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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: When Tarotrix awoke, he felt a slight ache all around his body. With a groan, he rose from his bed and put on his armor. After reporting for duty, he was sent to guard the gate with three others.IC: Aryll entered Ta-Wahi.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC-Grochi:"Of course, my friend," Grochi said, piloting the Infernavika into a small cove that only a few people knew about-he'd found it while tele-jumping. He moored the boat quickly, then lowered the gangplank."Everybody, off, off," he said to them, shoo-ing them down the plank. "We have to get to the bar, then we can recruit people," he said anxiously.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC:Vakama opened his door. "Yes?" the Turaga asked Oreius. "How can I help you, brother?"

IC (Oreius) (Ta-Koro)Oreius saluted respectfully. "Good afternoon, Turaga. I come with grave news."The Ta-Matoran indicated Dev. "This Matoran was delivering mail here in Ta-Koro when he happened to mention to me that there was a Rahkshi attack in Po-Koro just a few days ago. I've never really been here or there with Rahkshi, sir, if you know what I mean, but regardless they surely pose a threat to the security of this village and to the island at large. I was hoping for some guidance on this matter, sir."Oreius looked at his feet for a moment, then looked back up. "In this state, sir, I doubt Ta-Koro could withstand a prolonged assault, but villages like Ga-Koro are in even more danger. Surely something must be done to counter, or at the very least to prepare, for this threat?"
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IC:Sisk nodded with a weak smile. "You go-ahead friend. I will up-check on Kol-friend." he said. He watched as Lans walked away, through the numerous helpers who had swarmed to the hospital in order to help the wounded or clear away the rubble. The Le-Matoran briefly wondered why he hadn't noticed that there seemed to be a bunch of Ta-Toa among the guard-members.Trying to stay out of the way of the helpers, he made his way through the field of debris in a zig-zag course. Finally, he found what he had been looking for. Kol Uskey was sitting against the wall of a nearby building. And he had an all too familiar look on his face. Sisk sighed. He'd worn that same expression just some minutes ago. Rubbing the bridge of his nose he approached the Matoran and sat down next to him.He looked at Kol sympathetically, but also with sadness in his eyes. He knew how the other felt."Some adventure that was, wasn't it?" he asked, tired.




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IC: When Tarotrix awoke, he felt a slight ache all around his body. With a groan, he rose from his bed and put on his armor. After reporting for duty, he was sent to guard the gate with three others.IC: Aryll entered Ta-Wahi.

IC: MeviThe Ta-Matoran entered the village along with the Toa of Lightning, after a long trek from Le-Wahi. She hadn't expected to be back home so soon, but it didn't matter. Helping the island meant going wherever, whether that was far away or right next door."Should we see the Turaga first, or the guard?" she asked Aryll. "Vakama has the highest authority to send the guard away from the village, but I think we might benefit from discussing strategy with the captain, Jaller, first. If he says it's not viable to lend guards to our mission, there is no reason to bother the Turaga, after all."EDIT: The word "it" in the sentence "but it didn't matter" was censored for me on my first try? Edited by Katuko
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OOC: Tawara, Ta-Koro (in the same place as Kitsune and Jikal)IC: Tawara trudged through the streets of Ta-Koro. The heat from the moat of lava reached even the heart of the village, and it was near unbearable. Rivulets of sweat ran from the gaps in her armor, and the gray cloak she normally wore was folded and slung over her shoulder. She didn't need any extra insulation here.I hate this place, thought Tawara. Why did she have to arrive here, of all possible spots? Still, she carefully scanned her surroundings, while maintaining a mask of dull-eyed preoccupation. The Matoran of Lightning didn't have any widgets, after all, and it had been a while since she had eaten anything but meat. While she looked around for potential food sources, her eye was caught by a spectacle near the side of the street. A tall being in a kimono was performing tricks for an audience of Matoran and various other creatures. Curious, Tawara approached the crowd to get a better look.

