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Everything posted by Lyichir

  1. Lyichir

    Squids Need Love Too!

    Actually, I think it's spelled Smitty Werben Jeger Man Jensen. From Spongebob, right? (Huge fan here) And Seymour could be from any number of things. GIR... I think I've heard that name from somewhere else. It's from a show called Invader Zim, isn't it? (Never watched it myself, just heard about it from other people, so I can't be sure.) The Closet Lurker....?
  2. NOT Takadox. A couple GitD pieces aren't worth how weird he looks. Carapar's what I'd say, since he looks great, along with having new pieces AND pieces in new colors. The ony reason to get others is if you need specific colors and/or types of pieces not found in Carapar. Go with Carapar if you want a nicely structured set with good pieces.
  3. Lyichir

    Strange Captions...

    Indeed- Been getting into the holiday spirit, have you?
  4. You know, the word "Christmas" isn't filtered... FK96:Huh? Oh, wait, forgot to add the "h"
  5. Lyichir


    Yes, but why? For fuuuunnnnnn........
  6. Silly Aanchir, we DO have Secrets behind ASOUE. You don't know what you're talking about.
  7. Lyichir

    Kopeke Says:

    Well as Kopeke is the one saying it, I'll bet he means, "........................" Aye!
  8. ...but it looks like he won't win the BBC contest after all. Don't cry, Festi... Anyway, if you haven't voted yet, vote for Festi in poll C and vote for my brother's reindeer in poll G. Festi would have wanted it that way...
  9. Lyichir

    Archivists, Unite!

  10. Lyichir


    Clonage! How'd you do dat?
  11. The shadows could use work, but otherwise it looks great! Maybe you could draw some Bionicle characters walking on the path and post it in the Artwork forum.
  12. Lyichir

    Oh Gosh...

    It's okay if you take a break from BZPower, but... please don't leave for good. Too many good members have been leaving recently, and you might want to start up again once your life is sorted out. Just keep your art and stuff as a hobby and not a commitment, and don't sweat it if you're forced to abandon the site for longer than you'd like. But don't leave for good. I don't know what I'd do without great artists like you and Nikira to inspire me. Please don't go.
  13. Lyichir

    The Nineties

    I remember all of that PBS stuff... I learned half of what I know from The Magic School Bus, Bill Nye The Science Guy, and Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. They don't have young children's television as good as that anymore.
  14. Lyichir


    I just can't wait for more games to come out. I'm not that excited about Wii Sports, though it is probably a good introduction to the workings of the Wii. And, I'm sorry to say, I have never owned a Zelda game. So while I'm not overly enthusiastic about getting a Wii right away, I get all jittery at the mention of Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros.: Brawl, Super Paper Mario, or even Pokemon: Battle Revolution. I hope at least some of them come out by my birthday next year.
  15. I read the comics a lot, seeing as my grandfather is the publisher of our local paper and my mom is the associate publisher. I too love Peanuts, Calvin & Hobbes and The Far Side (though The Free Lance Star, the family paper, has never run the latter two), and have little patience with Hagar the Horrible, but I do disagree about Doonesbury. I find it to be a more refreshing way to read news on Iraq. Also does your paper get Zits? That has become one of my favorite comics, joking on down to earth issues and presenting some Sunday strips more as works of art than simple comics. Rhymes With Orange is good, too, as is Ziggy, though Ziggy's jokes are beginning to get bland and overused. The Wizard of Id is still okay for a quick laugh. Glad to have someone else's insight into comics. EDIT: BTW, I like Shoe.
  16. I know! I've only seen a few episodes, but I love it! I just wish I had it on DVD....
  17. -Public-schooled -Vezon & Kardas -Piraka combiners -Yep. -All of 'em
  18. Then again, I've almost always hated the "cool kids", no matter what age they act. This has been happening for a while, so at least people are noticing it now.
  19. Because Mr. Rogers owns Barney.
  20. No, I'm not making a religion oriented entry. I'm talking about something I just saw in the New Member Q & A forum. I saw yet another threat of attack on BZP. I have heard about the Maori radicals and their attack on BZPower, and I am hoping that this is not a similar case. This member does appear to have little authority, but I am not wishing to live through another hack of my favorite website. That said, I have question for you all- Do you have faith in BZPower and its administration? Do you trust them to do the right thing? I do, for sure. BZPower is a great website, not just because it is a place for Bionicle lovers to hang out, but because the staff provide us with up to date news, great oppurtunities in building, drawing, and other activities, and a clean and safe community where people are free to do what they please within the limits of society. I am thankful for the work the staff puts into BZPower, and I hope it continues to be a prosperous and caring society for all of us Bionicle fans.
  21. Lyichir

    It's So Surreal!

    Hey! That's MY word! Check my blog, or my unsuccessful epic if you don't believe me! You may think you've won, but you are trapped in the labyrinth of my mind.
  22. Lyichir

    Total Noobs

    -Barraki Carapar, I think -The NONE size -The most I've done is using the I Agwee banner once. Oh, and Save BL7. -Beans. -Why, yes, I am!
  23. Lyichir

    Oral Hygiene

    Speaking of braces, I just got mine off on Monday! Good luck with yours, Nikira! (And when trying to post, I think I accidentally reported a post. If you're looking at this, Makaru, please disregard that. I didn't mean to.)
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