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BZPRPG - Ta-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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I ran my tongue along the inside of my lip, piecing together a quiet gameplan for the day, and then looked back up at Skyra.


"I still don't know when Joske's gonna come back, other than it's probably going to be some really inconvenient- time for every one of us. Will you be alright without me if I bounce for HQ?"


"You're going all by yourself? What if you get mugged by cake thieves?"

"What if I get mugged? I'll probably have to do something drastic, like kill the cake thieves one at a time while their friends watch helplessly from across the alley."
"See this is why you need me to come along. To make sure the cake doesn't get ruined."
"You really want to come? It'll be boring. There'll be lots of cops, and paperwork to sign."
"I am a cop."
"And in one of my emotional low points, we got drunk and slept together. They nullify each other."
"Eh, if I don't come I'll get bored all by myself and probably do something crazy."
my questionable after-dark decision making.
"Just go and get dressed," I grumbled. "And not in Tuara's clothes. Wear something of mine if you have to."



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IC: Skyra


I mewed happily as I went for my own clothes, putting them on. As I looked at them for a moment I frowned, before picking out a green shirt of Dorian's and wearing it over my top. I figured it would be fun to wear his clothes around the koro, even if no one else knew they were his. 

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Toa Joske

Location: Ta-Koro Guard HQ

Chapter One: Crystals, Temples, Secrets... oh my.


I returned the hug and slaps, my laughter a little louder than his. The moment his mouth twitched I knew he was yanking my chain, but I could not help but release. I had been under such stress for such a long time, I didn't even remember that last time I had a good laugh, even if it came at a ribbing. If anyone was going to poke at me though I wouldn't have it anyone but Angelus. He had been one of the few who had stuck it out with me through the thick and thin; we had lived, fought, laughed, and cried together for several weeks scouring the island for the Temple Crystals. The memory that stuck in my mind the most of him though was that talk he gave me in the Onu-Koro mines, during one of my sparring outbursts with Agni. It was in that moment that he had earned my respect, something that he hadn't lost to this day. Granted, I hadn't seen him since that adventure, but considering his greeting our friendship was apparently still as strong since the moment we last spoke.


It... was one of the few that I had left after all this time. I don't know if I could ever bring myself to express that to him; I was going to trust that he simply silently understood. Pulling back I kept an arm on his shoulder, giving him a knowing, friendly smile as I presented a fist. With a strong, macho clank his own met mine and I nodded in reply.


"It is good to see you too brother."


There was a moment longer of silence as we stared each other down, one warrior to another in the sacred, silent communication before life resumed as normal. I took a step back to retrieve my gym bag.


"There is nothing I would like more than to stand here and reminisce about the good old days, swapping manly stories and overall catch up considering how long it's been, but this is one of the few cases where it's business before pleasure."


He gave me a look. "Such as?"


"Let's just say I happen to have information about these Skakdi 'Piraka', the Vault under Kini-Nui, the Crystal Temples, and how they're all connected." In that one sentence my face had gone from the usual jocular to very dark and serious. I lowered my head even as my voice lowered a few octaves. "Do you have someplace private where we can talk... and has a good, solid chair for you to sit down in? Because what I have learned in Legend and seen since I've been back will knock you off your feet."


Like change-island-forever-kind-of-big, I thought darkly.


IC: (Kino Iho)


"Wow it's like I'm not even here!" I said. I mean I'm glad that Angelus is seeing his old friend, but it felt like there was some club and I wasn't invited. Instead I was standing at the side, and feeling more than a little left out. I had heard enough about the Piraka, Vault and all that, because I was, standing right there in the rec room with them. "I'm Kino Iho and you must be Joske Nimil. I'll see you two later, you seem to need to catch up on some things." I wanted to throw out some biting sarcastic remark about his manners, about his behavior, but instead I just stuffed it all inwards. This was a friend of Angelus, and me getting an attitude over being left out wasn't right. I'd go down to the crime scene, and doing some investigating, starting with the cell our blue Piraka was held at. I wasn't going to wait for things to happen, wait for some divine destiny to sweep me up. I wanted to know what was going on, but I also knew from the way Joske dropped his voice, he didn't want me around. So I took the hint and left. I started making my way towards the cell, something had to get accomplished around here.


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"Oi. 'Scuse me."


I reached over Skyra and pulled a sheer black long-sleeved shirt over her head. Slipping arms through sleeves and head through collar gingerly, I patted down some of the spots where the top had tugged at my gauze; eventually, after I got home and if Joske hadn't used up everything I had in the first aid kit, I'd need to reapply on some of the rougher patches along my ribs and near the right kidney. I ran my tongue experimentally along a stinging cut on the inside of my cheek that had started to heal over before you-know-who reopened it last night. Grumble. It was easy enough to play off, though, and I wasn't about to complain.


