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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Vorasku's OrganizationTuaka was moving around during the time, and thus, missed the impact vision. She continued moving, preparing for her next move.

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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OOC:You missed the throwing knife Ziraul sent at the Parakuka user. IC: Tirax responded by hurling another burst of impact vision. "Shoot til you hit" was not the best tactic, but Tirax was a brawler, not a tactician. He drew his axe, moving in closer. Ziraul attempted to blind the Parakuka user with a shadow illusion.

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IC: Tuaka lunged back, missing the impact vision. The knife hit her in the arm, making a gash that caused bleeding and much pain. With the shadow illusion, she could no longer see, and held her katanas in front of her.

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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IC: OnyxOnyx had leapt but never swung, stopping himself mid-way and then turning slightly to face Turok. In a two-step execution, he powerfully swung his shield outwards in an attempt to bash the katanas out of her hands, maybe land a hit on her hands, followed up by a swing of his blunt sword towards her side, intending to both disarm Turok and wound her.It annoyed Onyx that someone was actually throwing knives when he and that Ta-Matoran Mevi were so close to the beast itself, possibly risking to hit your own ally instead. "Stop throwing those knives!"

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IC: OnyxAgain, Onyx repeated the same move but this time, he successfully parried Turok's thrust by bashing it away with his shield, sending her arm swinging back with intense force and possibly the katana fly away. The second step was executed by lunging forward and bringing his sword down in a diagonal angle.

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IC: Turok's katana was sent flying by the blow. She then blocked his sword with her other Katana, struggling to stop the attack.

Edited by Toa of Smooth Jazz

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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OOC: Repeating what I said earlier, Tirax, Ziraul's Skakdi assistant, has Impact Vision. Ziraul, a Toa of Sonics, wears a Mahiki and is currently in the form of a Vortixx. Tirax is more of a supporting character, so I don't have him do quite as much. That's probably why you didn't notice him. I'll take more effort to specifically attribute the impact vision bolts in the future.
OOC: Please do. It's hard to keep up with all the characters in this RPG, especially when their names and/or shape isn't stated in the post I'm referencing and I have to search the profile topic again. And then especially when you have only named one character IC, and that one's profile does not list (for example) impact vision. You may have noticed that I tend to refer to my characters by species regularly, and add in lines such as "Naru wiped the desert dust off her Kanohi Faxon's visor" so that the people I'm interacting with can know right there and then who/what they are dealing with.IC: MeviMevi missed the first stab with her spear when Turok moved to attack Onyx again. She quickly drew it back and took a step to move in closer, and that was when a sharp, thin object impacted the right side of her mask with a loud, metallic clang. The impact pushed Mevi off-balance for a second, and the lowest, outward-most lens on her Akaku stopped functioning. There was no sound of glass dropping to the ground, but that was only because the lush jungle floor dampened the sound of it. The crossbow bolt had damaged the Ta-Matoran's mask, leaving her view on that side slightly different than before. Nothing debilitating, but it was definitely annoying.Luckily Turok was occupied with multiple opponents, for Mevi's priorities had just changed. A second after impact, she whirled to look where the hit had come from, holding her shield up to cover most of herself. She kept the spear ready to strike, adopting a tried and true defensive stance. Seeing that her attacker was wielding a crossbow, Mevi immediately moved forwards with her shield raised, wanting to close the distance to Vorasku before the Vortixx could reload.OOC: The profile for Vorasku only mentions a sword. You should probably update it to include the crossbow.
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IC: VoraskuVorasku saw Mevi coming toward him, and hastily tried to load the crossbow. When he realized it would take too much time, he set it aside, and drew his sword.

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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IC: MeviSeeing the melee weapon being drawn, Mevi sprinted the last few meters, aiming the force of her shield arm towards the Vortixx's center mass, wanting to knock him back before he could prepare for the attack. She mentally prepared herself for a sidestep, not wanting to receive a retaliatory blow from her enemy just because she stumbled past him.

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IC: OnyxUnfortunately for Turok, the katana yielded to the sheer strength of Onyx's attack, bending completely in a dented curve, rendering it useless. The blade was thin, very effective for speedy attacks but also fragile as well, nowhere near sturdy enough to support the impact force of a heavy, brunt weapon being swung with the extreme force of someone like Onyx. However the blow that was sure to hit the Parakuka user around her shoulder area was lessened due to her strength, putting up some form of counter-resistance against the attack.

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IC: Vorasku's OrganizationVorasku, his sword drawn, swung it at Mevi, attempting to block the shield. Turok was hit by the shield, and fell to the ground from the force of the blow.

