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My plan was to come here with a batch of the tangerine Mirus, but that was a fail. They completely resisted the dye. I'll try that again next week. Poking around, I made this pakari And 6 of these TDGMs (Trans Dark Green Miru) Anyway, they're for sale or trade for (I don't know what... maybe knockoffs or Bayer bricks)... Also, all that German stuff is in boxes, ready to go. If you were one of the bidders, please let me know if you still want it. Apologies in PMs, Gotta run.
The Tahtorak Youngling is built solely from the pieces contained in Lewa, Lewa Nuva, Lehvak, Lehvak-Va and Lehrahk. I originally intended this as a cheeky entry for the 'Gen-1 Style' BzPower Contest (perhaps this way I wouldn't need to send my entry overseas), but exams prevented me from completing this in time. More photos may be found here. Edit: After jumping through quite the few hoops, I've uploaded this on MOCpages, which has instructions!
This is Meltixx T.M. (Meltdown+Waspixx turtle mode) (description in gallery)sorry for low quality
This is one of my newer Toa, I decided to make him Toa Kumo, of Air and plantlife. He is my idea of a basic Toa in the Bionicle universe and he is just one of my favorite characters to play with.
As the rusty Toa canister washes up on the shores of Metru Nui, lights from the canister begin blinking and a tiny alarm sounds before the lid of the canister explodes off into the ground, and biomechanical bones are scattered onto the beach of Le-Metru and a hand comes to life and grabs the limbs and joints of the bones assembling them all together where the bones all attach and form a tall being, and looks around with his dark eyes before spotting the Protodermic Kanohi Hau in the ground and he picks the mask up, and placing it on his face as it magnetically attaches and a surge of power runs through him as the grey toa soon changes to be a bright colorful green color and his eyes begin to glow a bright green hue from the eyeholes of his Hau. Toa Kumo is now awake. He looks around at the horizon of the endless silver sea with the two suns burning in the distance shining a brilliant golden light on the Toa as he takes in a deep breath and then exhales the air in his lungs, and begins to travel inward to one of the forests of Le-Wahi. The toa of air and plantlife makes his way towards the inner city of Le-Metru. His quest begins. (Hello I am new to roleplaying here so I could use some help if you can offer it )
Well, I decided it's about time I post him so I did. He's definetly cool. He's even got a "cross"bow. Why "cross" you'll soon find out. (Pictures) (LDD File) (Gallery (It's public)) Enjoy!
Time to post another recent MOC. My first ever DC MOC. I wasn't satisfied of the Joker's random green-white-orange-gunmetal-purple-neon green color scheme so I decided to revamp him, making him only purple and green (with some black, which I tried to avoid at best) and keeping white as his skin. I gave him a more classic gun and a scythe because I thought it'd look good with him.Front viewSide viewBack view (kinda hollow, I know)C&C welcomed.
This is a series I've been thinking about writing for awhile, it's much better quality than some of my previous works, so I hope you like it! Review Topic Chapter 1 The Green Gharo stared forward, his eyes locked on the massive reptilian Rahi in front of him. He had been traveling through the Geuro Jungles that afternoon in search for more Thornax fruit that he could use for his launcher. The massive blue Rahi opened its mouth, revealing a huge set of dripping teeth. Gharo glanced from side to side, making sure there weren't any other Rahi waiting to ambush him from the side or behind. His eyes narrowed, and the creature charged towards him, letting out half-screech, half-bark noises that would have even made a Makuta hide. Gharo jumped into the air, and the creature's eyes glanced upwards as Gharo's long black claws glinted in the sun. He reached his hand out in mid jump, and a vine came flying towards him out of the woods, giving him enough balance to swing around and stab his claws into the creature's back. The Rahi swerved back and forth, trying to shake Gharo from his back, and Gharo felt his arms beginning to tire. He activated his Kanohi Faxon, and he felt strength that matched the Rahi's fill his body. He dug his claws in harder, and the creature shook back and forth, but it was to no avail. Finally, Gharo got tired of messing with the creature, and he let go, causing him to soar through the air. He rolled with the momentum, and grabbed onto a vine that was hanging from a tree nearby. He swung around in the opposite direction, and flipped upwards, landing on the branch that the vine hung from. Gharo sat for a moment in silence, but suddenly a voice behind him said, "I thought you said you were looking for Thornax plants?" Gharo let out a yip and jumped into the air, and he plummeted downwards, just barely grabbing the vine he had swung from moments ago and avoiding a painful collusion with Mother Nature's floor. Gharo glared upwards at the figure that was peeking down at him. It was Tyre, a 'friend' of his and a fellow Toa of the Green, and he almost wanted to yell at him. But, he didn't, and he slowly climbed his way back upwards to sit next to Tyre, who was holding his hand over his mouth to keep from snickering. Tyre was clad in lime and forest green armor, and he wore a sleek Kanohi Miru on his face. One of his arms was long with a dark green barbed claw on the end, and the other held a shield. Tyre said, "Selva said he wants you to return to the village, apparently there's something wrong with coastline. Though I think he’s just making a big deal over nothing.” Gharo nodded, but he was so lost in thought that he didn’t really think about it. Selva was another Toa of the Green, and he was more of a quiet studier than somebody who went out and used his powers. Tyre glanced at him and said, "Want me to go tell him you don't care?" Gharo shook his head and said, "It can't hurt to check it out. Plus I haven't seen him in a while, and I've been meaning too." Tyre made a face and said, "You want to see Selva? I can't stand the guy. He doesn't do anything except study, and he doesn't even get half of my jokes." Gharo smirked and said, "Maybe it's because you aren't funny." Tyre was about to make a retort, but Gharo had already jumped through the air and grabbed a vine, and was soaring off towards the village... Chapter 2 A Disturbance