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The Hip Historian Iaredios

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Blog Comments posted by The Hip Historian Iaredios

  1. I live in Arizona. It got up to 127 degrees farenheit. I haven't been outside in days. EDIT: Went outside today, quite cloudy. Huge dust storm coming in. With the habub comes rain and sand, the heavens shall sprinkle mud.

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    It's not the power itself that is evil, but it is evil by association. If someone with great feat and worth were to wear an 'immoral' mask, then maybe the mask will be remembered in the honor of said great hero and only continue to be seen as immoral in circles of tradition.

    That would be the case, except BS01 explicitly states when a mask is considered unusable by association. For example, the Kanohi Shelek is not considered immoral by a Toa, but they would not wear it because of Chirox. The Jutlin is considered unusable because of its power.


    That's just weird then.

  3. It's not the power itself that is evil, but it is evil by association. If someone with great feat and worth were to wear an 'immoral' mask, then maybe the mask will be remembered in the honor of said great hero and only continue to be seen as immoral in circles of tradition.


    It is similar to my stance on made-up names: if it is new or rare and has no ancient meaning, then it is up to you to give it meaning. Names didn't have meaning in our eyes to start with, we had to add value to them. That is not to say that things didn't already have names, but they were absent in the minds and tongues of humanity.

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  4. A Princess of Mars, by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Science-Fantasy Pulp Adventure, can get bloody and a couple of gory scenes, but they are in low detail and soon you'll be past what happened. Story and the sequels served as an inspiration for science fiction, science fantasy, and fantasy stories throughout the twentieth century, so if you want to see where some of that stuff came from, look here. Basically super bouncy tarzan in space.


    Roverandom, by John R.R. Tolkien. A story written by the author for a son of his when he lost a toy dog, the the toy dog coming to life, going to the moon, gaining wings, and having adventures with a wizard, swamps, and dragons. The ideas in here serve as a precursor to and inspiration for Tolkien's later The Hobbit and other Middle-Earth tales.

  5. I don't really like jokes. I make at-the-moment ironies and word-plays, as well as odd things, such as saying 'I have a whistle". Saying 'HI!' in a deep, loud, 'special' voice, and (separately) inserting 'ur's and 'yur's in words can make people laugh.


    Hyur yur dyurrirn' durd? Urr, urkee, durt surnds kur myurn.

  6. Huh, so I'm not the only one to feel like this. I remember when I used to help people all the time on the internet, such amount of stress and heartache exhausted me to no end and I wont be surprised if it took a year or two off my life. I eventually did one of the hardest things I've ever done, and had to just abandon it all for the sake of my sanity and health.

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