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Bzprpg - Ko-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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Amalod nods her head at the being's response. "Good, very good," she says. "But, do you know the theories behind the Red Star? Or perhaps the other theories of the stars and universes?" The Toa had her own theories and thought she could possibly teach these things to her students.-Mef Man

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IC: Bruntoa"Well, there was this one Toa who's tutor made him take his mask off and try, he collapsed and spassed out around the 50th or so lap. Yep, it was pretty brutal, though I was surprised he made it that far...for a rookie."

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC - Sucogu - AcademySucogu slouched up in his chair, resting his eyes, placing his arms on the sides. Pulling a lever, the simple contraption reclined and let out a footrest. He was now comfortable. The thought of ever having to get up seemed foreign. The thought of getting up and teaching others combat and weaponry mastery? Completely alien. Of course, eventually he would have to. He had made a promise....then again, he was pretty worn out. He'd been running on nothing but his own electricity when fighting Antrim, and... Wow. He hadn't slept in days. He'd been in the Kumu Islets. After fighting a gang, he'd made the acquantince of a certain snowball enthusiast. Stealing a boat to Ta-Koro, he'd made it mostly there before leaping out and swimming to shore. Once there, he'd gone immediately into the fray upon fighting a Toa of crystal and being handed a dying Matoran. Bringing him to the hospital, he met another Toa- dear Kriigata -and they'd traveled to Ga-Wahi. Kriigata had abandoned them, but he had to move on.Meeting a bunch of swell people in a bar, they then were offered a meal and warm bed for the night. ...Right. As soon as he'd taken a seat, he'd gone out and fought someone twice his size. From there, he'd gained a wound that would never heal completely- a flash of pain as he thought about it -and being rushed to a hospital. No sleep here, save a restless "nap" of being possessed by an old dying friend. On to slaughtering Eamerzon, and traveling here. After sliding down a mountain, here he was.He was asleep in seconds.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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"No we can't," replies Amalod. "I think I've seen galaxies through my telescope, but I can't be sure. There's even one large area that looks like a planet or two that exploded or something else." The Toa could easily get off on another topic, but she made sure not to go on for too long. "Tell me, Rannin, what does Naara do here?"-Mef Man

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IC: RedRed looked down at his mask, which was currently stuck inside the pits. But what he called wasn't him, so falling in wasn't bad. In the time of 1 second, a Kahu splashed down, picked up the mask with its beak, and used its momentum to swim back up. It tossed it towards Red.Red: Thanks, Ventus. Good boy.Putting it back on, he felt rejuvenated. That was what you get when you take a nap during the obstacle course. He got up, and got onto Ventus's back. At once, the Kahu launched upwards as Red jumped forwards, enough Momentum to bring him towards the end. Well, now he had 'Jumped past' the pits. Now the final sprint towards the end, where the pillars would come. Bruntoa wasn't here though, so he can just run.Run run run run run. He stepped past the finish line, and stopped. No one saw that, but at least he would personally have a time to beat. Should be easy if he doesn't trip again. The Ta-Matoran headed back to his dorm room, where Nova was bunking too. Silently, he got in, and, without disturbing Nova, 'took apart' his own bed. What now? Should I leave, or should I stay? Well, that is a bad idea to leave. You'd be leaving the school? But its boring! But still.....

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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Amalod was soon in the center of Ko-Koro and walking among the walkways in front of the stores. After a while, she found a nice clothing store where coats and other types of clothing could be found. Soon, she was changed into a coat and stylish looking boots; with her dress in a bag. After finding another cart, Amalod was back to the academy.The Toa walks back on the grounds of the academy.Now. Where's Naara.-Mef Man

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IC: LifI saluted, "Yes sir," then, with the aid of my hypersensitive hearing I listened for the being who had been calling out earlier. To my delight I could still hear him. However I then realized something, "Vrana, he's in the blizzard."IC KraeynWith the blizzard increasing in force, Kraeyn was left even more disoriented. He soon came upon a headless Bear, a little bit away from it was the head, which was encased in crystal. At the sight of this Kraeyn, puked. Twice. A little having composed himself, he quickly manipulated the snow into a makeshift, but he vowed to bring the killer to justice. The strangest part, he didn't know why he has such a connection to the Rahi. I bet Savina would know, where are those folks anyway. As continuing to walk, he continued to call out there names. "Kahuwa, Savina, Lema, guys where are you." Kraeyn didn't realize that he had just pasted the cave entrance, whether any of the others heard him over the racket made by the blizzard is anyone's guess.


