Lego could not meet demand for their most popular sets—Lego even decreased their marketing for those themes to try to compensate. And meanwhile, you have Bionicle, which despite Lego's best efforts is not selling as well as those top themes, occupying shelf space that retailers would much prefer go to those high-demand products. So yes, Lego may have chosen to refocus on their most profitable sets, but less because of any desperation to maintain sales numbers and more because other themes were outperforming them by that much more. I think these are both strong points as to why Gen 2 wasn't given the finances and marketing it needed to succeed. I also believe that Gen 3 is very likely since it is the most recognizable unlicensed LEGO product, but its revival will be far into the future in a time in which the licensed products aren't as big of a money making opportunity and much less of a distraction for the comapny. I think that eventually we will see the end of the major Marvel movie scene and a decline in Star Wars Lego products as the movies run their course. With that there will be consequently a decline in sales of the LEGO licensed products as interest declines. However, while it is difficult to forecast such failure, the real point I'm trying to get at is that LEGO will likely not focus on a Bionicle Gen 3 unless they find little profit in their licensed products or they need to pull it out as a last ditch effort to save the company (much like they did the first time). On a side note, it is also likely that when we do get another generation of Bionicle it will be very different than any of the prior generations and will probably stray from the "remembering our roots" course. But that's just my prediction...
  16. Dang it! I never got to see the video and now it's removed!
  17. That is an interesting point, as the word Bionicle, as described by Pohaturon, is based off the english language. However, the matoran language is based off of the Maori language. It is also mentioned in one of the guides that when the words turaga, matoran/tohunga, rahi, or toa are used, they are actually from the b matoran language itself and all other words are translated into english (or whuch ever language it's being read in).
  18. Speaking of which, is it possible for Brutaka to have gone from G1 to G2 with his mask?
  19. So basically make normal Lego sets under the Bionicle name. Actually, that's not too bad of and idea. They could even name it Lego City: Bionicle and they might even be able to draw from the Lego City fanbase or introduce more kids to Bionicle as parents buy "Lego City" for their children. I mean if constraction is really the problem, then Lego can still capitalize on the Bionicle name and yet grow its fanbase and sales.
  20. Well, it's been a fun 15 years. Certainly something I won't forget. I still plan to let the story run in my heart and it might be interesting to introduce the series, the sets I own, and the media content to my future kids in sequential order for the next 15 years and by then I'm sure LEGO will return to Bionicle; it may not be in its constraction form, but in another system and story. Who knows. Regardless, I'll continue to MOC and make art/fanfic and I'm interested in seeing how the community will evolve years after Bionicle's death. I mean we've been through this before, but this time there likely won't be that constant push for #bringbackbionicle. This time the community will likely just evolve more organically and will be fueled by its natural creativity for art rather than an agenda.
  21. Agreed! Great work. I really enjoyed the latest chapter.
  22. I think you hit the nail on the head in analyzing the characters. Bravo! Also, since this is one of the first major projects Volta has done, I'm sure we will see improvements in the character development and personalities in the next two episodes, since the voice are getting an idea of how their roles are played.
  23. Tbh I would rather have more solid colored sets in general. I mean the individual sets look amazing, but I find it a lot harder MOC when there's hardly enough of a particular colored CCBS pieces to make what I want. Now of course that's just me and probably wouldn't bring in the $$$.
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