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Bzprpg - Po-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: ZacaxHe shrugged and then went to the Vortixx, "Mind if I travel with you guys? Cap'n?" he asked with a salute, nr knowin about what kind of captain this guy was, but a salute seemed appropriate.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC (Tooroko): "You're welcome to join the crew" Tooroko told the latecomer. "The more the merrier, or at least that's what I've been told. The more of us there are, the less chance we have of being captured and enslaved." he paused for a moment looking a bit shhepish. What was he going on about? Slavers, really? "Anyway come aboard" he said, gesturing them up the gangplank. "We'll need a cannonsmaster, a navigator, a ship's cook and a a shipwright for repairs and maintenance. Take a look around the ship and work out who'll do what".


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IC: Zacax"Well I'm the best at any fire arms, so cannon master I'll take I guess or I could fix the ship, I'm great at both," he said climbing on board.

Edited by Zacax

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC: Zacax Zacax looked around the boat and saw the cannon system, "whoa...this is impressive..well you are Vortixx..."

Edited by Zacax

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC (Jin)Wanna know one more thing I hate about Po-Wahi?The sun is bright, and it rises early.I know what you're thinking. Jin, I know you're super smart and beautiful ,but maybe you just made a teensy mistake, because the sun rises at pretty much the same time all over Mata Nui-It's all right. I know sometimes people just don't get things like I do, so I'll break it down: Po-Wahi is flat. Like, super flat. Sure, there's a cliff here and a canyon there, but the vast majority of this place is flat as a hotcake. So when the sun rises, the entire place is illuminated. Which means i'm up at the crack of dawn.I swear, if I could kill the sun, I would. Just to get a decent sleep. As if Po-Koro wasn't already bad enough.So there I was, not particularly well rested and coping with a teensy hangover. I stumbled out of bed and loudly swore at the window that, for some reason, the builder had decided to install facing eastward. Probably some Po-Toa with rocks for brains.Oh, well. Once you're up, you're up, and you gotta deal with it. So I washed my face, and grabbed a bite to eat. I always carry a few pieces of jerky and dried fruit whenever I go somewhere, because local food can range from cheap and gross to expensive and gross. Yeah, there're exceptions, but not in Po-Koro. I don't eat much for breakfast anyway. Helps me keep my flattering figure.I'd paid for my room last night, so I just walked out of the inn without a second thought. The sky was a cloudless blue, which meant it was going to be a scorching hot day. Not a surprise in Po-Koro. I figured the sooner I could take care of my business here, the better. Maybe I could even get of Po-Koro before noon, and get back to Ga-Wahi and the cool of the ocean before the heat of the afternoon.Of course, that was only if everything went as planned. And things rarely go as planned in my field of work.

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IC"Navigator." Verak quickly raised his hand before he got stuck with the job of cook. Cooking was not his strong suit. Then again, neither was navigating. The party of five walked up the gangplank to the deck of Tooroko's fine ship. Verak was impressed. Ships were expensive and hard to take care of. Anyone who had a fully functioning ship this size had Verak's respect. "So Zacax is cannon master, Corex is shipwright, and Aurel's the cook! See, I can't make food much, and I'll stick meself with navigatin', if that's alright..."

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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IC: Zacax Zacax kept looking around the cannon system. He had seen Vortixx manufacturing before, and these was no different. He knew how to work this type of machinery, so this wasn't a problem. "Any other arms upon this boat? If not I might as well get mine. Either way I don't want some matoran or this laying their hands on them," he asked the captain.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC:There is no use talking to an insane person. Reality is his own to manipulate.Ire took most of the blast with her Hau. She then sent three piercing notes to try and destroy Soulgain's mask and armour.The world exploded around Katis and she found herself flying through the air. She used this to her advantage. She manipulated all the clouds and compounded them into one, trying to create a lightning strike.

"Wer Traumt?"


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IC:"We're off to see 'da future~!"The sonic blasts missed, the ground below them having melted under the intense heat, and they all began to fall.IC: [Treize]Treize stared at the ceiling, snuggled up inside the hospital bed. Grim silence fell over the room as she continued to stare. Her wounds had not fully healed yet, so she was confined to the bed until further notice.The clock ticked, and she promptly broke down."Moron ..." she whispered, tears trailing down her mask. "Why did you have to die?"

