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BZPRPG - Le-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC Viima

(Le-Wahi, Viima's tree):


Regardless of the tension, Viima seemed surprisingly calm. For one, he didn't struggle against Tivanu's strong grip. He didn't flail in the air or scream in protest. He simply looked Tivanu in the eyes, almost emotionless. The way he looked held a silent plea, although it was hard to tell what kind. Did he want Tivanu to pull him back and spare his life? Or did he want him to drop him?


"It's not the problems of the material world that haunt me", he said quietly. "It's... more complicated than that. I don't claim that what you said isn't true, but haven't you noticed that I am still alive? I said I tried to kill myself, but I'm still here."


Viima shut his eyes tight, as if struggling with a headache. Moments later, he opened them again. His emotionless mask began showing defiance. "It's impossible for me to kill myself, but for you it's possible. Tell me, would it even be a hard choice for you? You don't really want me along... do you?"


Viima's body began shaking, as if tormented by a fever. "I dare you... to... drop..."


Viima's eyes shut tight again. He tried to speak to Tivanu, but his words were held back by his shivering and squirming, growing more intense by the minute. A Matoran would have found it extremely difficult to contain Viima, but for a Skakdi's strong hand it was less than a challenge. Still, Viima's body was protesting more and more as he tried to pronounce the words that would spell his doom.


"Dr... dr... dro... dr... me..."


The words gave way to a scream.

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== Le-Wahi - Lost - Maybe somewhere near Lake Pala? ==

OOC: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio

IC:  Doseki Stopped running as soon as he finally caught up with Fulmen. "You know... for a Matoran... you are quite fast... when you... are scared." He was panting heavily from the chase. Once he caught his breath he stood up and looked at Fulmen, mask to mask. Then he'd noticed they were a good distance from where they had started. Doseki could not even see or hear Scorpio. This is bad; he thought to himself. They were in the middle of The Jungles of Le-Wahi and quite possibly lost now thanks to this Matoran. "Well this is a fine mess you got us into." He said to Fulmen as he removed his climbing claws and attached ropes to them. "Now I can get that you are not Rahi friendly, but running off into the wilds of Le-Wahi was not the best idea. We are now in a worse position now then when we were with Scorpio and the Muaka. Add in to that we may very well be lost as the map is stored on Scorpio's harness."


Scorpio for his part was still locked in what could be called mortal combat with the Muaka. Trading blows with the wild rahi the best he could. The beast's last trike hit him hard on his back causing the Nui-Jaga to shriek. With the Muaka in such close proximity he lashed out with his claws and his tail. This time he was not going to stop until the prey went down.

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


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IC: Tivanu


For what it was worth, there was a moment of hesitation in Tivanu's expression, as if he really was trying to decide on whether or not to let Viima fall. And then he released the matoran, released him towards the grounds harsh embrace. With their current height it would be a decently long fall. Without a second glance down he uttered a shrill whistle, and blur of greenish-red shot past his vision, towards the ground. 


In a time not too long ago, Tivanu used a similar trick to train kive-phu, and increase her reaction time. He would toss a piece of meat into the air and it was her job to catch it before it hit the ground. If she didn't manage to catch it, it was destroyed by a quick blast of impact vision, and she would go hungry that night. Needless to say she learned quick.


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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IC Viima



Had Viima been in his full mental strength, he would have experienced surprise over Tivanu dropping him, despite the accusations he had made. As things stood now, all he could think of was how paralyzed and helpless he felt... but what happened next was even more staggering.


The Le-Matoran started spinning in the air. He spun around once, twice, three times...


His spinning began faster and faster, until his form became a blur.


One who knew Le-Koro and its citizens well would have realized that what Viima was doing was a special tactic of the Le-Matoran to change the direction of their fall slightly, as well as slow it down. It wouldn't help without branches nearby to grab onto, but in the right circumstances it could mean the difference between life and death. Yet, even if Tivanu recognized the tactique, he would most certainly be surprised by the speed Viima was spinning with. It resembled the way his razor disk would spin when thrown at a target.


