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Everything posted by Makaru

  1. Less spam and more on-topic posts please. Thank you.
  2. Switch literally everyone opposite, except Lewa. They should most deff be fluid.
  3. RE: The weapon I wanted to go with a weapon that is iconic of all of Takua's prior accessories, namely; ...and... ...all while still making it a protector weapon. By all means. No one "owns" MOCing techniques. This in itself is just a variation of Toa of Muffin's Jaller foot. This MOC stands quite noticeably over even the Protector of Stone.
  4. He bridges the gap between darkness and light in the hopes that the villagers of Okoto never have to. Armed with his trusty Protector’s Staff of Chronicles, his wit and his Neverfull Satchel, this nameless one records the History of his people as he journeys from one village to the next. He never stays for long, and is gone as quickly as he arrived. Because of his nomadic and prying ways, he is not trusted by many. [Flickr Gallery] -------------------- To me the most important thing aside from Takua's iconic colours was to get that backpack as close to the original MNOLG version, and it just so happens Takua's old face was the way to go.
  5. Taha x Gali, but only in the context of Gali's Babby. Otherwise my power-couple is the shamefully toxic Nuparu x Mavrah because I am trash.
  6. But that also doesn't magically make it immune to criticism?
  7. Please please please don't tell me that we are going to use Lucy as the bar for science fiction. If this is the case, the genre is now dead and buried.
  8. Well I mean if you're going to butcher science in the name of your science fiction monster movie, just go whole hog I guess.
  9. Do not post in topics that are older that 60 days old. Revival closed.
  10. Wow, the Barraki were released five years earlier than I first thought. I really don't know how you thought the barraki came from 2012. I can't believe it's the year 2019. Wow does time fly.
  11. Please do not post in topics that are over 60 days old. Remember to double check those years. Revived topic closed.
  12. 80% in pieces in an organization wall, 10% as MOCs, 6% as sets, 4% as loose parts in a big ol' pile
  13. 29% is substantially closer* to 50% than 21%. (Had to re-math that because WOW rookie miscalculation) *Assuming population density equality between tribes, standard deviations notwithstanding, all errors and omissions excluded, offer not available in Quebec.
  14. If I may... Um, I'll tell you the problem with the scientific power that you're using here, it didn't require any discipline to attain it. You read what others had done and you took the next step. You didn't earn the knowledge for yourselves, so you don't take any responsibility for it. You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could, and before you even knew what you had, you patented it, and packaged it, and slapped it on a plastic lunchbox, and now You're selling it, you wanna sell it.
  15. OKAY HERE'S WHAT I DON'T GET Okay so, these are how the Stegosaurus' look in the new film, right? Set AND filmed after Jurassic Park: Lost World This is the groundbreaking movie that cast Vince Vaughn as "the animal rights activist who screws literally everyone over" Film research GOT WORSE over the course of 18 years.
  16. It honestly makes way more sense for the Toa of Plasma to be canon gender fluid, as plasma, in it's natural form, exists between the properties of the three common forms of energy.
  17. And Bionicle. Some new colours please
  18. But those are valid points. Any wildlife we would see is either actively aggressive/territorial [relevant to old and new Bionicle] or is not a threat/not threatened by Skull Spiders or WHATEVER Lewa is even doing in the trees.
  20. No, Aanchir, I mean quests where the Toa have to individually find their masks (or Krana or Kanoka, whatever the case may be). The Avohkii/Ignika were not mask quests, as much as they were "Quest for the Macguffin which also just happens to be a mask this time". It's a subtle difference, but it is really important in explaining why the Toa Masters finding their masks only took three months of our time. It isn't a focus at all this year because there is no Mask pack meta-game involved. Instead it's a reference. A nod to the old series without outright copy+pasting the original plot.
  21. Okay but you have to understand why the Toa Masters getting their masks isn't a central plotline this year though. There are no mask packs. That's why we had the Original story with a mask quest. It was an [albeit well-written] commercial push to encourage kids to buy the mask packs. For fans to "quest" for the masks they want. That's why Mask Quests stopped once we stopped having Mask Packs.
  22. I mean, when you save the blacksmith, that's a pretty easy way to open your characters up to new armour/masks/accessories... This is starting to sound like a ridiculous DnD campaign. I love it.
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