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IC: Mita"For the record, the reason we're looking for Sand Tarakava is a wandering story I've heard as part of my bardic experiences," Mita explained. "In short it's about a Ko-Matoran who was traveling to Po-Koro, and the heat made him see mirages so that he went off the road without noticing. Eventually a Sand Tarakava rose before him, and pulled him under the dunes. He escaped the cave, though, and came wandering all delirious into the village some time later. He was carrying a piece of treasure with him, and claimed that he had seen a lot more in the creature's lair. Of course, no one have been stupid enough to search the desert for it. But us? Heck yes."The gray and black Toa adjusted the strap on her guitar, already feeling uncomfortably hot under the intense sun."At least we can narrow the search down to the sand-based Tarakava, and as you say there are not too many of them. They are a pain to find, but I think I can use my element to sound for them; possibly make them come out of their hiding place without us having to step on top of them."
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IC: Wrehn"Woah guys, guys, guys... Just take a deep breath, and-" a huge rock landed on Wrehn's toe. "...Aaaauurrgghhh..." he groaned quietly, holding his precious foot. "Alright, that's it, you goin' down, boi!"He made to attack, just as the very same security guard from all that time ago popped round the corner. "Hey, you!" he called. "You're the one who stole that diamond!""Oh Karz. Walker, I'll hold off the angry people!" he called. It was at this moment he remembered that he had lied to his fellow Sand Runners that they had been banished from Po-Koro, making this the perfect opportunity to carry on with said fabrication. Shopkeepers and market stall people began to swarm through an alley on the opposite side of the street, and Wrehn charged in turn at them.

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IC: Vorasku walked around Po-Koro, looking for someone to join his orginization.OOC: Open for interaction.

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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IC: Walker"Don't wet your undies yet. They'll deal with you later." Walker replied nonchalantly. Of course, they would be angry at the sight of a familiar thief and trouble-maker but that didn't compensate for the fear and territorial aura induced by the presence of a monster in the village. Already Po-Matoran citizens and guards alike were swarming the area, a good deal of them holding a various assortment of weapons. If they stood against six Rahkshi demolishing their village, they would stand against one foreign invader with a passionate fire burning in their hearts. Hardy people, they were.Of course, Walker remained unfamiliar to the locals as his face was hidden by his scarf and by Mata-Nui would they stand at his side. He was a Toa after all, fighting this beast, a symbol of inspiration. The typical heroic scenario."Bad idea buddy. I know you'd kill a good bunch of us but we'd drag you all the way Karzahni too, whether you like it or not. So let me make it short and sweet for you: stand down and go back to whatever hole you came from.""Or die."OOC: Just being realistic here Kal :P You have your big advantages, I have mine.

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IC: Kulamus walked into Po-Koro. He was mumbling something to himself, and was looking for the next victim in his killing spree.OOC: Open for interaction.

"I pitea the fool!"

(quote by Chro)




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IC-Ferrosey N'lluhk:Ferrosey's form did nothing but hiss, when it jumped, grasping a guard and holding it out towards the others, a literal body shield. The guard squirmed, but he couldn't escape Ferrosey's strong grasp. One Po-Matoran came a little too close with his spear, and Ferrosey impaled the guard on mentioned spear. Send guilt and pain through the ranks. Much easier."Release me! Allow me to take control!" Ferrosey yelled in his mind, unable to know just what specifically was being down with his body."As you wish."Ferrosey's form wretched, dropping the wounded Po-Matoran guard. The Toa's form twisted slightly, before reverting back to what it had been before, just with an attached Parakuka, and minor changes.Ferrosey sniffed about at the angry Po-Matoran, and heard Walker, holding up his crossbow."...How did I get here?" He asked.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC:"And once you do Mita, I can make a sandstorm around them with my Kakama here" LoJak said, knocking on his Kanohi. "Then all I have to do is add a little a fire and we'll have ourselves a nice little crystal Tarakava paperweight" LoJak said smiling. "And Hunter can take care of any strays with one of your four swords, can't you?"

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC:"No. Though I have with other people's" LoJak answered Hunter. In truth he'd never gone fishing at all - There weren't many streams in his never Ta-Wahi, and he'd never had the time as a Toa soldier. Still, he was going to try to sound as fearsome as he could to this Hunter fellow.

Edited by Toa Fanixe

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC-Kun:Kun could easily detect the lie, but instead of making him mad, he smiled. "Nice try," he growled good-naturedly. "If you haven't, you should try sometime. Grab onto the fins with your teeth, but don't bite them off. They'll give you a ride for a while, but eventually they'll tire-that's when you swim them to the surface." 'Hunter' grinned."Or rip them apart with your incisors, like I did. I have no trouble with Rahi like Takea or Tarakava, even with no weapons at my side. We'll be fine."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: WalkerMatoran and Walker alike stood as silent and still as statues, observing Ferrosey with intense curiosity. Murmurs broke out then shouts of arguments as the villagers debated what they should do with him. Obviously, the punishment would probably be a sentence in jail, allowing Ferrosey to live.Walker couldn't have that happen. Such dangerous power wasn't to be present. Unless it could be tamed.OOC: Permission to auto-hit? Nothing bad but only say yes if you wish to accompany Walker. If not, I'll leave an exhausted Ferrosey to the hands of the Po-Koro guard.

Edited by Mr. Wade
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OOC: Lol stereotismIC: ZacaxHe chuckled as he went to get his weapons. After he did, he started to check the cannons more.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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OOCI just realized the sexism there. Lol.IC"Heh, Well, of course, didn't mean it like that. sister. I just said I'd be a bad cook and I'm sure you're terrible at cooking as well..."Verak looked around awkwardly. "Well! I'll go get meself acquainted with the maps n' charts. Where are you keepin' them again?"he asked the captain.