Kive-phu was closing in really fast, ready to stop Viima's fall. She got closer... and closer... almost there...


But before Kive-phu could grab the falling Matoran, Viima's direction did indeed change. He fell closer and closer to the nearby branches sprouting from the large tree on which Tivanu was still standing, watching the scene. With the grace and agility of a Proto Drake, Viima stopped spinning, extended his arms, and grabbed one of the branches. His fall, and his spinning, were halted faster than a Tarakava's punch.


After a few deep breaths, sense returned to Viima and he felt paralyzed no longer. But he still felt helpless and doomed, letting out a sob.

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IC: Tivanu


Tivanu had indeed watched the scene unfold. As Viima managed to stop his fall and latch onto a branch, Tivanu offered a mildly impressed look. With a tap of his staff to his lower leg he jumped off the edge of the tree, the lowered gravity slowing his own fall. He glanced towards the ground as he fell, and once at the right distance he shot off a blast of impact vision, then another. The explosive force of the blasts decreasing his speed. Once at a reasonable safe speed he reached out for a thick branch, latching onto it with ease. The branch was not that far above Viima's own, so as he crouched he looked down at the matoran.

"You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. It does nothing to help you and only makes things worse for you. You are at a point in your life viima where you need to decide, do you continue fighting, or do you just give up and let your emotions swallow you."


Despite her failed rescue attempt, Kive-phu had occupied herself with going after a smaller bird rahi.


Banner made by Onaku



If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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IC Viima



Viima panted as he looked at Tivanu. His mind was jumbled and he could barely make sense of what Tivanu was saying.


"You saw what happened when you dropped me", he said. "The choice has already been made for me. I have to keep on fighting, because I cannot do otherwise."


The pain in his mind ceased. It seemed everything was back to normal... for now. Reason returned to Viima's eyes.


This is what it was like before...


As he regained his posture, Viima said "I don't want you to mistake me for someone weak, Tivanu. Before my hermit days, I never would have even considered suicide. And no matter how much things have changed since then, I'm still a fighter."


But I lost hope... my worst enemy is myself.


Viima shook his head. He knew where he stood. His condition was bad, but he would need to suck it up for now. Tivanu was right: An entire island was being threatened by dark forces with no end in sight.


Viima's old self broke through as he began grinning and asked "So what's your battle plan?"

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OOC: This post was made on an iPad.


IC (As Fulmen): "We're lost?!" Shouted the matoran of lightning as he heard Doseki speak to him. "This isn't good, I can't retrace my steps!" The Vo-Matoran continued to panic, looking around frantically for Scorpio.


IC (As a Muaka): The wild cat's claws got trapped by the striking pincers of the Nui-Jaga and focused its attention on the left pincer of the tan rahi. With a swift motion, it lunged its head forward, opening its jaws for an attack. Unfortunately, the stinging tail of the Nui-Jaga pierced its shoulder and began wrestling against the Nui-Jaga, trying to break free and run away.

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.

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IC: Kunitu


"You'll get better at dealing with situations the more experience you have," she replied.


[Le-Koro, Central Square]


Ranok grimaced.  “I’m not sure if I great-look forward to that kind of experience, to tell the truth.”


He glanced back at the bandstand.  “I’m back on--sorry.  I’ll see you again after they switch bands.


He smiled.  “Thanks for the sign.  I think it helped my reputation at a lot.”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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ooc: an IPad, nice. Was that a new gift?

== Le-Wahi - Lost - Maybe somewhere near Lake Pala? ==

OOC: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio

IC:  Doseki Looked at Fulmen as the Vo-Matoran was freaking out even more now than when they started. "If freaking out like a startled Mahi gets us unlost faster let me know." Doseki gripped each of his climbing claws in a respective hand then looked for a large tree to climb. "If you think you can calm down long enough to help me. I am going to climb a tree and see if I can figure out where we are. I remember there were several lakes and rivers on the map. So locating one of them may be able to tell us where we are." Doseki walked over to a selected tree that looked as though it would be high enough to scout the area. Then he looked back at Fulmen whom he hopes was calming down. He didn't need to loose his escort while he was in a tree. "I don't know how good you are at climbing but now is a good a time as any to learn. Staying down here on the ground may not be the safest place for you alone right now."
Scorpio could feel the paw of the Muaka in his claw and he had no intention of letting go until he crushed it. This cat was not getting away unscathed. The Muaka's jaws clamped down on Scorpio's Left claw and he could feel the pressure from its teeth. The tug-of-war lasted until Scorpio's stinger sunk into the Muaka's body. Instantly he started pumping his deadly venom into the wild rahi. Scorpio was going to eat well tonight....

