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BZPRPG - Ta-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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The Dark Toa watched the medics carry Draeverian away. The Toa of sonics had taken quite the hit, but he was still alive and he had given the Aitua an important clue. In fact, he doubted his friend knew what this meant to him. The sensation when touching the syringe was unmistakable - is had contained antidermis.


A vague idea, a puzzle image, begean to form inside in his mind, projected into the empty air in front of him: A previously powerless criminal had managed to break free, with enough force to critically injure a Toa; and now a syringe with antidermis. If he connected these dots, the picture became clearer. But he had to find proof of the correlation.


With his clue in hand, Mariko made his way deeper into the cell-blocks, to do what DJ had asked him to and to get one step closer to the bottom of this mystery. 

OOC: Gonna do a minor timeskip to out of the hospital.




DJ rolled his right shoulder a bit, despite the treatment he had received he was still sore from what injuries he had received. It was amazing what a toa with some medical knowledge and a mask of healing could fix and in such a short time. 

He now moved towards the prison, hoping that Mariko would still be there, and hopefully have a clue as to what that vial was.


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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IC: Stronin


The village had quietened down again. That was good. It was rather ironic, decided Stronin, that he, a man known for constant activity and movement, would enjoy such peace. He'd changed a lot over the last year or so. He didn't exactly know whether that was a good or bad thing, but it didn't really matter. What was he to do? Complain that he was no longer the person he used to be?


Stronin chuckled.


"As if anybody would listen to me complain."

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IC Merla

Merla silently nodded and began assisting the fourth in creating the whirlpool. "High time we got this over with."


IC Turo

Loren would feel something pulling on him before releasing itself. He would then see a Le-Matoran hunched over him if he could open his eyes. "This guy's too heavy," Turo muttered. "Uh, anybody with a stretcher? Or you know, can high-lift him safely?"

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IC: Vygel - [Charred Forest] - [in a pile of sand]

"Well, that's all very nice and all, but, well...


"Last I heard, Rahi don't... Powderise, or something. So how did this one do so?"


IC: Wolfram - [The Fowadi] - [Engaging pirates]

Wolfram nodded and fired another disk. He moved aside and concentrated, willing the dented, damaged portions of the pirate ship's(the one closing headlong) hull that were closest to sea level to cave inwards.

Edited by Just Norik
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"--Speaking of making a split, I had a great time at the Kini, thanks for asking. I wish that you all had warned me we were leaving so soon. I thought we planned to relish our little playground longer. A mere half dozen lives never satisfies. I can still hear my stomach growling. Bet you had your happy little feast though, Avak? Vezok? Tell me, when the Inn's ash settled, did the screams continue? I hope they continued. Quiet bores me."


With nothing around us but unforgiving tunnel, Toa behind us and Hakann in front of us, part of me was wondering whether Zaktan meant for us to kill each other down here and continue alone. If that was the motherer's gameplan, he had the right idea; while Hakann prattled on, I could feel my stomach and chest roiling in disgust and loathing, and finally my hand began to quietly slip down towards my Pickaxe. One quick energy blast to the back of the head, and it would be over with. Maybe the others would thank me. Maybe we could have some quiet for a second. The seconds of Hakann's life ticked down - five, four, three, two...


Thok's hand, smooth and cool, slipped onto my wrist and shoved it aside. I looked up at him, ready to snarl something, but for once Thok's babyface lacked an easy, mocking smile, instead looking at Hakann with a thin candy coating of revulsion.


"Hakann, take it easy. You know Avak still has trouble with bedwetting."


"Oh? Don't feel so bad about it, Avak," Hakann sneered, with a heavy-handed backhand slap to the neck. "The Guards did, too."


I can live with Vezok. Thok's jokes are cruel, his lies endless, and his smile begs you to detonate a drone in front of it, but you can live with him. Same with that tool Reidak. Even Zaktan...well, no, not even Zaktan. His death in Ta-Koro would have been too good to be true, and without it we would have never known what route to take with the Antidermis. Worse, it could have fallen into the hands of those petulant Toa who kept me from working out the kinks in my new Vakbot system at the Lavapool. No...if there was one person who could blend my lust for their death and the likelihood of being shot down in the street, it was Hakann. And yet somehow...defying all odds...spitting in the faces of his betters, of us... Hakann had lived.


Hakann always lived.


I lowered the gun. 


The tunnel gave me the creeps.





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IC: (Kino Iho)


"Who says the night has to end here?" I smirked, placing another kiss at his neck, the heat in my cheeks became less pronounced, and I felt a little more confident.


Angelus looked back at Kino and slowly leaned against the wall again, something in his smile growing a little sharper. "I suppose I don't have anything set in stone for the rest of the night."


