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Friar Tuck

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IC (Jin)"So you see, there I was, all by myself, and this swarm of Nui-Rama was bearing down on me. And most Toa would have hightailed it outta there by now, but not this guy. I would never leave the Matoran, especially when they need me, so I..."I had stopped pretending to listen to this guy by now, and had stopped actually listening long before that. Instead, I finished off my fifth shot of whiskey and tried to judge how many more I could take before I was too intoxicated to get myself to an inn to spend the night.I looked around the bar, and chuckled when I realized how right I'd been. Po-Koro looked a lot better when you'd had a few drinks. In fact, it even looked liveable. Funny how alcohol played with your mind like that."What's so funny?"I slowly let my eyes turn back to the Toa, who looked a little irritated. Evidently, my quiet laughter had interrupted him at the climax of his story."What's so funny?" he repeated.I thought about it long and hard for a second, then decided I'd had enough free liquor for one night."Your face."He blinked. "Excuse me?"I yawned, and downed my sixth shot. "Your face. It's hilarious. It's also funny how you think a few free drinks will bridge the enormous gap between us. But I digress. Your face. Giggle city."The Toa frowned, but also looked a little confused. I almost felt sorry for him, but then I remembered how boring he was.I guess he still thought he'd misheard me, because he made one last attempt at recovering the conversation. "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you right.""I'm out of your league, my boy," I sighed. "You're boring, unattractive, and you can't tell a decent story to save your life. Thanks for the drinks, but I'm gonna roll now."I got up to leave, but I guess the man still didn't get it, because he reached out and grabbed my shoulder."Hey, don't go. I-"His sentence was cut off as I grabbed the wrist on my shoulder, ducked, and thrust my other shoulder into his side, then stood up and twisted, throwing him over my shoulder to land heavily on the bar's floor. He lay there, stunned, as the rest of the bar turned to stare at us.I brushed some imaginary dust off my shoulder. "Don't touch me, you creep. Thanks for the drinks. I'm leaving now, and you can get up when I'm gone."With that, I sauntered out of the silent bar.

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ICVerak blinked. Talk about strange…Well, I suppose that's what happens if you travel with a Skakdi's mercenary, Verak thought. He was a tad disappointed- the toa had been hoping for a fight."Well, that was… interestin'. I suppose we should continue on to the docks." The other two nodded and the three walked the rest of the way to the Po-Koro shipyards. The shipyards were fairly large, seeing as most other Koro didn't have any. A few large docks stretched out into the water, and many ships were simply floating near the shore. A matoran trader and his shop stood to the side. Verak scanned the boats. Most were fishing boast or ferries, but there was one very interesting looking one…"Hello there!" he called to a Vortixx atop a nicely sized ship, "Have any need for some crew? Or more importantly, widgets to spare?" Verak gestured to Aurel and Corex.

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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Ic: ZacaxZacax decides to follow the group, might as well figure ou more about Zyke if he encounters him again, and he didn't had anything else to do, "Hey wait up!"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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ICVerak blinked. Talk about strange…Well, I suppose that's what happens if you travel with a Skakdi's mercenary, Verak thought. He was a tad disappointed- the toa had been hoping for a fight."Well, that was… interestin'. I suppose we should continue on to the docks." The other two nodded and the three walked the rest of the way to the Po-Koro shipyards.The shipyards were fairly large, seeing as most other Koro didn't have any. A few large docks stretched out into the water, and many ships were simply floating near the shore. A matoran trader and his shop stood to the side. Verak scanned the boats. Most were fishing boast or ferries, but there was one very interesting looking one…"Hello there!" he called to a Vortixx atop a nicely sized ship, "Have any need for some crew? Or more importantly, widgets to spare?" Verak gestured to Aurel and Corex.
IC (Tooroko): After the fabled treasure turned out to be a fable, Tooroko had returned to his ship. The other two beings who had been with him had gone their own ways - he didn't know where. The same went for Rockosis, who had sailed with him for some time. Once again, the Vortixx was at a loose end - there were many things he could do, but he didn't know which he wanted.That was until three toa approached and called out to him. Eagerly, he climbed down from the crow's nest and met the group down on the gangway. "Sailors are you? Good, good. I could use some extra pairs of hands. Anywhere in particular you're wanting to go?"