Gharo walked down the streets of Geuro Village, the place that the Se-Matoran, the Matoran of the Green lived. Based off the stories he had heard from travelers, it was similar to that of a Le-Matoran city, in that it was built in the treetops. Though there were several large differences. Rather than living in huts on branches, the people of the village lived in the trees themselves, the Se-Matoran had carved out several large trees, and rather than walking across platforms to the other trees, villagers simply would grab a vine and swing to wherever they wanted to go. In the center of the village was a massive tree known as the Root Tree, in which Turaga Buruk lived. Gharo grabbed a vine and swung across towards a medium sized tree to the left of the Root Tree, one that had a massive wooden telescope housed in a log stuck out. He knocked on the door, and a voice said, "Come in." Gharo pushed the door open, and stared around the room. There were several maps and tools hung up on the walls, and sitting in the middle of the room was a figure who was holding a map in one hand, and some sort of magnification tool in the other. The figure looked up and said, "Ah, Gharo. Good to see you got my message. I wasn't sure if Tyre would deliver it." Gharo walked over to the figure and said, "Good to see you too Selva, I see your house is as clean as usual." He stared around at the floor that was covered in sharp tools that could probably rip through armor if one was stepped on, and several old maps that he was surprised weren’t completely trampled. He leaped into the air and did a flip to land next to Selva, who glanced up at Gharo, his green Mahiki flashing. Selva disliked the shape of the mask and called it uncomfortable, so he had modified it to fit his face better, making it look very much like a Miru. He pointed at the map in his hand and said, "You see the island right here?" Gharo nodded, and then Selva pointed at another map that lay on the floor next to him, "And this is the most recent picture I've taken." Gharo glanced back and forth between the two images. There was a clear distinction between the two; about half a kio was missing from the shoreline. Selva said, "Something happened about a month ago, remember when that earthquake happened?" Gharo nodded. About a month ago, a massive quake had shaken the island, but nothing had been damaged. Selva continued, "We thought nothing had happened, and everything was safe. But I've been monitoring the island for a while, and I think the stalactite that holds us to the base of the island has been damaged, or even completely shattered." Gharo's eyes widened, if that was true, they were in terrible danger. Selva continued, "I need help traveling underneath the island, I was planning on going through the Root Cave, but you know what happens to all beings who travel there." Gharo nodded. The Root Cave lay beneath the Root Tree, and traveled far below the surface of the island. Long ago it was open to the village as a public area, but something strange happened, and villagers had been reported to be lost. Buruk had ordered it to be closed off to everyone except for the Toa. If Selva was going down there, he would need help...
Welcome back, This is a continuation of my series Ascent of Matoran. I derivation of the Ascent of Man picture. This week I'm hitting the matoran of Air, the Le-matoran. The fun part was building a matoran 2.0. I had to dig up my Bohrok sets for that one. Once I finish all six I'll compile them in one final topic. For now enjoy. Please add your comments below. Classic Ascent of Man pose: Angular pose: http://www.brickshel...r/ascent_02.jpgEdit Note 1: I fixed the link address for the first image.
Recently, I was thinking about the identity of the green cloud that partially comprises the Skakdi Fusion alongside with a Steltian, a Vortixx, a Zyglak, and the five remaining Piraka. Now, it was confirmed a while back that the cloud is not Antidermis, thereby ruling out the possibility of it being Krika, Icarax, a portion of Teridax, or any other Makuta. Logic then leads one to Zaktan, and while that could be it, I personally don't see much value in it being yet another Piraka.But then it hit me.What if the green cloud was the Shadowed One? When last we saw him, he was on Xia, in possession of some Makuta viruses. However, he then mysteriously disappeared; the viruses along with him. Now let's first examine the evidence:1) The cloud is not a Makuta.2) Teridax orchestrated the creation of the Fusion.3) The Fusion is said to contain the mind of "one thought dead."4) The Shadowed One vanished during an earthquake on Xia, which was caused by the fight between Mata Nui and Teridax.5) The vials containing the viruses were also mysteriously emptied.6) In the "Who is/isn't the Great Being?" thread, TSO is ruled out as a possibility, as Greg "had other plans for him."I propose that the Shadowed One was mutated by the viruses (perhaps he was tampering with them, or maybe he came into contact with them when that earthquake hit Xia) into the green cloud, and was then teleported by Teridax to the location of the fusion "ritual." This would account for his disappearance, and it would make sense that Teridax would ensure the presence of all the necessary components. As for being "thought dead," TSO could qualify as no one would have seen him since then, so maybe he's been presumed dead by the Order and the Dark Hunters. Additionally, Teridax may have wanted a way to get rid of TSO in order to pre-emptively quell him, should he choose to resist Teridax's reign.So, what do you think? Plausible? No?
i't been a while since i posted something here, anyway here's my new MOC, it's a big green monstrous beast, I actually started making this about 3 months ago and then the wip was abandoned cause i can't find some good head design, and then last week i suddeny found some good use of metru torso like you can see in the image, i tried to modified it a little and ta daaaGallery hereany comments and/or criticism are welcomed Edit: Image thumbnailed due to file size. Please keep posted images in BBC to 100 kB.Click on the thumbnail to view the original image..-Wind-
Here's the second MOC(s) I'm posting from the downtime: A nameless Glatorian and Agori of Jungle. ^click for gallery (when public)^ And here's some more pictures:Agori frontAgori backGlatorian frontGlatorian backGlatorian climbing with whip/grappleComments and/or criticism are appreciated, and please, check out my other MOCs as well! -