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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IC-KuAnLo:KuAnLo walked calmly into Ta-Koro, his cloak wrapped around him. Some matoran looked at him strangely, due to his twisted form that was barely hidden, but he ignored them. If any decided to fight him, he'd just take one for a snack. He walked over to a music store he remembered from the last time he was here, walking in.He looked on the wall, and grabbed a small mandolin. He began to play, using one of his claws for the pick-turned out he still could, after so many years. He stood, walking up to the counter. He waited for the being who owned the shop to come up.OOC: That's you, Darkon. :P

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Raknar (Docks, Ta-Koro)Raknar grinned and his foot "slipped" off the dock, slipping under Grochi's legs and knocking him into the water."Oops," he said with about as innocent a shrug as he could muster. "Guess I'm jus' not used to bein' on th' boat."-Teezy



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IC Yasurek:"Considering your experience as I pirate I find that a little hard to believe, but whatever you say, captain," Yasurek chuckled as he walked down the gangplank, all of his spears sheathed and ready. "Amusing how just a short time ago all of us were being recruited in a bar to join a pirate crew. It'll be interesting to experience it from the other side," he remarked.

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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OOC: Geez, NPC shop is now going to be official? Then I should probably make Elemaul a PC...IC: NPC (Elemaul), Music ShopElemaul walked out of the backroom, having finished working on a instrument. Noticing the strange toa, Elemaul spoke. "You gonna buy that?"IC: Kitsune, Ta-KoroKitsune had simply sat down to practice, and now a large crowd was gathering. Noticing them, she launched into a even more complex series of tricks, balancing the top on the fans' edges, flipping it into the air and pulling off many, many more even more complex tricks with an almost casual flick of the wrist of turn of hand. They were sure to amazing the audience.

Edited by Lord Darkon


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OOC: Tawara is talking to Jikal.IC: "Yeah," responded Tawara. "She must have trained for years and years."

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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IC-KuAnLo:"Yes, I would like to," KuAnLo said, pulling a bag of widgets he'd taken from his prey over the years. He looked in it-it was nearly overflowing with the coins. "How much will it cost me?" He asked, smiling widely. Hopefully disconcertingly.IC-Grochi:Grochi grinned, teleporting himself back up, drying himself in the process. He landed behind Raknar, and shoved him into the water. He then looked over the edge, still smiling."Yes," he said, "I'd probably have tae agree with ye, mate." He then walked on towards the Koro.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Gunner - Ta- KoroGunner cracked a grin at Grochi, but it disappeared quickly when he realized-"I don't know where this Magma Lounge is," he stated, as if the words were leaving a rotten taste in his mouth. He grimaced. Gunner was a Toa who didn't appreciate having to rely on others.-Void



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IC - Kol Uskey - Outside talking to SiskKol lifted his solemnly, obviously still edgy. Who wouldn't be? He regarded the approaching Sisk with wide eyes and an otherwise black expression. After all, he was still horrified. "M-mistake..." he mumbled under his breath.What mistake, Sisk must've thought."T-they made a m-mistake!" he said, now shouting.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC-Grochi:"Then it's probably a good thing I can lead you there, isn't it?" Grochi said, laughing at Gunner's misfortune. He had navigated them to this dock, why would Gunner care so much if he had to lead them to the bar?"Now, I don't know what the situation is now, but th' place always used tae be packed," Grochi said, slipping back into his Scottish-style accent.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC-Grochi:"Let's just say we'll fit in pretty nicely," Grochi said, wrapping his arm about Gunner's shoulders and thrusting him into the bar. Grochi followed in afterwards, the raucous shouts and yodels of nearly three score pirates, thieves, and a few mercenary's filling the room. Grochi smiled. "It's good to be back," he said to no-one in particular.

Edited by Kal Grochi

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC:Vakama looked at Oreius. "Prepare? How could we prepare? The enemy works in unexpected ways, brother, and he sees everything... whatever we do to steel ourselves for an assault, he will simply be able to circumvent and strike where we are weakest. The only defense we can prepare is unity and courage."Oreius was clearly not happy with the vague advice the Turaga was giving, and Vakama saw this. "I know it sounds useless, but it's the best we as a Koro can do. We must stand firmly and bravely against Makuta, all of us, as must the other villages."


