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Everything posted by Valendale

  1. It's great that both of them still love Bionicle enough to do something like this. I know the community has its disagreements with both of them at times, but they made something we all enjoy, and this shows they still have their hearts in it as much as we do.
  2. For the first time in over a decade, I no longer see BZP first thing every time I boot up my internet browser. Kind of a big change.

  3. Valendale

    Playing With an Idea

    I believe ToaD's is still up, or at least only down temporarily. Might be better to just join that one.
  4. I think one of the biggest changes that we might see is having less characters, or at least less "main" characters, with each individual character getting more spotlight time. So we might have Toa teams of 4 instead of 6, as was originally planned.
  5. Made a small little alt-build of 60427: Forest Fire. I call it "Forest Firepoint" envision it as a shrine to some sort of deity or spirit that might be found while wandering through the woods.
  6. It's cool that there's a set with nearly 12,000 parts and that it's only $250, but I just don't find the actual set itself all that appealing.
  7. Seems like you've never posted anything else and you haven't visited in years, but I just wanted to say I liked your story.


  8. Cool set for all the monochrome minifigs. I wonder how the people who collect those feel about this. I could see myself picking this up at only $35.
  9. Gonna have to keep an eye on this. I'm willing to spend some money to get this.
  10. https://youtu.be/6iV-5CpJsmU Well, after 5 years, I made it to my degree. I have to say I enjoyed college ( I enjoy education in general.) despite all the rocky moments. I entered in as very unsure of myself. Coming from a tiny high school with a graduating class of 62 people where everyone knew me was a big change. I didn't get into my first choice school, but I think where I ended up might have been better for me and still very proud to have attended. (This could be the same story for a lot of my college to be honest.) Plus it was nice to have a few familiar faces from high school going in with me, even if I didn't have them with me at the end. In fact one of the things that stood out to me today was how few people at the ceremony I really knew. Certainly none on a close personal level. College brought me a lot of new experiences that I'm so thankful for. I had to study and teach myself in ways I never had to before. I got my driver's license. I stayed in my first dorm and first apartment. I travelled to new cities and tried new foods. I played new games with new friends. I found my first real love. I went to therapy. I worked a real job. I looked out for people who couldn't for themselves. I went to parties that were totally different, even if they had a lot of they same people. And it continued right up until the end, even if a lot of these things were temporary and the days would sometimes seem to flow together without event. This isn't the end for me though. Right now, I'm planning to go back for grad school in the fall. I'm very hopeful about my chances to get a job in the summer and with any luck it will be something I'm able to continue part-time while I complete my master's. There's a lot in the past and future, but for today, I'm just going to be proud of my accomplishment.
  11. I like Teridax as a way to differentiate it from the species name. I'll admit that my opinion may be influenced by the fact that I didn't get into Bionicle until 2006. I didn't really spend much time thinking about him as the only makuta or even THE makuta.
  12. For me, I think I would say MoCing brings me more joy. It's very fulfilling to actually create something. I enjoy instructed building a lot too, but that's more something to relax without having to sit in front of a screen.
  13. Love it! Cats are great!
  14. I like it, not just as a revamp, but as an imagining of what a G2 Hahli set might actually look like. I like the use of the new launcher to combine the harpoon with the play feature and make a harpoon that actaully shoots. I like the string on it too, that's something I might like to see used more one day, would save a lot of lost projectiles. And as was already mentioned, I think the organic masks fit right in with the ccbs shells.
  15. Cool design, it really emphasizes what made Hero Factory's world unique compared to Bionicle. I like the drone as an expansion of the single-piece ones that came in the sets.
  16. At Brickfair 2019, one of the biggest things that surprised me was the number of Bionicle fans who got into it after it ended, or got into the original because of the reboot. But it makes sense, Bionicle is overall aimed at younger people, and a lot of them weren't around/old enough during the first run. As for the question of the topic, I think right now the advent of things like Wall of History actually make it easier for people to get into the Bionicle story compared to say 2011 right after it ended, even if they don't become part of the "community" so to speak. It's not too rare for someone to mention Bionicle to me, not knowing that I'm a fan or what it's really all about, and I'll just drop them a link to that. The sets on the other...The recent growth of the community combined with how long they've been out of print for seems to have driven up the prices greatly, at least that's what I've heard. I remember around the initial cancellation, vendors at cons were still selling Bionicle sets and parts for dirt cheap compared to other LEGO. So there is that barrier to entry. I think we may end up seeing more story-only fans, or possibly people like your upcoming child who inherit their collection from a relative who was a fan. Overall though, I think there are still enough people getting out there won't be a real crisis or shortage of parts for many years to come. And that's only if it never gets brought back as you state.
  17. It's a nice door! Looks a lot like doors you might actually see.
  18. Great mech. I like how the size and bulk gives it a real intimidation factor.
  19. Yeah, I think the tracker was just dropped after the forum update. I guess we're back to using this forum (this topic in particular) for things that used to be covered there. (That's the way it was before the tracker.)
  20. I think this is the first time I've actually entered the raffle at the "last chance" announcement. Need to stay on top of things better I guess.
  21. It's because of that Tuesday society.
  22. Wow, that's really cool to be able to make something like that! Have you worn them at all?
  23. I had a good bit of fun with this game back in the day, but even as someone who was into MMOs, I was already old enough at 13 that it was competing with World of Warcraft for a money and time subscription from me. And well, WoW usually won out. Plus there was little enough content that I didn't feel like I was missing much by only playing for one month every few. I liked what was there, but there just wasn't enough to hold my interest for long.
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