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OOC: I'm pretty sure Rannin is incorrect. There's no way you're convincing me Ko-Koro is a quarter of a KIO away when the Ko-Ta-Ga border is pretty far away on the map and the length and width of the island reaches the hundreds of kio.IC: Naara smirked again. "Watch that one. I will be."Now if you'll excuse me," the toa yawned, "I think I'll be going back to my hut. Knock if you need anything," she added with yet another smirk, then turned and began to walk away.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: KahuwaHearing Kraeyn's calls, Kahuwa yelled at him that they were in the cave. "Oi, Frosty! In here, in the cave!" That little distraction which Kraeyn caused made Kahuwa very grateful since it saved him a little time before actually apologizing."I'm...sooooobuh!" Pull yourself together, Kahuwa! It's just a single sentence!"I'm...soooooo....rrrrr.....yyyyyy" There, he finally said it, in the best fashion, maybe not but it was good enough. Hopefully, Savina would forgive him and Kraeyn wouldn't attempt murder on him upon the discovery of his killing.

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IC: SavinaSavina understood what he was trying to say. Why it was so difficult for him to say it was beyond her. "O-okay." Was all she managed to say, she'd forgive him eventually, but it would have to wait till she was at least over the crying part.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Zauk"Ok, here it goes!" He stunned the muaka again. He eyed the other muaka the were circling closer.OOC: I got an idea... Could Naru and Phavion melt the snow into water, while Zauk unleashes huge epic amount of electricity into said water, stunning Muaka? (To avoid any shocks, he could use his Matatu to levetated them.)

OOC: Snow doesn't yield that much water, especially not when plasma evaporates it quicker than it can actually "melt".IC (Naru):Naru threw a second dagger, slicing off the Rahi's other Kanohi. It growled, and it was obvious that the infection was fading along with its strength. Still, it didn't entirely back down."It's still angry about us hurting it," she said. "It's going on just instincts now, and with three of its pack around..."OOC: Just noticed you killed a poor mother bear, Kahuwa. You monster. :P Edited by Katuko
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OOC: It doesn't have to be a lot, just enough where the electricity has something to go through. And toa of plasma could melt it using heat.IC: Zauk"We're toast," he jokingly replied. "Ever ride a Muaka before?" he asked, launching a few more bolts of electricity to keep the great cats at bay. His plan was to use his mask to get Naru onto the back of the infected Muaka, she could then get it's infected kanohi off.OOC: lol, Mata-Nui will have your soul, Kahuwa.



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OOC: Kav'den from Le-Wahi.

IC(Kav'den, Ledzel, and Vagdom)

Kav'den walks into Ko-Koro at last. He was exhausted and he knew he shouldn't have travelled this far after being hurt so much, but he needed to continue his life fast before he fell into a deeper depression.The Ko-Toa walks among the houses until finding his own.Home. It's not a home without her.Walking up to the door, he pulls out a rusty key and places it into the lock before walking in and looking around the large room. Memories of his past swept through him; forcing him to look away. He needed to get rid of the things of his past as soon as possible.Kav'den looks up from the map and toward Ledzel."I need you to do a favor for me," says the being to Ledzel."What is it exactly?" asks the Po-Toa."You know how much you want your own ship; will you purchase one for this mission?"Ledzel was taken back by the being's words. Him buying a ship? He would finally have his own ship, but for how long? Would it just be taken out in the assault or would it be lost and forgotten when he returned to the squad?"Okay," he finally replies before standing up and walking toward the door."Ask for a Marin at the docks; he has a ship for you ready to buy," instructs the elder before sitting back at the table and eating his food.-Mef Man

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IC: Solaris, Miptel, The Rel"Well, there's plenty of trouble around the island," Solaris stated, shrugging. "And there just so happens to be a curvy, blue-armored, pretty little piece of trouble down in Ta-Koro. At least, she should still be down there."Mip shook his head."Not cool, man," he sighed.Solaris smiled."Well, either way, she's trouble," he said, patting Mip on the shoulder. "I can feel it. There's just something hostile about her. A charge in the air. It feels like she wants to strike me down, but doesn't seem to remember anything.""Someone else trying to kill you?" The Rel asked. "How many enemies do you have?""Well, at least I knew Ghar-Knel," Solaris stated. "I have no idea who this chick is, and I have most of my memory back."

