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BZPRPG - Le-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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The knowledge that my life was being chronicled from an outsider's perspective was a troubling revelation for me. While an objective viewpoint would allow you, the reader, to see my actions in a detached way (therefore being able to judge my actions without being influenced by emotional appeals [though your ability to judge me means very little; when you've peered into the darkness of Makuta's consciousness, give me a call]), I feel that an entrenched perspective would let my story be told more effectively, and let you see my side of events.


In any case, I wouldn't trust anyone else to narrate my life properly. If you want something done right, as they say....


My (re)introduction must have the proper formalities, and thus, here I am: Vyartha Vena, disgraced soldier of the Ta-Koro Guard, wanderer and queen hedonist of Mata Nui's underworld, and, most recently, member of the infamous Toa Daedra, filling the role of Pride. Our leader, who was once a man named Ketan, but is now nothing but a husk who gives himself the moniker of Greed, created this force by plucking some of the island's worst sinners from the darkness and bringing them together as one unit of terror.


He likes to use the word sinner quite a bit. 


It is strange to be called such by another's tongue, even if it's the truth; it's only Greed's utility that keeps me from removing that tongue once and for all.


And where, you may ask, are my illustrious companions now?


###### if I know.


What do I care for their whereabouts? What should you care? This is my narrative, and therefore it is only my location that matters. Perhaps you didn't realize that; perhaps you're all nothing but uncultured troglodytes who have never picked up a book in your life and therefore wouldn't understand the first thing about plot and character and--


Oh dear. It appears that I broke a bench.


The Le-Koronans around me were giving me stares, which I only met for the brief moment required to instil fear in them and make them scurry away. Of course, it was simple for them to scurry; they're running not only from me, but from the swarms of insects that were descending to devour the trees supporting Le-Koro. I remembered the speech that the Gukko Force gave, a call to arms fro any woman or man able enough to fight the coming horde.


I rose to my feet, and followed the defenders to the Gukko birds and Kahu flyers waiting for combat.


Now, you may all be asking yourself why a professed sinner would attempt to stave off the destruction of Le-Koro. A valid question, but foolish once one has studied the logic behind it. Why would I, an engine of desolation, an appointed terror, give up an opportunity to wreak havoc on such a mighty and glorious city as this, and allow it be razed to the ground by a swarm of mindless beasts whose sole drive for doing so is hunger? Perhaps Gluttony would be able to sympathize with them, but I certainly do not.


I identified the line of Gukko Riders preparing to ferry people in battle, and I strode towards them. A shrug of my shoulder assured me that the weight of my sword was still slung over one shoulder. A brief spray of sparks from my right hand informed me that my elemental powers were still functional. Another hand brought to my face felt the contours of the Calix upon my visage. I had everything I needed.


Smiling, I continued on my way into the fray of preparations.


OOC: Vyartha Vena open for interaction.





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IC: (Le-Koro)


"Well, fancy that," a voice spoke up from not far behind Vyartha. "Pride, readying herself to fight for Le-Koro."

Sloth was looking healthy -- healthier, at least, than she had at the Daedra's first meeting. The team, broken up as it may have been, had at the very least given her some semblance of purpose, something to work around. Something that wasn't Dorian.


She hadn't been back in Le-Koro for long, but it was immediately apparent that something was wrong, and as soon as the call had gone out for defenders she had started making her way to their rides. The last thing, however, that she had anticipated was to see one of her teammates headed in the same direction.


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Well. This was a surprise.


And by surprise, I mean inevitability.


"Sloth, darling," I drawled, coming to a stop and turning slightly so that I could look at her directly. It was almost nice seeing our group's moral compass show up, and of all the Daedra that could have appeared to defend Le-Koro, she was the least objectionable. Putting aside my misgivings about whether she would blown away before our Gukko had even flown three bio (though admittedly she looks to be of a healthier weight and fuller frame at the moment), at least there was less of a chance of her attempting to throw me overboard during the defence.


"I hadn't expected you to show up," I continued, turning around fully and taking a step towards her. "Did the others ultimately prove too grating for you, or did you finally give up in your attempts at conversing with Gluttony's three mutes?"





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IC: Sloth (Le-Koro)

There was a twinge of guilt in her stomach at Pride's mention of Gluttony's servants. The three Matoran hadn't been particularly conversationable -- and when one opened his mouth for the shortest of seconds, she got a glimpse at why. These are dangerous people...