"Alright, one more check of the ground rules - what happens as soon as we leave the loft?"


"We get cake."


"And what happened in the loft stays in the loft..."
"Good girl. Smile pretty for me and I'll use some of my bounty money to buy you a big ol' seven layer cake with enough frosting to cover the living room walls. Deal?" I pulled Skyra's mouth up at the corners, patted her jaw, and slid backwards down the banister.
His earlier assumption had been correct, and so Angelus thought himself lucky that he hadn't wasted the energy on a second or third assumption. The part of him that--
"Wow it's like I'm not even here!"
uh oh
"I'm Kino Iho and you must be Joske Nimil. I'll see you two later, you seem to need to catch up on some things."
uh OH
hello sofa my old friend
His mouth opened up for a Hey, Kino, wait-- but the Toa of Air sauntered angrily (owww she's a brick) out of the sparring center and down the hall to the detention areas. Sheepishly, he ran one hand along the back of his head and over his mask for a second before trying to put on some semblance of professionalism again.
"My office is free," the Toa of Fire confirmed, awkward mood dissipating for the first time realizing how hollow it sounded to claim Tuara's old office for his own in front of a long-time resident of Ta-Koro. Throwing his canteen after Kino affectionately, he led Joske out of the sparring center, and for a minute or two they managed to chat cordially about some of the modifications and renovations Angelus had made during his tenure; he found himself excitably talking about how guard fitness was at an all time high, how he'd had the fighting styles and fitness regimens repurposed and diluted with the hit-and-run tactics he'd learned growing up in Le-Wahi, how he'd had more time with Oreius to hone another hybridized style. When he took a deep chug from a spare water bottle in his pack, he realized how much talking they had really been doing, but it didn't bug him the way most extraneous conversation had with other Guards. This was Joske. This was a friend - and between the weight of water dripping down his throat and through his chest, and the weight ebbing out of the Captain's badge on his chest, it felt good to have friends like Joske again. Oreius. Jolek. Kino. 
Angelus held the door open and walked in after Joske, letting him take the well-worn visitor's seat before kicking back in the Captain's chair and moving some paperwork around aimlessly on his cluttered desk. 
Edited by Parks and Rekt
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IC: Skyra


I smirked before sliding down the bannister after him. As I landed downstairs I put my 'cop face' on and looked myself over to make sure I had all my weapons and belongs on my person. It was all accounted for. 


"Yeah, let's kick ###### and...get your money!" Didn't sound quite as exciting out loud as it did in my head. 

Edited by Skitty

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: came to speak with you again


"Don't suppose I could get you anything, Guardsman?" the bartender casually asked, setting down the glass he'd been fixated on for the longest time. "You guys have been doing good work these past few days."

"I won't pretend to be talking alcohol here, either, so don't worry. Got plenty of the stuff Rumble-in-the-Jungle here would eat right up."


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helo frens

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Toa Joske

Location: Ta-Koro Guard HQ

Chapter One: Crystals, Temples, Secrets... oh my.


I settled myself into that well-worn visitor's chair, taking the time to get comfortable... easier said than done when a thousand other butts had decided to do the very thing I was doing now. Still, I managed to find a measure of comfort as I leaned back, the frame protesting ever so slightly with a squeak.


"So you've renovated everything including the kitchen sink... except this chair, apparently. What, too many memories of sitting in it in front of Jaller and then Tuara?"


Angelus shook his head and gave me a playful sneer in response, cause me to laugh again. I found myself enjoying the small talk and the light jabs we kept poking each other with. It was reminiscent of simpler times, when we were a little more carefree and less hanging over our heads; an era where we were free to be ourselves, for good or for bad.


Now look at us: careers, responsibility, significant others... oh yeah.


"Um, yeah, hey, look, sorry about that back there." I admitted quietly, mixed with a tad of sheepishness as I sat in the chair, referring to Kino. "I've been gone for so long I didn't know you had... yeah. My bad."


"Aah, don't sweat it, bud," Angelus said good-naturedly, waving a hand. "It's a recent thing, actually. She's new in town. Does consulting work. A lot nicer than she lets on. She'll understand. Apparently I have what non-jungle people say is called 'animal magnetism.' Not actually a good thing to be magnetic around a bunch of wild animals, but hey. I'll take it."