Edited by Toa of Smooth Jazz

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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OOC:And come to think of it, to be clear, Ziraul and Tirax were targeting Turok, not Tuaka.Two Parakuka users make things confusing when I had only seen Turok mentioned so far. Also, Jazz, Anthros and Tuaka need weaknesses in their profiles, or they are not legal to play. Beyond that, you should really develop your characters in this group more in depth and get inside their heads. I should do the same a little with same of my supporting characters, but the plot I hope to start today will hopefully help me out there.IC:Ziraul's element was slowly recharging, and he extended the range of his silence feild. Not caring to risk fighting on low power, he he began to analyze his foes. At least two were Matoran with strange slugs on there backs. One, whom Ziraul had targeted with a shadow feild, which he continued to maintain, seemed quite strong and fast for a Matoran. Ziraul also noted that there were at least three Toa left on the feild. Beyond that, just a Skakdi and a Vortixx stood on the feild. Of course, there was also a Toa of Stone whom he had just knocked out.

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IC: Lathon, Le-KoroOnce Lekar came back into the room Lathon sat back down. He watched quietly as Nawal sipped the tea. It seemed that it was powerful stuff since Nawal was acting a bit strange after he drank it. He laughed quietly to himself. "Seems like it." he said. "How will you do the amputation?" he asked Lekar.

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IC: MeviSword and shield met in a fierce clash, the momentum behind Mevi's charge being enough to match - but not surpass - Vorasku's higher strength due to his size compared to the Matoran's. The Ta-Koro emblem on the shield was scratched by his blade, but otherwise the defensive tool was unharmed. Mevi withdrew a step, still keeping the shield up, and jabbed the tip of her spear towards her Vortixx enemy's knee.

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OOC: Sword, not shield ;)IC: OnyxNot wanting to kill Turok, Onyx refrained from swinging downwards once more for fear of smashing her skull to pieces or breaking her spine. Instead, a kick was sent in direction of her face, intending to knock her out cold or dazzle her with pain ravaging her face. The Toa didn't feel comfortable yet with throwing down with his bare hands to squeeze her to unconsciousness.

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NPC (Lekar):"It's pretty tricky. You have to de-connect the arm without damaging the connective shoulder tissue, then reconnect it to the mechanical arm. The mechanical arm can sense the retractions of those muscles, and they control what the arm does. However, the arm will send no feedback, so it will seem "numb" to him."IC (Nawal):Taking another sip of his tea, he said "Ya know, I alwayyzzwanted to see the futre... and here Iyam"

Edited by Toa Of Virtues


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IC-Kal:Behind Vorasku was standing a rather annoyed looking Kal, Rahkshi staff in his hands. How dare these people come and interrupt his playing!He raised the staff up, before slamming it down towards Vorasku's skull, while the Vortixx(?) was distracted by Mevi.

Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Lathon, Le-KoroLathon nodded. "I can try slicing it off if you want." he said. "I'll do my best to leave his shoulder-tissue intact." he said. "I'm just trying to help repay my debt." he said. It seemed that Nawal was pretty out of it, but still Lathon would feel bad for inflicting Nawal pain if he felt his arm coming off. But then again it might save his life.

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NPC (Lekar):"No, it requires a steady, trained hand to do such a delicate procedure. I can see that you want to help in some way, so you can assist me by passing me some equiptment during the procedure, it would help make it quicker."IC (Nawal):"I donnwana have my arm cutoff... I've had it all my life."


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ICLaki circled around the fight raging just outside Pala-Koro's gates. It was exciting, he had to admit. And he was part of it! He quickly considered what to do next. The parakuka using matoran with her Katana was certainly about to be knocked unconscious, so the Le-Matoran left her alone. He slowly circled around the outskirts of the battle, his footsteps muffled by the thick vegetation below. He had to thank Mata-Nui that this attacking team wasn't very coherent. They couldn't seem to work together, instead letting others fight their own battles. He smiled. The leading, scarred Vortixx seemed to be getting hurt by the Ta-Koronan guard. The Le-Matoran bent and picked up the rock he had thrown earlier. Not creative, but Laki had no weapons besides these spare stones, so this would have to do.He moved around, waiting for an opponent to slip up, waiting for a moment to strike.

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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NPC (Lekar):"Help him go to sleep. Tell him to relax, feel heavy, all that, in a calm voice. I will get all the equiptment ready in order for you. When I put my hand out, give me the next object in the line. Always hand me the handle of the object."IC (Nawal):"Claaaahhow didI get hurr?"


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IC: Lathon, Le-KoroLathon nodded, his eyes trained on the Matoran. He'd done nothing like this before. He knew if he messed up he could end up hurting the Matoran more, so he decided to put his full effort into the task of helping Lekar fix his arm. "Relax Nawal, its time to fall to sleep." he said in quiet voice. He continued to help coax the Matoran to sleep. Nawal muttered a few incoherent words before his eyes closed and he fell still. "He's out." he said to Lekar. He turned to Lekar and waited for him to ready the equipment so he could hand it to the doctor. OOC: Some bunnying, but he gave me permission

