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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN (hey at least your face didn't liquify)
  2. The wire was cut in the original scene. At least the banners won't crash people's computers anymore.
  3. KK17: Haven't tasted those. Will have to do so later. 8D Sumiki: I didn't drink it, I licked a window that had been cleaned with it... five years ago.
  4. It was because the site they were hosting redirected to a topic. It no longer does, but contains a link to said topic.
  5. -Toa Lhikevikk-


    Windex tastes awful. Yet another reason for you to join the V Team.
  6. I'll buy it. I'm a soul collector. Very tasty, they are. Will you take an Orb?
  7. Everyone who wondered where Blago got his hair from, the answer has been found... Now compare with... The truth is out. Blago's true crime? RICKROLLING EVERYONE WITH HIS HAIR!
  8. -Toa Lhikevikk-


    1. lolvaaht? 2. uh wut five 3. count dooku iz better 4. Costa Rica. Don't envy me, I hated it. 5. idklol
  9. You're not joining? Also, who or what is the Trust?
  10. -Toa Lhikevikk-


    So long, hazrd, and thanks for all the fish! 8D Anyway, card collections all went bye-bye because they starting killing people's compies. Now what do I use for a banner? ;_;
  11. KK17: The world may never know... Chan'e: whoo partay But now what do I put in my sig...?
  12. If I'm 13, you're 16... how are you my mother? O_o (maybe it's best not to ask) Anyway, would you object to me running you through with a pike? 8D
  13. ~Bitil~ gets it! But which staffer does it reference?

  14. http://www.hazrd.co.cc/wadf801.htm THE WORLD IS SAVED! For card banner owners: Rejoice because we have completed our mission! For card banner haters: Rejoice as well because you won't be seeing them anymore! OMG I HAVEN'T BEEN THIS EXCITED SINCE I BECAME PREMIER... TWO WEEKS AGO! 8D
  15. If you couldn't tell, it's a blog approval. Now I can officially approve blogs. 8D (Geez, I'm getting addicted to that emoticon...) And someone please join the V Team!
  16. You win! Conflagrations on first to have all the cards. 8D (and yay I'm second place)
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