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The Hip Historian Iaredios

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Blog Comments posted by The Hip Historian Iaredios

  1. Nah, we should all learn the literally timeless circle language used by the Pentapods from The Arrival.


    Modern English is an annoying yet useful comprehensive creole. The fact that it is a natural language and not a hasty mesh-mash of tongues makes it more acceptable, though, when compared to what you described.


    Out of curiosity, do you think that they'll fast forward and legitimately make a movie that's literally just Planet of the Apes?



    If the war of the planet of the apes ends with nukes, then I think we'll know for sure. You maniacs!


    Rather than jump all the way ahead, we could go over the The Lawgiver Haristas (AKA Ape Moses/Confucius), whose writings, The Sacred Scrolls, will serve as the religious text for the apes of the future, many of those future apes misreading the Sacred Scrolls in order to promote the enslavement and extermination of humanity. Hear now The Lawgiver tell his tale...


    "...But the child ape survived and grew up to set his fellow creatures free from the yoke of human slavery. Yet, in the aftermath of his victory, the surface of the world was ravaged by the vilest war in human history. The great cities of the world split asunder and were flattened. And out of one such city, our savior led a remnant of those who survived in search of greener pastures, where ape and human might forever live in friendship, according to divine will. His name was Caesar, and this is his story in those far off days. "


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  3. For me, it goes like this:


    The Phantom Menace: Pretty good movie IMO, just has a couple of problems. I have a lot of nostalgia for this movie, as a kid I got a lot of memorabilia, and the music has been immortalized for me because of Star Wars Battlefront II.


    Attack of the Clones: You might as well skip half of the movie. The whole movie just felt like a drag but had a couple good scenes. christopher Lee was excellent in this, and I love the Death Sticks bit though. :lol:


    Revenge of the Sith: I love the look of everything and like TPM the music is immortalized for me, but you are right that it is messy. Especially Padme. And the way Palpatine coined the name Darth Vader seemed like he pulled it out of his behind and liked the shape and gave it to  his friend. Obi Wan makes the movie IMO. Because I watched the original Clone Wars series, I had a real-time bridge to connect AotC and RotS that many didn't have.



    The best part of the prequels however, is the music. In comparison, The Force Awakens had a weak soundtrack compared to TPM or A New Hope, and is one of the reasons why I hate it. Another great thin is the media surrounding the Prequels, like comic stories on clones and Quinlan Vos, and the animated series(plural) (the original still holds a place in my heart).

  4. I don't drive either. I do not have a license but from the few time's I've piloted a car with my mother she said that I am pretty good once I get the hang of it. Thing is though, I get distracted easily, and my eyes can't take night driving because of all the lights (light sensitivity is a curse I carry from my father). I think should pursue trying to get a driver's license, but i wonder if it would be worth getting one considering those things, and the fact that I already have an I.D.

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