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IC: LoJak
IC: Mita"A band could be nice, and I almost thought I had something going with Jenx, that other bard I mentioned," Mita said. "Too bad she appears left Po-Koro already. I hope I run into her again."The Toa of Sonics shielded her eyes from the sun with her hand and looked out over the desert landscape. Unfortunately for them both, Mita had no idea where she was going. The Motara desert was incredibly big, and there were surely dozens of nests of Tarakava in it, along with other creatures, like the various Jaga species. The bard was fairly certain that she could use the great control she had over her element to sound for cavities in the terrain, but the sand would last longer than her energy."Ever hunted Tarakava before?" she asked, to make conversation while she thought of a plan.
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IC:"No, I haven't" LoJak answered. "Some other Rahi, sure, but mostly I've been fighting against Makuta, and whatever enemy comes up because of it. But from what I do know abotu Tarakava, they generally wait for their prey until it's too late, then spring from their hiding places." LoJak looked over the desert. It was incredibly immense, with no end in sight. It was also dry, and LoJak was soon licking his lips to keep them from drying out. "Seems to me like we're going to need a way to draw them out."

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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OOC: Note, missed this post earlier. Luckily it is easily incorporated now. :)

IC: Mita"Yeah, I was think you could stomp really hard, and then--""I'm sorry, did I hear something about money and treasure?"Mita broke off her sentence when someone interrupted her; a Toa of Fire now appearing out of a blur, carrying a double-bladed staff. Mita could tell that he must have taken advantage of the extreme desert heat to mask his presence, seeing as he wore a Kanohi Pakari, not a Huna or Mahiki."Because that's the sort of thing I might be interested in," he said as he neared her and LoJak."...And who are you?" Mita asked, hypocritically enough not happy about being listened in on.
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IC:LoJak took a step forward, in front of Mita facing Kun. He felt it his responsibility to protect Mita, since she could not fight on her own. "Didn't anyone ever tell you its rude to interrupt, newcomer? Now answer her question properly, and for your sake you had better not be an enemy." LoJak half pulled out his sword out of its sheath.

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IC:LoJak eyed Kun suspiciously. He didn't like the way the newcomer carried himself, and he sounded rather arrogant. "Well, my name is LoJak. This here is Mita" he said, motioning to the Toa of Sonics. "I hope that it is just treasure you hunt, Hunter?" he asked.

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IC-Kun:"Treasure, knowledge, Rahi, I generally try not to hunt people," Kun said, smiling. "Although, you may say I just finished such a hunt." Kun turned, pointing to the cliff from where he had come."Do you see how there's a large chunk of the cliff missing right there?" He asked. When the others nodded, he smiled again. "The end result of a hunt, from which I got a couple nice swords to go along with my Katana and Bladestaff."

Edited by Kal Grochi

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IC:LoJak listend to Kun's short explanation, and his ears perked at the mention of weapons. If there was one thing he knew, it was weapons. That and fighting. "A couple swords, Katana and Bladestaff? Sounds like you're less a hunter and more like a Toa preparing for war." LoJak thought that if this Hunter fellow could prove himself trustworthy, he may be a valuable assest if and when they fought the Tarakava.

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IC-Kun:"I was fond of the Katana and Bladestaff before," 'Hunter' said. "However, when I fought and subsequently killed that pirate, his swords were too well made to let rust and rot in the sea water." He pulled out the two blades, one bright and shining, the other menacing and black."Quite a great pair, if I say so myself."

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IC: Mita"So you do hunt people, then," Mita remarked. "Doesn't matter, I suppose, I usually don't judge by first appearances. Something he could probably attest to." The Toa of Sonics nodded towards LoJak, referring to how they had met at the inn, with the Toa of Fire drunk and begging her to let him in in a hurry."Well then, Hunter, I am Mita, traveling bard. Me and LoJak here are out to hunt Tarakava, ourselves."