"Well then, I can think of a few things we can do to occupy ourselves for the rest of the night." A small chuckle escaping my lips as I leaned against my doorway, twisting the door handle. "Come on Angel."


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That was the last night of rest the Captain would get for a long time.


Kino had told the truth; her apartment could get stifling, and she only had a cursory set of sheets and a blanket or two cast over her bed. What she lacked in covers she made up for in pillows. Angelus woke up with his neck inclined forward from the height of them, with Kino's arm around his neck tight as a noose, head face down on his shoulder. The Ta-Toa exhaled once and tried to put weight into his head and neck, compressing the pillows to the point where he could lay relatively straight. He'd thought she was asleep, but Kino stirred - he realized his arm was not pinned at all, but holding her against him by the waist - softly.


"I'm late for work," he said quietly, closing his eyes again sleepily.


"Mmm mm." He must have woken her after all; her childish denial was as heavy with sleep as his eyelids.


"I can see your skin," he said with a low half-chuckle. "There's light peeking into the bedroom. If there's light out, I'm late for work."



Edited by Plank Sinatra



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The Ta-Matoran rolled his eyes slightly, almost amused. Were the circumstances not what they were, he would have been amused. His assistant, however, was decidedly less so, looking at Jolek as if he had grown another head and crawled out from under a rock.


"Sir, this is the Akiri."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Loren- Ta-koro


IC: "Lieutenant Loren."


The words slipped from his mouth in a pained sigh accompanied by a twitch of the hand, almost as if he was trying to salute. It was more of an automatic response than anything else, something drilled in to him by the koro's harsh training.


As he shifted slightly, a figure beneath him began moving, their eyes fluttering open before starting the struggle from the weight on them. The struggles turned to thrashing and yelling as some of the pieces of rubble that had helped obscure the small figure from the eyes of those around. It was the Matoran Loren had jumped in front of to shield from the blast. The wee tyke could barely have been ten years old and had probably been separated from her parents in the confusion.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: Svero & Saeren


Svero's hands moved automatically to clear some of the rubble off the Matoran child. "Well, Lieutenant, I see you've done a good job here. C'mon, kid." He gently rolled Loren so that the squirming child could get out before laying the lieutenant back down. The Matoran stood shakily by, staring at the Toa who'd saved her.


"We have a medic on the way," Svero returned his attention to the gray Toa. The child seemed fine, the Toa was not. "Lieutenant, are you having any difficulty breathing?" Svero looked around as he said this and found a piece of broken glass, placing it against the ground so that he could see the flashing of Loren's heartlight. He held three fingers against the Toa's wrist and felt Loren's pulse. It and the light were in sync. Good. "Lieutenant?"

~~-BS01 Histories-~~
by Zox Tomana, B.A. - Blog

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Loren- Ta-koro


IC: Loren let out a his of pain as Svero moved him as the shards in his back shifted. The Toa's pulse may have been in synch with the heartstone, but it was far from strong. It fluttered from time to time as his heart tried to keep the blood flowing through his body.


"Breathing is...slightly difficult." an attempt at a deep breath, "Too weak to move and it feels like I have knives in my lower back."


The last part came out as a pained groan.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: Ril


"You look horrible, LT," said Ril as the Toa of Fire moved closer to the assembled group.


He had been roaming the village following the Piraka's escape, helping out anyone he had seen trapped in rubble or the like. The eyepatch-wearing Toa had only just run across some of his fellow guardsmen, and despite his overly obvious statement, was quite concerned for the other guardsman.

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IC: Saeren & Svero


Saeren made long strides down the street. The Matoran sent to fetch him had run ahead, but he instinctually pushed down the urge to run with him. It wouldn't help anything, and it gave him time to survey the scene. One Toa of...Sonics? Yes, Sonics...face down. There were several objects puncturing the Toa's armor, several obvious dings and dents to the armor in various places.


First things first, he thought, immobilize the objects. Aloud, "Svero, what do we have?"


"Lieutenant Loren, injuries sustained protecting the child." Svero nodded at the Matoran, who still stood by. "Some difficulty breathing, pulse matches with heartlight, but you can feel a fluttering in the wrist."


Saeren gave a brief nod, kneeling beside the Toa. "Loren, my name is Saeren. I'm a Fe-Toa medic with the Ta-Koro Hospital. We have a gurney coming to take you where you'll get proper treatment for these wounds, but before we move you I'll need to stabilize these pieces of shrapnel. Do you mind if I modify your armor?"