ooc: not sure if you want the Muaka to die on the spot or limp off so leaving that part up to you Liuth. It's your npc.

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


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IC:  Scorpio could feel the paw of the Muaka in his claw and he had no intention of letting go until he crushed it. This cat was not getting away unscathed. The Muaka's jaws clamped down on Scorpio's Left claw and he could feel the pressure from its teeth. The tug-of-war lasted until Scorpio's stinger sunk into the Muaka's body. Instantly he started pumping his deadly venom into the wild rahi. Scorpio was going to eat well tonight....




I, meanwhile, hung back in the shadows of the jungle, watching this melee with mild curiousity, wondering where the pair of Matoran had run off to.


My hand, however, was never far from the hilt of my sword.





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OOC: No, I've had mine since last year. Also, just let the Muaka run off in fear.


IC (As Fulmen): The Vo-Matoran replied to Doseki. "I'm inexperienced with climbing, but I'm willing to learn and get good at it, so can you teach me?" The matoran of lightning asked in a shaky, but polite tone. "Don't worry, I'm paying full attention to your instructions, tell me how to get up this tree without the aid of climbing equipment." Fulmen made a quick attempt to climb the tree by jumping up and hugging the trunk, but he slid back down onto the ground.


IC (As a Muaka): The wild cat roared in pain as it felt the stinger tear through its body and inject its deadly venom. It locked its jaws back onto the limb of the scorpion, trying to crush the Nui-Jaga's claw in desperation to escape from the iron grip of the scorpion. The Muaka was in immense pain, but it continued to struggle against the tan beast until it was finally set free and bolted away, wailing loudly.

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.

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ooc: I have to run some errands but keep an eye on this post, I'll edit it with my reply once I get back. Sorry, would have been back sooner, but tried to blow up my car by locking the keys in it while it was still running. It went all teapot on me...

== Le-Wahi - Lost - Maybe somewhere near Lake Pala? ==

OOC: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio

IC: Doseki sighed when Fulmen tried to climb the tree by giving it a bear hug. "Yeah, that never works. Nice attempt though. I am not exactly a Le-Matoran so sadly I do not possess the ability to climb trees without the use of Tools." Doseki flipped his climbing claws in his hands to show Fulmen he had every intent of using them to get up the tree. Tying a rope to both ends of the claws he looked over at Fulmen. "For now I think I'm just going to have to carry you up. We need to find out where we are and how to get where we are going. Taking the time to teach you could put us in further danger." Taking one end of the rope Doseki in a flash of hands fashioned himself a Swiss Seat around his hips and looked over to Fulmen. "Take the rope here and tie it around your waist and then hold on tight. Doseki waited for Fulmen to tie himself off and then he was going to  start up the tree...


Scorpio let out a crackling sound in both triumph and pain as he could feel the tear in his left claw from the Muaka's bite force. Looking around the Nui-Jaga could not see Doseki or that other Matoran they had been traveling with. Well this was not good, he wanted to chase after the Muaka and feast on it's dying protodermis. It sadly would have to wait as something else took up his attention. In a flash the bulk of Scorpio was gone as the end if his tail vanished under the forest floor.

Edited by Prowl Nightwolf

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


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IC: Komae [Le-Koro]


Komae waved away the other merchant's concerns with a smile.  "Who says I'm not average? Carver from Po-Koro, doesn't get much more typical than that.  Know any decent restaurants in Le-Koro, by the way? I'm getting a bit peckish." 




