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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Makaru

  1. Meanwhile on Okoto
  2. It doesn't say the tail is poisonous. Maybe Scorpio just rubs up against people like a cat. You don't know. Diabolical
  3. JOHN TAKUA was one day an island eating rocks and got a mail from VAKAMA saying RAHI and BOHROK were attacking his place
  4. Open letter to science fiction writers Please top saying poison when you mean venom. Signed, Nobody
  5. The most difficult ones are the ones I've never finished. Usually because I'm missing one crucial detail due to parts, lack of consistent scale or the inability to keep a running theme.
  6. The joke here is that Starscream betraying and dying is no more spoiler than "Sean Bean dies"
  7. Wow, Thank you for the incredibly informative and early review! I knew I was going to be picking up at least one of these sets, but you've confirmed all the expectations I had.
  8. Makaru

    Nintendo E3

    FINALLY a Metroid-themed combat soccer game without that annoying bounty hunter bird lady. Thanks, Nintendo. I guess we are supposed to be happy they aren't making yet another Metroid game with the Zero Suit in it?
  9. Adam, does this answer suffice for you?
  10. No it was definitely the new molds. Makes more sense to release it as a non-ideas thing.
  11. So I guess we know why the Ideas project was rejected then.
  12. Makaru

    The Names of Users

  13. Aren't Cordak blasters pretty much guns? More like rocket or missile launchers. They launch explosive projectiles. Loosely defined, a "gun" is any tube that propels projectiles. Lookin at you, Midak Skyblaster.
  14. Makaru


    In my extremely biased opinion, Skyrim < Fallout 3 < Oblivion < games that really can't be compared due to limitations set at the time. If only because the faces got less weird and the glitches became less game-brakey and more accidentally hilarious.
  15. Makaru


    We have approached Maximum Dad.
  16. Makaru


    I'm still crying over Sword Boyfriend
  17. There is. It's a specific request by Lego. We enforce it because Lego gives us sneak peaks (much like our coverage at NYCC) as a reward.
  18. "2015 is the gateway to 2016." ~The guy who made the thread Discussion of leaks is still not cool though, even if they may or may not be fake.
  19. There's no system glitch. You set this up yourself. Go here and turn off Small-Caps.
  20. When you are ages 5-16 that is totally a crossbow it's almost like you lost your imagination along the way. I mean, factually you're completely accurate on function and engineering, but what's it like to be without the wonderment of a child?
  21. Here's something I put together as a study for useless pieces. It was pretty fun.
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