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Everything posted by Infrared

  1. Flickr Brickshelf Pofaru (POH FAH roo) is the Toa Nala of Magnetism and protector of Onu-Koro on Nala Nui. Pofaru was the first of the Toa Nala to be transformed and the only one transformed by Energized Protodermis, which he was exposed to in a mining accident. Although he exudes calm and friendliness, deep down the ramifications of his odd transformation weigh on him, and he lives in fear of what the future may bring. I made the name Pofaru using Tolkien's Matoran Dictionary. Here's what the Pofaru entry would look like: pofaru |n.cmpd.| miner of magnetic ore; lit. “oriented toward magnetic stone” [pofaru < po-fa-ru, from po “elemental stone”, fa “elemental magnetism”, and ru “orientation; oriented toward; intention”] C&C greatly appreciated!
  2. Hi again! I'm working on a MOC and was thinking I'd name it "magnetic ore" in Matoran. I liked the sound of pofaru (po + fa + ru - "stone magnetism oriented toward"), but do you think that's a valid way to order the morphemes or would pofaru mean something else? Edit: Never mind, I think I've figured it out--pofaru means more "oriented toward magnetic ore," which I think will also work.
  3. Nice MOC! The color scheme is fantastic (if not strictly canon ), particularly the trans-blue. The usage of HF heads as hands is very cool as well, and overall you did a very good job blending HF and Bionicle parts. Also, the calves are very well-done; you were able to achieve some nice shaping with the armor without having to make the calves extremely bulky so they could support it, which can be hard to do. A couple things I may suggest are that you add some more lime to the feet to balance it out a bit more (maybe by replacing the gray parts connecting the feet to the legs with lime ones) and that you get rid of the lime thigh bones and use lime on the thigh armor instead since it's exclusively used as armor on the rest of the MOC. Once again, great job!
  4. The following comes from an authorized Contest Judge: At least one inaccuracy or error has been found in your entry. After reading this judge post, you are authorized to edit your entry to fix these errors. After editing to fix these things, please post in the entry topic saying what you changed. Nice story! Just a couple things, mostly grammatical issues: This doesn't quite make sense--I think it'd be better if you took out "after those" and replaced it with "those" or "these." Very minor, but I think it's supposed to be "lie down" (you lay something down but you lie down). Later on, "many inhabitants lay dead" is correct though, since the past form of "lie" is "lay" (English can be so annoying ), so no need to change it there. The second quotation mark is missing here. I think this'd flow a bit better if you said "I finally reached a particular tunnel, one the Matoran had abandoned long ago because of its risk of caving in" instead. Also, in City of the Lost, Reysa is growing impatient with the Hydruka, hears a loud noise, swims over to the edge of the airfield, and then the tentacle grabs him. Maybe after the line about it growing darker than normal, you could briefly add something in about him growing impatient, hearing the noise, etc. just so it's consistent with the book. Once again, great job!
  5. @bones: Yep. @Makao: It doesn't even necessarily have to be that he couldn't use the protodites—maybe instead he wanted ​to use his weapon as a demonstration of his cunning. But yeah, you should probably reword that one way or another.
  6. Alright, done. The word count has changed but is still within the allowed range. Also: As an authorized contest judge, I have read and judged this entry: Rising by Toa Makao I approve this entry. It turns out the Piraka (minus Avak) rebelled against TSO 5,000 years ago but actually left the organization at a later point, so the timing of the Nidhiki scene checks out.
  7. I've done some investigation into the time discrepancy, and it turns out all the Piraka but Avak rebelled against TSO 5,000 years ago but didn't actually leave until later, so it all works out. I was a bit worried I had found an error in the actual canon since I remember that scene as well. I think it was in Legacy of Evil? Anyway, I see you've also fixed my other corrections, so: The following comes from an authorized Contest Judge: No inaccuracies or errors were found in your entry. Unless another judge or member finds a problem later, your entry is likely to go on to the polls. Edit: Forgot a word
  8. Just to double-check, it would be okay for me to change some minor punctuation, wording, etc. issues on my entry, right? It wouldn't be plot changes or anything; some sentences just don't convey their ideas as clearly as I'd like. I can try to get diffs up on GitHub or something if you want (they're widespread enough writing them all up would take a while).
  9. Fantastic, as always. All your translations have inspired me to mess around with Matoran a bit, and I thought I'd start with "You cannot defeat me, for I am nothing": Ou ako zya-ko-rhu, [because] o naiur [am]. (naiur = "nothing" from nai "all" + -ur) As you can see, I've run into a bit of a stumbling block... I've looked at some of your other stuff but haven't been able to figure out the words for "because" or "to be." Hopefully this isn't too off-base, but if you could help fill those in that'd be awesome.
  10. Greg got back to me regarding the Rahkshi question: Evidently not, since the ones that occupy Rahkshi never seem to do that. (Copy of post in OGC) (Original post on LMBs)
  11. Maybe this could be his campaign poster.... Anyway, just thought I'd put this quote here since I'm citing it. Should it become standard that we post quotes in this topic when we cite them and then link here instead of linking directly to the LMBs in case something happens? 1) They never gave themselves a name. They had no reason to do so. 2) Evidently not, since the ones that occupy Rahkshi never seem to do that. (Source)
  12. 1. I would imagine they could choose the power for the same reasons you mentioned. 2. I actually asked Greg about this a while ago, but unfortunately the answer is no: I do not believe so, no. (Source) 3. You know, this is a very good question. On the one hand, to create Kraata post-evolution the Makuta had to consciously turn their Antidermis from gas to solid, which might mean they would stay in that form, but on the other hand, they are still Antidermis. I'll ask Greg and get back to you on this.