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IC:LoJak looked down, embaressed. He hadn't been expecting Mita to bring that up. He still had misgiving about Hunter, but LoJak decided Mita was probably right. He returned his blade into its sheath. "And there might very well be some treasure involved" LoJak added to Mita's statements. "If you agree not to kill us for our swords, I suppose you could join us, if you'd like."

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IC-'Hunter':"I would recommend you head towards the ocean, then, as opposed to farther into the desert," Kun said, trying not to laugh. "You'll find some Nui-Jaga, maybe a Kane-Ra or two, out that way, but Tarakava are more likely to be in the water, as opposed to near it." He looked about theatrically."And we aren't anywhere near it."

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IC:"Actually, it appears we aren't anywhere near water" LoJak said. "There are in fact a number of large underwater caverns and rivers beneath these desert sands, any number of which can contain countless Tarakava. And theres also the possibility of Tarakava coming in the sand variety." LoJak still disliked how Hunter talked as if he knew more than the others. LoJak may have to accept the Toa - it would be wrong not too- but that did not mean he had to like him.

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IC-Kun:"Alright, let's think about it this way: You can spend most of your day digging down to a cavern, or trying to find the rarest Tarakava subspecies," Kun said, "Or you can go where there are quite a few of them, all rather large and more of a challenge than your average Sand Tarakava will be." Kun gestured back to the direction of the ocean."Take your pick."

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OOC: Walker and Wrehn from Ta-Wahi.IC: WalkerThe blistering warm and dry winds of Po-Wahi greeted the travelling duo as they stepped out of the ferry and onto the Po-Koro docks. To be back here with Wrehn was quite nostalgic for Walker, remembering his days as an innocent Sand Runner. If only Garme and Savulg were still here with us.As quickly as the thought appeared, he brushed it off before it consumed him and set his mind on business. Setting out in the village to look for clues, it was rather obvious what he'd be searching for.-After visiting many wealthy pigs recently robbed and the odd handful of stalkers, the information he gathered pointed him towards Kiera's apartment, which he so deviously broke in to find anything of interest. Unfortunately, it appeared she was out of town and was last heard by a Matoran explorer in a quarry that they were headed to Ga-Wahi."This girl just doesn't stay in one place, does she?"OOC: Sorry Krayzikk, figured I'd save you the trouble of NPC playing and useless posts.

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IC:"Maybe so, but we have reason to believe that the treasure happens to be with the 'rarest Tarakava subspecies' here in the desert and not, in fact, by the ocean" LoJak retorted. "And the fact that it is 'treasure' that we seek makes it all the more likely that we'll be seeing things most residents of this island do not."

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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IC-Kun:"Ah, but you never mentioned that the Tarakava hunt was in any way connected to your treasure hunt," 'Hunter' reminded LoJak. "So don't start treating me like a fool."IC-Ferrosey:Ferrosey growled, his Parakuka edging him onward. He ran, using his hearing and smell to find and tackle Walker, the other being latched by a Parakuka near him. He continued along with his momentum, barreling through a wall of a small shop and running back out again, his claws extended, his back hunched, the long spines extending from his back.

Edited by Kal Grochi

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OOC: Just to clear things up, his name is Tooroko, not Tooruko or Toorocko or Turano. Maybe I'll have him introduce himself, just so everybody is clear.IC (Tooroko): "Well that's fine too" Tooroko replied. "It's still a pleasure to meet you. I'm Tooroko, owner and captain of this vessel - the Silver Keras. So, who are you? Maybe you'll find the water a bit more to your liking."


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IC:"Perhaps not, but you never asked and it would seem that you simply assumed that the two have no relation" LoJak growled. "And I haven't been treating anyone like a fool. And I usually don't, unless they are actually a fool." Calming himself, LoJak stuck out his hand. "So, are you with us? Just so you know, we plan on splitting the treasure evenly."

