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Bzprpg - Ga-Wahi

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IC - Yuru - Stabbing KinvexYuru grit his teeth. He would've let go, but he was on a cruelty high. His blade still in Kinvex, he pulled it down, letting it slice through the toa's skin. His power was incredible with his mark giving him strength. But electricity shot through him. He felt like fire ran through his veins. He kept tearing down. If Kinvex couldn't stop it, it would likely go through his arteries and kill him nearly instantly. And as it was, he had next to no chance to stop it.

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: LaserbeakLaserbeak's reply was quiet. "I fully understand the reasons, and unfortunately, I agree with them. But it doesn't sit well with me to think of Lieutenant Krayn, who if I know anything about the Force, is right now preparing to do his duty."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Tillian (Beach, Ga-Wahi)"And it doesn't sit well with me that right now, I'm about to listen to someone I consider a friend charge to his death against a Mark Bearing megalomaniac!" Tillian snapped, rapidly losing patience. "And it doesn't sit well with me that right now, there are Ta-Koro Guardsmen willing to die in order to take these guys down! But charging to our deaths, getting ourselves killed, and letting Dorian and Utu go free to run rampant is a much greater loss for the people of Mata Nui than the alternative!"He was quiet for a minute."I should have never let her go."-Teezy



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OOC: @ EW - Mimira would make a great pet. :P But she's in Le-Wahi doing a play atm -_-IC: Skyra Skyra slammed his fist into the trunk of the tree in frustration, he didn't say anything, but it was obvious he would of liked nothing better than to rush in there and save the day...but he knew he couldn't...and that's what frustrated him. IC: EmotiaEmotia wanted nothing more then to stop Yuru from killing Kinvex...but...that would put not only herself in danger, but Reaver as well. She had to make a decision, but she was still frozen in fear.

Edited by Snelly the gelotophobic

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Utu - Ga-WahiUtu tilted his head and brought his blade out, holding it to Tuara's neck."You aren't scared of me I know, but yet I feel your fear, although subtle. You feel fear for what might happen to her. You fear what might happen to all of these people."He smiled, "Tank does as well."Utu's smiled turned when Knivex leapt in front of him but returned when Yuru's vines pulled him down."Thank you Yuru."Kinvex cried out in pain. Utu held the blade closer to Tuara's neck again, resting the sharp edge gently on her throat, "The thing is Angelus, that everybody fears something. If not for themselves, for others. You are not fearless, I am not fearless. But I'd like to know."What is your worst fear? Is it seeing this island go to waste? Destroyed because of the fools that reside on it, too busy with bickering and snarling at each other to pay attention to the Master of Shadows?" He pulled the blade away from Tuara's neck and twisted it, examining it carefully, "Or is it watching a friend die needlessly?"Utu tilted his head a little again, this time in the other direction, "Or are your needs more self centered? Perhaps you fear the survival of the island, although, you don't strike me as that kind of guy."His mouth twitched in and out of a smile, "So what is it Angelus?"

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IC: KraynKrayn stood, and gave Emotia a sad smile. He brushed himself off. If he was going to die, he was going to die with dignity.IC: Laserbeak"I said I understood your reasons!" Laserbeak snapped. "And I don't like this anymore than you! If we charged in, it would be a suicide mission. You think I don't know that?" She sighed. "And look at it this way. For the moment, Emotia isn't in danger. That is a plus."IC: SoundblasterSoundblaster smiled. "We are almost there. Not too much further."IC: RavageRavage growled, clearly unhappy himself.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Angelus (Clearing, Ga-Wahi)Angelus's angry eyes never left the trapped eyes of Tuara."The thing I fear most..." he said, as though thinking about it for the first time. "The thing I fear most..."He grinned."The thing I fear most has to be an eternity of listening to you talk."He superheated Utu's hands, causing him to let go of Tuara in shock. He snapped a tendril of fire out of his hand, shooting Dorian's fist and causing him to drop his sword. He grabbed the sword and swung both blades in opposite directions at Utu, hoping to catch him off guard.OOC: Mild bunnying there, but I kind of want to get the battle started. If you don't like it, I'll edit the post.-Teezy



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OOC: No! You shall not kill Kinvex this day!IC, Kinvex: Kinvex let out a loud scream. He let all his elemental energy flow out to Yuru in hopes of electrocuting him unconscious...OOC: He hasn't died- yet. He's still clinging on to life. Oh, and if he survives this, he's going to be out of elemental energy.

