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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Makaru

  1. Pro-tip, if you feel required to type "no offense", maybe rethink what you want to say.
  2. Bionicle 2015 : I will use team work but I am going to be complaining the whole time.
  3. Clearly they have not seen the official Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter account.
  4. He is chasing SO MANY rabbits you can't even relate.
  5. Best design I ever stole 10/10 GOTY Needs more gun
  6. Makaru


    we meet again
  7. They're fine. They've all retired and moved upstate to a big farm where the can run and play all they want.
  8. I couldn't help it. It just... popped right in there. I tried to think of the most harmless thing. Something I loved from my childhood. Something that could never ever possibly destroy us.
  9. Topic closed per starter's request.
  10. Children are right to be entitled about Lego though. It's Lego. A toy. For children. Only an adult acts like this.
  11. To me, the sharp angles, straight edges and smooth curves is fittingly consistent with the Clone Wars series. Particularly the Genndy Tartakovsky series, a style of animation that the current Bionicle web series I would gladly compare to. EDIT: I keep reading this and wow it sounds pretentious
  12. I love the Templar animations, but especially the ones for use outside of the MNOLGames Such as the Vahki and the Chronicler segments. But I have a newfound passion for the one where Po-Koro is under attack and they use Hafu's statues to block the entrance to the city because It's a harrowing tale of one small character's greatest sacrifice for the good of his people It's EXTREMELY hilarious to replace Hafu's peaceful demeanor with someone violently passive-aggressive for the whole thing."Oh yeah don't worry about old Hafu out here just hanging around like always making sure your Toa butt doesn't get lost in the desert forever building these giant artisinal statues it's only 400 degrees in the sun and I'm made out of metal but it's all good don't worry about me and the impending wave of indestructible death beetles OH HEY THAT'S COOL just break my life's work each statue only takes 900 hours to make but WHATEVER you big-footed monstrosity worrying about the good of the people but not me apparently whatever"
  13. Thank you for continuing to populate an empty ecology with neat fauna. Like the Rahi guides of old, some of these are hit-and-miss but pull together really well.
  14. Lyichir has been talked to about his post. I even made a post in regards to it. That is my job. If you feel a post is made out of line with the rules, then you report it, something that not a single one of you did by the way. Instead, you chose to publicly shame Lyichir for his post. After I addressed it. All of you, find a better thing to get angry about than which decade a toy was better in. Next time I have to address this, Proto gets taken.
  15. Oddly enough, there's a group of us that are thinking the same thing for a lot of the same reasons, in regards to expanding the type of con. Cons have become weirdly stressful especially ones 8 hours and $800 away. I'm glad to hear you're finding ways to make the experiences work for you.
  16. Is this what homeworld thinks of fusion
  17. The Kahu is always going to be one of my absolute favorites But I think this unnamed Rahkshi combiner from a fan in Japan that Lego published is an under-appreciated gem.
  18. I suspect this often happens with many words.
  19. Tahu is a myth perpetuated by the greeting card industry and is delicious with butter.
  20. why people on the internetdo a shouting? small letter,small voice, small baby bird. thank u.
  21. Lyichir, watch your tone. Everyone else, let's keep this civil. Thank you.
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