My thoughts briefly wandered back to the sparring center, scrutinizing and analyzing my memory over the woman I had initially ignored. The Le-Toa had all the right curves in all the right places, to the point that she could probably make any jaw drop when she entered a room. It was probably due to that revealing leather armor she was wearing, its revealing nature most likely due to how tightly it clung to her figure, as if it fit the Toa of Air like a glove, flexing and bending with her body. If this woman wanted to seduce the armor would only work to accentuate her figure. Simply put if she were to stand perfectly still I might have mistaken her for one of Hafu’s masterfully carved statues. It wasn't a stretch as to how someone like him could nab a girl like her.


On the other hand the fact that I hadn't noticed or at least purposely processed this until after the fact spoke volumes to my changing disposition I realized. There was a time when I would have smelt a woman like her from a thousand paces and been all over her in a heartbeat; now she didn't even register until way too late.




"Well, I WILL say it's a lot less pronounced now that when I first met you." I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows in cheekiness. "Almost on the tame side if I may say so. Has the time in the Guard made you go... soft?"


He instantly leaned forward, fingers laced together as his elbows pressed hard on the paper-strewn desk, eyes boring into me - and then he growled.


And not a growl made from a Toa. No, this wasn't a copy or even an artificial mimicking; the sound coming from the back of his throat was that of an actual animal, as if there was a Muaka in the same room with us. So much so that I was actually taken aback and my breath was stolen away. I gave a nervous grin. "I... stand corrected."


My eyes darted down tot he chair I was in. "Amended: I sit corrected."


With a savage, toothy, predatory smile he instantly relaxed, leaning back in that chair as the tension once again popped. "So, Joske, you said you have information for me?"


"Yes, yes I did." I said quickly, shifting myself upright a little more as we reverted to the business at hand. "Unfortunately, this comes at the price of a story, so make yourself comfy because I'll need to give a little background before you can truly understand the significance of it... 


*   *   *


I had decided to start with my adventure in the Vault.


I didn't spare any details as I recounted my adventure underneath Kini-Nui. From my "companions" to my meeting with Echelon's spy, to my run-in with the Abettor. Then came the inner Vault... and Zaktan. Here I slowed and gave as much detail as memory would provide, to my playing as Dorian as cover, to the banter with the little Matoran, to my close shave with death at the hands of the Piraka and their minions. About the Antidermis, about Echelon, about Ambages, and this unholy alliance between them. About their evil power, about the masks, about the tech... and then the fact that I walked away scott-free with a prize. How the Maru had showed up, probably tracking me, and how I left the fight in their hands as I tried to elude my tail... and how I got here.


That was the prelude.


Then came the other foot.


It was at this point that I told him why I went to the Vault in the first place. About the teleportation station that was hidden by the great telescope, how it was down, how I went there to re-activate it... and why. And how the Crystal Temples were connected with it, how there was more to those structures than we had ever dreamed they could be.


There was a course a mountain of information I didn't tell him. Obviously I told him nothing of my time in Legend, and made sure to carefully tip-tow my way around those topics. I also didn't mention the Riddle or the real secret to the Vault at all; I wasn't about to start revealing that yet.


Besides, what I had already told him was enough to make the average Toa's head swim, if not shut down from information overload. But Angelus was made of sterner stuff, though I could see him struggle with everything that I said.


"... and that's about the jist of it." I said finally, gulping down a whole bottle of water. I didn't know how long I had spoken, but I couldn't imagine it was short. "I'm telling you this Angelus because one I trust you explicitly and two, the forces of darkness on this island have officially regrouped, and frankly are far more powerful than anyone has yet to realize. And yes, as I have alluded to, if what the spy said was true, I would believe that by now Ko-Koro has fallen to Echelon on his allies."


I paused, my own mind spinning in the silence. "I can't do this alone. The Maru for all their power can't do this alone. We need to fall back and regroup, to draw a line in the sand and prepare for a storm that makes the fight against Makuta a training session. Not only that, but I'm going to need help if I'm to unlock the second layer of the Temples and extract what's inside - honestly it may be the key to giving you and everyone else the edge you will need to meet this new threat. It's time to put that Virtue of Unity we all claim to believe in to good use."


I raised my head to look right at him in the eyes, a sad smile on my lips. "How's it going back there in that head of yours?"

Edited by Friar Tuck

Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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"Man, you know...I'm just tired of all this mystical ###### in temples, is all."