  13. Thanks! I'm glad you like the build—it might not be the most complex thing ever, but I think it gets the job done. And I'm glad you like the HF chest armor as well! I was afraid it might be weird having that big "H" on his chest, but it's not that conspicuous. Besides, to a Matoran it's not an H, it's just a weird symbol. Thanks for commenting! Bo-Matoran and Toa of the Green have never been physically portrayed in the story, so it's good to know the distinction is clear since they're not quite as recognizable as other Toa types. I definitely see what you mean about the neck; going back through the pictures, it does look somewhat high. I think that might be due more to the angle I set it at for the pictures than the neck itself, though, since it doesn't look as odd now. I also see what you mean about the shoulders, but at the same time I feel like he's supposed to be a bit exposed and that beefing him up any more would change the vibe he's got going... maybe not, though.
  14. Front Side Back Unarmed Once a Bo-Matoran, Deiniki (day NEE kee) is now the Toa Nala of the Green and protector of Le-Koro on Nala Nui. He is at home in the jungles of Le-Wahi, swinging and leaping through the trees. While he might seem goofy and immature to those who don't know him, he is very brave and dedicated to his people. He wears a Great Mask of Sensory Aptitude, allowing him to enhance his five senses and sense of balance—very useful if he is in an unfamiliar part of the jungle or climbing through the canopy. I made the name Deiniki using Tolkien's Matoran Dictionary. Here's what the Deiniki entry would look like: deiniki = lit. "song of (a) high place", "song of (a) mountain top" (< deiniki < deika-inikhi, from deika "note, music" and inikhi "high-place; mountain-top". Variant forms: deikaniki, deikanki) Flickr set Brickshelf gallery (when public) Thanks for looking!
  15. Would this apply to using the spinnies in your sig? Or is it fine to use them without reuploading the gifs to a different host? That rule only applies to using BZPower images on another site, not BZP itself, so it should be okay. The only concern is that the images might be removed from the site at some point, but B6 or whoever uploaded them created a new path for the spinnies and didn't just overwrite the normal ones so I imagine they're here to stay. Edit: forgot a word
  16. There's no real reason they picked Malum as far as I know, they just decided to use his model (presumably since he wasn't in the movie).
  17. An interesting clarification regarding eating in the MU (emphasis mine): 1) They wouldn't need organs to process the food even if they did eat conventionally, as many Rahi do. In most cases, the Matoran simply touched the fruit or fish and drained energy from them. If they tried to eat it with their mouths, the physical contact would still drain the energy that they need to live and any food remnants would have been destroyed by the energies inside their body, so no waste, etc. 2) No. They are designed to not be able to do that. Nor have we ever seen one drain energy from a Rahi. The fish they ate on Mata Nui were Aqua Magna fish, not MU fish. 3) Depends on what you mean by age. If you mean does time affect them, yes, they have natural lifespans and can die of old age. They can also gain in knowledge, experience and maturity as time goes on. Look at how Takua went from avoiding the responsibility of being a Toa to choosing to take it on -- that is a sign of maturity. I never particularly saw the Matoran as being like children. I saw them as villagers. They don't have super powers and they rely on the Toa for that, the same as the citizens of Metropolis rely on Superman. Source
  18. That's awesome news! Congratulations!
  19. I nulled, seeing as I might be a bit biased since I worked on the infoboxes (I'm Morris the Mata Nui Cow on BS01). Anyway, I think it was a good move to upgrade to 1.22.2, and it's also good to see more skins being added in again. Like Meiko said, I think it might be nice to add in Refreshed as well, but once again I'm biased because I worked on it. One benefit is that it resizes and reformats content based on window size (see here for an example). Regarding the new skins, are they all going to be Monobook-based (like Arena.09, which I see you've added in at least temporarily), Vector-based, or are they going to be something new entirely? I ask because I have some ideas for a few Monobook CSS tweaks, but there's no use developing them if the new skins aren't going to be Monobook-based.
  20. Very simple, but I thought it looked sort of nice when I tested it on the page.... Click for fullsize: Other links: How it looks on the YouTube page
  21. My condolences to his friends and family; may he rest in peace.
  22. Like Mata Nui had the Matoran and Toa to keep his body functioning, even though Teridax had killed off all the other Makuta (save Miserix), he still had the entirety of the Brotherhood of Makuta's forces at his disposal, including a huge number of Rahkshi, Exo-Toa, and Visorak. In fact, in chapter 8 of Journey's End it's mentioned Teridax uses Visorak to repair his body:
  23. TSO is said to have performed experiments on Sentrakh in an attempt to make the DHs more loyal, but in the process his state of being was changed so that he inhabits a "shadow state" between life and death. Also, in the Dark Hunter book, TSO says that "[p]erhaps someday, if I am feeling charitable, I will free him from his current empty existence . . . and repay his gift of life with my gift of death," which seems to mean TSO could remove Sentrakh from his shadow state and kill him whenever he wanted. How do you think this was achieved? One idea that's sort of out there is that TSO assigned Sentrakh to protect him (to make that his final goal in life), then made Sentrakh don a Mask of Undeath before somehow siphoning all of his life force into it, killing him. Then, when Sentrakh came back, he would have all the life force he did while living, but would be wholly dedicated to TSO. This would also explain how TSO could release Sentrakh from his shadow state and kill him: by simply removing his Kanohi. Of course, there is one large problem with this theory: Sentrakh doesn't wear a Kanohi... perhaps it is fused to his head? Any thoughts?
  24. An interesting quote on the GBs: I always saw them as being most likely of the same species as the Glatorian. We never discussed the concept of them coming from some other world or anything like that. But exactly what they look like was never determined. Source
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