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IC:Behind Draeverian, Mariko stepped into the frame of the gate. "I see you're relaxing a bit, musicman?" the Toa asked. "Ah well, I can't blame you, I'll have to do the same. But then again, I don't need to touch somebody to beat them."With that, the Toa activated his power, targeting the assailants. If they stayed close to the gate, they would soon begin to feel tired. And after that, they'd fall unconscious.-------------------------------And behind Kal, there stood Aparangi, who had also had a similar idea, but had been beaten to it by the other Toa. Now he waited for the result of the other Toa's attack on Vorasku.OOC: I am not joking about Mariko's power. It's Nuju-approved. You guys better get fast or get out ^^




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IC: Lathon, Le-KoroLathon nodded, and quickly passed the knife to Lekar, handle first. He was careful to hold the blade in a way that it did not cut his hand as he passed it to the doctor. Lathon wondered what had happened to the corrupt Toa he'd fought at the temple. Had he survived? Had the Turaga dragged him away? There was no telling, but Lathon knew that by now he was long gone, so going back would only be a waist of time.

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IC: Lathon, Le-KoroLathon didn't wince when he saw Lekar slowly cutting into Nawal's shoulder. He'd seen plenty of gruesome things since he'd awoken that day at the temple. The island was infected by Makuta's darkness, that much was apparent, and terrible things were happening to the islanders all over. He handed Lekar the cotton. "Have you ever done a procedure like this before?" he asked.

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IC:Voriki was confused about what exactly was going on. Not as much as he was during the ILS's battle with the Nui-Rama, where he had been unable to give any real help to the others, but the chaotic melee surrounding him did not exactly allow much clear thought either.Shaking his head, the Toa of Lightening raised his trident and charged at one of the attackers, the Calix-wearing Toa of Ice. As Voriki ran he drew on his elemental power and sent a electrical pulse through the metal of the three-pronged pole arm.Cackling quietly to himself, the madman thrust forward with his trident, increasing the amount of electricity charged within it and sending bolts of lighting flying out from it.This should be fun.

Edited by BenLuke-116
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NPC (Lekar):Lekar recieved the cotton, dabbing up the spilt blood."Not often, but every now and then someone losses somthing in battle. Never dealt with frostbite though, we are in Le-Wahi. I know what I know about it because I have interacted with other doctors."Lekar continued cutting untill finally the arm was all the way off. He carried the arm in both hands to a bucket of ice behind him, he then grabbed the replacement arm and lied it on the table next to Nawal. The arm was green and had two large hooks at the end."Now for the tricky part. Next item please."The next item was a strange contraption with a heat stone attached to it.

Edited by Toa Of Virtues


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IC: Lathon, Le-KoroLathon watched as Lekar cut off the Matoran's arm and then carried it away. He nodded, "True, I don't know much about ice either. I've only been to Ko-Koro once, and even then I didn't stay long." he laughed. "I like it where its warm, like Le-Wahi." he said. Lathon handed Lekar the next item, which was some sort of contraption he'd never seen before.

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NPC (Lekar):"Mhm.."Lekar was concentrating with the item he was just handed. He was connecting the natural tissue in Nawal's shoulder to the mechanical arm. After some time of connecting the arm, he put the contraption aside."Okay, here is the risky part. I will use my mask to quick-heal the would I cut, and it should heal it onto the new arm. But that's not the risky part, the risky part is that it will drain me of a lot of my energy. Since I healed you already today, there is a chance I may pass out. If I do, catch me. The procedure would be complete then, I just don't want to fall on my equiptment, or patient, for that matter."


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IC: Lathon, Le-KoroLathon watched as Lekar used the contraption to fuse Nawal's tissue to the mechanical arm. When he was finished, he moved closer to Nawal to inspect what the doctor had done. The arm did seem to now be fused to Nawal's natural tissue, but his wound was still bleeding. "I'll quick-grab you if you do pass out." he said, moving behind Lekar just in case he fell. OOC: I might have to get off for a bit.

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IC:Voriki was confused about what exactly was going on. Not as much as he was during the ILS's battle with the Nui-Rama, where he had been unable to give any real help to the others, but the chaotic melee surrounding him did not exactly allow much clear thought either.Shaking his head, the Toa of Lightening raised his trident and charged at one of the attackers, the Mahiki-wearing Toa of Stone. As Voriki ran he drew on his elemental power and sent a electrical pulse through the metal of the three-pronged pole arm.Cackling quietly to himself, the madman thrust forward with his trident, increasing the amount of electricity charged within it and sending bolts of lighting flying out from it.This should be fun.
OOC:You'll probably want to edit that, since Ziraul already knocked him out with sonics. Try ganging up on whoever Tirax winds up charging- It may make things easier.IC: Ziraul's elemental energies were nearing halfway now-still not enough to comfortably fight head on. So he waited. Feeling a slight headache, he moved further away from the gate.Tirax meanwhile, took action into his own hands. He charged one of the Toa on the battlefeild.OOC:Letting Jazz pick which Toa.
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IC: Calebos"Alright," Calebos said walking over to the bar to get a drink, he had now completely forgotten what he came down here for.IC: Zacax".....where is Calebos?" Zacax wondered, "It shouldn't be that long,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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