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The Hip Historian Iaredios

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Blog Comments posted by The Hip Historian Iaredios

  1. I wrote out a sizable post here, but a brief series of misfortunes made me click on something to another page and thus lose what I wrote. I will attempt to write out what I said before, but I must apologize if I sound annoyed in any way.


    I too used to read books. Like drawing, reading was my was to escape school and homework, but ever since I graduated high school I have had too many distractions (i.e. video games) that serve to have a more immediate means of entertainment than what books can provide, thus giving me little will to read despite my yearning to.


    I still buy books, however. My mother says that it is a waste of money as I either read only some of them or just not at all; but I enjoy having a library. I have a little comfy chair, paintings (one historical, two scenic), maps and globes aplenty, a 'fancy' lamp, a few ornamental German beer thingies, an atom model, and Lego architect models that my brother forcibly put on the bookshelf. My bedroom is my den and I use it to get away if need be. Just pop in a Bach CD, sit on the chair, drink juice from my Navajo mug while reading The Prince (still need to get an English-translation of Anti-Machiavelli by Frederick II Hohenstaufen).


    Good reads, eh? Here are a few, personally (in no particular order):


    • - God's Undertaker (non-fiction, covers science and religious discussion and reboots future discussions)
    • - The Alexiad (non-fiction, a contemporary biography of the Roman Emperor Alexios Komnenos and the rise of the Komnenos Dynasty; schnit gets pretty epic here)
    • - The Giver (fiction, a heart-felt dysotopian tale; I currently do not have this)
    • - A Princess of Mars (fiction, ex-CSA soldier gets sent to Mars, or rather Barsoom, and embarks on an epic journey that influences later 20th/21st Century fantasy).
    • - Beowulf (epic legend, follows the hero Beowulf in his (graphic) monster slayings and rise to power in early-medieval Scandinavia; the first known piece of English literature and contains a mixture of Christian and pagan influences).
    • - The Silmarillion (fiction, is J.R.R.Tolkien's grand origin story for the Middle-Earth mythopoeia)
    • - And of course, the Holy Bible (though it is admittedly hard to drink juice to such a large collection of books, forgive me Lord :lol:).


    Reading Wikipedia history pages are good too.

  2. For a while, i was studying some Steppe folks and Tengriism. One time, I actually wondered why people nowadays don't burn the casket carriers with the corpse itself to ensure it is protected in the next life, then I wondered "Wait, what is wrong with me?" :lol:

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