The one-time temple crawler and Mark Bearer hunter casually reached for two backup bottles of water and tossed another to Joske over the desk. "Some of what you're saying rings pretty true even without all the Makuta-occult-witchy-business. Shaddix railed against Ambages as soon as he came here. The Piraka fought the Maru to a standstill using powers and tech we've never seen before just blocks from where we're sitting - one even got into this building. Akiri Kongu's people sent me a report full of interviews with your people about some fight with Echelon in a tunnel system, along with three Legacy stiffs that our favorite bipolar time bomb shot, stabbed, and tore open with his bare hands. But after that we haven't seen or heard a peep out of any of them. Ko-Koro...are you sure?"


Joske nodded gravely, his sad smile disappearing. Angelus ran his hands along his face with a long woosah of a calming breath; three years disappeared off his face, lending his features a deceptively naive cast. The two Toa turned to their drinks for a second, and the Captain, at least, wished it were something a little stronger than spring water. Outside, he could still see the cleanup efforts underway. The carcass of the Lavapool was no longer billowing smoke; now the shell of the building's ground floor looked small, in that way that things always look smaller after they die; his heart was sick, his predator's mind hungry. But...


"I can give you anything you need. Cash, resources, names of consultants..." Angel trailed off for a second, looking distinctly upset about his line of thought. "...But as much as I would love to go with you myself, like old times...I can't. Not this time. Holding the line means that someone has to stay behind and actually hold the line. You're not in much of a position to babysit...and judging from the lack of Agni and the girls, I'm guessing they're not exactly clamoring to pick up the gauntlet." 


He trailed off again, and looked up hopefully. 


"I saw Dorian back in town with a few Guards. Heard he came back alone. Tuara...is she...how's she doing?"


I gave a nervous cough. "I don't know how well she's doing... picking up the pieces of my personal life is next on my list, which includes finding former friends and allies and rebuilding bridges if possible. I did see her though with Cael and the gang... though at the time Dor was with them. She didn't come back with him here apparently, though Skyra did... "

I decided not to mention the heated conversation upon my initial return back to the island. "Tuara seems as normal as a Ta-Toa hottie and hot-head ever is, considering the two minutes of interaction I had with her. Did you know that Dor and Skyra are now... "
It was my turn to have my voice trail off.
Angelus was darkly quiet for a good several seconds, one fist clenched under the desk. Finally, he looked up.
"Doesn't pertain to the case," he finally decided. "Shouldn't have asked. Anyway, yeah, I can give you everything we have on Ambages, at least, and I'm hearing we have some profiles on most of the Piraka. I'll give you everything we have on them, considering you are a loosely affiliated Ta-Koro Guardsman. Got an iStone?" Joske motioned that he did, and Angelus nodded in approval. "I'll have it loaded up by one of the tech guys, along with some maps and names of people you can talk to in most of the other Koro militaries. After Matoro...well. We've all decided to let our bygones be bygones while we can. You won't go starved for info."
Edited by Parks and Rekt



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IC Mistral

"Huh... Maybe in life-dawn of the Koros, they were remembered. Not now... How many others work with you?"

IC, Nilyn: "Weeeellll.... not too many any more. There's one guy who sometimes helps, but he hasn't done a lot since those Skakdi attacked here. And for a digging team I usually enlist some Onu-Koronan workers to help me get things out of the ground."
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Toa Joske

Location: Ta-Koro Guard HQ

Chapter One: Crystals, Temples, Secrets... oh my.


"That's... good."


Its amazing how much can change in just a few years even as individuals mostly stay the same. I found myself staring down the half-filled water bottle, tapping it absentmindedly. "Knowledge is power, and I hoped I empowered you just now, even if it is a little hard to swallow. And speaking of, don't blame me about the temples, blame Stannis."


Out of the corner of my eye I saw him look at me funny, no doubt picking up on the angry undertones in my voice. "I was all ready to live a normal life after the last fiasco. Brought back Cael, giving up everything in the process, was graciously given a place to stay at the Massif, both of us residing there as we re-built our shatter lives... karz, I was even thinking about maybe starting up a Toa Kohlii league or something once I recovered enough. Let the Maru do their thing, be the heroes they're destined to be. I did my job and I wanted my rest. But then one day Stannis shows up, babbling something about a vision and his Lady Destiny and the next thing I know wham-bam-kablam I get a one-way ticket and free trip through that god-like mask of his into Legend... and with it any hope of living a normal life."