"Don't we own one by now?" Beosach asked, frowning. "I'd almost be sure that we did. If not, though, there's always the Bright-Star Inn."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Akhulii


Akhulii was exhausted from the celebration and random dancing. These Le-folks are fun, but way too eccentric for my tastes.


The blue matoran sat on a fair-sized rock, adjusted his robes and pulled his comically large suitcase closer to himself as he yawned. He started to wonder if he should find a place to stay. The Koro wasn't exactly in great shape, but he was sure that someone would recognize his intellect and importance and get him a room for a fair price. The idea of sleeping in a tree way above the ground didn't resonate very well with him, but he would take what he could get.


The drained Akhulii signaled a Le-matoran server to bring over a pint of drink. The matoran was a little wild and overwhelmed from the music and loudness of the party and seemed a little tipsy.  Akhulii graciously accepted it and tried a sip as the matoran staggered away to other matoran. He felt that the taste was a little off, and pulled out a little powder from behind his old robes, put a little dash in, mixed, and tried again. Perfect, he thought, satisfied.



OOC: Open for interaction! I haven't posted in a real while and don't have a real plan for Akhulii right now, so it would be interesting to have him join a new adventure if anyone has a plan! He could be pretty useful considering his medicinal and alchemical skills.

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IC: Komae [Le-Koro]
"If we do, it's probably back in Ga-Koro.  Funny how you can forget what buildings you own."  Komae shrugged.  "In any event! The Bright-Star Inn's plenty famous.  Sounds like the perfect stop for a pair of tourists like us.  Shall we?"

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
Stories: Fractures | An Aftermath | Three Stories | LSO 2012 Epics: Team Three | The Shadow and the Sea | The Days They Were Needed | Glitches | Transformations | Echoes | The Kaita and the Storyteller | Nui

BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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"I would've sworn we had stuff in other Koro as well, not just Ga-Koro," Beosach said, frowning, but ultimately he just shrugged and waved it off. "Yes, sure. It's on one of the platforms to the east, if I remember right. I'll let you lead the way."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: Faraki interacting with Akhulii, Fulmen interacting with Doseki.


IC (As Fulmen): The Vo-Matoran nodded in response and picked up the rope to tie it around his waist. "I'll try and avoid making myself too heavy or rocking around." Replied the matoran of lightning as he double knotted the rope. "Alright, the rope's tightened, you can begin climbing now!" Fulmen called out to Doseki, waiting to be hoisted off the ground.


IC (As Faraki): The black and gunmetal colored skakdi straightened his powerless Kaukau as he walked through the thick forest surrounding Le-Koro. His bright red eyes glanced at something in the distance. *I wonder what's happening over there.* Faraki's interest beckoned him to investigate and he took another step, hearing the sounds of celebration and laughter. *A party?* the gunmetal armor-clad skakdi grinned at the idea of crashing it and he broke into a run, the laughter and cheering getting louder the closer he got. He ducked behind a bush and slowly crept around, doing his best to keep quiet. Out of the corner of his left eye, he spotted a blue matoran. *He's all alone. What a perfect target.* Faraki smiled as he stepped over the shrubbery and made his way towards Ahkulii. "My name's Faraki, what's yours?" The black and gunmetal skakdi asked.

Edited by Liuth

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.

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ooc: I have to run some errands but keep an eye on this post, I'll edit it with my reply once I get back.



OOC: I'm going to post not just as Fulmen, but I'm also putting my skakdi in this topic to advertise my character. Keep an eye on this post, I'll add a reply when I have more free time.



Staffy OOC: Please don't make posts comprised solely of OOC in game topics, even if you mean to come back and edit them later.  You can use PMs or News and Discussion to let someone know you plan to respond but you're a bit held up.


IC: Komae [Le-Koro]


"Ah, but you're the mapmaker, Beosach, and I haven't been to Le-Koro since..." he paused for a moment and frowned.  "For a very long time.  But if you insist, I'll do my best."


Humming to himself, Komae pointed himself in the direction he thought was east and started walking.

