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IC: Maripi - Sado

I bound from floor to floor, moving so fast that any of the building's occupants looking my way will see nothing but a blur of blue and a flash of light. Later, they'll probably pass it off as spirits, or their eyes deceiving them. That is, unless they find the hole I'm ripping in the shoddily built uppermost ceiling with my telekinesis. Still, once I've propelled myself out of it, I do my best to slam it back into place. From here I can see a lot of the city, the breeze on my face fairly pleasant and the sun bright. But I haven't got time to admire the view - I can hear shouting from below. My eyes narrow. Right now I'm on an adrenaline-fueled overload...I'll feel it later, but for now I'll make the most of it.


I leap from this crystalline rooftop to the next, confidence and speed growing. I'm going to make it out. I didn't think so less than a minute ago, but now I know I'm going to get out. Racing across the lucid roofs, I remind myself to keep on going, to not get too sure of myself. If I'm going to have to use a metaphor here, I'll say that confidence is like a throwing weight: a little more weight is great to make it fly further, provided you're strong enough, but making it heavier than you can carry will result in you lying on the ground, possibly permanently.

There. A metaphor. Happy now?

Edited by OLISI



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IC: Maripi - Sado

####, that was a simile, wasn't it?

The second roof is behind me, and I'm trying my best not to lose my footing on the semi-transparent tiles as I race over them. Now, to find the others...the docks, wasn't it? I'll head there.



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[Odaiba, Mahuika Hall]

Hatchi bowed deeply to Kilanya as she took the paper.  “Your actions are exceedingly generous, great lady.  I am deeply ashamed I cannot do more.  I will convey your wishes to my Toroshu as soon as possible.  Now--” she stood up again “-with your leave, we would like to return to our humble caravan, for the night is cold.”


IC (Kilanya)


"Of course," Kilanya replied, inclining her head. "May your journey carry Mother Zuto's blessing."




Several hours later, the Ageru Toroshu was standing among most of the Empire's political elite as they listened to Rora Yumiwa's official speech, and few were listening as closely as she. An official statement was hardly the most accurate and transparent indication of the Rora's opinions, but as Kilanya's requests for audience had so far all been met with delays and deflections, it looked as though it was the best she was going to get.


It was a relief to her that Yumiwa had chosen not to condemn the Dastana's secession, as there would almost certainly have been immediate and disastrous consequences. Her words also seemed to match the impressions Kilanya had garnered of the discontent that had been the reason for the civil unrest.


But although Kilanya was still undecided on where she stood on these matters, she could not help but notice that for all the Rora's waxing lyrical she did not truly address them. She said she shared the people's concerns, but said nothing concrete about acting on them. As emotive as the speech was, it was really rather vague and had about it the hollow ring of politics.


IC (Enali)


The fight that erupted in the street was both exciting and terrifying to Enali. The mental plane was practically buzzing as all four disciplines were levied by the combatants. Part of her wished she could enter the fray herself and help take down that Toroshu she'd heard such awful things about, but she knew her feeble abilities would probably be less help than hindrance.


IC: Vazaria.


Why did I ever agree to this.... she could hear the beast bearing down on her from behind... see its shadow rising up around her.... She deactivated her mask and dropped to the ground, skidding for a few bio before coming to a complete stop. 


With any luck, the dragon would be unable to slow itself in time, and it would shoot past her....




Unfortunately for Vazaria, the dragon didn't need to stop. As it passed above her, it opened its great maw and for a heartbeat one could see the rows of knife-like teeth, the long red tongue and (from deep in its throat) a rapidly growing orange glow. Then it was all swallowed up by a torrent of fire that came roaring out upon the great beast's breath and surged down to meet the Dasaka on the ground below.





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[Odaiba, Mahuika Hall]


Hatchi bowed once again.  “And yours as well, Great Lady.”


Then with as much dignity she could muster given her exhaustion, she limped outside into the night.  Her companion followed after her, bowing as well, though not nearly as deeply.


Outside, the light drizzle had turned into an constant shower that pressed down on the both of them.  Even Myzru, who normally enjoyed the rain seemed to regard it with a weary eye when Hatchi tickled his neck to wake him.  He grawked in protest as she climbed onto his saddle, but a firm press of her right knee was enough to guide him back onto the path.  The light of the caravan gleamed up ahead, promising a warm place to sleep away the night.