~~-BS01 Histories-~~
by Zox Tomana, B.A. - Blog

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Loren- Ta-koro


IC: "Very funny Ril." Several coughs as a failed chuckle tried to pass his lips. "Gah, don't make me laugh. It hurts."


As Saeren spoke Loren slowly turned his head so that he could see the other Toa out of the corner of his eye. "I don't care what you do as long as I can return to duty in the future. Any changes you make can be fixed at a later date."

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC (Oreius)


The Toa of fire slung an arm around Korero, helping him back into Ta-Koro. He was shorter than his brother, Inu's form gently curving his spine, but stocky and strong. Still, the Toa of air could feel a slight trembling in his brother's usually stolid muscles: his prolonged exposure to Inu's strength had sapped his own. Like a candle casting twice the light by burning at both ends, his power came at a price.


Once through the gates, it wasn't long before Oreius spotted his Akiri. He lowered his head in shame: it was his duty to defend Ta-Koro, and he had failed. Had it not been for his brothers and sister, and Inu, the damage would have been far greater. He hoped Jaller wouldn't look his way; he was hardly worthy to be called a Toa, let alone a Toa-Protector, or a Maru.



OOC: Mobile post is short and clumsy. Colour to come later.

Edited by Yolanda Squarble Fried #1
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OOC: warning, somewhat idiosyncratic view of Bionicle anatomy to follow


IC: Saeren & Svero


Saeren laid the tips of his fingers on Loren's armor, just barely touching him. A trickle of power moved from his hands into the metal surface. He directed it towards the holes, just slightly tightening them around the stone fragments, causing the metal to bulge slightly to make sure that they wouldn't move. He drew a finger just above the highest puncture, a small line deepening across the plate. The area where the shrapnel pierced separated from the upper portion of the armor, the metal that originally kept them together moving to fuse the lower back plates together as well as to the lowest of the abdominal plates. That would keep the fragments stable.


"Svero, I'll need your help for a moment," Saeren removed the pliers and wrench from his pouch. He handed the wrench to Svero and directed the Toa to move to the other side. "Loren, this may hurt for a moment, but you'll be able to breathe more easily on your front. Svero, right here," Saeren pointed at an spot just beneath Loren's armpit, "on your side should be what looks like the head of a bolt, just nearly flush with the armor surface.


"Loren, on my count, you'll need to take a breath in. When he does, Svero, rotate the bolt-head ninety degrees. The top-back plates will loosen and give our friend here some room to breathe."


Saeren fit the pliers on either side of the head, and counted off. He could hear the pain in Loren's breath, and then the two medics turned their tools. The armor loosened, and Saeren waved over the Matoran with the stretcher. "Hold on, Loren, these two will get you right to the hospital where a doctor, some pain meds, and a Mask of Healing are waiting for you. Shall we?" He addressed the last to the two carriers. They laid their gurney on the ground, and Saeren activated his Matatu. As he held his breath, concentrating, Loren's body lifted gently off the ground. The gurney slid under, and Saeren let the Toa drift down to it. To one of the carriers he said, "Red Priority patient, shrapnel wounds to the lower back and various other obvious damages. Fluttering pulse, difficulty breathing, main bleeding is from the aforementioned puncture wounds. I've modified his armor here, here and here, and loosened the top back plates. No other treatments warranted in the field." To Loren, "You're in good hands, go ahead and rest."

~~-BS01 Histories-~~
by Zox Tomana, B.A. - Blog

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Loren- Ta-koro


IC: With his ability to breath somewhat restored Loren quickly fell in to a exhausted sleep that would probably keep him under until long after he reached the hospital.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: Zelvin (Ta-Koro)


"Until then" Zelvin said with a nod, before she turned around with a swish of her cloak and pulled up the hood again. The silhouette of her scythe floating into her hand from where she'd placed it crept across the wall like the shadow of a strange beast. Then she rounded a corner and was gone.

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

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IC: Elysi


Elysi shook her head as she watched her companion disappear. That was definitely a very showy exit. Still, she couldn't talk - after all, she had a certain propensity for showing off from time to time as well, although definitely not to the same level as her siblings.


"Right," she muttered. "What to bring, I wonder?"

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IC: Zelvin (Ta-Koro)


While Elysi might have wondered a little about what she was going to bring, Zelvin was much clearer on the issue. Restock on some particular supplies that'd been going dry, and maybe get a new coat...


Regardless of the what and the which, Zelvin eventually found herself, looking as broodingly mysterious as ever in her usual attire, standing by the City Gates of Ta-Koro, waiting for Elysi, counting the seconds on the new pocket watch she'd bought for herself.


