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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Makaru

  1. No it is not. There is no "proof" of anything. Your opinions are not facts. Everyone in this topic needs to take exactly five steps back and really think if how they are posting is really how they want to be perceived by others.
  2. In that regard then, I would REALLY love to see more add-one like these, with the piston and faux moving parts detailing.
  3. Aanchir, following the thread of discussion, I believe they were referring specifically to the Bone Warrior armour add-ons, though I could be mistaken.
  4. I am abusing my MODERATOR POWERS to make this the current topic of discussion. Thank you all for your compliance.
  5. Pretty much. Though I think they could have implemented them a little better than what we are seeing.
  6. My interest with Combiner Wars begins with Windblade and ends with Victorion.
  7. Because Marvel is in the business to sell merchandise. That is how they make their money. The movies have always been an (albeit well constructed) vehicle to sell licensed goods. Pacific Rim was never about that and that is not how Guillermo Del Toro chose to do his business. We've strayed about as far from the topic as we can however. Let's wrangle this back on-discussion, please.
  8. Gonna take a shot in the dark, probably never going to catch on.
  9. Moving to Lego Discussion.
  10. Yet you've diligently watched every episode thus far.
  11. This topic has been a very disappointing read. Piraka rap was an extremely discouraging and blatantly commercial attempt to latch onto a culture it had no business being a part of.
  12. Oddly enough, that's because Uranium is a pure metal. But then again, so is gold, aluminum, platinum, copper and almost every suggestion in this topic so far (as Chronix stated). May I suggest brass or steel?
  13. The original target audience for Bionicle was not teens. Every piece of product as far as I can remember listed ages as 7+, 7-16 or in the case of Bionicle Stars 6-16. ~60% of the age range is younger than teens. "Little kids" were always the main crowd, and teens were invited too.
  14. I finally understand the concept of doomed timeline
  15. Makaru

    clickbait title

    stop yanking my formula
  16. With Tomino's return to Gundam in Reconguista and Toriyama's return in Super I'm just waiting for news on Tezuka returning from the dead with a new Astroboy.
  17. Something garbage. I would like everyone here to start conducting themselves better moving forward. You can be passionate about your stance on the construction of Bionicle 2015 without insulting one another, okay? Thank you, Makaru
  18. Makaru

    Suicide Squad

    It's like the amalgamation of everything Baby Boomers find scary about youth as designed by the 24 hour news cycle. Well, almost everything.
  19. Because the 6th Hero Is you. You also have 6 votes to your post. I am also the hero.
  20. Good morning, minkin! Thank you for providing us with this excellent opportunity. Can you do me a favor first, though? Can you read this: Topic closed.
  21. Thank you for the time you've given us so far, Elisabeth. NATESUOOOOOOOOOOOO
  22. Two moons is a very... interesting... and seemingly deliberate choice. I wouldn't write it off as creative freedom just yet. Movin this to S&T though. Just in case.
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