The morning was not quite so disagreeable as the evening before--the rain faded to a chilly mist and the wind from the North abated.  Most importantly, Hatchi slept, and meditated for the first time in days.  She needed it now more than ever, this facade.  She just had to last until they reached Sednkuy, there would be more than enough time to contemplate the future there.


The mist obscured the landscape in the distance, but the path through the Ageru lands was clear enough ahead of where Hatchi sat, the caravan navigator at her right hand.  She drew back a breath and cried out the start signal.  She had considered just using a hand motion, but after the grueling trek of the last couple days they needed something to lift their spirits and disperse the cloud of worry that was hanging over them.


OOC: Hatchi and the caravan are now open for interaction, but they are on the move.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Ageru Tamachan (Odaiba, Ageru lands)


Tama had long since bidden Fursic Vwyn farewell, and taken off towards the lands of the Ageru, which she'd crossed into last night.


Currently, she was travelling a quiet road, little traffick or fellow travelers along this road. The clip-clop clip-clop of Sarala's hoofs was rythmic and comforting, with the light morning chill doing a good job of shaking her awake after her brief sleep that night.


Sarala stopped briefly to graze on a patch of grass near the road. Her breakfast had been just as minute as Tama's that morning, and she had a harder time ignoring the stomach groans than her rider. They'd stopped outside a hut, where a burly Dashi just came outside to start the day. After grabbing her crystal scythe, her eyes fell on the Soko grazing at the very edge of her land, and the striking warrior sitting atop it. She regarded them carefully.


Tama swallowed, and sat stock still in the saddle, focusing her attention on Sarala so she could get moving as soon as she was done. She utterly refused to acknowledge the Dashi attempting to stare her down.


Her attempts must have been very apparent, because the Dashi eventually snorted a sound of something foul, and walked out on the fields without a second thought towards the two.


Tama breathed a big sigh of relief, she didn't expect it to be so tense, but she just felt like one wrong step could've been disastrous. Maybe she was still wound up by what she'd heard the Dastana Toroshu declare.


Sarala finished, neighed, and Tam drove her forward again, shoving the incident into the back of her mind.


"It's just nerves" she told herself.


After another period of travel, she hit a fork in the road. She didn't need to think about which way to go, but she heard something coming from the side, towards the same road she would set out on. She thought she heard noises of Vulgar Taa or imperial with the noise of cargo and cattle being shuffled along.


A Taajar caravan here? She decided to wait at the crossroad to see for certain.

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[Odaiba, Inside Ageru Lands]


They had been traveling for several hours now, and the sun had evaporated the morning fog though the cold sea winds from the north were still blowing.  So far, they had encountered no one but a few dashi farmers up early in the fields.  While the looks the caravan had received had ranged from wary to hostile, no one had yet attempted to confront them.


At the crossroad ahead, a lone figure sat on a jet black mount, watching them.  Hatchi remained relaxed on top of Myzru’s back, but she was all too aware of the danger a displeased Imperial menti could mean to the caravan.  Her hands instinctively found the permit from the Ageru Toroshu as they approached the crossroads.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Ageru Tamachan (Odaiba)


Tama had dealt with Taajar a few times before, so she knew that the best way to approach them was as an Imperial Menti with knowledge of the Taajar language and customs. She, obviously, held little ill will towards them, but given her lineage, she knew that they might have something against her.


So she kept her imperial accent in place as she gave the leader of the caravan a polite nod, and spoke a greeting in Vulgar Taa.


"Ageru Tama, pleased to meet you" she continued afterwards, "what brings a Taajar Caravan through our lands?"

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  • 2 weeks later...



His smile came back in force, then.


"Sell him Sheika," he purred thoughtfully, crossing both arms and leaning unceremoniously on the liquor cabinet. "And the Battlemaster?"



IC: Dastana Arsix - Sado - Apartments


Arsix mulled this over, "It depends. We keep him under our thumb and we have an in. But, if we don't come clean, I doubt we'll find the support of the Rora we're looking for."

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"We don't have much of an in anyway. You've never met him - he's fidgety. Anxious. He's barely holding together under the pay of two families, let alone three." Jasik chewed thoughtfully on the end of his lip and shrugged his head noncommittally. "Your call in the end. But I'm skeptical."





