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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Makaru

  1. All aboard the skeleton war
  2. For those of you who are worried about this being a Minecraft clone, I wish I could tell you you're right? There's huge potential here for a game but even with the ability to fly a dragon 5 seconds in it still feels... empty? The controls are kind of cumbersome and the gameplay is not very intuitive (I find), and the UI is somewhat overwhelming for the simplicity of the game. "It's early access" so far is my mantra.
  3. As Staff, I have not oppressed anyone in too long. Time to spin the Wheel of Innocent People I Don't Like.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. user-402520536


      More like... state-of-the-dart board...





    3. Ghidora131


      *claps very slowly and impassively*

    4. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      I offer myself as tribute.

  4. It's the one that comes up first when I google it, so I imagine it's fairly up to date.
  5. I've been hooked ever since I saw the first Lego Magazine advert that sneaked a peak at Tahu and Vakama, next years upcoming new sets from an experimental storyline.
  6. I find going here and just looping through articles and screaming at my computer monitor as memories come flooding back works best for me.
  7. So what I'm hearing is I should not have cheaped out on the hands.
  8. Not going to lie, even with the already wide range of colours and shades on Gali, that mask looks incredible.
  9. Slimmer, shinier and more efficient. USB 2.0 compatible and app ready.
  10. This is the correct information. Black Six (or Tufi) can deactivate your account on request. Simply PM them.
  11. To be honest, I don't feel like the newly designed Earth mask would truly fit Takua as well as the Protector mask does. The Toa armor should absolutely come in other colours though. I had not even noticed that until now! I wanted a slender upper arm for that reason, but the lower armour having the "two bolt pattern" of the throwbot arm used in the movie is a rather happy coincidence.
  12. Let me drop some more logic on you: Well fed domesticated Pythons do not eat their owners. You're more likely to be killed by a horse or a dog. Stop forwarding grandma's emails please.
  13. The best thing about Mad Max was the Furiosa's sidekick. Can't remember his name, but he was pretty cool.
  14. Maybe I should explain why I included the Protector in this conversation before it became a big dumb meme. So let's pretend reproduction is completely off the table for the sake of it being a toy line for now because it's the least important part of my argument anyway. What we have, for five seconds, is a villager, like the rest but smaller. I think we can assume they are a younger villager because they are smaller they are wide-eyed and full of wonderment gazing at our hero Tahu for the first time. They are implicitly standing in for the target audience of Bionicle, the children. The tiny villager is us.Wow I'm sure blowing a lot of minds with THAT revelation, eh? Well pay attention, this is where I actually get interesting. SO what we have is a young villager. From this we can assume they will one day become an adult villager. GROUND BREAKING STUFF I KNOW okay but how does that growth happen? Do they just add on parts like a robot? Take a look at that baby villager again. Look at his proportions. Even cartoonishly depicted, the scale of limbs to head to eyes to body are not the same as the adult villager. The eyes are almost the same but the mask itself is quite a bit smaller. The limbs are slender but the armour looks to be similar in size. I posit that the villagers themselves actually "grow" very similar to how children do. The bodies elongate with little expansion in width. The eyes retain size but the head grows in size too. But the mask? I suggest to you that the mask does not. My evidence? Ekimu. He is a mask maker. But since everyone's face is the same, I doubt he's making a lot of spares if his official job title is Mask Maker. Ekimu and Makuta make masks for the villagers because they keep growing out of them and require replacements every so often. So what does this mean? The baby protectors grow. They are clearly somewhat robotic, but they are able to mature from a smaller state. And despite what Ultron McSquishyvibraniumface would have you believe, metal just can't do that alone. It needs the assistance of good ol' fashioned organic material in the mix somewhere. But hey, that's just a theory.
  15. I had difficulty garnering attention when I started MOCing as well. I used that (and in many ways still do use it) to motivate myself to improve my skills outside of my comfort zones. Just my advice.
  16. That's just the nature of posting any work online. Disinterest is not a flaw of the forum software.
  17. pack it up pack it up move it on out Moving to BBC.
  18. A lot of the arguments I am seeing in this topic so far have been about Makuta, which is fair. Makuta did a lot of extremely heinous things, was absolutely full of himself and did not once stray from character once in his entire run. But here's the thing. Makuta doesn't exist [i know shocking]. He is a work of fiction. His character was written to do the things it did. He isn't irredeemable because he does terrible things, he does terrible things because he is irredeemable. It's a very subtle difference but it's a HUGE change. Instead of someone being driven to do unforgivable acts to [what that character perceives as] the Right Thing to do, we get Makuta. Makuta, a Bad Guy who does Bad Things because that's what Bad Guys do. It's shallow and uninteresting in contrast to the villain who does things because it's the right thing to do [for them]. And here's the cool thing: You can have a redeemable character AND HAVE THEM NEVER TURN GOOD. The capacity to change can be there, but if that character chooses not to take that route then that character now has exactly one interesting dynamic over Makuta. "How do you get this across in a character though?" Well I'm glad you asked, imaginary person who I am using to further my dialog in the directions I need it to. You do this through the character's actions and dialog. Give them moments of hesitation. Have them wonder, even if briefly, if their motives are correct. Make them justify their own actions. Or make a guy who never dies, has all his schemes go according to plan even when they fail and especially have him cackle about how awesome he is every chance you get. That's cool too.
  19. Mario, I think you need this.
  20. An interesting idea. Moving to Bionicle General Discussion.
  21. You attempted to even it out based on the fundamental principle of "the fairer sex". I'm not sure what reaction you were expecting.
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