"No one was moving anywhere. Figured I could do with a break," Sloth smirked. "And I gave up not long after I realised that our comrade had taken some pretty extreme measures to avoid that kind of thing. I think, though, that another interesting question is why you're here."

Edited by Lincoln Lee


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OoC: Yes, I know that she isn't a Toa, but Dakku doesn't know.
IC: Dakku (Le-Wahi)
Suddenly, a black and yellow Toa jumped from a tree when we were walking in an untouched part of the jungle. She asked us if we were refugees from Ko-koro. But we were surprised, and none of us seemed to have the motivation or courage to talk to her. She was closest to me, and overall I am more talkative than most Ko-Matoran, so I soon tried to talk with her. She didn't seem to have the intention to kill us.
"Yes, we are. The Koro has..." I couldn't suddenly say it out loud. I had difficulty accepting the truth that my home village, where I had lived for decades, had fallen. "...been invaded.  We are now without a home. Hopefully Le-Koroans will help us."
There was a moment of silence, but I had a burning question to ask. Besides, I would've rather avoided thinking about Ko-Koro. "Oh, do you know what has happened here? Not too long ago we walked through a huge clearing, it seemed unnatural. There were swarms of beetles flying around and devouring trees."

Edited by Daniel the Finlander

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"I'm here because I'm here," I replied deftly, my features curving into a wicked smile. "I didn't feel like letting a bunch of mindless bugs deprive me of the privilege to destroy this village myself. So, though I may have to fight next to guardians of justice, it's for a very worthy cause, let me assure you."





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IC: (Venemi)


"The beetles are destroying the trees...when I find the ##### who did this, I will hunt him down and kill him."

Looking at the villager's face, she realised this may have not been the right thing to say...

"But...you need healing and such, and you'll be glad to hear that that is my mask power..." the Wasp continued.



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IC: Sloth (Le-Koro)


"Must be, if it's got you up in arms," she replied. "Honestly, I'm just along for the ride. Not even entirely sure what I'm getting into." But when am I ever?

She started moving again, beginning to walk towards the Gukko Force set-up again. "Bugs, huh?"


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"Indeed. Wood eaters. You can imagine the panic here."


I joined Sloth in approaching one of the groups of defenders. A thin Toa, Ruru-bearing, on foot; a Le-Matoran clad in tribal designs, perched atop one of the village's birds; and a sky-blue Matoran, holding his own Gukko steady; amongst countless others who had joined forces in the coming fight.


"I don't suppose any of our fellows are here as well, are they?"





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IC: Sloth (Le-Koro)

"Not that I know of," she shrugged. "Don't think they were feeling the same need to get out and do something as I was."

She took a glance at the other defenders, and wondered for a moment how many would die in the battle.

Only the stupid ones. Only the ones who try to go it alone. A quick glance at Pride. These are dangerous people. And they're even more dangerous to their enemies.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: Dakku (Le-Wahi)


The Toa threatened to kill whoever was behind this. There was anger in her eyes for a moment, anger that seemed to terrify some of us. When she noticed, she changed her tone to a friendlier one. She offered to heal us wih her blessed mask powers. I thank her, and direct her to the wagon carried by a Kane-Ra. "When we left, we took six patients who were in the best condition. Sadly, our only doctor disappeared during a snow storm, and one patient died from an infected wound. Most of these are injured, one is sick with flu." I then walked to the group of fellow refugees. "Three of us are sick with some strange fever, and we have no idea how to cure them" I turn to look at her, and ask "Can you cure the sick and heal the wounded? We have some widgets to pay with if you want them."

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IC: (Venemi)


"Infections will take longer than normal wounds, and I need a basic understanding of the illness to be able to heal it, so I'll need to know more about your fever..."

She turned to another survivor who seemed to be in better shape, and pointed to a pathway up to one of the trees.

"Carry on up there until you get to the Koro - you're not that far away - and then ask for the other healers and medics: there will be some with the gukko force, and some more down the main "street". Tell them the situation."

Turning back to Dakku, she said: "As for pay, I only need information: what is happening in Ko? What is the situation? Who is winning and for that matter, is anyone winning?"



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IC: Dakku (Le-Wahi)


"Well, it was going badly when we left. The main gate was breached by the attackers, the Sanctum was bombed.. but I don't know who the attackers are. Worshippers of Makuta, perhaps. Anyways, could you at least heal the injured? We'll deal with those with fever once we arrive in Le-Koro. Thank you for the directions, by the way. Swamps are getting increasingly common as we move on and it's hard to stay on path sometimes."