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"Aside from my sister's return," The Toroshu said, mulling the question over for a moment. "The best news around the Empire is that our Rora will not be taking action against the secessionists. Though she urges her people to remain loyal and have faith in her reign, those that leave are free to go."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"We don't have much of an in anyway. You've never met him - he's fidgety. Anxious. He's barely holding together under the pay of two families, let alone three." Jasik chewed thoughtfully on the end of his lip and shrugged his head noncommittally. "Your call in the end. But I'm skeptical."




IC: Dastana Arsix - Sado - Apartments


"We only have to aim them at him," Arsix said, "Just like we only have to aim at Sheika."

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"Yeah. ...Yeah. Alright. We'll spearhead it ourselves." Jasik mulled that over real quick and reached for a pot - but his hand glided clean over the surface of the tea set and reached for a bottle of Dragon's Breath. He took a short sip straight from the bottle and exhale huskily. 


"Wonder if our lives are going to look this interesting in the history tomes someday."





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"I am not sure if I'd go that far." Nihonei commented quietly, crossing her arms almost contemplatively. "The more peaceful option, but I can't say she proved much about her own rule. She certainly isn't the most progressive Rora."






"My apologies, Lady Plangori. I must attend to a few duties."


I manage, amidst the thoughts running through my head. She was good, much better than people gave her credit for, but Desdemona didn't have much experience staying hidden. She'd left a few signs. Signs I would follow.


Once I was ready.


And with my feet already on their way to my room, that would be soon.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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  • 2 weeks later...



Kulrik bowed low, more respect than was required in the situation but not unheard of. 


"The beauty of the Plangori goes unsung. If all your sisters share similar features, I'd say you're well on your way to becoming like the Vilda ourselves."


Rising up, he finally addressed the guard's question.


"Seigyo and I have come in expectation of Plangori Shuuan, who should be arriving in the next few days. I had a few things to discuss with her. Until then, I thought I might make a friendly visit to your clan's grounds. Meet another of the great clans of the Empire, build more ties. You wouldn't be able to escort me to your castle, would you?"



Relisai felt a large form push against the telekinetic ribbon of energy she'd surrounded herself with. Growling, she threw psycho-physical energy back at the intruder, a strong punch-like force directed at Yukie's head.


She grabbed at a second being that passed her psychic field, smaller and shorter. It was the maidservant, Raiyo no doubt.


Grasping the Dashi's arm in a tight grip, she whispered "Get me out of here."




ooc: Sorry for not posting. My internet access has been unexpectedly bad, and probably won't be decent for another 2-3 weeks.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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[Oki, Outside Plangori Compound (NPC)]


Had the Plangori guardswoman been younger and less discreet, she might have rolled her eyes at Kulrik’s poor flattery.  Instead, she allowed herself her private derision and nodded.


“I am afraid cannot allow you into our main compound.  Our clan’s livelihood depends on keeping certain secrets from even our closest friends, and as the son of a clan that has disassociated itself from the crown we must give you less room.  However, I will take you to our Toroshu and you can present your case to her.  Perhaps we can allow you a space in the menti’s quarters until Shuuan returns."


[sado, Market District]


The mindarm blow left Yukie reeling long enough for the trio to rejoin, but not nearly enough for them to have a chance at getting out unimpeded.  The still had their backs to the wall, and he was still between them and their compatriots.  He allowed himself to glare at them, he deserved it after how he had been pushed around.


“You have nowhere to run, even if you escape here.  I suggest you save all of us some time.  This is your last chance.  I will speak for you, for all you don’t deserve it."


[Odaiba, Inside Ageru Lands]


Hatchi nearly started at the menti’s use of Vulgar Taa, but she had been expecting something strange ever since she saw the rider’s mount.  It would take a particular type of personality to take on a rahi considered unlucky (or maybe perhaps a shortage of crystal coin).  It was strange though--usually the menti that associated with Taajar kept well away from their respective clans, or had forsaken them long ago.  Still, the Ageru lands were large and it would have been easy enough for this menti to keep to herself.  She gave the signal to slow enough for the soko to walk at an easy pace alongside them.