I sighed, feeling my body fall limp into the chair I was in. I stared at the ceiling, mildly shaking my head. "Sorry brother, forgive me. It's just that for everything I've done and every rule I've broken I can't undo the past, can't un-learn what I have been taught. I was greedy once and wanted prestige and greatness, now that I have it and matured some I want to give it all back. I've come to grips and accepted what I need to do a long time ago, but that's doesn't mean I have to like or enjoy it. I suppose one day I'll come to embrace my gifts but for now they're burdens." I lifted my head enough to see over my chin and look at Angelus.


"Though I appreciate it that you're willing to share some of this burden... even if it is temporary."


He nodded. "I understand; there is no need to apologize."


Taking a breath I leaned forward, rapidly sitting upright again. "Back to the issue at hand, yes, I'll take whatever tools and resources you can throw at me; if we're going to pull this off we're going to need to work together and share intel, divide and conquer so to say. While you start organizing the defense and eventual counteroffensive, I'll work on the more clandestine activities I seem to do well in. If you can keep these groups and forces busy and looking at you, that would go a long way to buying me time to unlock the secrets, knowledge, and tech that can give you the eventual edge against these guys, because without them I don't see us having much of a chance. As for my former team, don't worry, I actually haven't invited them back yet... as I said I'm still trying to make contact with most of my old acquaintances, and I need to feel them out first. I guess the big thing will be keeping tabs on one another so that we're always in the loop.. "


I paused for a moment, voice trailing off as I thought. "Then again, maybe not. There are ways of making contact without doing it directly, and honestly once I go into deep cover we probably won't be seeing much of each other... if at all. Say, while the techs and paper-pushers get everything organized and downloaded, care for a quick sparring match? I wouldn't mind one more bonding experience, if not to kill time while we wait. It might be a while before we see each other again."


My eyes suddenly lit up. "And speaking of cash... why don't you give me the check for Grokk's bounty? I did help Dorian bring him in, along with Skyra... that way I get a reasonable payout, you don't have to allot extra money to me, and just maybe you might get the satisfaction of stiffing they guy a bit. I take it you and him aren't exactly... friends."

Edited by Friar Tuck

Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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IC Kirgan, Khervos & Tuli



"Not the fastest way, but certainly the safest one", Khervos mused aloud.


"Enough standing around, let's move", Tuli said.


OOC: Vesun & co to Le-Wahi (through Onu-Koro).


Umm, so I suppose we should post in Le-Wahi next, unless we want to do something in Onu-Koro.

Edited by Toatapio Nuva
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"Don't worry, she never sticks around long." The Ta-Toa commented from the counter, causing Saeva to, for the first time in... Ever, to sit back down in her chair, looking for all the world like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar. 


"I stuck around for years!" Saeva protested, though she quieted when the smell of food began to waft towards her. Attempting to pretend she hadn't been distracted, she harrumphed. "Fine, fine, we can stay a while longer."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC Tharros


In the bar a muscular toa sat slunched over a beer. A stout, to be specific. Dark, harsh, and bitter. He threw back a climactic chug before slamming the metal stein to the bar. The commotion drew the attention of the barkeep, to which the toa of fire returned a glare that sent the matoran racing for another pint. 


OOC Tharros is open for interaction

Edited by Veneras


--Character Profiles--


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Loren- Ta-koro- Bar


IC: "Sorry, perhaps another time." Loren said in response to the barkeeper's offer. "I have a couple things I still need to do before I can do any relaxing."


Turning, he made his way out of the now much more quiet bar and back out onto the streets.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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[Ta Koro, Guard Residential District]


“Careful,” Lucira said, sliding in behind the grumpy-looking Toa.  “It would be a pity if you dented such a nice mug.”


She hailed the barkeep in a considerably more friendly manner.  “Could I have the house pale-ale and a burger?”


The barkeep nodded and scribbled down her order, handing it to the cook.


Lucira looked at the Toa again, and it nearly hurt her eyes.  He looked like the dramatic sort, and Lucira was pretty sure she’d had enough of those today.  Then again--


“So,” she said.  “What’s got you in such a bad way?”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: "Of course. Have a good one."


"Listen, Kid Tarzan. I know I'm a handsome guy, but you can stop giving me that look. It's starting to make me worry."

"Is there just like a Mask of Charisma I haven't heard about?"

"Not that I've heard of, no. This is called not growing up in the jungle. Does wonders for your people skills."


"Add in the fact that I pretty much own the place, and you'll start to understand a thing or two. Think about it, you look like the s type, where are you most comfortable?"

"...In my bed, asleep. Why?"

The bartender paused momentarily, then chuckled, pouring another patron another drink. "Fair point. What I mean to say is, I'm in my element here."

"Aaaaah. I getcha now."


IC: I will not laugh.