Edited by GSR

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
Stories: Fractures | An Aftermath | Three Stories | LSO 2012 Epics: Team Three | The Shadow and the Sea | The Days They Were Needed | Glitches | Transformations | Echoes | The Kaita and the Storyteller | Nui

BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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IC: Akhulii


Akhulii jumped a little at the sight of the large black skakdi, almost spilling his drink. He usually associated that species with trouble despite not having much experience with them, and this one stood out with how he kept himself up and his maw closed. Don't skakdi usually keep their mouths hanging open, or at least show their teeth?


Akhulii collected his thoughts for a second. This skakdi seemed to be far more civilized than the stories usually told, besides, he even wore a mask! I've been way too judgmental in the past, if there's one thing I learned, tales can be deceiving. For all I know, he could be a great fellow!


Leaning forward and stretching out his hand for a shake, Akhulii responded, "Nice to meet you... Faraki! I'm Akhulii, esteemed medic and alchemist! Quite the pary, eh? What's your business?"

The bright red eyes and claws were a little off putting, but he would give the stranger a chance.

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Ic Haki:


He meanders over to the Ga-Matoran, two cups of punch in hand.


"Akhuli, my friend! Here, for you!"


He notices the rather strange Masked Skakdi.


"Who is this? A friend if yours?"


Haki had not become a Turaga for nothing. He'd seen enough trouble to know that this Skakdi was not the friendliest of sorts.


He kept close watch on him.

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OOC: Interacting with Chumpu, along with Banana Gunz.


IC (As Faraki): "Esteemed medic and alchemist? Sounds like you've built yourself up quite a reputation." The black skakdi replied in a polite manner. *Alchemist? I've never heard of that occupation before... This matoran has become an interesting target already.* Faraki smirked behind his kanohi as he began to speak. "What is my business here? Well, I'm just a lone wanderer exiled from Xa-Koro." Said the gunmetal-clad creature as his claws wrapped around Akhulii's hand and shook it with a firm grip. "The Le-Matoran must really love partying, I could hear them from a kilometer away." The black skakdi let go of the blue matoran's hand. "I'd join in with the festivities, but I'd scare away everyone." The gunmetal skakdi said with a chuckle. "So, what is an alchemist, Akhulii? I've never heard of that title before."


Faraki noticed there was a turaga standing nearby, he turned his head to face towards the stone turaga. "Don't worry, I've learnt some manners and I truly am polite in comparison to the hundreds of other skakdi roaming the island." Said the black skakdi.

Edited by Liuth

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.

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IC Haki:


He chuckles dryly, "I should hope so, most I've met who are the violent type would think twice before starting trouble in the town square of Le-Koro!"


He looks over at a few Guardsmen escorting a rather rowdy partier away.


"Le Koro is known for it's parties, but also it's ability too keep them civil."


He notices Akhuli I already has a drink, and instead extends it to the Skakdi.


"Turaga Haki, wandering healer and former Toa of Stone, at your service."

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OOC: Faraki interacting with Akhulii, Fulmen interacting with Doseki.


IC (As Fulmen): The Vo-Matoran nodded in response and picked up the rope to tie it around his waist. "I'll try and avoid making myself too heavy or rocking around." Replied the matoran of lightning as he double knotted the rope. "Alright, the rope's tightened, you can begin climbing now!" Fulmen called out to Doseki, waiting to be hoisted off the ground.


== Le-Wahi - Lost - Maybe somewhere near Lake Pala? ==

OOC: Po-Matoran Doseki


IC: Doseki gave a nod to Fulen then quick as a flash he started up the tree with his Vo-Matoran in tow. One claw at a time he dug them into the trunk of the tree as hard as he could. Looking down periodically to make sure Fulmen was doing alright. "If you want to try and stabilize yourself try using the holes in the trunk as hand grips. That should help." It was taking some time, but Doseki was making his way up the tree's trunk and reached some of the larger branches. Once he reached the first set he tied himself off and waited for Fulmen to catch up. The next stage of the climb would be a bit harder and Doseki could not just let Fulmen dangle below him as the rope would get tangled in the upcoming maze of branches.

