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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. -Toa Lhikevikk-

    Is It 2010?

    You're all wrong. It's 10,000 B.C.
  2. I KNOW I was able to do it, but no prize...
  3. -Toa Lhikevikk-


    oh noez that meanz he died
  4. Sounds like a nice job.
  5. Who kind of "cool dudes" (ya know what I mean) were running that court? And Mata Nui can't even hit people with his shield? You know, they should have included that sword in the set.
  6. Thundersorms are awesome. A month ago, we saw one from INSIDE THE CLOUDS. (Airplane, of course.) It's cool and scary at the same time.
  7. Department of Civl Aviation (Dubai) Dubai E 66 (It's a highway in the UAE) United Arab Emirates Etihad Airways 2003 Kunsthistorisches Museum (I'VE BEEN THERE! ) The Fight Between Carnival and Lent Effigy Guy Fawkes Protestantism Public morality Football pools Haworth (It's a city in England) Pink Floyd Rock opera Academy Award The Godfather Marlon Brando British Raj World War I Gavrilo Princip Bosnia and Herzegovinia Great Turkish War Grand Duchy of Moscow The Kremlin Joseph Stalin That was harder than I thought. [whew] (I saw Hitler once but resisted the urge and kept on going.)
  8. Uh... what meeting? :P Also, I has a plan. Sneaky plan. My dad is in plan. PM for plan. Sneaky plan.

  9. [noob]haha theery iz wrong greg said graet biengs made red star lol u fael[/noob]
  10. Can you explain "how the cards work?" If you're still alive, (I HOPE YOU ARE)... join blue!

  11. Need help with Huna? EDIT: You don't, yay. May I offer you a Zatth?
  12. -Toa Lhikevikk-

    Hey Guys

    1. Predictable. It's cool, though kina anticlimatic how the nickname most people gave it is official now... 2. im da toa of fael lol 3. [inserts custom-made "LhikRoll"] 4. I guess. 5. Billy Mays getting resurrected. 6. BUT WHAT HAPPENED TO PI?
  13. Is this the card guy? :o

  14. That's the most bizarre thing to occur in Bionicle... o_O And I thought what happened to Nidihki, Krekka and Nivawk in the second movie was freakish.
  15. Yeah... Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson... But worst of all... BILLY MAYS!
  16. Happy, happy, birthday!

    (Though it's sad that Billy Mays died on your birthday. [sniff])

  17. These coincidences are getting scary. Who's next? Spielberg? Rick Astley? Obama? Greg Farshtey? That better, BETTER not happen.
  18. And I thought my "Billy Metus with Iconox-Clean" joke was funny. THAT. IS. PLAIN. HILARIOUS. :supperfunny:
  19. 1. No one. 2. No one. 3. A. 4. B. 5. MLN campaign. 'Cept it's less interesting.
  20. Silver mine? Oh, that is definately worth photographing! (Or maybe I'm just a nerd.)
  21. I'd rather see Roodaka and Takua dance. Funnier.
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