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Great Being #1

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Great Being #1

  1. I like this entry.


    3. Being staff doesn't make you popular nor is it all about fun and games. It is a serious position. The people on the staff here, especially those at the higher levels, do a tremendous amount of work on a daily basis. And just because your buddy is staff and you are not doesn't give you special exceptions to the rules.


    I like that point at the bottom. A lot of the staff aren't popular nor are they noticed. I know this from experience. Only S&T nerds really know or care about RKs and we dont do much stuff in the forum so people dont notice what we do unless it's some big project. Then again some staff members dont think RKs exist either so :P

  2. It's prolly the wrap-up ELS interview we've all been waiting for. Will the Brave Knight Bink manage to defeat the Evil Lord!!!!

    Either that or bones is gonna pull another BRC annoyance on us. That thing was fun but really annoying at the end. Prolly because bones is good at not giving anything away :P

  3. 1) Is having the BIONICLE logo as the map with each forum section being an island a good idea? If not, what would be better?

    Uh sure but your boundries kinda suck I'll redo them to show you what would look better latter.


    2) Do you agree with the island names? If not, what are some better ones you can think of?

    Viso just seems off. I like the others though.


    3) Do you agree with the elemental designations of the forums? If not, what do you suggest? (If need be, I can explain my justifications for each).

    OK I'll just make a list of all of em and say what I think:

    Ref Desk: Fits I guess

    Q&A: Water? I think that Q&A should also be light as it shows people "the way"

    Sets: I dont really see anything that fitting for sets so Fire can do.

    BRC: Earth in the middle of Ice looks stupid but otherwise makes sense.

    S&T: As much as I dont like Ice it fits S&T.

    Collectibles: See Sets.

    Promos: Plant Life? I say make it Plasma as Promos are similar to sets but not quite ;)

    Software: I like :P

    M&B: Works.

    GD: Water? W/e

    BBC: Iron k

    Art1: Plant Life k

    Art2: Gravity?

    Art3: Air k

    RPG: Lightning?

    Fan Games: Magnetism k

    Games/Trivia: Should be Air

    BBC/S&T Voting: Sonics have your opinion heard

    RPG Voting: Sonics

    BST: Stone k

    Marketplace: Stone k

    Voting: Sonics/water

    News: Light k

    BS01: Earth

    LGD: Gravity k

    COT: SHADOW! or make it water


    3) Where should blogs go?

    a - Underwater (like Mahri Nui).

    b - Their own island.

    c - On boats.

    d - In people's homes/on their property.

    e - Other (please specify).



    4) How do homes work?

    a - People choose a forum-village and live there.

    b - People live on boats that travel from forum to forum.

    c - Other (please specify).

    c - a and b


  4. I have seen Greg lie once. Back in the day he confirmed to some guy that the TWTFTW was in fact the UC. Then he took it all back and it got covered up and hushed up and he lied about it. I'd give you guys proof but the topic in question got deleted ;)


    Though I dont think this is really what you meant by when peopole say Greg lies :P

  5. This is the best leaf of all though:


    You're missing a pure maple leaf. All of the ones you have there are very indented in between parts and it just looks like a mutation.

    Oh and this is looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong overdue but it's the first one I made so yeah:



  6. What do you guys mean had a pinned topic problem? With the 5 we have currently it still looks cluttered. I dont think we cna really do anything more for Greg. BS01 has all info up within 24 hours (usually less lol), unless something to do with spoiler stuff that BS01 hasn't allowed, so people should always go there first for details and if they dont find them there check again the next day and then PM Greg about it.


    Oh and bones we miss you :P

    ~GB #1

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