Edited by Prowl Nightwolf

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


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IC (As Faraki): "I wouldn't cause trouble in any of the villages, the guards are always extremely vigilant." Replied the black skakdi. He looked down on the turaga and saw a drink in his hand. "Thank you, Turaga Haki. I am known as Faraki. I don't have any prestigious titles bestowed upon me, but I nicknamed myself "the wandering skakdi." He lifted his kanohi and let it rest on his forehead before raising the cup and taking a sip. Most other skakdi would've had the contents spill over their chins like a waterfall, but Faraki only had a few drops on his chin after drinking.


"This has an incredibly sweet taste." Noted the gunmetal clad skakdi. "Anyway, speaking of titles and nicknames, Akhulii said he was an alchemist, do you know anything about them?"


IC (As Fulmen): The Vo-Matoran was towed along by Doseki as he made his way up the tree. After the Po-Matoran reached a larger branch, the matoran of lightning grabbed a hole in the trunk and tried to climb on his own. Fulmen didn't enjoy being high above the ground and his hands were shaking as he tried to get a grip on the tree. It seemed like the Vo-Matoran was taking forever to climb the tree, but the matoran of lightning slowly got closer to Doseki until his foot slipped and he nearly undid the stone matoran's hard work.


"Doseki! I'm nearly there, just wait a little bit longer!" Fulmen shouted at the top of his lungs as he persevered and continued climbing until his hand tried to get a grip on the branch. "Grab my hand, Doseki!"

Edited by Liuth

If you like Pingu & want to support a good project, click here. Also, I've rejoined the BZPRPG & I have a new profile for a new game. Click here to see it.

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== Le-Wahi - Lost - Maybe somewhere near Lake Pala? - Up a tree of all places ==

OOC: Po-Matoran Doseki

IC: Doseki looked down and watched his traveling(now climbing) companion struggle as he made his way of the trunk of the tree. "You are doing fine Fulmen, just take it one step at a time." Doseki could tell the Vo-Matoran was no climber. Still it took Doseki many a year to master the craft itself. Though he climbed for fun and recreation, not so much survival. It was a good thing Doseki was still attached to Fulmen via the rope around his waist. So when he had slipped Doseki was able to hold him up and keep him from falling back down. "Do not worry my friend, I have you." Doseki locked himself off so he himself would not fall then reached down to pull Fulmen up the remainder of the way onto the branch.


"You did well my Vo-Matoran friend. Look down and you can see how far you made it already. We should be safe here for now. Most of the big predatory rahi in the area are down on the Jungle floor and not up here in the canopy."

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


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IC (As Fulmen): "I couldn't have made it without you, Doseki." Thanked the Vo-Matoran as he sat down on the branch. "I'll watch one side of the forest, can you take over the other?" Asked the matoran of lightning as he turned away from the po-matoran and looked down. "Woah... That view is scary... I think I'll just take a rest after climbing." Said Fulmen as he sat down against the trunk and relaxed.

Edited by Liuth

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IC: Akhulii


"Ah, I do believe that Haki here has some knowledge in alchemy and such. You see my fine skakdi, when I practice alchemy and chemistry, I'm working with materials and substances to create something else! It could mean making a potion to make your muscles soft as butter or taking one metal and turning it into another! It's hard work and requires a lot of precise calculation, but I've been doing it ever since I left my job at a hospital. Far more interesting if you ask me! Quite profitable too!"


Akhulii was slightly put off by the skakdi's seemingly unnatural politeness, but found that he quite liked it. How often do you find a skakdi that can keep from getting drink all over the place? I should be enjoying this fellow's company!


Akhulii finished off his drink, proudly. Talking business and brewery always put him in a good mood.

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IC (As Fulmen): "I couldn't have made it without you, Doseki." Thanked the Vo-Matoran as he sat down on the branch. "I'll watch one side of the forest, can you take over the other?" Asked the matoran of lightning as he turned away from the po-matoran and looked down. "Woah... That view is scary... I think I'll just take a rest after climbing." Said Fulmen as he sat down against the trunk and relaxed.




