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Bio D

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Blog Comments posted by Bio D

  1. Personally I don't feel much more than a lukewarm "it's allright, I guess". I enjoy the fandom output infinitely more. I kind of want to like it too, but I can't bring myself above somewhat interested apathy.

    I think you brony folks are allowed to like whatever, but I also think some should realize that a show about magical ponies, no matter how magical, isn't for everyone.

    You continue your love of the pony, you're still allright by me.

  2. I was totally in Greece when they came back online and then I read your tweet and I was like "Whaaaa?" and then I was here commenting.

    I have to get used to the new site a bit. I only read the blogs of my friends towards the end, so not too much has changed for me.

    P.S. Your images are cluttering over your posts.

  3. I kept them with everyone exepct my not nice person super not nice person and Paragon Colonist playthroughs. The not nice persons just because it was renegade, and the Colonist because she felt the paragon option was tantamount to slavery, which she is vehemently against.

    It all depends whether or not your character: a) trusts Legion and his Geth. B) their stance on bringing Geth back to the rest of their species. c) usefulness of extra geth. d) trust that this will totally work. and e) the Quarian matter

    EDIT: because I did not know that word was censored.

  4. I watched the first four or five episodes, and while it is a well made show (with some truly great reaction shots), I don't see what all the fuss is about.

    Also, you can catch up on the show on the Video Site That Must Not Be Named.

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