I will not laugh.

With Mata Nui as my witness, I will not even chuckle.

"Coulda sworn we just ate... Does smell good though. Is that some garlic in there?" he mumbled, nostrils flaring in analysis.

Okay, let's be real here. He was gonna have to at least try this before they left.

"Sounds good to me." he said, throwing a very pointed and cheeky grin Saeva's way.

He said he wouldn't laugh, but nothing about nonverbal insinuations, after all.

You missed 'em. Throw up that tough chick exterior all ya want, I can tell you missed 'em.


helo frens

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“Lieutenant Loren,” A voice began, the approach of its speaker clearly audible to the De-Toa’s enhanced hearing. The voice’s owner, a Lesterin bearing the mark of the Guard’s couriers, came to a stop just behind him, adjusting the shoulder strap of the bag he carried. “The Akiri has sent for you.”


A pause. “... Assuming this situation is taken care of.”


“This was over faster than I was expecting. I’m good to go.” The grey Toa replied, turning to face the other Guardsman.


Why does the Akiri want to see me?


“Good. He was very… Impatient.” The Lesterin didn’t elaborate on the comment, pivoting on the spot and retracing his steps towards the Guard’s heardquarters at, admittedly, a rapid pace. The heavy nature of his pack seemed to indicate that at least a portion of his haste had to do with the necessity of delivering other messages.


Slipping his badge back into his pouch Loren nodded to the courier and turned, looking up at a nearby rooftop and vanished with a pop of air. One of the advantages of this mask and why he had not changed to something more combat oriented long ago. It allowed him to get anywhere in the koro in a matter of minutes.


With another pop he appeared in front of the main entrance to Headquarters. Entering with a nod to the Guards on either side he made his way through the building until he arrived in front of the doorway to Jaller’s office.


Taking a deep breath he knocked on the door.


“Enter.” The response reverberated, with mere moments between it and the knock, out of the office. The door swung inward easily when Loren pushed, revealing an office much more orderly than it was mere hours before. The Ta-Matoran occupant was seated behind his desk, a handful of papers present on his desk, a large stack of files neatly placed on the edge of his desk. Jaller looked up, serious expression giving way, at least in part, to a faint smile. “Lieutenant. Have a seat.”


Snapping off a salute, Loren did as he was asked. It was hard for him to do any sort of relaxing in a situation like this, even if Jaller had asked him to sit down. The Toa of Sonic’s mind was filled with thoughts that just refused to settle down. It probably showed in his posture as well.


“What did you call me for, Akiri?”


“Not to drum you out of the Guard, or toss you into the volcano. Akiri’s honor.” The Ta-Matoran replied with a touch of humor, closing the folder that had been open in front of him and setting it aside. “I want, firstly, your thoughts on the latest assault in our village. The Piraka. You’ve fought them, before and during their attack.”


“Obviously,” Jaller continued, tapping a finger against the desk. “We didn’t fight them off. Not without help. Why do you think that is?”


Slightly more relaxed, Loren thought over what Jaller had said. Ordering his thought before responding.


“First of all, an abysmal response time. I’m not sure why, but the Guard response was too little and far too late. Aside from myself there was only one other squad of Guards in the area of the Lavapool Inn in the time between it exploding and the Piraka making their escape. There must have been twice as many civilians getting reading to attack the ruins.”


“Second is the fact that the Guards who were in the area simply were not good enough. The Piraka are tough. Some of the toughest foes I have ever crossed blades with. They fight and bicker but when it gets down to the wire those Skakdi have excellent teamwork. They have obviously worked together for a long time, no matter how much they may despise one another. It would take a squad with equally capable members and teamwork to counter them.”


He leaned forward slightly, resting his hands on the desk as he looked at the former Commander of the Guard.


“Why do you ask?”


“Curiosity, partly. Not about the reasons, but about whether they would be seen the same way.” The Akiri of Fire crossed his arms, almost unconsciously, and looked the taller being in the eye. “Those are the same conclusions I reached. I wonder if this would have been the same in the time of Makuta, but this isn’t that time. These aren’t the same threats. Tactics that we’ve held to for as long as I can remember aren’t what we need.”


“The problem, at its very core, is that our protocols haven’t changed with the times. We’ve operated the same way we always have, and relied on the Maru to deal with any threat tougher than a few psychos on a crime spree. We, rather I, have been an idiot.” Jaller plucked a piece of paper off the desk, and glanced at it briefly. “These are the problems I’ve needed to counter. And I have.”