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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IC: MitaMita frowned slightly at her new comrade's apparent lust for blood and battle."It's all good that you can take them out, both of you," she said, "...but try not to just mindlessly kill them, all right? From what I know the few Sand Tarakava there are haven't been infected by Makuta's powers because it wouldn't give them any more potential than they already have as natural predators."

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IC: ZacaxZacax came back with all of his weapons, "So where do we keep the arsenal?"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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OOC: I'm just going to continue since you're not posting...IC: WalkerBefore Walker could take his shot, the Matoran mob gathered around began to converge onto a heavily exhausted Ferrosey and haggle him down. Cursing under his breath, Walker directed himself and Wrehn away from the commotion so they'd escape the guard while unnoticed and let them deal with what had once been a monster."Well Wrehn, that was unexpected. Never thought I'd see another of my..." Walker struggled to find a suitable word. "kind. Anything you feel like doing here before taking another boat to Ga-Wahi?"

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IC:"Exactly" LoJak began. He didn't want to upset Mita, not after she had just so recently helped him. "We freeze them in crystal, which will keep them alive, and once we get the treasure, we just melt the crystal and they'll be as good as new. No one gets hurt."

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC-Kun:"Did I ever explicitly say I would kill them? No. I just made sure it was known that I could."IC-Ferrosey:Ferrosey growled, shoving Matoran off of him and running after the other being, Walker."Wait!" He called, kicking Matoran away. He ran into a wall, but shrugged it off and continued running after. "I noticed you've got another one of those blasted slugs on you!"His head began to hurt, the Parakuka on his back sending him an angered feeling."Oh, stop it," he growled, throwing a rock back at the Matoran behind him and continuing after Walker.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Walker"That's a wonderful idea." Walker replied, pleasantly surprised that Wrehn had actually thought to go visit their old home. As the two exited the village out into the open desert, the two conversed and laughed at the discussion of their days as Sand Runners, attempting to pass time since walking was much slower than riding the sand. Funnily enough, that last bit unnerved Walker quite a bit.Eventually, the huts made of hardened sand built along a riverbed came into view, appearing exactly as when they left them. Strange thing was, their residents weren't. Walker's stride came to a stop as nostalgia already began to take him, appreciating the moment."Home sweet home..."

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IC-Ferrosey:Ferrosey continued running, in his excitement forgetting to check about himself for anything dangerous. He ran into one of the hardened sand huts, denting it and falling backwards himself."Bloody Karz," he muttered, standing up and feeling about himself. "This has not been my day."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: >_< Why does all the serious RPing go on when I be asleep!?
OOC: I could ask the same question. Here in New Zealand, my primetime comes right when the forum is least active. Where are you guys anyway?Wow, so many questions to answer. I'll do my best, but please let me know if I've missed anyone's posts.IC: "The cannons are below deck, on the next level" he told Zacax, "Five on each side of the ship. You'll find power, cannonballs and pineapples are all down there, stacked in boxes. More weapons is always better" he called in true Xian spirit. "Bring on all you like".He turned to Verak next. "You'll find some maps of the coastline in the crew's quarters. They're mostly of the Naho Bay Area, but there's one showing the whole island. There'll be a compass and sea astrolabe along with them."Next, he found the shipwright staring out to sea. "Corex, you won't have much to do yet - she's just been in for repairs at Le-koro. We've not had a shipwright on board since I got hold of the Silver Keras, so you'll be a bit short on equipment. Sorry about that".Finally, he found the cook, Aurel. "Don't worry lass, if you really can't cook, we'll find someone else or I'll do it myself. You might as well give it a try though. The galley is also below deck. It takes up most of the room between the cannons. Supplies are stored in the hold."


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IC"Thank ya," Verak said, "I get down to...um... navigatin' right now." Verak went below decks, and walked into the cramped crew's quarters. Verak was excited. Wasn't every day you began a swashbuckling journey and a good sized ship.He quickly ruffled through the maps that lay on the table. As the captain had said, only one showed the entire island. He quickly noted their position on Po-Wahi's coast. He turned the map a few times, trying to discern which was the ship was facing. Then he noted a very useful instrument."Ah. That's what a compass is for." He muttered to himself. He slapped the device on the desk and watched as the needle wavered back and forth before settling on on direction. He oriented the map accordingly. Taking note of that, he picked up the astrolabe. Verak squinted. He wasn't a sailor. What was this this supposed to do? After letting it dangle from his fingertips for a few moments, the toa gently placed it upon the table and went back to the map.He triumphantly pranced to the top deck and checked the compass again."Where to, captain?" he said, giving a mock salute.OOCI'm on the other side of the globe, in good ol' Amerucah.

Edited by Visaru

--------------   Tarrok | Korzaa | Verak | Kirik   --------------

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IC: ZacaxAs he entered below deck he was at home, the sweet smell of gunpowder...ah....

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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