The conflict between the Muaka and the Nui-Jaga having been brought to its unsatisfactory conclusion, I made my way back into the darkened canopies of the jungle. I melted into the shadows, becoming less corporeal than air in their embrace. As is with everything which reaches the Darkness, so it is with myself, I suppose.


I grimaced.


I did not enjoy that feeling.


Raising one hand, I snapped my fingers and, feeling the friction between the pads of my thumb and middle digit, poured Energy into the spark until it grew into a spartan fireball, enough to illuminate my path but to draw minimal attention to myself. I continued my walk without changing my pace.


I did not know how long I had walked before I began hearing voices. I wondered quickly if I had gone around the bend during my walk, but rejected the theory as ludicrous before it even had to time to take root; partly because I was too intelligent and rational for such psychological disturbance, and partly because I noted two Matoran sitting in the top of a tree, talking.


"Who are you two?" I called to them, the flame in my hand never going out.


OOC: Hello Fulmen and Doseki.


IC Lain

A quick burger and head dunk had cleared some of the foamy haze from the bo-toa's brain.


"Ya were talkin' about startin' an establishment of yer own, aye?"




I raised an eyebrow at this fellow's speechifying.


"Ay, Ash," I said, hands in the pockets of my blazer, eyes carefully checking the guy's face for his emotional register (nobody gives the little nuances of the face enough credit [they're fascinating]), "what's this about you staring your own establishment? What sort o establishment?"





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ooc: Hello unknown character of Emissary's. We are not really at the top more like midway as we've reached the first of the actual branches to rest. Are you in the canopy of a nearby tree or on the ground?

== Le-Wahi - Lost - Maybe somewhere near Lake Pala? - Up a tree of all places ==

OOC: Po-Matoran Doseki

IC: Doseki looked over to Fulmen as he sat against the trunk of the large tree. "A rest would be a good idea." Taking the rope attached to Fulmen he used it to secure the Lightning Matoran so he would not fall out of the tree by accident. "Here this will keep you from falling so that you wont fall to your death while you rest. I still need to keep climbing until I breach the canopy and find out where we are. You should be safe from any predatory rahi until I come back down."


Doseki was about to continue his upwards climb when he heard a voice in the darkness. He could not tell where it was coming from so Doseki called out to it. "Who is there!? Show yourself and be recognized!!"

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


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OOC: My mistake.  :P Vyartha (my character) would be on the ground right now.




"I do not know you," I shouted to the answering Matoran, "and thus, even if I were to step into view, you would not recognize me. Why, therefore, should I expose myself?"


Nevertheless, I raised the fireball in my hand a little higher, illuminating my form.


"You did not answer my question. Who are you two?"





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OOC: Hello, Emissary.


IC (As Faraki): The word 'profitable' captured the black skakdi's interest. "Profitable, you say?" The gunmetal-clad creature said, forming a small grin. "Well, I like the sound of this alchemy business, when shall you teach me, Akhulii?" Faraki asked excitedly, smiling and finally revealing his fanged teeth. *If he won't teach me, then I'll simply have to hold the turaga for ransom.* The black skakdi thought to himself. 


IC (As Fulmen): "What's going on down there..." The Vo-Matoran said to himself as he sat up and peeked over the branch. There was a female toa of fire standing with a fireball in the palm of her hand. Fulmen instinctively slid back down to hide himself. 

Edited by Liuth

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IC: His eyebrows raised a tad, slightly taken aback at the rapid-fire one-two punch of inquiries back-to-back in the space of about as many seconds, before he even finished thinking out a response to Lain.

Then, he slid back into a smile, this one a bit less cool and confident and a bit more hopeful and modest.

"Well, I always kinda wanted to run my own inn or bar one day... Pretty sure it's a while off, though. I got an older brother that's got a little place up in Ta, and he says it's a cool job, but it takes experience."


He inhaled through his teeth, shoulders rising as the smile shifted to something a little more self-deprecating. "Don't have much of that yet, but I'm looking for a place to get it, so hey!"

Back to good humor.

"Here's hopin'!"