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IC (Oreius) (Ta-Koro)Oreius wasn't satisfied. "Turaga Vakama, sir, there must be something we can do; something more than just waiting for our enemy to come upon us like an avalanche. People died in Po-Koro, Turaga, and I can't just stand here and wait knowing that some of these good Matoran may lose their lives. The least we can do is double the watch, alert Ko-Koro, prepare a plan of defense..."The Matoran stopped, realizing that he was unwittingly giving counsel to Vakama instead of the other way around. He went a little red, coughed, and shuffled his feet."Forgive me Turaga, I know it's not my place. But... we have to do something, don't we?"Oreius frowned for a moment, then spoke, slowly and deliberately. "The Rahkshi were always just legends to us, sir. Just fireside stories and old myths. But now that they're real... well, what other legends might also really exist here on this island? If a monster can be real, then why not a hero as well? These Rahkshi came out of the stories; do you know of any myths that we could use to fight them?"

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IC:"There are no myths I have reason to believe could be of help," Vakama replied. "Myths of the sort you hope for always conveniently spring up into existence in the face of troubles such as ours, and thus mostly should be discredited. Greater prophecies have yet to be fulfilled, of course, but nothing gives me reason to think that such murmurs of ancient history will do any good for our current situation. We know how the Toa fared against Makuta, after all..."Vakama sighed. "Daily I lose faith in such grandiose prophecies. They have only provided us false hope; destiny is still a great virtue, brother, but it has been absent of late, that much is clear. More guards can always be assigned to the watches, perhaps. But against Rahkshi, it would be foolish; No number of our guards could withstand their might. To assign more matoran as guards is to only throw more lives away in vain, in the event of an attack."The Turaga looked absolutely forlorn. He turned towards the great fire in the room, his back to Oreius. "My age has made me jaded. Forgive my pessimism, brother. Things cannot get worse for our people.... they can only get better. Though times are bleak, we must always remember that Mata Nui is, even in his sleep, keeping us all safe. There is still a great prophecy to be fulfilled; perhaps it will come to pass in our time and save us all."


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IC-KuAnLo:KuAnLo counted out the widgets, handing the shop keeper 50 widgets more than he had asked. "That's for two extra sets of strings and a pitch pipe, too," KuAnLo said, putting the Mandolin in the case it came with. "Where should I look for those?" He rasped to the man in charge.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC (Oreius) (Ta-Koro)Oreius bowed his head. "I've never doubted that the Great Spirit still watches over us, Turaga, but it's hard to understand why these dark times have lasted for so long. One day I know our fortunes will improve, but now, with these rumours of Rahkshi, it seems we have never been in more need of help."He looked up to see Vakama's form silhouetted against the leaping tongues of red fire. Shadows flickered on the walls, the flames crackling and snapping as they danced. Oreius swallowed, suddenly overcome with desperation. The fire must never go out. The shadows would come, as they always did, but Mata Nui had always let them be driven back.He had sent Tahu, who had the warmed the embers of hope in the Matoran's hearts for a time, until, striving against Makuta himself, he was consumed. Then, as the darkness deepened, the Great Spirit had called heroes from across the sea, Toa and Vortixx and a myriad of other races to light again that spark of courage. Now, as the Rahkshi approached and the skies themselves darkened, and fear clutched every heart in its cold grip, Mata Nui would surely bring forth a new champion, a new source of light and hope.He had always done so before, and there had never been a time of greater need than now, ripe for him to do so again.Oreius cleared his throat. "Turaga, what of this prophecy you speak of?"