"A little bit of glam doesn't hurt anyone"

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

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IC: Elysi


Being somebody who moved constantly, there was very little Elysi needed to take for her journey to Ga-koro. Her weaponry and rations were already present on her being, so whatever she needed to bring was simply something extra. Indeed, her safehouse in the village of fire was quite empty, but she did remember to retrieve the keys to her Po-koroan warehouse and some spare funds she had lying underneath her mattress. It would not do if she left town without any money to spend.


And so, the Toa of Lightning would arrive at the gates a mere minute after her fellow bounty hunter/mercenary, a warm cappucino in her hands.


"You're looking a bit stylish," remarked Elysi.

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IC: Zelvin (Ta-Koro Gate)


"It's one of the few pleasures people in our business can indulge in with reasonable ease, Elysi, at least in my own experience" Zelvin replied as she closed the watch and put it away.


"Now, on to more important things" she continued and gestured towards the gate.


"Shall we?"

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

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IC: "Ah, that's it." Jol said, brushing off the brusqueness of the reply casually. "Sorry, been a bit of a long day."

He gazed around the city, surveying the damage. Not the worst it had seen, not by any means, but it was still in bad shape.

...And so was that familiar face. Sighting Oreius and Korero, he turned to the Akiri sharply. Priorities.

"Excuse me for a second." he said, before running over to the two Maru. "Hey!"

Coming to a stop, he took a cursory glance over his temporary comrade's condition. Alright, but definitely hurting. That blow to the skull had done a real number on him, that was easy to see.

"Take it easy, man. Good to see you still kicking." he said, before switching his gaze to the Toa he assumed to be Korero's teammate.

"You aren't far from medical treatment. A few have started to set up shop two blocks down, just patched me up in fact." he said, pointing to the bandage covering his brow.

"It's on the left." he continued, pointing in the direction of the street in question helpfully. "Can't miss 'em."

helo frens

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Lucira nodded, then she and her partner carefully lifted Loren's stretcher.  They headed in the direction of the nearest hospital.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC (Korero)


Ever an absorber of information, Korero noticed his Toa-brother's tremorous muscles and bowed head.


"Are you all right, Oreius?" he asked in earnest concern. Whether the Ta-Toa would have answered or not remained, for now, a mystery to Korero, because at that very moment they were approached by Korero's alley-ally.


He managed an only slightly pained smile.


"Thanks," he said. "I still don't know how that Piraka managed to down me..."





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IC: Saeren & Svero


Saeren watched for a moment as the stretcher was carried off before looking at Svero. "Good job."


"We aren't done yet. Get back to your triage center, I'll keep walking around." Svero proffered the tool he'd been lent.


The Toa of Iron nodded, took the wrench, and walked off, his long strides carrying him quickly back to the square. Svero picked up his walking stick from where he'd set it down to work on the Toa and began anew his circuit around the square, pausing in front of alleyways to watch for stretchers or walking wounded.

~~-BS01 Histories-~~
by Zox Tomana, B.A. - Blog

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IC: "Hey, we all get caught." he said, miming the punch he took to his own jaw as an example. "Happens to the best of us. Especially when they pop up out of thin air like that. None of us saw that one coming, I'll guarantee that." he said, trying to keep a positive tone despite the subject being discussed.

High spirits helped recovery, after all. Speaking of which, he had to wonder what was up with the teammate. Looked straight depressed.

"Anyways, just worry about resting up and getting better, uh..."


"Wow, never caught your name, did I?" he remarked, surprised. "Karz. Crazy day, huh?" he remarked, with a humorless chuckle.

Oh, how it had been.

helo frens

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"Keth. Chill."


My hand was on his shoulder, pulling him back.


"Look, this ain't optimal, I know," I whispered, "but jumping down throats isn't gonna get us anywhere right now. Something like this, we need to be -- and I can't believe that I'm saying this, but -- we need to be rational and clear-headed here."





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IC: (Kino)


"Mmm, sleep more." I muttered sleepily, and wrapping my arm tighter around Angelus. We could afford to be just a little bit later to work. I nuzzled my face against his chest. It felt safe here, comfortable I did want disrupt any of it. I felt far away from the burdens of reality, and if I keep my eyes closed, the dream wouldn't dispel.


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Angelus took a deep breath and held it when Kino tightened her hold around his throat, but he found just the right angle to breathe somewhat normally again. Discounting the muscle around her bicep, Kino's skin was soft, and almost as warm as any blanket. So was her smile, pressed against his chest. He closed his eyes, breathed through his nose, and scooted down a little further, next to Kino.


"Fine," he said, speaking directly to her nose. "But that means you're going to have to miss a home cooked breakfast. Lucky for you I know a fruit bar on the way."



Edited by Brooklyn Pace-Carlisle



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