“I’ve already passed along the orders to begin construction of four outposts, placed at uniform intervals around the Koro. One towards the north, one the south, and so on. I’ve gone through the rosters and the reports, everything detailing the occupants of the Guard and this Koro. I’ve compiled a list of the best I can find. I’ve ordered inventory on our equipment, and arranged for production of a few new toys. All of this for one purpose; the creation of this,” He set the paper back down, turning it to face Loren. “The Rapid Reactionary Forces. Faster reaction times, skilled personnel, and the equipment to deal with what threat rears its head. Our enemies have upped their game. They aren’t Rahi, or Makuta Followers with a bone to pick anymore. They’re organized. They’re armed. And they’re competent enough to take a Koro.”


This is my answer.”


The Guardsman picked up the paper and started reading it. His eyes narrowed slightly as several items caught his attention. The names of people, exact locations of the outposts, the new equipment that would be available.


Setting the page back down Loren looked back at Jaller and spoke.


“This is definitely something we need. I have to ask sir, why are you telling me about all this?”


“These teams are supposed to be largely autonomous. Each one a capable force in and of itself, without the need for centralized command.” He held up a finger. “But, it still needs a commander. Someone to call the shots when they’re needed, and handle the running of the branch. Much like the Commissioner of the Investigative Corp, they would, in the course of their duties, report only to myself and to Angelus.”


“I want you to be that person.”


There was silence for several seconds as Loren tried to wrap his head around what the Akiri had just said. The Toa tried to speak several times before clearing his throat


“Thank you sir. I have to ask though, why me? I like to think of myself as a Toa of some skill, but I would hardly say that I am a person who could lead something like this.”


“You reached the same conclusions I did.” The Ta-Matoran pointed out, clasping his hands together. His thumbs beat rhythmically against the opposite hand, as if the Akiri itched to move. Jaller had always treated his new duties not dissimilarly to his time as Captain of the Guard, but now, his old habits fought to kick in. Once upon a time, he would have been on his feet, running the orders personally. Now, though he was as intent as ever, he was kept to the administrative tasks. “You have consistently been on the scene, one of the first on it. Your record is top notch, and your skills at organizing and leading have demonstrated potential. You’ve been stuck too low on the chain of command to use it.”


“Additionally…” Now he couldn’t help it, standing from his chair and pacing steadily across the rearmost section of his office. His gaze was kept on Loren the entire time, his hands moving to articulate his points as he went through the list. “You’re a good Guard. Some of my higher ranking officers are in it for the promotion, the pay raise. The glory. I’ve got a few lone wolves, who can’t seem to figure out how to work in a pack. I had a whole list of candidates, but every one, for one reason or another, wasn’t fit. I think you’re the best fit I’ve got, short of leading the thing myself. And believe me, I’m tempted.”


“That said,” At this he paused, pivoting to face the other Guard fully. “I also understand that this isn’t a small task. If you’d rather not, or don’t feel up to it, this isn’t an order. It’s a request. I can find someone to do the job, if you can’t. But I would prefer it was you.”


Loren rose when Jaller did. It was more out of reflex than anything else, you don’t remain sitting while your superior officer is up and about. A quiet sigh escaped him before he steeled his features and spoke.


“If you think me to be the best choice then I will follow your decision. I might not be happy to be in this position, but I will perform my duties to the best of my abilities.”


Watching Jaller pace the Toa raised an eyebrow.


“If you ever get restless I’m always up for a sparring match.”


At that, there was a momentary pause. Followed, quite quickly, by a reverberating chuckle from the Matoran of Fire, a grin briefly lighting up his features. “I might very well take you up on that one day, if I ever find that I’ve fended off my usual partner; paperwork.”


“Ah, paperwork, another reason for me not to take this job. Best not bring up any more reasons if you want me in this spot.” Loren saluted, holding the position before continuing. “If that is all sir, it seems I am about to get very busy.”


“One more thing.” The Ta-Matoran plucked a stack of folders off of the desk, and held them out for the De-Toa to take. “List of potential recruits. I’ve taken the liberty of assigned a number of them myself, but overall, I trust your discretion. Mostly Guards, but there’s a ‘civilian’ or two here. All with records of service, either personal or in the family, to the village. Again, I trust your judgement.”

Snapping off a salute himself, he nodded. “That’s all, Commander.”

Taking the stack of files with a nod the Toa of Sonics turned and made his way out of the room. It seemed that his life had just gotten a lot more busy.

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On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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[Ta Koro, Guard Residential District]


Lucira cocked an eyebrow.

