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Lord Kini Hawkeye

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Everything posted by Lord Kini Hawkeye

  1. Deedle Dee, nice to see this place up and running still...@.@*Only posted so that there wouldn't be double posting*
  2. I saw it Premier night, it's absolutely beautiful. At first i kinda thought it'd be redundant to make a movie that would do basically the same thing the "original" movie did... but I think this'll be much better after seeing the trailer.
  3. There's an absolutely massive difference between being on the site still because you want to talk to your friends, and not caring about the set line. I don't want bionicle back. I was never here to talk about sets and storyline, but that doesn't mean i don't care. So what if people are content with bionicle ending. What would you rather have? The Story and Sets end the way they did, Or have it run on and end up hating it? Just because people are content doesn't mean they no longer care, and that's something a lot of people in this "bring Bionicle Back Club" need to learn. Just because we aren't about to cry and scream and have our lives ruined by a toy lines ending, we're content to move on with our lives and accept the impact that the toyline had. For a lot of people, this was the best time to end the toy.
  4. No help. Even though i should be. i'm still an assistant. but i'm about as lost as you... I need to wake my character up...
  5. I already fear yuuuu D: Don't hurt me Mister Rayg @.@
  6. But, but, But.... You save the Collective BZPers (luke) from the Evil Clutches of the Administration (The Emporer) in the end, killing yourself in the process. We already mourn you
  7. Some people don't have access to VNOG, or are able to play it. Besides, if BS01 doesn't have it it'd be a useful thing to add.So what exactly are they?
  8. Of course not, you're not staff.
  9. Megablocks is only superior, in my mind, in their attention to detail in some ways.Still lower quality - but i love the Halo sets, and Loved the dragons/pirates sets way back when but no, Lego's not drifting towards megablocks at all.
  10. D: And here i thought i got to be speshul
  11. That is quite possibly the most epic thing i've seen in a long time.
  12. Quit criticizing the way I do things, scumbag. If you've got a problem with it, go somewhere else 'cuz I don't need your juvenile garbage. Alright, That's great. There's just one... teeeeensy weensy problem. You need to be just a tiiiny bit harsher... like, maybe 20 percent, and you should be good.
  13. You need a scarrier image. I mean, really, lets face it. There has to be SOME truth to the whole thing, but obviously you just aren't giving off the scary vibe. We need to work on that. Start by being really harsh about something.
  14. I would Like you all to be aware that you're too cool to be scary. Or is it too scary to be cool? Hmmm....
  15. As far as Allowing people to create stuff on the server map when it's released, That'll depend on two things.Size of the island, and whether or not we want the museum server destroyed.While LJ and I are working on the Island... and taking our sweet time mostly because i'm lazy, I COULD see the server map being kept up if there was enough demand, and turned into a survival/creative mode server simple for enjoying the mata Nui experience on.However i don't see that happening until maybe a month after the movie releases.
  16. Ohgod.Anywhere i can jump in? I'm so out of the loop, and tired, and such, so someone recap me as to what happened and how much time, if any, has passed since Kiro passed out. T'would be nice to get back into this
  17. Deevs replied better than I could have, especially in my current... overtired state.But i HAVE been to many a website outside of BZP. And I like BZP best. Why? Because the staff are Active. They're not too lenient, they're not too harsh. Granted there are some times where i feel that a closed topic or blog post didn't necessarily need closing, but oh well. Stuff happens.If your problem is with the rules and not the staff, than you needn't get angry with the staff. The no linking to forums is there for a reason, as is the word filter, as is the "ban" on political/religious discussion.If you like "Every other site on the internet" So much, why don't you go to "Every other site on the internet." Because you're still here there's obviously a reason why, but if all these other sites are so good, why do you keep whining about BZP's rules?
  18. If the staff were unneccessarily harsh Deev's here wouldn't have replied. He would've deleted your post.It the staff were unneccessarily harsh this topic wouldn't have lasted this long, especially with all the staff discussion.If the staff were unneccessarily harsh You, Zaz, would've been banned by now.You continue using these terms, "Forced Optimism" "Unneccessarily harsh," and i don't think you actually understand what they mean, for there are places with far, far worse Moderation. Just because you frequent sites that have more freedom than BZPower does not mean that the entirety of the internet is like that. I can guarantee that the Majority of the Forums you're comparing BZPower to, don't have a primarily 12-14 year old audience.just because BZPowers getting older, doesn't mean the majority age of it's members has changed.
  19. Kagha. You left >:L YU LEFT >:L I"M BEST MAN DANGIT, i claimed it XD
  20. *coughSmeagandNikicough* I'm pretty sure that worked for a bit. Then again i don't know the details
  21. Congrats to Everyone who won, Especially you my good sir. You beat me by one vote :)Guess i'll just have to try harder next time, Congrats to everyone. I'm Proud to have competed with so many good writers
  22. Just going to throw this out there.I'm not an expert on Civ, much less it's builder, But you can't really get too specific with it "Extinct Volcano" wise. A lot of the geography of your island will still have to be explained/drawn, so just keep that in mind.
  23. Rausaro:I believe I read somewhere, (i think in Cryptum) that there were an original Twelve Rings. However all of this original number were destroyed save one, which was then used as the basis for the smaller and more easily hidden "second" halo series.I recall this information being released but not where i read it...Maybe i'm crazy but i think it's in Cryptum.
  24. Personally I'd like to just say that a Religion should depend on the race and be part of their "culture."There shouldn't really be a standard religion, nor should anyone be limited. If someone wants their race to worship one diety, or someone wants their to worship 300 plus, I say let them.If i'm missing something feel free to ignore this cause i havn't posted on BZP in a long time and i merely skimmed the topic.
  25. I actually discovered BZPower shortly after it began being Advertised on the Bionicle Website. However, i wasn't able to make an account for a long while, until about '08.Makes me kinda sad that i coulda had a pretty spinny
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