Edited by Toa Xemnas of Crystal
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IC: SalvinnSalvinn was about to answer Anavel when he heard a scream, Karz that doesn't sound good, without waiting for a response from the others. Salvinn rushed off in the direction of the scream, time to spread more hope. Finally locating the source, he fired an explosive arrow at Yuru, hopefully that would blast back the Toa, or atleast force him to dodge, freeing Kinvex. After firing the arrow Salvinn started walking closer, about to let loose another of his hope inspiring speechs, when it happened. It was as if the sickness within grew exponentially and in a fraction of a second, Salvinn was doubling over in pain. Something, no someone in this area was hurting him. Hurting him through his Mark. What the bloody Karz?

Edited by Toa Onarax


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OOC: Onarax, you awesome person! :)However, I do question Salvinn's chance of hearing Kinvex in the middle of the forest.IC - Yuru - ForestHe felt the shock, but held on. Electricity ran through him, but it was fought off by will and cruelty-enhancement. He didn't let go. Then, an arrow came. He looked up at it, coming towards him. A tree grew in front of it, containing the explosion. Any hope was crushed by the failed rescue.And know his blade was sealing the deal with death. It seared through Kinvex...OOC: Literally, something incredible would have to happen to stop it now. That's not a dare (XD) it's a fact.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC:Just a heads up, the only case of the tendrils can only be for Utu and Salvinn. It's stuff.IC: Utu - Ga-WahiUtu dropped to avoid the blades, narrowly missing them, he cooled his hands as he stood up quickly, activating his Mark, rolling his eyes back into his head.Utu was about to swing forwards when his arm erupted in pain, as though being split and ripped apart all at once.His Mark exploded in a fury of deep purple, and tendrils of energy blasted forth, whipping around violently. Utu dropped to the ground as he heard what must have been screaming, coming from inside his head. He looked across the way to see a Vortixx who's Mark had also just erupted.He stood up painfully, the tendrils lashing against his body as he walked towards the Vortixx.IC: Tank - Ga-WahiTank's headache came back hard at the sight of the Vortixx, the being looking very familiar.A Vortixx with a bow.

Edited by MicroSnipe

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OOC: You can't insta-burn things, man. Nice try.IC - Yuru - whyishestillaliveMore plants knocked it away, seeing as it takes awhile for things to burn.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Angelus (Beach, Ga-Wahi)Though Angelus was sorely tempted to run forward and cut off Utu's head while he was distracted, he instead ran forward and helped Tuara up, drying away whatever small amount of blood Utu's knife had spilled."You okay?" he asked, eyes full of concern.-Teezy



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IC: EmotiaEmotia couldn't stand this...it was too much, Yuru was killing someone, and he was probably gonna kill Krayn next...she wanted more than anything to intervene. She looked at Krayn...her eyes begging him to let her help him. She wouldn't act unless he said so...cause he had already risked this much for her sake...

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: KraynKrayn looked at Emotia with a sad smile, and, disguising his mouth movements and hiding the sound, said "They aren't coming. The others aren't coming. It would jeopardize you and Reaver's cover. More importantly, according to Tillian, it would put the two of you at risk." Then, more bitterly, "It looks like Tillian is going to get to be the hero again."Krayn drew his sword. "You remember when i said not to intervene unless I am about to die? Cancel that. Don't intervene."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Just to get the activity to go back up, I'll post...IC, Kinvex: Kinvex screamed more as Yuru drove the sword deeper. His vision blinked out for a second, and then came back... he knew he was going to die, so he prayed to Mata Nui... Mata Nui, I know I'm not the best person, but please, let Tuara and the others escape. I don't want them hurt... he thought. He waited in pain for his death to arrive.OOC: Filler post is filler.

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ooC: Dude it's not that easy to knock away high speed arrows, especially considering how close to you the shooter was at that point. It take times to grow a plant.IC: SalvinnSalvinn looked at his Mark, their seemed to be energy tendrils swing around wildly. Tendrils that would hit anyone who came near him. Then he noticed the Ko-Toa. The Toa's Mark was also sprouting tendrils, and the Toa was marching towards him. Salvinn pushed himself to his feet, turned, and then ran. Towards Yuru, in an attempt to tackle the crazy Toa. He would not allow someone to die today, hang in there buddy.

Edited by Toa Onarax


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IC: Utu - Ga-WahiUtu breathed out and deactivated his Mark, the tendrils no longer whipping as wildly, and the humming sound was much quieter. However, the pain was still very there.IC: Tuara - Ga-WahiTuara looked to see Kinvex with a spear through his shoulder, her eyes widened, "Kinvex!" She leapt through the flames and tackled Yuru.Utu dropped to his knees at the edge of Angelus' fire. He turned around to look at him before standing up."You wanted to see how well I could fare without fear?" He stood up carefully trying to ignore the pain he felt. It was difficult. The fact that what appeared to be energy whips were flailing from his arm didn't make things easier.Utu held up his massive broadsword, "Fine."IC: Tank - Ga-WahiTank peered at Utu's arm with utter confusion, "Mata-Nui what is going on?"OOC:COME AT ME BRO.