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC: Maybe that was a good idea, actually. If Solaris could get rejected, he'd stop chasing that girl. If he wasn't rejected, good for him. Freedom is the right of all non-Deceptoa sentient beings. And if she really was an assassin...well that would be the worst part. Tahuva found it quite awkward to fight girls. "All right then. Besides, I must try fixing up my hut there." "Wait. Before we go..." Dervian's tone was unusually serious. Meaning he was either trying to force down laughter or say something important. "What is it--" Tahuva found himself with a snowball IN HIS MOUTH. "Oh, sorry! Didn't think you'd open your mouth! SNOWBALL FIGHT!" "Gaaak...." Tahuva spat snow, then formed a snowball clumsily. "I do not particularly enjoy the cold."Kahua laughed at him. "Neither do I--""Then you're my first target." Tahuva gave something of a small smile, having hit Kahua in the back with a snowball. "All right, five minutes of this." He threw clumsily made snowballs at everyone, even Solaris, Mip, Rel, Klastio, and Garth.


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IC:Raze:He walked into the cave and walked right back out. He did not like closed in spaces. As he walked outside he saw some robotic bears that looked like the one that had attacked him. He gave them the cub and they happily expected it into their clan. And then he ran away.He had wandered around for hours, He was now lost high in the mountains. He wanted to go home. He could not stand this place anymore. He screamed things, too obscene to repeat, at the sky. Something must have heard him because the sky rumbled and then he glowed bright for a moment. And then he exploded in a ball of energy. Nothing of him remained expect a horrible screeching noise that quickly vanished. He was gone.OOC: Sorry. I can't stand the heavy restrictions anymore. So I quit.

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IC: Solaris, Miptel, The RelSolaris watched the snowball fly past him."Nice try," he said. "Watch a master."He gathered some snow into a sphere and launched it at Tahuva. It missed. By a lot.The Rel held out his hand and cast a levitation spell, causing the snowball to spin before him for a moment before he threw it over to Dervian."Oh, and nice miss, Solaris," he mumbled.Solaris threw a frustrated handful of snow at the Toa of Plasma.And Mip. He got hit square in the mask from Tahuva's snowball. Of all the dumb luck!He gathered some snow around himself, making a tiny little munition's factory of snowballs. Then he launched them at various targets with sharpshooter accuracy."How the Karz does tiny little incapable Mip snowball fight so well?" Solaris grumbled, wiping the snow out of the crevices of mask."I lived in Ko-Koro for years," Mip said, sending out another volley of snowballs. "You learn how to snowball fight like a pro or you die."

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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IC: Tahuva was hit by Mip, Dervian was hit twice by the Rel and Mip, and Kahua fell over."Oh, so he can't throw a disk but he can knock me over with a snowball." He threw a snowball at Mip and Tahuva, hitting Tahuva easily because of his large size.Dervian formed a snow wall around himself, then tossed snowballs over the side. "SNOW FORT!"Tahuva kicked the wall down. "No one said we can't do that." He threw a snowball at Dervian's face.Kahua hurled a snowball at The Rel to see his reaction.


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IC: Solaris, Miptel, The RelSolaris was hit by one of Dervian's snowballs but recovered quickly, throwing a snowball at Mip.Mip took two hits from Kahua and Solaris. He seemed to be quite the sniper AND the target. One more volley.The Rel wasn't able to detect Kahua's throw and was struck in the back of the head with a snowball. His head bounced around for a moment, but his face showed no emotion. Then he picked up one of his pre-made snowballs and launched it at Kahua. He then returned to standing still.

Solaris: Electric Sentinel: Fluidic Master Nuva. It's... ALL ADJECTIVES!

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