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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. I used to stalk her... as a guest back in '06. And trying to charm Big D into giving you free premiership is always an option.
  2. This blog is entertaining. 8D Which is a requirement for any blog if the author wishes me to read it.
  3. Thankee. Blame the downtime for your lateness. :P

  4. I'm four days in but I haven't counted the words. I have lots of competition. D:
  5. -Toa Lhikevikk-


    I'm thinking it's a prototype.
  6. There goes my Tesara scene for the story contest. It can easily be edited, though, without affecting too much. The part about the fire army staying in control for a few hours is almost exactly how I portray it. I wonder what the Element Lords may be fighting over now...
  7. When in doubt... ...fight hackers with hackers. Someone with enough stomach to handle their site (don't know what they have there, don't think I want to know), email me. Not PM. Email. I do a lot of PMing, so I won't disable it yet. I'll start checking people out before opening their PMs. But the Men in White shall rise, and defend our "communist" site!
  8. Awesome name is awesome. :D

    Oh, and happy birthday.

  9. Shush. We don't want reds to know anything. I came up with another sneaky plan. My mind works in such ways. It's important that many blues know, but we must be careful in case a traitor crept in!
  10. Really, seeing someone literally lose face won't make me metaphoically lose face. I've toughened a bit after the PM they sent me. After I exorcised the computer, of course.
  11. I knew it... now take him out before he interferes with our plan.
  12. [sneaks off with ice cream cake in the commotion but is abducted by Vogons]
  13. The Cable of Power lies far to the north on Mount Cupcake, my friend. You must journey through treacherous ice fields and deadly deserts, battling fearsome dragons and monstrous giants. May the Farce be with you, young Yeti...
  14. Theodosius Constans Piedmont Beauregard Edmondssen VI.
  15. How will you know where I live if I don't know either?
  16. 1. kewl 2. Trying to exit a car... via the window. 3. ET. 4. 0.5? 5. DO IT
  17. Sounds cool! But I thought I was Lhik!
  18. JOE: Hey Chuck! We haven't seen each other since college! CHUCK: Yeah! So did did you marry Suzie? That girl you were always in love with? JOE: No. CHUCK: Why not? Did you tell her you loved her? JOE: Yes. CHUCK: Did you tell her you have a rich uncle? JOE: Yes. CHUCK: So what happened? JOE: She is now my rich aunt. CHUCK: omg what the carp how does that i dont even
  19. If I see something rated R, forget it. Any interest in it abruptly disappears. If it's rated PG-13, eh... it's kinda iffy, but I probably wouldn't see it. If it's rated PG, oh, sure, I could watch it. If it's rated G, it'll porbably bore me. But at least I know there's no sex/cursing/violence. And none of these are parent-imposed, they're my own preferences.
  20. Ice cream cake? [snatches and eats]
  21. Incorrect. The answer is between 24 and 48.
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