Edited by Uncle Chael P. Sonnen

helo frens

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== Le-Wahi - Lost - Maybe somewhere near Lake Pala? - Up a tree of all places ==

OOC: Po-Matoran Doseki

IC: Doseki finally recognized where the voice was coming from and looked over the edge of the branch the same time Fulmen had. His vision was not the best at such a distance and could not make out the features of the illuminated figure on the ground. He could tell she was dressed in red armor and had a fireball in her hand. He could not tell if it was self-generated or if the figure was holding a torch. It was quite a trip back down and Doseki was not looking forward to making the trip until they were ready to continue on their travels to Le-Koro. He yelled down to the tiny figure on the ground.


"We are travelers on our way to Le-Koro! When asking of someone their name it is customary to offer your own first in trade! Who are you, Friend or foe!?" Doseki didn't know who this traveler was so readies his Kolhii stick incase he needed to defend himself or Fulmen. With Scorpio being AWOL it fell to him to keep his charge safe from the dangers of the Le-Wahi Jungle; be them Rahi or otherwise in nature.

"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


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IC: "Here's hopin'!"




"Ay, nice!" I said, shooting Ash a thumbs-up. "Good to have a dream to shoot for! What's your plan in the meantime, though?"


IC: "We are travelers on our way to Le-Koro! When asking of someone their name it is customary to offer your own first in trade! Who are you, Friend or foe!?" Doseki didn't know who this traveler was so readies his Kolhii stick incase he needed to defend himself or Fulmen. With Scorpio being AWOL it fell to him to keep his charge safe from the dangers of the Le-Wahi Jungle; be them Rahi or otherwise in nature.




"I am neither," I replied. "I am neutral to you. My name is something you do not need to know. All we need to know of each other is that we are travellers in search of a common destination. And, as you have seen first-hand, this jungle is hideously dangerous for ones such as yourselves."


I walked towards the tree.


"For a price, I would be willing to escort the pair of you to the village of air."





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== Le-Wahi - Lost - Maybe somewhere near Lake Pala? - Up a tree of all places ==

OOC: Po-Matoran Doseki

IC: Doseki looked down at the stranger as she steppe closer to the tree. He could tell now from the voice that they were female however due to their current height could not tell if she was a Matoran, Toa, or Turaga, or something else entirely. He needed to think about Fulmen first and he didn't seem to found of the newcomer with how quickly he ducked back against the trunk. With his Kolhii stick held tight in one hand he placed the other on Fulmen's shoulder. "It is your choice Fulmen. We can take their option or wait here and find our own way. Just because Scorpio is missing does not mean we are helpless. I don't trust a stranger who would not offer her name to us." Doseki looked back down. "Name your price stranger! We are not as helpless as you've lead yourself to believe! Do not take us for being Foolish as a Sand Snipe! We will then discus the terms of our traveling together."

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"A stranger will always be a stranger unless you give them a chance."

:m_p: :r: :m_o: :w: :l:    :n: :i: :g: :h: :t: :w: :m_o: :l: :f:

 |premierball.png| <- My Pokémon | BZPRPG Characters: Po-Matoran Doseki & Nui-Jaga Scorpio; Ga-Matoran Orca 
Matoran und Panzer: Doseki & Glitch | Marvel RP PC | Mata Nui Monopoly: Come... Own a piece of the legend!


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OOC: Sorry for the late response, I was busy and just came back from Kung Fu Lessons.


IC (As Fulmen): Fulmen untied himself suddenly and spoke in a louder voice than he would normally use. "Doseki. Pass me a climbing hook. I will assist you in battle should negotiation fail. I don't want you to think I am always acting like a helpless rahi and besides, I can't always act like a scared insect, look where that got us." He said to the matoran of stone. "I would like to think that the toa will leave us alone, but at the same time, I know that she plans to harm us if she is greeting us with a fireball and refusing to reveal her name. I'm not confident that we can face her should we need to fight, but can we really run away if she attacks us?" The matoran of lightning boldly stepped forward. "Toa of fire, we are considering your offer. Soon, we will come to an agreement." The Vo-Matoran stepped down and turned to the Po-Matoran. "You can decide if you want to take her with us."

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