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IC: (Venemi)


"Yes, I'll heal as many of you as I can now, but any who can, I would advise you to head to the koro."

She looked around the group and shouted to them as a whole:

"Any of you who can, head to the koro, any who have injuries come to me for now. Once we are insed the koro, we can see to your illnesses and larger wounds more thoroughly...for now, you'll be healed enough to walk to the koro, if I have enough power..."



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IC: Dakku (Le-Wahi)


We weren't in a hurry, so we stayed while the Toa healed most of the injured. We thanked her and moved on. I admire Toa who stick to the Three Virtues, or at least who are willing to help those in trouble. They are a glimmer of hope in these dark times, when Mata Nui sleeps and can only do little to help us.




Three days have passed, and we finally see Le-Koro, build on the branches of giant trees, near the largest lake I've ever seen.  During our journey, two of the fevered died, sadly, and we had to bury them among the roots of the trees. Five others are now sick as well. Gauru says that the forest is haunted by spirits who infect any foreigners passing through the jungle, but I say that it's nonsense. But we are likely to find out the truth when we arrive in the village. I at least hope so, because my wife has fever.


The jungle was mostly intact around here. A Muaka decided to try its luck, and succeeded in killing Gauru last night. We buried her as well. We are all exhausted, depressed and deprived of sleep. But finally, we arrive at the Koro. The guards welcome us, and take us on elevators into the village of Air. The sick are now inside a hospital, and the rest of us are trying to settle down. I'm one of them. I am a builder, so I hope that eventually I will get a construction job. But right now, the villagers are trying to deal with the beetle swarm. I cannot help them, but I hope that the swarm will be stopped before it reaches the village. I don't want to be homeless refugee again. And I pray for Mata Nui to do everything He can to help my wife..

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IC: (Venemi)


Three days had passed, and the group she had met while hunting (or some of it, at least) had found homes in the koro. She saw Dakku on one of the main walkways, and walked up to him...

"Good to see you're settling in...How's life and such?"

Edited by Silo



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IC: Akhulii


Akhulii grunted and was shaking. He sat up and watched the plant monster snap wildly at the environment around it. He had bumped his head a little. "A bit of a softer landing next time, eh?"


He sighed and gathered his bearings. "But, thank you. That was brave... thanks..." He sat down and stared at his bamboo disk with a glum expression.

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IC: Dakku (Le-Koro)


I had my savings with me, so I was one of the few refugees able to rent a hut. Right now, I was walking from the market, with a basket full of food I had bought. I still refused to use the chutes, they terrified me, so I walked along a wooden walkway. I could hear music coming from the branches above. Slowly, I was starting to like this place, it's not too bad.


Suddenly, the Toa who had helped us in the forest appeared again. She asked how I was doing. "Oh, nice to meet you again.. I'm fine, I guess. Well, I do have a home to live in and enough money to buy food," I said and raised my filled basket so she could see it. "But my wife is sick. The doctors said that they would do their best to cure her, and I hope that everything will be alright." I realised that I didn't even know her name. Maybe I could ask about it. "So.. I assume you live here? Oh, by the way, we don't know each other's names. My name is Dakku," I said, and reached out with my hand. I am always willing to meet new people, make new friends. The idea of a Toa being a friend was.. interesting. I was curious to see how it would go.

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IC: Dakku (Le.Koro)

We shook hands, she told me her name and that she had arrived on the island. She was a foreigner, it seemed. "What do you do for a living? I am a builder. Helped constructing many of the buildings in Ko.. I'm saddened by the fact that much of my work will be ruined and forgotten."

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IC: (Venemi)


"Well...I don't have a job as such...people usually give me money for healing, but I hunt for my food. It's what I do. I...I'm a good fighter, so I sometimes do some work for the various guards and policing forces around the island...I prefer it here in Le though."

Edited by Silo



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IC: Dakku (Le-Koro)


A Hunter and a fighter? I thought that it was interesting. She lives here, so she might know the best drinking place here. "What's the best tavern in the village? Not that Toa like you would have any reason to visit such places, but maybe you have heard of the finest drinking establishments here."

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IC: (Venemi)


She gave Dakku a deadpan look:

"I'm not a toa, nor do I want to be, but there's a good inn down that walkway..." she pointed across to a large hut suspended at the top by thick ropes. The entire thing hung from a large construct around a gigantic tree.



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IC: Talu

Walking down the wooden pathway, he saw three people.

OOC: Is it three? I can't tell.