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IC: JikalWith a grin, Jikal sat down and started to play his guitar, as well as sing.Risin’ up, back on the streetDid our time, took our chancesWent the distance, now we're back on our feetJust an island and our will to surviveSo many times, it happens too fastWe trade our freedom for safetyDon’t lose our grip on the dreams of the pastWe must fight just to keep them alive It’s the, eye of the darkness, it’s the thrill of the fightRisin’ up to the challenge of MakutaAnd the last known survivor stalks his prey in the nightAnd he’s watchin’ us all with the eye of the darkness… Mask to mask, out in the heatHangin’ tough, stayin’ hungryHe stacks the odds still we take to the streetFor the kill with the skill to survive It’s the eye of the darkness, it’s the thrill of the fightRisin’ up to the challenge of MakutaAnd the last known survivor stalks his prey in the nightAnd he’s watchin’ us all with the eye of the Makuta… Risin’ up, straight to the topHad the guts, got the gloryWent the distance, now we're not gonna stopJust an island and our will to surviveWith one final chord, he stopped, still grinning.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Good question.IC:"It is as the first prophecy was," Vakama replied with a shrug. "New heroes will arrive and give us courage we need to fight the darkness of our time. Just as the Toa were supposed to do."The Turaga turned back to Oreius, and his face was nigh unreadable in the shadow of the flames at his back. "But this prophecy is different, too. It says that the heroes will rise from our ranks, rather than be messiahs from the unknown heavens. At first, we thought that the Chronicler's former company would be the heroes of this prophecy, but they have since been killed and dispersed beyond recovery. Hope of an immediate salvation was so dashed."Mata Nui seems eager to fulfill this second prophecy - by his will, new Toa have already risen on the island, countless Toa, but none true heroes. Besides, Makuta replied in turn, and has summoned the foreigners to be his own pawns. There are those among the foreigners who do good, but their races are more inclined to wickedness than we are. They are more susceptible to Makuta's will. For this reason, I suspect that Makuta knows of the existence of a prophecy, as he is doing everything in his power to nip suspected heroes in the bud."Vakama made his way to a nearby seat, and he flopped down in it. "Besides, that which I know of this prophecy is only rumblings from the earth, whispers from the air, as they have been stitched together by myself and the other Turaga. It is definite that a Second Great Prophecy exists, but in its completion, it is still elusive. We can only pray that it still eludes Makuta as well."

Edited by Nuju Metru


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OOC: Bionicle Eye of the Tiger? That's...beyond time and space awesome. IC: Kitsune, Ta-KoroKitsune suddenly stopped her tricks, staring at Jikal with a smile on her face. The top slammed into the ground with a thud, bringing her back to senses. She quickly picked it up, her cheeks red from blushing.


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OOC: Why thank you.IC: JikalJikal continued to grin. "Well, I'm a little rusty." Then he saw Kitsune's top fall, and blushed. "Sorry. Didn't mean to distract you."

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Kitsune, Ta-KoroKitsune stutttered as she spoke. "I-It's okay. I was about done." She said as she began to stand up. The crowds around them began to wander off, losing interest. IC: NPC (Elemaul), Ta-KoroElemaul pointed to one of the shop's walls. "Stringed instruments." He grunted before once again heading to the backroom, which was soon filled with the sound of wood working.

Edited by Lord Darkon


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IC (Oreius) (Ta-Koro)Oreius gestured for Dev and Divinex to wait outside, then followed the Turaga into the hut. Vakama was sprawled on a chair by the fire, so the Ta-Matoran followed suit and took the seat next to him. He was quiet for a moment as he stared into the fire, wishing that he could somehow find answers in the dancing tongues of gold."This is cheering news, Turaga. It's more than I could have hoped for, to know that the Great Spirit has prophesied the coming of new heroes. Still..."He was quiet again, his gaze lost in the flames."Turaga... I... I still have to do something. I beg your pardon, but you were a Toa once, yes? And if you had known that Mata Nui had a plan to save his people, you still wouldn't be content to watch them die, would you?"That is how I feel, sir. To know that heroes will be raised is a hopeful thought, but it won't hold me when my brothers are falling to the Makuta. I need to do something."Oreius lifted his eyes at last from the fire. "I can't hide here, waiting for this prophecy to come true. I believe the heroes will come, but I won't wait out this darkness so that another can win my freedom for me."There was silence for a long while, then the Ta-Matoran stood, casting a long shadow against the wall. "Turaga Vakama, you say the Makuta has called the foreigners to this island. Surely then our first move should be to expel these people from our Koros, and then to begin searching for the heroes of this prophecy. It may be that this prophecy is not for our time, but if it is, then we haven't time to lose."

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IC: Kitsune, Ta-Koro Kitsune grinned back before wandering off into the crowd, intent on finding this elusive restaurant.IC: Raion, Ta-KoroRaion walked through Ta-Koro's less traveled streets, glaring at any gang members who came closer than he liked.


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OOC: Aw, you're not getting rid of your annoying Matoran hanger-on that easy! http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/tounge2.gifIC: A restaurant? thought Tawara. That meant food, and she certainly wasn't having luck finding any here. Her stomach growled loudly, and she followed after the pair.

Edited by Toa Alaka

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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IC: "My name is Tawara," said the Matoran. "I come from... an island. A little like this one. But bigger, and farther away." A strange look entered her eyes, but was gone as suddenly as it had appeared. "Who are you?" added Tawara. "You smile a lot."

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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