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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IC:"Good. Very good" LoJak said. "Don't suppose you have anything that could help us find the Tarakava nest. We were just coming up with an idea ourselves, but you it just so happened you interrupted us." LoJak tried to keep his tone even, like Hunter suggested. Which just so slightly annoyed him.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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IC: WalkerWalker's world was a blur at the moment, recovering from the tumbling through shops and pushing debris off of himself. Looking at his hands then at himself, there didn't seem to be any major damage apart from the soreness accompanying the attack."All right, what the flip, man?" he growled, absolutely ticked off and forgetting about his pal Wrehn. Instinctively, he pulled out his crossbow and jerked his head around to find the source of such destruction, freezing momentarily as he spotted a monster."No freaking way."OOC: Kal, lets not mutilate each other to pits now. We want these guys to end up friends :P

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IC-Ferrosey:Ferrosey growled, digging his claws deep into the ground, before springing forward. Walker, with his unactivated Parakuka, would barely see the blur that was the former Toa of Iron. Ferrosey grabbed Walker by the younger, softer Parakuka, yanking him down to the ground again."Oh, joy," Ferrosey growled, the Parakuka forcing him to do so. "I haven't had such fun in a while. Well, brother, I suggest you prepare yourself!" The Toa smashed his hand into a building, pulling out a large chunk of the wall and heaving it at Walker.

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OOC: Whoa Kal, give me a chance to react, man. :lol: I don't think you'd also be able to sense other Parakuka like that and grabbing it with the strength you have is pretty much a killer blow, practically tearing it off. I know you have the upper-hand but don't go overboard.IC: WalkerWalker may be nimble and weak but that didn't mean he lacked speed. The only reason he'd been taken so easily was due to shock and surprise, those two factors now gone as he rolled out of the way, stone crashing on the spot he'd been lying on, surely his death had he not done so. Standing up quickly, he loaded a bolt into his crossbow and stood there, waiting."What do you want, chump?" he asked, as if this whole thing wasn't a big deal. Walker himself was a Parakuka host so he himself knew its weaknesses as well. All powerful and fast as they were, vulnerability remained the same.

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OOC: I'm fairly certain the strength can still be moderated, I just wanted to provide that as a point to allow the Parakuka to talk, and to try and convince yours to talk. :PIC-Ferrosey N'lluhk:"I just want to make my brother speak," N'lluhk said through Ferrosey, again forcing the Toa to talk. "I have been long out of communication with my kind...but if you refuse to help, so be it," the Parakuka said, then launched Ferrosey's body over towards Walker. The other host may have fired his crossbow or not, but that didn't matter-the forward attack was a faint.Ferrosey jumped over to the side, sliding nimbly on the ground after ripping out a large pavement stone and throwing it, all in one motion."Stop doing this, you creature!" Ferrosey yelled within his mind, the sickly presence of the Parakuka having nested itself within. All he heard was a laughing, dark and terrible, screams of pain and suffering mingled within the Parakuka's conscience. A low multitude of voices seemed to whisper to him, mangled bits of phrases that the Parakuka had heard through its lifetime."You are mine."

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IC: WalkerIt was rather hard to fight a latched host in its transformation when you yourself are on uneven footing, much less be able to anticipate and predict its next move when it was that much faster than you. Which is exactly why Walker didn't fire his bolt: he couldn't risk missing his shot and reloading until he was 100% certain it was the right moment. When it came down to reaction, instinct would take over.Leaping out of the way to the side, the rubble flew past him however his side was grazed, earning a grunt of pain. Once more, he held his guard and awaited another attack from the beast standing before him.

Edited by Mr. Wade
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IC"And I'm the most dashin', adventurous, and excitin' Toa of Stone yer ever likely to meet! My proper name's Verak, but you call me what you wish, brother."I don't care where we'e goin', as long as I get paid, but since no one else here had any ideas about destinations and the like, I say we pop down to Ga-Koro. It's got a flourishing trade center, and we might be able to cart some supplies or somthin' to another Wahi. Savvy?" Verak said with a flourish.

Edited by Visaru

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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IC: Zacax"Mind if I come with you?" he asked the Toa of iron

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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