“You look like you’re at the point where another beers going to hurt more than help, but I’m guessing you don’t care.  As for me--”


She took her drink from the bartender and murmured a thanks.

“--I’m Lucira.  And I’ve had a rather tiring day.  Not quite the kind that makes me want to drown my sorrows in drink, though.”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC Tharros


Tharros let out a gruff snarl "In beer?" he sadi snidely "Please. If I wanted to drown my sorrows I wouldn't use something as slow as beer" to be sure, Tharros had never actually gotten drunk on beer. Beer, no. Though he had been drunk many times from other mediums. Picking up his new stien he let a soft smile take place before stiffling it "What's you're story, Lucira?"


--Character Profiles--


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IC: Kimala - Cable Car from Ko-Wahi

She coughed for what must have been the hundredth time. After the crisp mountain air of Ko-Wahi, Ta-Wahi was literally Karzahni. Her heart went out to the injured Matoran that would soon be arriving. She had a feeling dust masks would be in high demand. As for herself, she created a small crystal mask over her Matatu, filtering the air as best she could, and did the same for her fellow passengers.


OOC: Kimala and Ko-Koro refugees inbound. Not sure what to expect, are there guards at the base of the cable car? How far is it from Ta-Koro itself?

Edited by The Fifth Spoilers

BZPRPG Profiles
If I go AWOL for a while, feel free to contact me via Discord

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[Ta Koro, Public House]


“My bad,” Lucira said, smiling.  Then she sighed.


“To tell the truth, I don’t have much of what you’d call a story.  Had a pretty normal childhood, joined the guard, been here ever since.  Had a sideways view of some of the more--tragic events recently, but I was never there in the thick of it, you know?  Sometimes I feel like all the important people are doing important things around me while I just go through the motions without any control on my part.”


She took another mouthful of beer and swallowed, then grinned sheepishly.

“That came out longer than I intended.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif BkY1n.gif gkKRR.gif MWEwd.gif 7dN9Y.gif ODscu.gif HpGw0.gif HZtia.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC Tharros


Tharros supressed the urge to show an emotional response, he had to be tough. But he still felt a certain sympathy towards the other. "Not all important people do important things right away." he said staring straight ahead "Rather it is the hero that rises from monotonous normality who truly changes the world"

Edited by Veneras


--Character Profiles--


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IC Girah: Kimala's offer was turned down by a gaunt Fa-Matoran with a grin so far removed for the current situation, he seemed just a tad bit mad. In fact, he seemed downright surreal grinning through that bizzare mask of his.

"Oh! Thank you, but I am quite alright. If I couldn't handle a bit of local weather, I wouldn't make a good courier, now would I?"

Behind him, a sulking Burnak hacked a bit, not quite as adapted to the environment as his owner. The Matoran noticed this and turned, grimacing at his old companion's troubles. Facing the Toa of Crystal once more, he gave a look of admitted defeat and said:

"Actually, could I maybe get one of those for my mutt here?"

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


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OOC: Huh, seems I neglected to Denrika and the Magmatide Inn a proper introduction.


IC: It had been several days since she had been attacked. Denrika had reported the assault to the Guard, but 'Ba-Toa that turn invisible' wasn't the greatest lead; they estimated that he had left the Koro, while she barely slept, fearing for an invisible blade in the night. He had threatened to crush her; would she wake up one morning compressed into a cube.


Denrika pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind; her job wasn't great, but she took it seriously. She flipped the sign out front:




The ta-matoran sighed as she tidied up her desk.

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC Girah: The Rahi was, indeed, not happy about the muzzle. It gave a quick sneeze of surprise, and then an uncomfortable shake of the head. Emitting a small mutter that was somewhere between a woof and a meow, it gave a quick scratch to the mask. The Matoran, meanwhile, shrugged and turned back to the Toa. He took note of her altitude with a backbend of the neck and a small "Hm!" of mental notetaking. "Very true, but Budge tends to be a bit too lazy-" "JRAP!"

The Rahi had paused it's tomfoolery to emit a small yelp and give Girah a tilted head stare. Girah, who had turned to the Burnak in bewilderment, rolled his eyes and turned back to the Toa. "Excuse me, too intelligent for such plebeian trifles." Just as Budge went back to scratching at his muzzle, Girah gave a look of consternation to the Toa, and mouthed Way too intelligent. Accentuating this point, Budge sniffed the mask and snorted out a "Hrumph", satisfied, if unhappy with its investigation. Quickly sticking out a hand, the matoran grinned widely, contrasting the hellish environment around them, and said "Thanks for the assistance, Miss Toa....?"

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=763471

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