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OOC: OH YEAH.How did Salvinn get past the Ring of Fire? Angelus set it up to be pretty hot and high. Such is the point of preventing escape.IC: Angelus (Ring of Fire, Ga-Wahi)Angelus moved away from Tuara and drew both his and Dorian's swords, keeping a distance away from Utu while maintaining a defensive position. Normally, he would have jumped in and immediately began whittling away at the Toa of Ice's defenses, but his Mark was acting up in a way Angelus didn't think was possible.From the looks of things, Dorian and Tank didn't know, either. Odd.-Teezy



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IC: [The Seventh]"DO NOT FEAR. THE QUEEN OF BRAVES HAS ARRIVED!"For some strange reason, the Seventh had sneaked away from the group for the sake of plot, and had managed to arrive at the area where everything was happening. However, she had absolutely no idea what exactly was happening, so decided to do what she always did - shout in an awesome way."WHAT'S HAPPENING AGAIN?"

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IC-Ryllia:"Yes," Ryllia murmured to herself, standing beside Onuzek, "Today is very odd." She'd caught up with the others, and had been listening in on the whole conversation that was going on. She made sure she still had her knife, in case she had to use it.OOC: Hubert, and everybody else who just read his post, I'm not sure if that would classify as meta-gaming or not. Would it?

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC - Yuru - Finishing off KinvexYuru looked to the left. Angsty purple Vortixx approaching. To the right. Angry red Toa approaching. Both at a fast pace. The solutipb was obvious. Retracting his blade, he flipped over Kinvex. The two would have a hard time not running into each other. Yuru, however, looked down at the Toa who now had a deep cut spanning from his shoulder to stomache. A deadly wound, it should've been. He stabbed down again, this time towards the heart.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC: Holy cow I haven't posted in forever... Like, 20 pages ago forever! :oI'd say that around two weeks of traveling are enough. Time to (finally) arrive at Ga-Koro.IC: SalamanderSalamander did his best to ignore Venator's singing, but it just went on and on and on and on and on and on... After what felt like days - no, weeks - he finally lost his patience.However, as much as he wanted to burn Venator to a crisp right then and there (and he really wanted to), there was still the Matoran to worry about. If Salamander killed Venator, there was no guarantee that the Matoran wouldn't develop some crazy notion that he was a violent, carnage-loving being that would be best kept as far away from the village as possible. Even if that didn't happen, she would no doubt spread some very nasty rumors about Salamander when they did arrive.Salamander hated rumors. Somehow they always managed to exaggerate and distort the truth in such a way that even a kindly old Turaga could be made out as some sort of monster. Of course, Salamander didn't particularly care about that. He just hated it when people started running away from him before he had even done anything.So, Salamander spoke as calmly as he could, and even made an effort to smile and appear friendly."My my... What a lovely song you've got there. Still, you shouldn't sing it so often. Its beauty will be tarnished if you expose it to the world so often. <3"OOC: Yes, he just ended a sentence with a <3. :lol:


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OOC:Tuara jumped through the fire to get to Yuru.IC: Tuara - Ga-WahiEverything seemed to move in slow motion as she dashed forwards, Yuru brought up his blade once more, and Tuara leaped towards the Mark Bearer, whether or not she connected before the blade struck Kinvex, she didn't know. A bolt from Krayn's crossbow narrowly missed the pair as Tuara and Yuru hit the ground.IC: Utu - Ga-WahiUtu shook himself and stepped forwards, holding his sword out, preparing for Angelus' first move.OOC:Time for some super legit swordplay where it isn't only really big moves, but more smaller basic moves + big moves so it's actually like a sword fight?

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OOC: Me and KNI agreed on the following:IC, Kinvex: Unfortunately for everyone, Yuru's blade did hit Kinvex. Kinvex gasped in pain at being stabbed in the heart. He could feel himself fading- but he wasn't ready to go yet. He beckoned for Tuara to come to him.OOC; Snipe, it would be best for Tuara to go over there. ;)

Edited by Toa Xemnas of Crystal
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OOC: I believe it is.IC: Angelus (Ring of Fire, Ga-Wahi)After a minute of pacing in a circle, Angelus darted forward: as the more agile warrior of the two, he ducked cleanly underneath a crossbow bolt headed for Yuru and swung his blades forward, aiming to catch Utu's broadsword in an X shape and twist the weapon out of his opponent's hands.-Teezy



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