IC: Seeing this as an opportunity to do something, he used his mask to bounce, cartwheel, and backflip over to them. He landed almost silently behind them, just a soft "whoosh" of the air from underneath him and a faint creak from the wooden station.


OOC: Hello there interaction!

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IC: Sloth (Le-Koro)


"I don't know how we're going to survive without our resident self-righteous misogynist to protect us," she sighed, shaking her head with overemphasised woe. "And yeah, I realise it's a little odd for Sloth to find herself feeling restless, but from what I heard the last one wasn't big on lazing around either."

Edited by Lincoln Lee


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IC: Akhulii


Akhulii got up and nodded his head quickly. "Yeah, I guess so."


As he walked away he turned back and looked at the angry plant. He sized it up, gave it a smug look, and then flung his bamboo disk at it, smacking it against its head. It roared out in pain as Akhulii's disk came flying back into his thin arm.


Akhulii bounced back up to Ryzen, though his ankle was a little twisted so it hindered his speed. "We really ought to keep our eyes peeled for more dangers like that. Le-Wahi doesn't look so nice anymore..."


He picked up a few more shrubs and mushrooms. "I suppose we adjust our path towards Le-Koro? We can take our time, but I'd like to pay it a visit. I may also find some business there..."

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OoC: Apparently, Le-koro is being evacuated. I'll make this conversation take place before that post.


IC: Dakku (Le-Wahi)


I was confused for a moment when Venemi told me that she was not a Toa. I took a closer look at her, and only then realised that she might be a Lesterin. "Oh.. sorry," I said, slightly ashamed. I was about to thank her for telling me about the inn, when the music, coming from the branches above, stopped. Actually, it seemed like the entire Koro had become almost completely silent. The only Matoran-made voice I could hear is someone giving a speech, addressing a group of people. It was coming from the market I had just come from. "I think we should check that out," I said to Venemi.


When we arrived, the speech was already over. I asked a member of the Gukko Force about it, he said that the Koro is being evacuated: everyone must go down to the jungle floor. He said that they didn't want to take risks with the tree-consuming swarm. I turned to look at Venemi again. "Looks like we need to leave. At least I have food with me," I said and glanced at my basket.

Edited by Daniel the Finlander

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IC: Dakku (Le-Koro)


A Toa joined our conversation, offering help. Venemi asked where we should go. "Well, everyone is being evacuated to the ground level, so we need to head there first. Then maybe you can help the Gukko force by dealing with the beetles." I doubted that I could've been of any use whatsoever. I was just a humble Matoran builder. Well, maybe I could've smacked some bugs with my shovel, but that would have been of no use. I turned to look at the turquoise Toa. "What's your name, stranger?

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IC: Marda


If Marda was correct, they were getting close to Le-Koro. It had been so long since she'd listened to the music of the Le-Matoran, and she couldn't wait to hear it again. With a smile she turned to look at her companions...and almost collapsed. She managed to grab hold of a tree to support herself, but she suddenly felt very dizzy, and there was an aching pressure behind her eyes. She lifted her hand to clutch the front of her head, groaning.


"Shtako...it's been to long...ugh, my head..." she said quietly.

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IC: Zaara.

Zaara saw Marda stumble, and immediately rushed to help her. She was going to ask her if she was okay, but it was obvious that she wasn't, so there was no point asking.

She reached out to put a supportive hand on Marda's shoulder, but when she made out the being's words, she hesitated. "What's happening?" she asked concernedly.

Edited by NatoGreavesy

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Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

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The Fa-Toa had arrived at the group to take a closer look. "What's going on?" he asked. "Are we under attack?"

OOC: Sorry it took me so long to respond. I've been busy with real-life stuff.

IC, Verdi: "Yes, we're under attack," Verdi responded to the Fa-Toa. "We're under attack by bugs that eat trees... and since the village is, you know, built on trees, you can see why that's a problem. Anyway, I'm here to ferry people out to where those bugs are so that they can help get rid of them. You interested?"

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IC: Marda


Marda groaned as the pressure continued to build inside her skull. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and looked up to see Zaara's concerned face.


"It's...my power...I...can affect the minds...of others...cause confusion...disorientation...even catatonia...but if...I don't use it...often enough, the pressure...it builds in my brain...like a knife in my skull." she said, taking shallow breaths. "I haven't...touched anyone...since I came back..." she moaned. "It should pass...in a moment..." she added, but she knew that this time it would not simply go away. It had been far too long since she'd used her cursed touch.

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