“A shortcut to safety, lady menti,” she replied, relieved at least to rely on the less formally restrict rhythms of her mother tongue.  “When we last left the capital it lay on the brink of violence.  Even if civil war has been averted, there are those that are clearly interested in conflict.  If none arises, they will take their urges out on the nearest convenient target.  And it helps if that target lacks the protection of the crown.  So, we decided that it would be best if we retired to our home until the storm passes.  If my lady is curious, we begged the permission of your Toroshu and she granted it.”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Askha narrowed her eyes, even though she was not seeing out of them. "Last chance, huh?" The menti felt the ground with her foot, feeling the outline of a paving stone as part of the street, feeling the cracks around it. "Well, in for dragon, in for a kio..." Askha gripped the stone with her Mindarm, ripping it out of the street, and flung it at the source of the voice.


IC: Sydelia took a deep puff from the hookah, then exhaled. At least the gardens seemed to be isolated from whatever was going on in the city... First the Rora's announcement, then this chaos at the prison... Sydelia had not recieved any order yet on behalf of Clan Fursic, so she would currently remain for now until she was needed.


OOC: Introducing Sydelia! She's up for interaction in the Gardens.

The times, they are a-changing...



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[sado, Market District]


Well, at least they’ve switched tactics.


Yuki raised his shield arm, and the shimmering pink construct easily deflected the rock, although he felt the vibration go through his arm.  He wondered how Relisai’s sudden benefactors had made a living as sellswords with their habit of picking lost causes.  He might have appreciated their sense of honor had they not chosen to cast their fate with such an individual as the Vilda Toroshu.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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[Odaiba, Inside Ageru Lands]


“A shortcut to safety, lady menti,” she replied, relieved at least to rely on the less formally restrict rhythms of her mother tongue.  “When we last left the capital it lay on the brink of violence.  Even if civil war has been averted, there are those that are clearly interested in conflict.  If none arises, they will take their urges out on the nearest convenient target.  And it helps if that target lacks the protection of the crown.  So, we decided that it would be best if we retired to our home until the storm passes.  If my lady is curious, we begged the permission of your Toroshu and she granted it.”


IC: Ageru Tamachan (Odaiba)


Tama nodded, "I've never known Toroshu Kilanya to be particularly unfair in her rule, you're lucky to have asked her"


"I've felt it, too," she continued in response to the Dashi's remark, "I was there when Toroshu Arsix declared the Dastana's secession, since then I've been waiting for something to happen, maybe for no good reason"

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[Odaiba, Inside Ageru Lands]


“The Toroshu of Dastana has seceded?  That is new to me, Lady Menti.”


She didn’t really feel one or another way about the news.  The Dastana were like most Imperial merchants, a few willing to trade with them and most refusing--she doubted secession would change their attitudes toward Taajar.


“It could mean war, if the new Rora decides it so.”  It was a rather obvious statement, she knew, but she wanted to gauge the menti’s reaction.  There was something bothering her about the newcomer, something besides her perfect grammar despite a noticeable Imperial accent.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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[Odaiba, Inside Ageru Lands]


“The Toroshu of Dastana has seceded?  That is new to me, Lady Menti.”


She didn’t really feel one or another way about the news.  The Dastana were like most Imperial merchants, a few willing to trade with them and most refusing--she doubted secession would change their attitudes toward Taajar.


“It could mean war, if the new Rora decides it so.”  It was a rather obvious statement, she knew, but she wanted to gauge the menti’s reaction.  There was something bothering her about the newcomer, something besides her perfect grammar despite a noticeable Imperial accent.


IC: Ageru Tamachan (Odaiba)


"Indeed" Tama replied simply, "that's absolutely what it could mean"


Satisfied with a suitably cryptic response, Tama felt like she didn't want to be getting too friendly with this caravan just yet, but she could at least have some company for once.

Edited by Geardirector

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[Odaiba, Inside Ageru Lands]


Hatchi decided that today she would spend some of the goodwill she had been receiving lately.  Perhaps she had lost some of her wariness at the sudden interest of so many figures showing up in the last few days.  It was dangerous, she knew, for someone in her position especially, but something told her that this year would be different--it would require a different persona that the one she had been using for the last few decades.


“Your command of our language is excellent,” she said.  “Where did you learn, if I may ask?”

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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