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The Hip Historian Iaredios

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Blog Comments posted by The Hip Historian Iaredios

  1. I think I know who is next...



    Every. Single. Day. The hype is rising exponentially at this point.

    logbase2.750208628(hype)=day in the sequence.

    There's a very specific reason I chose that number, especially with how many specific figures it has.


    Whatever you say man. :lol:

  2. Humanity's new home from the end of Interstellar, I could live peacefully like everyone else until the population reaches a new hospitable planet and colonizes it. Either that, or the Ebon Hawk: unlike the Millennium Falcon, it's cockpit is in the middle so it makes more sense logically, not to mention I know where every nook and cranny is.



    I think I would go with the ship from the first Alien movie. Minus the alien, of course. It just looked super cozy.

    THIS (without the xenomorph infestation).



    Sounds like J.J. Abrams is copy/pasting ideas yet again.

    Have to agree with you for once.









    I blocked myself from certain things of the internet so hard so as to not be spoiled for this movie. I wanted to be completely surprised so that I could enjoy the movie.


    Unfortunately, while it was a good film, I left disappointed. Part of the problem I think was how exhausted I was of seeing Star Wars stuff in the months before The Force Awakens came out. I was annoyed by Star Wars by the time I went to see it. Me, a huge fan of Star Wars!


    As for the movie itself, here are some of my problems that left me disappointed: It was basically a reboot of A New Hope; I could tell Han was going to die, I wish it was more of a surprise; how powerful Rey was without any training or examples to go off of based on other present force users (I am hopeful that one of the sequels will give a Darth revan mind-wipe explanation); and the power-source of Starkiller Base: was it able to go to new star systems (like the Death Star) to charge up it's super-weapon, or did the First Order idiotically build a weapon that used up the very thing that sustains life on the planet?


    But the main thing that killed it for me was the lackluster soundtrack (Star Wars is known for it's signature great music, and it was lacking in this film except tunes from the old movies), and the total lack of history/background. How am I supposed to care if those planets blew up if they were never mentioned beforehand, or understand that there is both a New Republic and a Resistance unless I ahve subtitle to catch every single one-mentioned word/detail? What, by looking it up online? That kills the movie-going experience. The future film makers have some explaining to do >in film< next time and better darn well do a good job on it otherwise I'll be lost again; At least the Prequels did that part right (even if they may have done too much). What little background we got saved the film in my eyes, and I eagerly await for more of the past to be revealed as well as see Kylo Ren's development (he's my favorite new character).


    Due to my disappointment in Episode 7, my expectations for the next film are very high and I am afraid it may not live up to what I want.



  4. https://www.youtube.com/user/RC15O5

    I upload music on YouTube, and I have never gotten in trouble except on one occasion. I didn't exactly get in trouble per-say, but one of the co-creators (Nihl Finch) for an album I uploaded (Les Friction) contacted me on how i forgot to give him credit in my credit area in the video descriptions. I told him I couldn't fix it immediately but i will eventually get to it. The guy must have been patient because I forgot about the ordeal for three months and then I remembered to go fix that. He never contacted me again.


    Funny how if you do something right no one will say anything about it, but if you do something wrong then people will talk about it.



    You're only 5'8"? Dang man, I'm 6'5" and still growing!


    *Stares a death glare at you*

    At least with my shortness I don't have to worry about hitting ceiling fans.


    Just joking incase it wasn't obvious




    Actually, that is a problem, not so much my head but my arms and hands: I have to be careful of where I stretch or act crazy, because one of those fan blades can easily whack ya and give you sore thumb or a bruised hand. I also hate sitting in cars: most windows are too short so I only have half of my vision; it's going to be hard to find the right car when I can get one. Also, everything is too short: you have to bend down quite far for most things and it hurts your back.


    Height is both a curse and a blessing. :P


    You're only 5'8"? Dang man, I'm 6'5" and still growing!


    I had a friend at my last year of high school, he really loved Transformers and the show Gargoyles. After getting to know him I revealed my love for Bionicle (which he used to get the sets) and he was fascinated by how much story there was. As well as making him from atheist to agnostic, I also made him a bit of a minor Bionicle fan. My tongue gained a silver coating that year.

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